A/N: Hello everyone! So, I got this idea a couple nights ago... It's an AU fic featuring the Klarowood triangle and Co. (select other TVD characters) in the events of 'Phantom of the Opera'. Do not worry, though, it is not your original tale of 'Phantom' with out TVD friends and that's all I'm going to say for now:) This is only the prologue and I probably won't upload more until I finish 'Movie Night: The Sequel'. Well, I hope you like it! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Diaries or anything- song lyrics, movie lines, plot, etc.- from 'Phantom'

Paris, France, 1932

The Old Palais Garnier

The world was a cold, dark place. For as far back as Mister Lockwood remembered, it always had been, and as far as he was concerned, it always would be. But then again, his thought on the coldness of the world revolved around her and what had transpired between them fifty years ago.

So he lived his life with the few reminders he had of her existence: a letter, the engagement ring he had given her, the mere memory of her laughter, and now, as the auctioneer handed it to him, the dusty, antique mirror that had been found in the untouched confines of her old dressing room. The very mirror he had seen her use time and time again as she ready herself for performances. But, then again, the mirror was like a slap in the face by the interloper, the man who ruined their relationship. It was one last reminder of how she had chosen him and not Mister Lockwood.

Mister Lockwood felt his old heart clench as the memory of her smile playing about her rosy cheeks and he clutched the hand held mirror to him even more. In moments like these, it was hard. Losing her was still a fresh wound and the memory of it never left his mind. Mister Lockwood was thankful when the auctioneer began speaking again, distracting him from painful memories.

"Lot six-six-six, then…a chandelier, in pieces. Some of you may recall the strange affair of…" the auctioneer seemed to hesitate, as if completing the sentence would bring back the ghost of the past. It was only a momentary slip, however; short enough that he could have used the excuse for the sole need to breathe. The auctioneer continued on, "The phantom of the opera. A mystery never fully explained. We're told, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier that figures in the famous disaster. Our workshop men repaired it and wired parts for it for the new electric light. Perhaps, we can all frighten away the ghosts of so many years ago with a little illumination."

All eyes turned to where two workers stood above the covered chandelier, ropes in their hands, as an eerie silence fell over the room. Mister Lockwood placed the mirror in his lap and motioned for his caretaker to bring his wheel chair closer to the scene.

"Gentlemen…if you please," the auctioneer said, motioning for them to commence.

Several things happened at once. The tarp covering the chandelier was ripped away, one workman plugged two chords together, making a large spark, and the new electric light flickered before lighting up the massive chandelier as two more workmen began to hoist it to it's right place high above them.

The on lookers watched, mystified, and to old Mister Lockwood, it seemed as if a gust of wind had picked up, pushing the already flying dust around. Mister Lockwood knew that this was, in fact, the very chandelier that had crashed to the floor during a performance, setting the entire Palais Garnier ablaze. How could he forget when he had been there that very night?

But, Mister Lockwood was not the only one in attendance who had been there fifty years ago. Across the room, a sad looking woman with large doe eyes stood by vigilantly watching. She was in her later years but not quite as sickly looking as Mister Lockwood and that had to attribute to her many years as a fit, healthy ballet dancer along side her on the very stage before them. Madame Gilbert averted her gaze from the bright, crystal chandelier and met Mister Lockwood's dark eyes with her own, empathy filled ones.

Madame Gilbert knew the truth as well.

The fact that they knew the truth plagued Mister Lockwood night and day, day and night.

The guilt that he could never come forward with the truth of what happened to the young Opera singer, Caroline Forbes would plague Tyler Lockwood for the remainder of his life.

For, revealing the truth would bring not only illumination, but his death as well.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Please review and tell me what you think/if I should continue:)