Enjoy, loves. XXX
The plane ride was uneventful and silent. She could tell he was thinking and had gone off to some faraway place in his mind and she thought to take advantage of the situation. Aurelia crawled off of Alucard and went to sit in her own seat to do some thinking of her own.
As her eyes settled out of the plane window watching the flickering lights thousands of feet below she reflected on how truly odd her predicament was. Finding her dead husband after nearly six hundred years? Via the circumstances that she just did, no less! It wouldn't be far fetched to say she was a little skeptical. Yes, that's it. She was in some sort of fog before. Aurelia couldn't even be sure she had been controlling her own actions. Getting away from England acted like a cold shower allowing her to bring everything into view. This was odd and she admitted it to herself.
What could she believe in at this point? Not Heaven nor Hell, not God or the Devil but above all, surely she could not trust Alucard. Alucard was Dracula, she had to keep reminding herself, and he could not be trusted.
Aurelia had read the books and even been to Bran castle, which undecidedly was the worst thing she could have done. Dracula surely wasn't this fearsome killing machine that was seated beside her. Dracula was commercialized. He was on cereal boxes and t-shirts. Fridge magnets and coffee cups. Dracula talked with that ridiculous accent, whose idea of "taking over the world" was going to London and attacking a couple of women in their sleep. Was the creature sitting across from her really the same being?
She looked him up and down and tried to picture him in a craggy fortress at the top of a mountain with a long white beard and a cape having dinner with Jonathan Harker.
I never drink... wine...
She chuckled at the stupidity. The mere irony of the situation. It all felt a bit like a bad play. Alucard glanced in her direction at her behavior but she did not return the look.
No more thinking, she agreed with herself, until she was alone.
As they approached closer and closer to her homeland, her patience wore thin. Thoughts buzzed in her head demanding attention. Luckily the plane ride was relatively quick and they soon landed in Sibiu, a city nestled deep in the Carpathian mountains.
She had seen much of Europe in her time but there was always something about Transylvania that made her feel complete. Alucard did not move when the plane door opened and the stairs descended to the tarmac below. She arose and beckoned him with a motion of her hand. He followed like a shadow.
As they stepped out of the plane and crossed the tarmac to the awaiting car the familiar smell of Romania assaulted her. It was still late, or rather very early in the morning. The sun had yet to rise and all was dark. The wind whispered lightly through the tree's and the tall grass and she stopped.
This felt different somehow. Yes. She was sure of it. She felt a strong sense of foreboding that hadn't been there before. As a vampire she'd never been afraid of the night nor of the harsh blackness of the Transylvanian night but tonight was different.
She looked out onto the rocky, forested horizon and then back into the cavernous SUV where Alucard was seated. She had seen this somewhere before. Where was the horse and carriage or the gypsy servants with their jingling crosses? She noticed he was watching her out of the corner of his eyes. She paused at the look but ducked her head and slid into the seat beside him. Her driver snapped the door shut and ran to dive into the drivers seat.
Off they went into the depth's of the Carpathian forest. She kept her eyes out of the windows most of the time. Watching the scenes moving past like a cinematograph. When she came back to her homeland was the only time she could allow herself to relax and allow her mind to be at ease but this time she couldn't and she did not know if it was because of Alucard or the uneasiness of the situation with Aulus and Clara. In any case, Aurelia just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.
"We need to talk." The words slipped from her mouth unconsciously but she meant them all the same.
"I'm listening." Was the deep, rumbling reply.
Her eyes glanced at the back of her drivers head and to the corner of her vision where she could see the gloved hands neatly folded in his lap.
"Away from mortals."
He must know if he is your servant... Was his voice in my head.
Of course he knows what I am but that does not change the fact... She replied sitting back in the leather seat.
His chuckle echoed in my skull.
You are still very peculiar, my dear. It is amusing...
You still talk to me as if I were a child. It is annoying. I remind you - I've been on this earth for five hundred years... Was her crisp reply.
I apologize...
He wasn't sorry and she didn't care. She wrung her hands together. The car seemed smaller and the ride was entirely too long. It was three hours thereafter before they finally pulled into the courtyard of her castle home and she was more than happy to be free of the vehicular confines.
The driver let them out and henchman servants rushed forth from the dark to unpack the belongings from the car. She walked past them and felt at least a little relieved when she felt the warmth of a freshly kindled fire on her cheeks as she walked into the parlor of her home.
