So, this is another repost from Quizilla, and this was a drabble written as a prize. It's been extended a little longer, however. But it's still short. You know. This was just me being perverted. Thanks for the reviews; more are definitely appreciated :D

Always arguing...

"Alfred, you git, you can't possibly be serious." The Englishman sat at the table in the break room, mixing a cube of sugar into his tea. Even at the police station, they could get breaks-although he wouldn't consider it much of a break, for he was stuck with him. Alfred Jones was always spewing out rubbish-like this.

"Am too, Artie!" He shouted at his English partner, who rolled his emerald eyes. "That's what all the girls say!"

"My God, you've actually shown it to women?! That is not something a woman should ever have to see!" Arthur scrunched up his face in disgust.

"Well, why not? They've all said it was big, hard, and fast. Very big, in fact," Al wiggled his eyebrows, while Arthur spit out his tea. "Probably bigger than yours, anyways."

"Are you implying that mine is small, git?" he shouted back, "I'll have you know that it can stop women in their tracks and rip their breaths right out of them." He smirked at Alfred. "Beat that."

"Dude, mine is definitely bigger."

"Oh, please, it's so small that women should never have to see its pathetic sight!" By now, the two officers were glaring at each other, and their faces were red from frustration. But Alfred smirked.

"You wanna take it out and compare?"

"Fine, wanker, if it'll prove to you, once and for all, that mine is definitely bigger." The two officers moved their hands to their belts when-

"Jones. Kirkland. What the hell is going on here?"

Ludwig, their German boss, stared at them, eyebrows raised to his hairline. His mind was going at full speed.

Were they really talking about...?

Alfred laughed loudly, and took his hand from his belt.

"Dude, me and Artie were just seeing who has the bigger gun!"

Arthur gave the German a strange look.

"What did you think we were doing?"

Shaking his head, Ludwig face-palmed.

"Never mind."