Kids In Love
A Glee 3-shot
A/N: This is the last chapter.

"I can't freaking do this, Rachel! I suck at it and I should just give up and quit!" Noah Puckerman groaned, falling back onto his old bed at his mother's house. The two had traveled from New York City to Lima with their two year old daughter, Gabrielle Barbra Puckerman, for their ten year high school reunion.

Rachel Berry-now Rachel Puckerman-giggled as she approached her husband, reaching out and tying his tie for him. "There," She said, turning to walk away, only to be stopped by his strong arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her onto his lap. "I have to finish getting ready!" She protested, trying to push away from him so she could stand back up. "Besides, Samantha's downstairs, and do you really want you're mother to hear us? As well as our daughter?" She asked.

"Well, you'll just have to be very quiet, then," He grinned, kissing her neck as she frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I have to get ready-we're going to be late if we spend anymore time making out like high school kids," Rachel said, rolling her eyes as she stood up.

"Eh, you're no fun," Puck said, shaking his head as he stood up and pulled on his black sports coat over his grey button down with his black dress pants. His tie, due to Rachel's protests, was a purple and grey pattern. He still had his custome mohawk-despite his protests to shave it off. Rachel claimed that he wouldn't be Noah Puckerman, residential bad ass without that mohawk. Besides, it was just a part of the boy that she'd falle in love with. He was pretty sure it had more to do with the bad-girl reputation it gave her, when the tabloids talked about the Broadway legend.

"I've had claims that are just a little bit different than that." Rachel shrugged, pulling on a short black dress that fell right off of her shoulders. "And most of those claims were from you," She smirked.

"Well, you're pretty good when you're letting me-wait a second-what do you mean that most of those claims were from me?" He asked, his head snapping to attention. "I'm pretty sure that all of those claims should have been from me, because I just so happen to be your husband," He grinned at her playfully. "Who just so happens to be loving the sight of you in that tiny little skirt. Damn, it's just so sexy," He shook his head.

"Well, that's because I happen to be sexy," She teased, sitting on the edge of his bed to put on her black heels. Her simple, single-diamond, thin band wedding ring sparkled in the light and Puck sighed, staring at the simple, diamond-less wedding band that he'd given to her about a year after their graduation, a few weeks before their one year anniversary.

"One day, I'm going to get you something bigger," He promised her.

"Noah," She sighed, sliding across the bed to be besides him. "I love this ring, alright? I love it because you got it for me, after giving up your California dreams so that you could come with me while I lived out my New York dreams. This ring shows that you cared enough to get me something, despite our budget, while you were working a dead-end job and balancing your classes at NYU-which you applied to just in order to be closer to me, when you still thought I was going to be with Finn," She explained. "If anything, it should be me telling you that I'm going to make it up to you," She said.

"Alright, alright-I get it, you like your puny little diamond," He shrugged, holding his hands up in defense. "That's fine-save me some money," He teased, even though the couple was standing well on their feet. Puck was correctional officer, working with teenagers that were much like himself and a favorite around the kids, while Rachel fulfilled her Broadway dreams. She'd even recently played the lead in a revival of Funny Girl.

"Good, now that that's settled, let's get going?" She asked, standing up and pulling the tall, strong football player to his feet. He wrapped an arm around her waist as she took her purse from the dresser and started walking from his old room, towards the stairs and out of the house, calling a quick goodbye to his mother, trying to not wake up their sleeping baby.

"It's going to be so weird...not seeing him here," Puck whispered as they crawled into Puck's truck-he'd refused to get another car.

"Do you really think he'd want to see us anyways?" Rachel wondered, lowering her gaze as her husband started up the truck and pulled from the driveway.

"I just don't understand why he has to hold this grudge against us and skip out on his own high school reunion," Puck sighed. "It's not like he's still at war-thank god," He sighed. "I can't help but feel like he's going to end up showing up, and something bad's going to happen if he does," He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "Are you sure you want to go? I mean, you see everybody that matters to you all the time, anyways," He asked.

"Just because you're worried that Finn Hudson is going to come and turn this into some sort of dramatic Lifetime movie does not mean that you and I should skip out on our own high school reunion. And I do not see everybody that matters to me. I haven't seen Mike and Tina since our wedding, you know," She said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I only really see Kurt and Blaine, and occassionally Quinn. Mercedes lives across the country after all. And Santana does matter to me, Noah," She said, shaking her head as she stared out of the window.

"Do you ever wonder how it would be different?" He asked suddenly. "If you'd been with Finn and never admitted your feelings towards me?" He asked softly.

"Do you?" She asked.

"Yeah," He admitted. "And I feel like your life would be better, in a way," He whispered, his eyes locked on the road ahead of them, because he already knew what Rachel's reaction would be like to this. He never should have brought the subject up in the first place. She was probably just going to get angry.

"I think about it sometimes as well, but in my eyes, my life can't possibly be better, because when I'm with Finn, I'm not happy," She said, reaching across and taking his hand in her own. "I can't possibly be happy with him, because I don't love him, you know? I mean, he's like friend to me. He's not like you are. And he hasn't even bothered to talk to me in years, Puck, which just shows how long our marriage would have lasted, you know? If he doesn't get his way, then he's miserable and decides to be silent forever," She shrugged, smiling at him.

"Well, I can't blame him for that. If I lost you to some other guy, I'd be pretty miserable too. I mean, you're amazing and you're exactly the type of girl I've always wanted-you're the type of girl every guy wants. Which is exactly why Finn's probably acting like this. He just can't believe he let you go, even though he knows it was for the best, because it made you happy," He explained, giving her hand a squeeze as he turned into the school's parking lot.

