A/N: Hi :) Long time no see. Welp, I am really not sure what this is. (Each little snippet is 30 words or under, and was really hard, so as a challenge, I would highly recommend it.) So you make of it what you will.

Disclaimer: I own a bike, and that's about it.

Lost Avenues

"As maps and human civilization changes over time, inevitably, roads, places, stories, will be forgotten along the way. Such is the fate of the course of history."

He had smiled at her.

The one where the corners of his eyes wrinkled and his grin would break lopsided records.

And she had felt nothing.

She had acted like herself.

Like the sarcastic, know-it-all she was, because who'd want to be someone else when they were her?

And he had sat her on the steps.

"But I'm having a party!"

"Your parties are like regular parties with training wheels."

He had held her hand.

They performed, among cheers. His thumb stroked her knuckles, keeping her firmly in place between his fingers.

And she had let her hand go limp.

She had bit her lip.

Right there, where the dimple he had memorized from day one was- on the bottom right corner.

And he had felt nothing.

"Why can't you be nice to them for once?"

"Look, I already don't get nearly enough credit for managing not to be a violent psychopath as it is."

He had grabbed her apron.

Gently, with care and improvisation. But scripted or not, he didn't tug, it was faint, but she felt it.

And she had swatted him away.

She had winked at him.

Slow and deliberate and full of secrecy, as she prepared to commit some sort of mischief.

And he had looked the other way.

"Shouldn't you be at work?"


"Keep in mind that as soon as they can fire you, they will."

They had lost each other.

Amidst the screams and shouts and slaps and tears and doors.

And it was as if they had never been found.

"I really loved you."


"I have a lot of secrets, and that is no longer one of them."