Title : Loving You

Author : PinayBrat

«email» [email protected]

«AOL aim» Litto Azn Bootie

Rating : PG-13

Summary : 21-year-old Helga Pataki had everything. Fame, fortune, adoring fans. There was only one problem. She had a determined killer on her hands. 22-year-old Arnold Hargan, with all of his handsome glory, is then assigned to be her bodyguard whilst trying to crack the case. First impression is definitely out of the question, as their first meeting isn't really what you would've called a "cup of tea". But beneath their feuds, arguments, and witty comebacks...can there be love?

Author's Note : Hey everyone! This is my first attempt of a Hey Arnold! fic. I usually write Sailor Moon ficcies. Please check out my Sailor Moon stories under my pen name : UsagiSmores. Thank you!

Now...without further ado...Loving You...

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* * * * Prologue * * * *

"Oh my God!! There she is!" exclaimed a hyper teenage girl as a long, black limo stopped in front of a red carpet. Suddenly, flashes from cameras were firing like crazy and screeching teenagers pushed each other around, trying in vain to have at least a chance to get the famous Helga Pataki's autograph.

A muscular man in what looked to be in his late 20's, with black shades and an earpiece opened the door for the all-famous actress. A dashing woman in her 20's (( 21 to be precise )) came out, flashing her all-too-known pearly whites that covered magazines, television, and posters all over the country.

Her long blonde hair was pulled into an elegant bun, wisps of stray hair framing her face. She wore a stunning black dress that was glimmery and elegant but yet wasn't too flaunty. She waved to her adoring fans, the only thing that kept her going, and smiled a genuine smile that she hadn't been having that much practice of lately. That smile was all for her fans and not for the cameras which were rudely pushing the growing crowd to get a better view of her.

A short Asian girl, with dorky-like glasses and hair that reached her hips fell onto the ground before her. Obviously, she was pushed quite rudely from another frantic cameraman behind the line that was now flooded with security guards and cops who were trying to keep everything under control.

Smiling, she took the Asian girl's hand in hers and helped her up. Apparently, this wasn't something the girl thought the actress would do, as she stared up at her unblinkingly. "Uh ... Ms. Pataki ... my name's Phoebe and ... and ... I was wondering if you could maybe sign this?" she said, thrusting a crumpled paper before her with Helga and a handsome brunette holding her in his arms. Above it was written, "Never Let You Go", which was why she was here in the first place. It was going to be the very first premiere for her latest movie, and just about everyone of great importance was going to attend.

Smiling, she took out a pen from her handbag and signed her signature on the paper. Giving her a small hug, she was quickly assured into the huge building in New York. Helga prayed that no more "incidents" would occur that night. Unbeknownst to her, however, a pair of eyes watched her with venom amongst the crowd. "Soon Helga...I shall kill you..." said the dark stranger, and with that said, the stranger disappeared into an alleyway.


"Hey Arnold!" barked a voice from an intercom, startling a 22-year-old blonde man ... one eye half open and the other still closed. "Come into my office ... now." Yup ... that was a command alright. Tightening his tie nervously and straightening out his shirt he sighed and prayed to God for guidance and luck. It wasn't the boss he was afraid of ... on the contrary his boss seemed to have a liking towards him ... maybe TOO much of a liking ... but a liking just the same.

Gulping, he opened the door from his office, and was suddenly being mobbed by the co-workers in the building ... the WOMAN co-workers. Arnold Hargan had the personality, the sweetness ... and most of all ... the looks. Women fawned at the mere SIGHT of him. From his spikey blonde hair with tints of brown highlights, baby blue eyes, and definitely the stomach ... who could resist him? But it was well-known that he was also the top ten Most Handsome Bachelor in New York. But would that piece of information stop the women from flirting? Course not.

"Move aside ladies ... hey aren't you married to Sid Harris? ... whoa! Hey there beautiful? What do you say about you, me and maybe a bed tonight? *slap*...Is that a yes or a no?" could be heard as Gerald Johenson with his FINALLY braided-afro showed up behind Arnold, rubbing his left cheek which was now starting to turn a bright red.

