Hello! I had this story pop into my head. I have not had the time to edit this story yet, but I will fix the mistakes later!
What is there left for him? He has been betrayed, stabbed in the back, and abandoned by all of those he knew. So he did something unexpected. He began to think of a way to get back at those idiots. He took all of his money, his heirlooms, and his investments and sealed them into trunk, which is hidden in plain site, in his right earing. His earing is a green gem that gleams in the light. Then he gave all of his properties to Gringotts bank as well as an apology for breaking in last year. Those bastards wanted his money, and they wont get a single dime. This is best revenge he could give them.
He wrapped his cloak around his frame, before making his way through the Ministry. He was careful not harm anyone, and made his way to the veil, the very place where his last loved one died. Ignoring any doubt he has, he stepped into the shimmering veil, allowing it to envelop him.
The world around him went from pitch black to blinding white.
He blinked a few time before his eyes adjusted. He noticed that the room he is half white and half black. Across from his is a man no older then thirty, sitting on a pure white throne made of what looks to be marble. The man looks at him, before giving him a smile.
"Hello Master of Death, I am the Master of life," said the man, before his blue eyes meeting him. This master of life has blond hair, blue eyes, and his very muscular.
"What," was all he could say, before the man in front of him laughed. After the man stopped laughing, he gave him a fierce glare. The man sighed before the sitting tall.
"I was informed when I took the position as Master of life that our positions as Masters of life and Death are the highest positions can get in the universe. Our positions transend time and space. Our jobs are to rule over our servants, who are gods of our cause. My servants are gods that bring life into the world and rule during life. Your rule is over death and the afterlife. Since you have been gone, I have had to both our jobs," said Life, before he glared at the man.
"What," asked Life.
"I was the chosen savior of my world, and you were the one who condemned me to that hell," he sneered at the man, who held up his hand in shock.
"I was so booked that I gave control of the Avatars to Fate," said Life, speaking to fast that he barely heard him.
"Avatars," he demanded.
"Avatars are the sole saviors of a world. Though they are savior of the living, they are in your department for some reason," said Life, looking sad.
"Bring Fate here," snarled Harry, ready to the bitches neck for a second.
A women thirty years old, in a red flowing red dress appeared in front of him. Her back to him, as she faced the man in front of him.
"Lord Life, it is pleasure to see you again," she said bowing to Life, giving off a smug look.
"I am not the one who summoned you fate," said Life, before the blond women stood, before turning around to stare at him. Her make up caked face is striken with horror, and her blue eyes wide with shock.
"You fate are a bitch. You are no longer allow to control the avatars. You are to hand over a list of Avatars over immediately, the most abused children at the top of the list. You are not allowed to make decision without my and Life approval. You have no power anymore. Do you understand," demanded Harry, before he saw fake tears come to her face. After living with Dudley most of his life, he knew when someone is faking it.
"Do not try those fake tears at me. You are no better then my cousin dudley. You are an abusive bitch, and do not deserve any power," said Harry, before her face went red with rage. Sighing, he willed fate to vanish, but not before dressing her in rags.
"Was that nessacry," asked Life, looking at him in shock.
"You have never been abused, have you," asked Harry, before Life shook his head.
"I thought not," he said, before thinking of the list he needed. A huge stack of papers appeared in front of him. The most abused took the first five pages.
"Life this has to stop. Each one of these people deserve a wish, a desire to be granted. I want to make that desire come true no matter what, even if it means bring back the dead," snapped Harry. causing Life to look at him shock.
"Isn't that a little extreme," excalimed Life, standing up.
"No it is not. I was forced to be a slave after a pathetic dark lord murdered my family. After torturing me in school and at my school, she made sure that everyone would betray me after I saved my world. She does not deserve pity. She deserves to suffer like she made me and all of these children," snarled Harry, before Life sat in his seat, head falling into his palm.
"Very well," said Life, before looking at the ground.
"I will be traveling the worlds and I shall personally deliver the news in front of people that have scorned the avatars or even abused them," said Harry before standing from his black throne.
