Peter Pan 3:the lost girl

Chapter 17
(Kat's POV)

Peter and I made our way through Neverland's skies to the beach, a few yards from Mermaid Lagoon. The sun shone down on us, warming my skin and making me sigh. Peter glances at me and I blushed. Stupid hormones.

Looking down at the sparkling waters below, I got a brilliant idea. Rocketing upward, leaving behind a very stunned Pan, I turned around and let myself free fall into the water.

"CANONBALL!" I yelled before I hit the water. The water felt cool and wonderful against my skin! I stayed below the surface for a while, watching a few fish swim by, still in shock from my sudden intrusion. When I surfaced, Peter splashed in right next to me, soaking me even more! We played around in the water for a few hours and by the time the sun marked the time as a few hours past noon, we had dragged ourselves onto the beach, panting and soaked from head to toe.

I glanced at Peter and blushes heavily. He was covered in a sparkling sheen of water, his eyes closed and chest rising up and down as he caught his breath. For a moment, I thought it was a god who was resting next to me, until Peter turned his face toward me, brown eyes shining and trade mark grin covering his face. I blushed harder.
"What's wrong, Kat?" he asked, apparently noticing my blush. "Are you feeling okay? You look really red." He placed his hand on my forehead. I laughed.

"No! It's okay Peter! I'm fine! Just… um, a little red from the sun! And from playin so hard in the water…" I said hurriedly, not wanting to worry him. He blushed a little, too, responding with a little, "oh." I smiled. I turned to glance at the sky again, my stomach and the sun saying it was time for dinner. I placed a hand over my protesting guts… blushing furiously. Nothing was more embarrassing than a noisy stomach. Peter laughed.

"So I take it you're hungry? " he jested, grin covering his face. I lowered my head in an attempt to hide my embarrassment while I muttered a small "yes". He laughed again, taking my hand as my wings appeared again and we flew off. As we flew over the island, my attention was drawn to a bunch of shouting blobs on the ground. The Lost Boys. I smiled.

Peter and I followed them to the Indian encampment, a huge bon fire already roaring with life. Many of the natives approached us, decorating our faces, some of the women pulling me over and placing flowers and feathers in my hair. I laughed. Someone had fetched Peter's headdress and the boys all wore head bands covered in sharp patterns and feathers. We all ate together, telling stories, and sharing jokes. When the food was gone and everyone had had their fill, the chief raised his hands and the drums began to play. At first, the rhythm was slow, but exciting. Then it gradually sped up, with more instruments joining in. soon people were jumping, dancing and singing together. I laughed and joined in, lost in the world of color and sound all around me! Sometimes one of the natives or a lost boy would come and take my hand and we'd dance together before I was swept away by someone else.

After I while, though, my heart was racing and I was in dire need of a rest. I jumped out of the crowd, plopping down on a mat, gasping for air. To this day, I wish I hadn't done that. As I turned to look around at the revelers and celebration occurring around me, I noticed a native girl with her arms around Peter. Before I could think anything of it, she rubbed her nose with his and kissed his cheek, which turned bright red in the process. He smiled at her in a way I could only think of as adoring. Hot tears pricked at my eyes and I stood and watched my heart break before my eyes. That's when it hit me. I was nothing to him… just another dame who happened to stumble upon Neverland and the handsome, notorious Peter Pan. The boy who never grew up, and who could nab any girl he pleased. I was just lucky. Lucky… and obviously not good enough. He turned to me with a grin on his face, until he notice the tears streaming down my face. I turned and began to walk away before he could come over to me. Unfortunately, he was foolish enough to come and land right next to me.

"Kassidy, I swear it's not what you think! It was nothing, she was just-" he said, eyes imploring me to understand. I cut him off and gave a small, bitter laugh.

"Oh no, she didn't mean anything. Of course she didn't. No one does with you! I mean, Wendy meant nothing, Tigerlily meant nothing, Jane meant nothing, I mean nothing!" I cried, tears streaking my cheeks, rimming my eyes in red.

"You're impossible Peter! You think yourself great! Every girl will fall at your feet and not give a crap about what you do because you're the great Peter Pan! Womanizing is just what you do! God, I can't believe I was so stupid to think you could love me! I can't believe I was stupid enough to love YOU!" I shrieked, before flying away in a flurry of blue and white. I heard him cry my name, but I didn't look back.

(Hook's POV)

A streak of blue and white tore across the night sky from the Indian camp. I could almost hear her heart broken cried whispering on the wind. I grinned, watching the girl speed through the quiet Neverland skies. This was simply perfect.