PSN: So this is going to be a long author's note with a side-dish of a preview. But please before that, may I proceed and explain why this took so long?

*breathes in calmly*

So lately I have been struggling with my confidence in writing. Like really badly. I was and still feel at a low whenever I write and cringe when I read them. The same really applies for all of my stories. I do not know how they developed but I try to counterattack it by writing more in order for my confidence to build up. Does it work? It depends. Sometimes I'm happy and other times I feel like curling up and just forgetting about it. But when I read your reviews it makes it worthwhile! :D Thanks.

Anyway, the reason I'm telling you is that this story has sadly become affected. By my mood obviously. I love this story, I really do but I feel like maybe I should rewrite this? The only other option is to delete it. I don't know how many of you will be upset by this but it certainly would upset me. I know I'd regret it if I pulled that and it would mean not finishing it.

It would only have been 10 chapters or so...


I haven't given the characters the depth they require and they fall flat. In a story I always love it when it has emotion or rather when it evokes it. That is what makes a story beautiful and this, sadly, lacks it.

I desperately wanted to rewrite this chapter too but I decided perhaps I should rewrite the whole thing. Maybe I'm being overly-harsh on myself but you have to be your worst critic right? Ugh. I do have a lot to say but just read the preview and review to tell me whether you want a rewrite or not.

Thanks guys!


G sat down in Giotto's chair, swivelling back and forth as he waited for everybody to enter the room so that he could proceed with his meeting. He had called up everybody immediately and had sent a code 'red' emergency, the highest level of emergency—exaggeration on his part maybe, but he knew he wouldn't get their attention any other way. He smiled and stared at the white-board filled with his intricate fool-proof plan that would soon wow his boss and everybody else. Sometimes, and especially at times like these, G felt that he was a genius and a treasure for this family. He was sure that Daemon would see sense immediately after the plan was set in motion. All he needed now, of course, was the cooperation of everybody.

This could sometimes be hard, especially with certain guardians.

"Hey, I'm here. Did you need me or something? Because I'm kind of busy."

Speak of the devil, G thought with amusement. He watched as the green-haired lightening guardian sat down in one of the chairs, a default bored look on his face. Immediately after seating himself down, he searched his pocket and produced a small mirror and resumed to fluffing up his hair. He was a vain one, G thought.

Before G could say anything however, he heard the soft-steps that could only belong to the rain-gaurdian. He turned to face the man and was surprised that he looked nervous.

"Am I late?" an anxious Asari asked.

"No, no, you're not," G assured. He pointed at the vacant chair. "Sit there please."

"As you wish," Asari said pleasantly as he seated himself down. He smoothed down his pale-blue kimono. "How long until we start?"

G looked at his watch and frowned. "Five minute tops. If the others aren't here by then, tough. One of you will have to relay it back to them."

"I don't want to," Lampo whined. He had put down his mirror and had now had G's full attention. "I don't like this. I had a day off today anyway. Boss said that I could."

"You always have a day off," G reminded, snorting.

"Not true," Lampo retaliated hotly. "I was working two days after the Fiore incident. And anyway, I had plans today with my friends. We were going to go to the pictures."

"Well, you're doing something much better and exciting today," G said.

He was getting a little annoyed by Lampo's whine. That kid wouldn't know what the word productive was if it hit him right on the face. He was very lazy and often found comfort in his own home, with his friends. Though of course that didn't mean that Lampo didn't have any redeeming qualities at all. Quite the contrary in fact. There was a reason why Lampo was chosen by Giotto and that was saying something. However at times like these, G found him exceedingly irritating—Giotto was always more understanding than him in that aspect.

"I'm here!" G's train of thought was interjected by a rather loud voice and he turned around to face Knuckle, the sun guardian, who was still wearing his boxing gear. His hands were wrapped around in bandages and his face was beaded with sweat. "I'm sorry that I'm extremely late."

"Not extremely,"G corrected, "but sit down. We're about to start. Giotto went to fetch Alaude so they'll be here any minute."

Knuckle bowed and sat down on the chair next to Asari. G watched as he undid the laces on his boxing glove and set it aside at the table. He wiped the sweat from his face with the towel draped on his shoulders and faced Asari and not soon after, they started chatting to each other.