"Having women trouble?" Arnold said with a smirk, as he finally escaped the growing crowed of women and stopped in front of the boss' office door. "Ha ha" Gerald said, rolling his eyes. "Just wanted to tell you that me and the guys are going for a bite to eat after our shift's over. Wanna come?"

"Nah ... I have too much work to do." Arnold said. "Man you ALWAYS have too much work to do. Come on Arnold ... you've always been the most "mature" out of all of us guys growing up ... you need to settle down. Either that ... or get married. Women tend to have a gift of straightening us guys out ... "ahem" of course it's not like we NEED taming, we just like making women believe we do." Gerald said, laughing nervously.

Arnold perked a brow. "Me?? Get married? Get TAMED? By a ... woman? Aw ... come on Gerald ... that's surely never going to happen."

Gerald grinned. "Whatever you say Arnold ... whatever you say. So ... are you going to meet up with us after work or what?"

Sighing, Arnold finally gave in. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." and with that, he opened the door to his boss' office.


"You rang..?" Arnold asked with a smirk, as he immediately made himself at home. Sitting down on a black leather chair, he propped his feet onto his boss' cherry-wood desk.

Pushing his feet off of her newly polished desk, she rolled her eyes as she stood up and made her way towards the window that overlooked the bustling city of New York.

"As a matter of fact, I did. And I just so happen to have a case for you." Said 22-year-old Lila Pelski, her fire-engine red hair tied into a ponytail, matching the freckles that dotted her powdery white face.

Arnold snorted. "What part of that was supposed to surprise me? So what's this case you're babbling about?"

Walking towards her file cabinet, she pulled out a manila folder as she dropped it onto the arrogant man's lap. With an irritated sigh, he opened the folder, and after a mere five minutes of reading he slapped it shut.

"No way Lila! I'm not going to babysit some snobby, rich actress. Get someone else to do this case and count me out of it.."

Lila was expecting this kind of reaction out of him, as she grinned and sat down on her leather chair, making herself comfortable. "For one thing..that's BOSS to you. And another, you're not babysitting Helga Pataki per say. On the contrary..you'll be serving as her bodyguard..although the nanny part amuses me. If you read the whole file, you would've found out that she seems to have a killer after her. It's your job not to only keep her safe, but to also find out who's behind all of the threats that she's been receiving."

Arnold sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Why doesn't the NYPD crack this case?"

Lila snorted as she leaned back in her chair. "You expect the actress' manager wants a police department solving this case? And besides.." She smirked. "..I was personally asked to have YOU work on this case."

Arnold rolled his eyes. "Me? Was that supposed to flatter me? And why would they want me?"

Lila scoffed. "Well, I don't know. Maybe because you're the only man in this bureau that has been able to crack all of his cases that he's be assigned to. Or perhaps it's because someone out there must really loathe you." Lila shrugged. "You pick."

Arnold groaned. "You're an annoying pest."

Lila grinned. "You leave first thing tomorrow. She's occupying the Penthouse down on 103rd street. But you will be meeting her and her manager at the studios. You have a mere three weeks to try to crack this case ... because by then, she'll be heading back to her estate in California."

Arnold remained silent, as he absentmindedly loosened his tie. Great ... he was stuck body guarding some actress. The fact that the actress was a WOMAN was what troubled him. He never had good chemistry when it came to a woman. For all he was concerned, women just didn't have enough backbone. His last relationship didn't last that long, for she cried at every chance she got. 'Probably expecting sympathy ...' he thought.

His boss on the other hand was a different story. She had enough backbone for his taste. She at least stood up to him instead of bating her eyelashes. He probably would've gone out on a date with her.. but there was only one problem. He wasn't attracted to her ... not one bit. She was a beautiful woman.. yes ... but she just wasn't his type. In fact, he had yet to find what exactly his type was.

Shaking his head, he stood up and made his way to the door.

"Oh.. and Arnold.." Lila continued with a sly grin.

"Be careful with this one. She just might be the girl you've been searching for."

Arnold snorted. "Yeah when pigs fly..."

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Well? What do you think? Like it? Hate it? Well tell me by reviewing! I'm open to suggestions...or *gulp*..I suppose flames. Chapter One...coming in theaters near you! {hehe..I always wanted to say that..} ^_^