She heard the multitude of hushed greetings and "welcome back, countess". One servant taking the coat from her shoulders, the other kneeling to kiss her ring. They reminded her of a swarm of bee's.
Aurelia could feel Dracula's eyes on her back.
"Mihaela," She snapped at the head servant, "Prepare the lowest levels of the castle for our guest. Quickly!"
"Yes, Countess," was the prompt reply. She hurried the others until they had all disappeared down this hallway and that and the large ornately carved door slammed shut and the heavy metal lock was drawn into place.
Aurelia felt awkward on her feet. He had been away so long but she was inclined to act like a Romanian. She was probably going to make a fool of herself.
"So," she rolled her shoulders back and loosened her posture to appear more inviting.
"Welcome to my home... You should enjoy your stay, if it pleases you."
She was looking at him loosely. He looked exhausted. Circles were under his eyes and his spirit was lackluster.
"Follow me this way," She beckoned after a moment, quickly disappearing down a narrow hallway. He kept up with her fast pace and navigated the tricky interior of the medieval castle easily. She led him up a spiraling staircase to a higher floor which housed her rooms and studies. She knew, however, the only room that would be tidied and where a fire would be lit was her own bedroom. She led him there.
The hallway was pitch dark and she thought for a second to light the candelabras but reminded herself that wouldn't be necessary.
When they finally reached it the heavy door creaked when she opened it and invited him in. As expected the fire had been kindled. Her bedroom wasn't much. A large room with a canopied bed of dark stained hardwood and blood red satin comforter. Fading medieval fresco's were painted on the white walls. Piles of hundreds of books were stacked against the walls and on the tables. Someone had definitely tidied them.
She looked back at him when the door closed and he stood there, his red eyes scanning the room. She motioned to an empty chair next to the fire and he quickly made himself comfortable.
She gingerly setup two cups and poured some traditional plum brandy in both. He took one as she moved a couple of books out of her seat and sat opposite to him.
"Is this where you sleep?" He asked pointedly motioning to the bed.
"Sometimes." She replied, pouring a little brandy onto her tongue to taste.
"Where is your coffin?" He followed suit, taking a drink of the alcoholic beverage.
"I don't have one," She shrugged as she placed her half full glass on a neatly stacked pile of hardbacks, "Never have."
Alucard narrowed his eyes at the comment.
Aurelia leaned back in her chair and watched his eyes dance over the rim of the glass as they studied her.
"It's a bit odd, don't you think?" She said at last.
"You can't choose fate." was his paused reply.
She raised her eyebrow at his words.
"No, but you can question it."
"Are you having regrets?" He asked
"No!" She answered a little too forcefully, "It's just... I don't know why I met you like this... again, after all these centuries..."
"It was destined, whether by our hands or not," He said tipping the glass into his lips, "You are the other half of my wretched soul and I have no intention of giving you up."
The proposed Dracula's skin had turned grey and she could see his veins. She knew she should just let him rest but she also couldn't let go of the itching thought that this was all a bit off. She knew him somehow, knew how she thought he'd react. She knew the warrior in him would be thinking the same thing about the suddenness of it all but he wouldn't voice his concerns at her prodding questions. She just had to make sure he wasn't part of whatever scheme was afoot. Thinking about how reckless she had been in releasing his seal without figuring out the validity of the situation, or seeing how powerful he really was.
She paused at the thought, but continued.
"You're Dracula."
He raised his eyebrows at the abrupt statement as he twirled the glass of brandy with his long fingers.
"... Yes."
"Like," she continued, "Like... Bram Stokers "Dracula"." She made quotation marks with her fingers as she said it.
"... For the most part." he answered, shortening his gaze into a glare.
"Hmmm...," She digested his answer and leaned back into her chair, "So it's all... true, then?"
"That," Alucard said in a pointed yet calm tone, "Is a conversation for another night, my dear."
"Very well." Was her eventual reply.
She made a dismissive motion with her hand in the air after a few moments.
"Leave now." She commanded as she gazed into the fireplace.
Her head was too full and she was too tired to continue. She had raised more questions than she had answered.
He didn't look surprised. Dracula leaned forward and set his glass next to hers a top the books. He snuck his fingers beneath her face and tilted it upwards to look directly into him. A possessive kiss graced her lips. It lasted and lasted until she pulled away.
"I will return," He said
"Your room is in the dungeon," She looked up at him.