Lampo was sitting down with his arms crossed over his chest, a frown on his face as he waited. He unfolded his arms and fiddled with his thumbs. "When," he whined, "are we starting?"

G sighed. Giotto was a little late. He shook his head, "Don't worry, very so—

"Sorry G; got a little tied. I didn't think we'd be this late, but we're here aren't we?"

G couldn't have been happier to hear the voice of his best friend. He beamed as he watched a frowning Alaude and a smiling Giotto locate their chairs and sit down.

"Hurry," Alaude growled, "I don't like to waste time."

"Don't worry," G assured, "we'll start now."

He didn't ignore the loud sigh that came from Lampo's side. He smiled nonchalantly and opened his mouth.

"Here me out, guys, for I have created the most awesome plan that would wow the pants out of all of you. Be prepared, now," he began dramatically and stood up and pointed at the board, "I call it 'OPERATION SAVE DAEMON FROM DESTRUCTION.'"

A strained silence could be heard as they all regarded G with incredulity. G blushed; perhaps he had gone a little extreme with his plan this time which was unlike him.

"Or not," he amended slowly, "but do at least listen to me."


*A few minutes later*

"Nope. I refuse flat-out," Giotto said the moment G relayed his idea to them. He sat with his legs crossed over each other, a frown marring his face as he folded his arms together sternly. "There is no way, and I mean no way G, that I will go with your idea sorry. Choose a suitable candidate like Lampo for example."

"Hey," Lampo cried; his eyes both open for the first time, "I don't want to. You can't make me."

G sighed and clenched his fists. He watched as Giotto and Lampo's argument escalated. He looked at Asari who shrugged helplessly and Knuckle who avoided his gaze as he looked down.

"Guys," G pleaded, "just hear me out?"

Lampo rolled his eyes, "We've been doing that. I don't want to. Simple." He got out of his chair, "I'm out."

"Lampo," G said, "we need you in this plan. Don't you care about Daemon? We need to help him."

Lampo faltered slightly and stood rooted in his place. He turned around slowly and faced G. He grinned much to his chagrin (It did perturb G, considering that Lampo rarely, if ever, grinned.) and held out his hand before opening his mouth as though he were to announce an important matter.

"Is Fiore included?"

"No, I already excluded her from this plan," G provided helpfully. He was getting slightly annoyed at the slow progress of the day. He should now have already put the plan in motion. However, having his friends in on the plan naturally came with a hazardous warning.

Lampo's eyes flew open with shock as his mouth formed an 'O' shape, "B-bu-t, w-why?"

G shrugged and looked at Giotto.

"We all know why," Giotto said, "she's not exactly the most suitable of people. But this time, I do agree. I think Fiore should be in on the plan and take my part."

G shook his head, "Then phase 2 won't be able to happen. Nope. I think you are good enough and please for God's sake, do listen to me,"

"You are all wasting my time," Alaude announced suddenly, "you either progress further or I leave."

The occupants of the room stared at him, noticing his presence for the first time since the meeting began. G smiled and nodded, his eyes glancing furtively at the plan that he had slaved away at in order to produce the perfect fool-proof plan. He stared at it now and it seemed almost pitiful. Had he honestly thought that they would all fall for it earlier and love the idea immediately? He was fooling himself wasn't he?

Giotto patted his back, "Don't make me regret this, okay? I'll go with it."

"Sure, count me in," Asari said, laughing as worriedly as he glanced at G's forlorn look.

"Extremely," Knuckle agreed.

Suddenly there was a chorus of agreement in the room.

"Hnh, it suits me this plan," Alaude said.

"I don't really mind," Lampo admitted reluctantly, avoiding G's gaze.

G stared at them, feeling warmth spreading inside his chest.

"Guys," he croaked.

They all smiled at him.

"Let's do it then," Giotto pushed and G nodded, happy for his friends.

PSN: *Smiles awkwardly* So review and tell me what you think, okay? *flies off*

P.s: Because we all are shameless advertisers, perhaps you can read my other stories until I get my muse back for this? :P