I'm always surprised that there aren't a whole lot of Falco and Katt fics out there. They are my favorite couple in Starfox, though I know Katt had a boyfriend in the comic, but in Starfox Command it said she was smitten with Falco so... I'm not sure what is canon and what isn't, but I think they make a great couple. Enjoy :)


"We disbanded. I can't believe it," muttered Falco.

He was sitting in a bar in Corneria, wondering what to do next. It wasn't often that Falco Lambardi was at a loss, and the feeling made him angry. Angry that he hadn't seen it coming.

Of course Fox and Krystal would fall in love. They were both very attractive people. And he had saved her from the Sharpclaws after all. Of course a relationship would spark from that.

And of course Fox would feel the need to protect Krystal. To the point that he sent her away. And after that... Fox was never the same again. He'd lost his will to lead. His heart too heavy with grief to see straight.

Falco watched his best friend corrupt over love. And that had only hardened his resolve to never be tied down by a relationship. This bird flies solo. It will always be that way.

"Guess I'll go back to living on my own, walking the streets of Corneria by myself," Falco sighed.

Normally, he'd be perfectly happy to go back to doing things his own way, but something felt wrong. He thought of the Starfox team as his family. Now they were gone.

Falco left the bar. He needed fresh air.

As he walked the streets, he saw the homeless. He saw the gangs. Nothing fazed him though. Not until he heard an all too familiar scream.


"Katt," he whispered.

Falco took off, relying on where he had heard the sound come from to find her.

In a darker alley, he saw a guy wearing all black pinning a woman to the brick wall of a building. That figure, that face. It was undeniably Katt.

The man said some provocative and threatening things to Katt. She turned her head from him, pressing her cheek to the cold brick wall.

I have to help her, thought Falco. She's...a friend. Yes, a friend, and nothing more. What the hell, is this really the time to be thinking about that?

"Hey punk!" yelled Falco, approaching the dark clothed man. "Why don't you step away from the lady? It'd save me some trouble."

"Falco!" gasped Katt at the sound of his voice. She'd recognize it anywhere.

"What, is this your boyfriend?" the man sneered at her. He turned to Falco. "Look buddy, you're gonna have to wait your turn, cause you're girlfriend is one popular lady in these parts."

At those words, Katt looked down in shame.

Falco now noticed that Katt was wearing rather revealing clothing. Her jean shorts rode low on her hips and a short black silky top revealed a good amount of cleavage as well as her mid-section.

"Back off of her," Falco warned. "She deserves to be treated a hell of a lot better than being raped."

"Make me," the man growled. He stepped into the light. He was a dog of some kind. And a big one at that. He lurched forward and grabbed Falco's neck, pushing his skull into the brick wall of the building opposite of the one Katt had been pinned against.

Falco struggled for air. His head throbbed where it had collided with the wall. He began to see black at the edges of his vision.

Suddenly, the paws that had been choking him were gone, and he saw that the dog was lying on the ground, clutching his crotch.

Katt stood over him. She stomped on his crotch with her heeled leather boots. She proceeded to do it again and again until he screamed in agony.

She stopped and watched as the man got up and slowly walked away grunting in pain.

"I can hold my own, you know," she said, turning to Falco.

"You haven't changed a bit," he commented holding his throbbing head. "And I was trying to help you."

"All you did was get yourself hurt," she said.

That's how it's always been when you try to save me, she thought.

"You could at least be grateful that I didn't just stand here and let him have his way with you," Falco argued.

"I had it under control. This isn't the first time this has happened," she fired back.

"From the way you're dressed, I believe you," he replied, letting his eyes sweep over her. "What the hell are you doing, Katt?"

"The Hot Rodders split up okay? It's really none of your business. Why don't you just leave me here and go back to your team Starfox? That;s what you did before!" she yelled.

Falco felt a stab in his chest. "If I'd known you cared so much, I wouldn't have gone," he said lowly.

Katt was silent for a moment.

"It's okay," she said fragilely. "I don't think I knew either."


So, what did you think. Did it suck? Or was it good? Please review and tell me :)