Enchanting Lyrics: New Song

by Cerulean Leader


Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the outside product/songs mentioned inside the story. :)

Hinata Hyūga was known for many things. Being the daughter of a powerful family and also being the heir to all the wealth would build you that kind of reputation. But Hinata hated being treated like that, and often hid her true identity from the people at her school. To them, she was just 'Hinata', the shy girl who was a sophomore at Konoha High School.

The indigo-haired girl sat at the back of her history class, writing notes down in her book while she listened to the teacher drone on about World War I. Not that she needed to write down any notes, she already knew these things. Hinata was also highly intelligent; there were not any other grades on her report card other than the usual A+.

"The soldiers would often need their lower legs amputated due to severe frostbite…" Iruka explained, as he wrote on the blackboard with chalk. He didn't seem to be interesting anyone, from what Hinata could see, and decided to not listen either, reaching for her music sheets in her bag.

"Naruto!" yelled Iruka, making Hinata snap up from her newest symphony. She glanced over at the blonde-haired teenager on the opposing side of the room, sitting beside his friends, Sasuke Uchiha and Kiba Inuzuka. "I would appreciate if you listened to me. This will be on your exam later in the year."

"Mr. Umino, I don't need to know this stuff." Naruto said, raising an eyebrow at his teacher. "I'm going to work with my dad after high school, so this is all pointless."

Iruka glared at the student. "It doesn't matter, it is relevant. Now pay attention!"

Hinata's lavender eyes lingered on Naruto for a bit longer, before realizing she was staring at him. A pink tinge dusted itself over her cheeks before looking down at the table, her long hair hiding her pale face. The girl had had the biggest crush on Naruto Uzumaki since fifth grade at the local elementary school. They had spoken when necessary, but usually their conversations didn't last long because something would come up or he would excuse himself. He thought she was a little odd, after all.

She sighed at the thoughts, shaking her head as she continued to add lyrics under the music lines, carefully making sure they fit in with the tune. She couldn't wait to show the others later.

When the bell finally rang, Iruka dismissed them from the class and the class immediately bolted for the door. Hinata just waited patiently, she didn't want to get trampled. She slowly shoved her books and sheets into her bag. Making her way towards the door, she was then crashed into as a person came running in. Her forehead was hit by a toned chest and she landed on her bottom, her books falling out of her bag.

"I'm really sorry!" exclaimed a deep voice. Hinata looked up to glare at them, but her eyes widened when she found out who it was.


He smiled sheepishly, placing a hand behind his head. "Hi, sorry about that! I was in a hurry and I forgot my bag."

Hinata nodded, and quickly went to retrieve her things that fell from her bag.

"Here, let me help you." Naruto said, crouching and beginning to gather things into a messy pile. Hinata gasped, diving for the papers, hoping that he wouldn't see. "Do you write songs?"

"Um… Y-yes." She stuttered as her blush over her cheeks again. He was looking over her work, while Hinata grimaced, gently taking it out of his hands. He glanced up at her, his blue eyes looking into her lavender ones.

"You're Hinata, right?" he asked, not breaking the eye contact. She nodded her head in response. "You have nice eyes." Naruto commented, standing up and offering her a hand. "Sorry about that, Hinata!"

With that, the blonde grabbed his bag and ran out of the room, waving to the heiress, leaving a dazed Hinata.

"Sakura, do you think Hinata is finished with the new song yet?" Ino Yamanaka asked, her long, blonde hair swaying in the wind while her and the pink-haired girl waited for Hinata. "I hope she has, because I'm so over playing the other songs. We need to move on from our normal genre."

Sakura sighed, re-tying her hot pink scarf in her hair that she was using as a headband to hold her pink locks back. "I'm sure she has; we can always rely on Hinata. It was her idea to start this band in the first place, anyway, so I doubt she would just give up on it."

"Ino, Sakura, I'm over here!" Hinata called, running over. Her face was still flushed from History, seeing as it was the last period of the day. Ino raised an eyebrow at her dark-haired friend.

"What's up with you? Your face is all red."