"I understand. You will most likely meet your servants along the way. You best make sure they stay in check, while I shall do the same," said Life standing. His attire changing from a pure white suit to a white pants and a white tang top.
" I shall see you soon Death," said Life before vanishing from his spot beside his throne.
Harry looked at the list seeing the name Naruto Uzumaki.
He needs to go the world of Naruto Uzumaki.
Looking up from the list, he noticed that he is in a bathroom. Stepping out, he came to see a hallway. Left or right, which way should he take? Following his gut, he headed right, which lead him to an arena, where there are many of people were in the grand stands. What is this?
Within that instant, he knew everything that has happened in this world. Every battle, every sin that has been done against the boy. The worse thing is that Bijuu where never meant to exist. Jashin, the death god of this world has not been doing his job.
"Jashin," he growled.
A pale face, brown haired middle aged man appeared in front of him. He looked at him in shock.
"Lord Death," he said in shock.
"Tell me why the Bijuu exist," he asked with a calm tone. Jashin winced before felling to his knee.
"I have no reapers, only myself. I am centuries behind in work because that bitch fate. She has been taking my reapers away, and keeping me busy with paper work. Forgive me," said Jashin, looking at him with frustration.
"You will create reapers to collect the souls. Start with Zabuza and Haku burried at the Great Naruto Wave and work up. You have work to get done. Do not harm the containers," said Harry, before Jashin smile.
"Thank you my Lord,' said Jashin before vanishing.
He noticed that a girl with light purple eyes stared at him in shock.
Looking down in the arena, he saw Naruto and the Neji Hyuga boy.
He watched at the boys fought. Hearing the Neji go on and on about fate is pissing him off. Seeing the boy, he smirked. Time to make an entrance. He faded into the shadows the grand stand.
Naruto gasped but smiled at the defeated Neji.
"I would expect no less from an Avatar," He heard, before looking up to see shadows move from the sides of the arena to in front of him. The shadows took the form of a boy, no older then seventeen. The pale boy stood in black flowing robes, that seem to be made out of the shadows itself. Then his eyes are a striking emerald that seemed to pierce into his soul. There is something about this boy that seems to be godlike.
"Who are you," he demanded at the boy. The boy smiled.
"I am the Master of Death. Now that I introduce myself, I can use my mortal voice," said the boy smiling at him.
"Master of Death! What kind of joke is that," screamed Naruto at him.
"It is no joke Naruto. I am here to give you one wish for the pains you suffered before I took my post," said the boy, giving him a serious look.
The ANBU decided they had enough of his lies. They jumped at the boy, but their attacks were stopped an inch away from the boy.
With a wave of the boy's hand, the AnBu fell onto the ground. Naruto looked at the boy hard, he needed to keep him occupied so the ANBU can get an attack in.
"What is an avatar," he demanded in his normal way.
"An Avatar is a sole savior of a world. Should this person fail, the whole planet will be obliterated. Your job is save this planet. The person before me, whose name is Fate, is a down right bitch. I went down the same path you are going. I am an orphan, abused by my realitives and our neighbors. I got my position and she lost her power. So all of those who suffered more abuse then others shall be give a wish. One wish. No more. No less. This wish can not deal with the free wills of other, this includes the villager. You will have to make the villagers like you on your own. This Wish can have nothing to do with the Bijuu either," said Harry, with everyone hearing him in the grandstands.
"Why not the last one," demanded Naruto.
"The Bijuu were never suppose to exist. Fate made sure that the death god from this world would not be able to claim them. Soon Jashin will gather the Bijuu but he will nto harm the host," said Harry, smiling at the blond.
"Then what can this wish do," demanded Naruto as he gave him a fierce glare.
"This wish can have your parents brougt back from the dead. This wish for you not the villagers. They have made you suffer for something that is not your fault to begin with. This wish can show your soul mate, who is in the grandstands next her father and sister. This wish can give you a kekkai genkai or erase all kekkai genkais from the future. Nothing is impossible as long as it does not deal with free will," said Harry, before Naruto thought really hard.
Smiling, he made his way up to Harry, whispering something into his ear.