Finn Hudson did not want to be here.

He did not want to have to enter that school and see Noah Puckerman with Rachel Berry-well, Rachel Puckerman now.

It would absolutely kill him inside.

After all, he was already starting to fall to pieces as he watched the giggling woman enter the school with her husband's arm wrapped tightly around her.

He sighed as he took another sip of his beer-the last from the six pack he'd started before leaving the house-swearing at the fact that it was already finished. He shook his head, hating how he could still feel her breath as if she were sleeping next to him once again, sharing his pillow because she needed to be as close to him as possible, his feet freezing as she hogged all of the blankets, rather than sharing with him.

She used to claim that she could feel his heart and that she always fell asleep to its gentle, smoothing beat as she stared cuddled under his many blankets and his warm sheets.

If only he could be like that again.

If only it was him, rather than Puck.

9 years, eleven months, and four days. That's how long it had been since he'd seen Rachel. He was sure that the two of them felt the same way about that night, when she'd bid her goodbyes to him.

He'd thought that by playing it slow and doing everything as she wanted to, he'd be able to keep her forever and make her forget about her feelings towards Puck. Unfortunately it hadn't worked.

It should have been him who had been helping her from the car. In should have been him entering the school with her in the dark.

Finn had always known love-he was a sucker for that feeling. It happened to him all of the time. Yet he always ended up feeling cheated, with Rachel on his mind. He sometimes went through his old pictures of her, when he needed it. Love-it was something he fell into too quickly and too soon.

He swore as he exited the car and started walking towards the school, walking in and glaring at Rachel and Noah Puckerman, who had once been his girlfriend and best friend. He approached them at their table, where Kurt Hummel-Anderson, Blaine Hummel-Anderson, Quinn Fabray, Mercedes and Sam Evans, and Santana and Brittany Pierce-Lopez sat with them. He dropped down in the other empty seat at the table, right after Tina Cohen-Chang and Mike Chang had taken their seats at the Glee table.

"Finn!" Rachel said, beaming brightly at him. "I honestly thought you weren't going to come," She exclaimed. "I'm so happy you're here," She said happily. She seemed so genuine-as if she had actually been worried she wouldn't be able to see him.

"Does he watch your favorite movies?" Finn asked her, crossing his arms as he narrowed his eyes at her. "Does he hold you when you cry?" He asked. "Does he let you tell him all of your favorite parts, when you've already seen it a million times together?" He wondered.

"What are you-"Rachel began, frowning slightly. "Finn, are you drunk?" She wondered.

"I only had a six pack," he said, shaking his head.

"Oh,my god-Finn, give me your keys. I'm taking you home," She said, holding her hands out.

"I'm not done!" Finn snapped.

"Yeah, well either am I," Puck glared t him. "Did you sing to all of her music while she'd dance around in the rain? Did you do all those things that I used to do?" He asked.

Finn didn't want to listen to Puck. He knew that there was no way they could promise that this was right. Yet, Rachel had thrown it all away.

"Finn! Noah!" Rachel said sternly. "Will you two just knock it off?" She asked.

"Does he love you like I loved you?" Finn asked. "Does he tell you everyday? Does he make you feel like you're invincible, with every single word he says?" He asked, his eyes locked on Rachel.

"Finn, please don't do this," Rachel asked, tears filling her eyes.

"Rachel, I love you and you're being unfair to me!" Finn snapped.

"She's not being unfair to you! I love her and she's my wife. Stop acting like this-"

"You stole her from me!" Finn shouted, standing up.

"Finn, it's been ten-"

"It's been nine years, eleven months and four days, Quinn, and I'm not going to not hold a grudge. He stole my fiancee and he was supposed to be my best friend!" He said.

"Finn, bro, just calm down-"Puck said, standing up.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Finn snapped, pinning Puck to the wall.

"Do you have to start a fight at everything?" Quinn rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Quinn! This is all your fault-"

"Don't tell her to shut up!" Rachel snapped.

"Shut up, Rachel! You're nothing but a little-"

Puck punched him stopping him from finishing that.

"I know you weren't about to call her a slut," Puck said. And that's when the fight began.

"STOP IT" Rachel snapped, jumping up and fighting her way between the two of them. "Finn, stop it-we already went over this. I love Noah-he makes me happy and I want to be with him. But, Noah, you cannot just go around beating up any guy who has anything to say to me!" She snapped. "This whole thing is ridiculous, alright? I'm going home and I never want to see you again, alright, Finn?" Rachel said, turning on her heel as she started walking away.

Later that night, Puck crawled into bed besides Rachel, wrapping his arms around her.

"I talked to Finn-he wants to apologize for what happened, but he doesn't want to ruin what you said. He feels really bad," He whispered, kissing her neck.

"He ruined everything. I was supposed to see my best friends, the people I haven't seen in years, and he ruined it all because he was jealous. I never thought he'd be so upset and hold such a grudge over me calling the engagement off...none of it makes any sense," She shook her head.

"He loves you, can you really blame him? How would you feel if I'd left you right before the wedding for Quinn?" He wondered.

"I guess I'd feel pretty shitty...I'd probably never forgive her," She admitted.

"That's how he feels," Puck said, pulling her closer. "And I'm sorry that I let him get to me. It was just to bug me and I let him," Puck sighed. "I hate myself for that," He said.

"Noah, I love you. I can't be angry with you for defending me. After all, he was pushing all of the right buttons, wasn't he?" Rachel wondered.

"Yeah, well, when it comes to you, every buttons the right button to push," He sighed.

"Is this one?" She giggled, reaching around him to kiss him on the lips.

"Yeah, you know what? That was just the right one," He said, pulling her on top of him and kissing her again.