"O-oh, is it? I-I was just talking with N-Naruto..." Hinata responded sheepishly, her face falling into her hands in embarassment when Ino and Sakura started teasing the poor girl. She was comfortable talking around her family members and her best friends without stuttering, but as soon as Naruto came up into a conversation, she would get all shy.

"Aw, Hinata, just go ask the idiot out!" Ino exclaimed. "He's not dating anyone else at the moment, and I'm sure he would love to go out with you."

"I'm not as confident as you or Sakura, Ino." Hinata sighed. "I mean, you're going out with Shikamaru, and you two have liked each other for ages. Sakura and Sasuke are practically dating as well, the only thing they really need to do make it official is to kiss and then tell everyone."

"Hinata, have more confidence in yourself. He knows who you are, and you have talked to him before."

"I know, I know... C'mon, let's just go to my house so I can show you guys the song. Tenten should already be there because she was supposed to be going home with Neji today."

"Okay then, let's go!" Ino yelled excitedly, already taking off for the Hyūga mansion while Sakura and Hinata yelled for their friend to wait.

"It's about time you guys got here! Neji isn't exactly a person who is willing to entertain." Tenten whined, as the other three girls walked down a staircase into a dark room where various instruments and a recording studio was set up. Hiashi Hyūga, Hinata's father, had gotten this room built for his daughter and her friends when he had learned of their band.

"Sorry, Hinata was stopped by a certain someone." Sakura teased.

"Naruto talked to you again?" the brunette asked excitedly, sitting down at the drum-set and picking up the sticks. "That's great, Hinata!"

"Can we just get on with the song? Let's see it!" Ino said, digging through Hinata's bag. "Is it the one called 'Shut Up And Kiss Me'?"

"Yes, and you'll be singing it, Ino. I haven't written a song in a while where you've been the lead singer."

Sakura grinned at her friends. "Plus, we already know the tune of it because you showed this to us last week. Now Ino-pig has to do is get right is the lyrics right." she laughed, as Ino seethed, ready to hit the pinkette on the head.

"Shut up, Forehead!"

"Anyway, guys, let's give it a go." Tenten interrupted before an argument between Ino and Sakura could begin. She was getting impatient; she just wanted to start playing her drums. She watched as Sakura went to the lead guitar, Ino the the bass, and then Hinata to the keyboard. "I can't stay for much longer, so hurry up, guys, before my mom calls me to come home!"

Ino began playing the notes on her guitar, strumming the tune as Tenten began playing lightly on the drums as Ino began to sing, pausing her guitar playing as Sakura joined in on the bass.

"Shut Up And Kiss Me - Orianthi (Re-Written)"

Ino: "You're stuck-up, I'm so laid-back
If you compare us, we're nothing alike so"

Ino and Tenten: "You think that I am really crazy
I will forever be the same"

Tenten began playing harder on the drums, her head bobbing with the beat of the song. Hinata smiled as she hummed the lyrics, delicately pressing the keys on the keyboard so they weren't to loud. As Ino began singing again, she began strumming the guitar strings as well.

Ino: "I tease you, you insult back
Two of us so different, life's like that"

Ino and Sakura: "Life is compared to a thriller ride
But I'm the thing that will never leave your head"

As the chorus came about, the four girls began to play louder. Ino also began to sing louder, with the other girls joining in.

All: "This enemy/friend (friend (Sakura)) bond we have
You say that you (you (Hinata)) are sick (sick (Hinata)) of arguin'
But I say you're full of it

So shut up and kiss me"

All: "Punch (punch (Tenten)), yell (yell (Tenten)) and get over it
But it's just so (so (Tenten)) weird(so (Tenten)) that you think of this
Cuz it's too late to fix it now
So shut up and kiss me"

The girls continued to play their music, pausing for a few moments so they could get on with the next part of the song.

Tenten and Sakura: "So shut up!
So shut up!"

Ino: "We argue, then we laugh
I'll tell you how much I'm in love"

Ino and Sakura: "You get mad when I tease back
It'll forever be the same"

Ino: "Confess it, you love me
Admit that you don't want me to leave you be"

Ino, Tenten and Hinata: "Like a game, when someone wins
You'll always come back for more!"