"I can do that," said Harry. Before shadows escaped from him, six in total.
The shadows began to grow. The body started to appear from the feet up. Black ninja shoes, came up to pale legs, then a tan apron, and a hair full of black hair. Eyes opened to show black eyes, looking around the world in shock.
"Where is Itachi," she said in shock, looking around. She tried to move, but feel the ground.
"Don't worry, she is just going to have to rest before she will be back at full strength.
The second shadow started with ninja shoes, coming up to blue pants. This boy has spikey black hair and a pair of orange goggles on top of his head.
"Obito," said the first women in shock.
"Mikoto-sama," said the boy in shock, before looking around in shock. He soon feel to the ground as he tried to make his way to Mikoto.
The third shadow showed a regluar purple kimono, before it came to the head. Pale feature showed, as well Byakugan eyes appeared. She has the exact same hair as Hinata.
"Kaa-san" shouted Hinata in shock. The women's head shoot towards Hinata's voice, before staring in shock at her daughter.
"Hinata," she asked in shock, before collasping. The hyuga lord and his daughters rushed toward the fallen women in a hurry.
The fourth shadow gave face to an exact replica of the Hyuga Lord.
"Where," said the man, before he was plowed into by a smaller version of him. The father and son fell to the ground, with Neji crying for the first time in a long time.
The last two shadows started from the ninja shoes, but revealed two of the most powerful shinobi that have been in Konoha.
The figures are the Fourth Hokage and red death.
Naruto was so shocked when he the two figures smiled at him.
"My little Naru," shouted Kushina, trying to get to him, only to fall flate on her face.
The third Hokage appeared next to Minato, who is looking around the arena in shock.
"What happened," asked the fourth in shock.
"It has been twelve years since you death Minato," said Sarutobi.
"How am I back," asked the Fourth.
"That boy," said Sarutobi, pointing to the now panting Master of Death. The ANBu who were once tied with invisible rope are now up. The one with a bird mask was barley able to catch the boy in time, as he fell backwards.
Several screams escaped the crowd, before the ninja were on high alert. There was no enemy to fight, only dead bodies. One of the death bodies in that of the KazeKage.
"Jashin is doing his job," said the panting boy inthe ANBU"S arm.
"What do you mean," asked Sarutobi looking at him in shock.
"Those who are dead, should have died many years ago. Since Jashin was behind in work, he is claiming all those who were suppose to die. The balance of this world shall return soon," said the master of Death.
"What is your name," asked Naruto.
"My name is Harry. It is a pleasure to meet you Natuto. Your wish took a lot out of me. I will be fine in a few days time," said Harry smiling at Naruto, before closing his eyes, but he was still breathing.
Naruto gasped in shock as he felt light.
He looked over to his right to see a man with a scythe in hand. In his other hand is a dark red soul.
"You have a big job ahead of you. So I leave you all of Kyuubi's chakra, which shall change into your own soon. Good luck Naruto," said the man, before Naruto blinked for a second.
Temari and Konkuro were freaking out that their brother, Gaara is sleeping next to him.
In the next days after the return of the fourth, the village got a sever scolding from not only the fourth but his wife as well. Life seems to brighten for all of those involved. Sasuke got disqualified from the chunin exams for being late, and a sever tongue lashing from his mother, who returned from the dead.
Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade each got a scolding from the fourth on how his child was treated by those who were suppose to care for him. Sarutobi gave his seat back to the fourth. The council was under a lot of pressure. Danzo and two other elders were killed for treason. Sakura and Ino got put under training by Anko. Kakashi was under training on how to be sensei, and getting smack on the back of the head by his old teammate and sensei.
Kushina revamped the shinobi system, to make it better for everyone.
The first thing that changed was the Academy, which is most physical, but they have to give in assignment about history that the students during their free time. The Academy students get all D-rank missions, so that the money goes back into the village. Genin get low c-rank missions.
Naruto is spending time with his parents and getting the training he needs to fight in the future.
Things are looking up for the better.
Don't know if I will continue this or not. I might rewrite it to be longer later!