A.N.: I have no idea how this happened but I just woke up thinking about this song and the writer inside me was just throwing shit that flowed with the song. I pat myself on the back because I immediately just got up and started working on it. Bonus points because it's my first Quinntana fic.

Disclaimer: The song goes to Beyonce and the characters to Ryan Murphy

Quinn was finally happy. And I mean really, genuinely happy. But no.

Stupid ass Puck had to go and be all 'I've changed, take me back' and kiss her. She was utterly shocked. She didn't even like boys like that, let alone like Puck. Let's not let everyone forget that he treated her like the crap on the bottom of his shoe while she was pregnant with his child.

This also resulted in him acting like chicken shit during the delivery and her having to squeeze the life out of Mercedes's hand instead. All she wanted was to be loved and Puck couldn't do that until it was too late. She was sick of everyone taking her for granted. She wasn't obligated to be around or even alive.

So, she turned to the only person who could remotely understand and was always there for her. Neither girl knew that their harbored feelings for one another would come to light and turn into a relationship.

Seeing her secret girlfriend of four months run down the Senior corridor obviously crying shook Quinn out of her trance. Puck was still smirking like an idiot thinking he did the right thing once again was enough for the head Cheerio to slap him and run after her girlfriend.

"Puck you idiot! You ruin everything!"

After following the exact path her girlfriend led, it was obvious that she had left the school. The blonde actually thought about following until she got an idea.

If Mr. Shue wanted them to do a song by a modern pop icon, she'd do it.

TO BABE: Baby, it wasn't what it looked like, I didn't know he'd kiss me. I'm sorry and I love you. Plz come back.

FRM BABE: No. I love you too, but I cnt be around you right now.

TO BABE: I'm okay with tht. Just.. plz at least come to Glee Club?

FRM BABE: ... Maybe...

Knowing that was the closest she'd get to a yes, Quinn closed her phone and sighed as she slid it back in her pocket.

~At Glee Club~

Quinn walked in to the choir room last for a reason. She took calming breaths as she walked in only to she her Latina in her usual seat. Then, she noticed she wasn't the only one staring at the once feared HBIC. In fact, everyone including Mr. Shue stared at the the usually bitchy girl that sat uncharacteristically quiet with red, puffy eyes.

"Alright," Mr. Shue started trying to break some tension, "we all knew the assignment, so who wants to go first?" When Quinn's hand shot up before Rachel's everyone stared open mouthed at her until Mr. Shue nodded his consent.

"Okay, so I wasn't gonna originally do this assignment but some stuff happened today and this song made me think better of that." with Quinn's last statement the music started and everyone gasped as she started singing.

If I were a boy even just for a day

I'd roll out of bed in the morning

And throw on what I wanted

And go drink beer with the guys

And chase after girls

I'd kick it with who I wanted

And I'd never get confronted for it

'Cause they stick up for me

It's funny because this is exactly how Puck acted when she lived with him.

If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl

I swear I'd be a better man

And Quinn would. She'd be a better man than Puck and her father.

I'd listen to her

'Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted

'Cause he's taking you for granted

And everything you had got destroyed

This is exactly what she thought about when she got with Santana. Even if they were a secret, she wouldn't treat her how Puck treated her.

If I were a boy

I would turn off my phone

Tell everyone it's broken

So they'd think that I was sleeping alone

I'd put myself first

And make the rules as I go

'Cause I know that she'd be faithful

Waiting for me to come home, to come home

Being with Puck always made her think she was compromising her happiness to be with him. But Puck wouldn't know a thing about faithful because he was still fucking moms when Quinn was under the same roof.

If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl

I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her

'Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted

'Cause he's taking you for granted

And everything you had got destroyed

Quinn rolled her eyes and sang this part looking directly at Puck.

It's a little too late for you to come back

Say it's just a mistake

Think I'd forgive you like that

If you thought I would wait for you

You thought wrong

That was the thing about Puck, he never thought but he was always wrong.

But you're just a boy

You don't understand

And you don't understand, oh

How it feels to love a girl

Someday you wish you were a better man

This is why she left him in the first place, he didn't understand. He never did and he never will. That's why Quinn was happy when she moved on to Santana.

You don't listen to her

You don't care how it hurts

Until you lose the one you wanted

'Cause you're taking her for granted

And everything you had got destroyed

But you're just a boy.

At the end of this song she knew what she wanted. And she was sitting there crying her eyes out in the top row. She knew two things, she loved a girl named Santana Lopez and that even if she was a girl, she'd be a man, not just some boy.

After placing the microphone back in the stand, she walked up the risers to where Santana sat.

"Wow Fabray, I never thought I'd sit here and watch you sing a song to Puck." Quinn rolled her eyes but the intensity of her stare never broke.

"Shut up, Santana. Yes, I sung the song to Puck, but it was so he'd get the picture. He never treated me right when we were together," she grabbed Santana's hand, " and now that I've moved on it's not fair that he gets to interfere. I love you and the song was also for you because I'd never treat you the way he treated me. I love you Santana Marie Lopez." The rest of the Glee Kids sat in shock to what they just witness and are still witnessing. By that they meant the Latina that was currently showing PDA by trying to swallow the Yale bound cheerleader whole.

The Latina only broke the kiss to glare at the Glee kids and tell them that if the said anything that went on in this room she'd go all Lima Heights on their asses and destroy them. That caused one Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones to lower the cell phones they were using to take pictures of the couple they quickly dubbed 'Quinntana'.

In the end, there were no hard feelings towards Puck and Mr. Shue said Quinn Nailed the assignment. Turns out all's well that ends well in Glee Club.

A.N.: Happy times because I finished my first Quinntana story in under an hour even though I was really groggy. Well, review, favorite, whatever you gotta do. I'm goin back to SLEEP!