The music once again rose while the girls all took a deep breath to join in the chorus.

All: "This enemy/friend (friend (Sakura)) bond we have
You say that you (you (Hinata)) are sick (sick (Hinata)) of arguin'
But I say you're so full of it

So shut up and kiss me"

All: "Punch (punch (Tenten)), yell (yell (Tenten)) and get over it
But it's just so (so (Tenten)) weird(so (Tenten)) that you think of this
Cuz it's too late to fix it now
So shut up and kiss me"

The beat slowed, the girls playing softer with the exception of Tenten who played the beat of the drums louder, seeming to really enjoy herself. She actually really liked this song; not only was it catchy, but it was the kind of music she liked to listen too.

Ino and Hinata: "You miss my lips, my kiss, my laugh
The riffs on my guitar
The way we fight, we make up fast"

Ino: "Oooooh yeah..."

After Ino's pausing of the lyrics, Sakura began playing her guitar solo, overpowering the sound of the drums with Tenten was still pounding away at to show some rhythm, the bass guitar that Ino was holding and the keyboard which Hinata had stopped playing momentarily. Sakura's fingers pressed against the strings as she continued to play, her head moving in time with the music.

Tenten: "So shut up!"

Tenten, Hinata and Ino: "Love hate, love hate, love hate!"

As the others continued to sing in the background, like an echo, Sakura began to play the guitar from soft to loud so that the others could join in once more, before Tenten began banging away at the drums quickly.

All: "This enemy/friend (friend (Sakura)) bond we have
You say that you (you (Hinata)) are sick (sick (Hinata)) of arguin'
But I say you're so full of it

So shut up and kiss me"

All: "Punch (punch (Tenten)), yell (yell (Tenten)) and get over it
But it's just so (so (Tenten)) weird(so (Tenten)) that you think of this
Cuz it's too late to fix it now
So shut up and kiss me"

Sakura, Hinata and Tenten: "So shut up!"

The music began to die down, so that it was playing more softly than in the last chorus.

Ino: "You shut up and kiss me..."

Soon, the girls stopped playing all together, only the lead guitar's echo as it faded out to end the song. The girls panted from exhaustion, trying to catch their breaths that had been wasted when enthusiastically playing to the song.

"That was amazing, you guys!" Sakura said excitedly after she had regained her breath. Releasing herself from the strap that had the guitar hooked onto her shoulder, she placed the red, electric guitar on one of the stands, with Ino following suit. Tenten placed the drumsticks on a small table beside the drum set, while Hinata pressed the button to turn off the keyboard. "I can't wait until the school showcase, we are so going to rock it!"

"But I thought we agreed not to do it." Hinata replied anxiously, her eyes looking hopeful at her friends as she prayed that they would reconsider signing their band up to perform at the showcase.

"No way, Hinata!" Ino smiled, putting her designer jacket back on. "We're going to do it."

"C'mon, don't get nervous now!" Tenten laughed. "We'll see you tomorrow, Hinata!"

A/N: Hey there, readers! So my friend has recently got me hooked onto Naruto, and I've been dying to write a fic. It's my first Naruto fic, so please don't judge to harshly. :) I've seen a few fics out there like this one, but I'll be attempting to make it my own.


Main pairings that will be included (if you don't like them, then I suggest you don't read this story):


So due to a reviewer talking about how I shouldn't put the lyrics in the story, I decided to mostly re-write the song. Mind you, it's not the best out there seeing I did it in about 10 minutes, but I tried. Some of the lines in the song are the same because I couldn't think of anything else to add. Thanks, MrGoodyTwoShoes! :)

Hinata will be pretty OOC in this, so instead of stuttering all the time, she will only stutter when she's around people she's not fully comfortable around. :3

So when I do include the songs, each of the girls have a particular singer, but outside songs will also be included

Ino - Orianthi
Hinata - Demi Lovato (plus extras - songs that have piano in them as the main instrument and have a soft voice)
Sakura - undecided
Tenten - undecided

Word Count: 1,793 (not including lyrics, A/N's, etc.)

Let me know what you think!