Since the age of seven, Zazie had a broken heart. He remembered of how it happened; of how his parents had their hearts taken by the gaichuu. The boy he had been remained frozen, silently screaming as his parents disappeared in the gaichuu's tentacles. Then they had reappeared, unresponsive to his cries. Someone had helped getting his parents to a hospital, but there was nothing he could do for them, the doctor had carefully explained. His parents, although breathing, were lost. Their hearts were taken by that gaichuu. Zazie had refused to believe him, and hadn't left his parents' side once. He had to keep them company, he had thought. What if no one was there when they woke up? Zazie never left his spot, even when it had been days since he and his parents had been attacked by the gaichuu. Eventually the staff pressured him to eat something, and he had complied with his favorite soup, only to tell them that it was for his parents when they woke up. His mother loved the soup as well. Zazie heard their whispers well into the night. "Not even a tear…" It wasn't until he was ushered away from his parents' still bodies that he realized they would never wake again. Zazie would never hear his father's arms around him or his mother's laughter. Even after their burial, Zazie remained silent and unemotional. He was…empty, and had been ever since.

With the seventh anniversary of his parents' deaths coming near, Zazie was determined to find that gaichuu, the one who had stolen his mother's and father's hearts from him. Still, he had to find the Cabernet first. It was an order, something Zazie was damn good at following. His encounter with Zeal had caused a mess of things; he had lost track of the Cabernet and his mind was dwelling on the past. Zeal had told him that Zazie did not become a letter bee for fame, fortune, or light. Zazie had become a letter bee for vengeance. He had seen right through Zazie's heart, more than Lag Seeing ever could. Gauche Suede had apparently regained his memory, and although he didn't share this with his friend, Zazie knew it was impossible to regain your heart once you lost it. It could never come back. Connor did not realize the truth either. He would come back, tears streaming down his face, cursing the gaichuu that had taken Sunny's heart, just as Zazie had done for the past seven years. He didn't become a letter bee to connect the hearts of Amberground like Lag; nor for food, gold, or glory. Zazie came for revenge, and until his last breath he wouldn't stop until he found the gaichuu that had stolen his parents and their hearts.

Ore wa shoushin motsu.

I have a broken heart, Zazie thought, and I always will.

He continued walking in the snow.