"I will return," Alucard said again making his way for the door, "I need blood."
"There is no prepackaged blood here," She said sarcastically, "There are plenty of humans in villages not far from here. Or take one of the servants - I do not care." She waved as if she were wishing him a bon voyage.
He paused at the exit but she was not joking.
"Go now."
He materialized through the door and she sighed in relief as the heavy weight of his presence was lifted off of her shoulders.
To be honest, she didn't really know what to think. The worst part was that she still wanted him, wanted to feel him, wanted to hear him. Beyond all of the complicated thoughts in her mind right now; she hoped he would return to her tonight.
It was a weird thing.
Whenever she had nightmares she always knew she was dreaming and yet she could never wake herself up from the hellish scenes that unfolded.
It was daytime and she was somewhere familiar. There was sunshine and a soft summer breeze. A field somewhere in Targoviste with flowers in bloom all around.
She could see her son - their son - playing among them.
"Mihnea," She called, "Come here."
She beckoned him, holding out her arms to embrace him. He ran to her in the incarnation of the little boy he had been. Black curls bouncing around his face as he bound towards her, wildflowers that he had picked were crushed in his chubby fingers. He couldn't have been older than five in the dream.
He leapt into her waiting arms and she crushed him to her. Oh, she loved these dreams. She could feel him in some finite way even after all these centuries.
"Mommy loves you, Mihnea," She closed her eyes and savored the moment. She whispered into his hair as he buried his face in her bosom, "My cherished son, my sweet little boy."
He giggled and laughed into her chest as she held him tight. After a moment the peels of laughter turned to screams.
"Ouch Mommy, ouch!" He screamed.
"Mihnea?!" She worriedly pulled away from him.
His voice morphed from a small child's voice into a grown mans.
"Ouch Mommy, it hurts!"
She opened her eyes and looked down. He was a grown man now. With large wide-open green eyes like his father and a beard and mustache. He was laying on a cobblestone street somewhere and she was kneeling beside him clutching helplessly at his clothes.
Tears stung her eyes. Her dreams of her son, no matter how pleasant, always ended like this. She hadn't had nightmares like this in a while. She could feel the panic, the cold sweat coming on.
There was blood, she now noticed, gushing from a stab wound in his stomach. The dark rich substance spilled onto the cobblestone and she screamed. He coughed it up - dark red running down his face.
"Please mommy," he begged, "Make it stop."
"Mihnea, jesus christ, jesus please," She plead, "I love you, my son, I love you!"
She cried in the dream and clung to him.
"Forgive me, forgive me!" She sobbed wretchedly into the dying mans coat, "I could not save you! It was my job and I could not save you! I'm so sorry..."
"It's okay, Mommy," The man who was Mihnea said softly, "It wasn't your fault."
She tried to call after him but it was no use. He faded away until she was left holding nothing but the skeleton of her long dead son.
She awoke with a violent start when she was able to find consciousness. She woke up screaming in pain. Her chest hurt. She pushed herself up from the mattress and knelt on the bed, clutching at her heart. She could already feel the hot tears running down her face.
"Mihnea, Mihnea," She shouted into the void of her bedroom. "Please dear god, please... save my boy!"
As with all nightmares it took her a moment to shake off the misty visage and return to reality and so she gasped in surprise when arms came out of nowhere and wound around her shaking form and pulled her close in the darkness. The fire in the fireplace long ago died down to embers and so she could only see vague outlines and shadows.
Comforting words reached her ears.
"My dearest love, do not cry," The deep voice spoke in Romanian.
Emotions continued to overwhelmed her and she was positively drowning in them.
"My boy, Vlad, my boy," She sobbed covering her face with both hands, "He's gone and it's all my fault!"
"Do not say such things, Aurelia," The voice that she now recognized as Dracula said, "He loved you. You never did a bad thing to him."
Strong hands moved hers aside and caressed her face. Long fingers stroked through her locks, pulling the tear soaked strands away from her face. She opened her eyes to see Alucard's fiery ones above hers. She was expecting disgust or anger in his gaze; but his eyes were downcast in sorrow.
"He's dead," She mumbled, "he's dead..."
"He was a human," Alucard replied, "He was lucky. He found peace."
"I want to be with him," She said, drying her tears with her sleeve.
"You will be," He said, engulfing her in an embrace, "You will be."
This feels right, she thought. I need him. I've been waiting for him. I love him.
"... Don't let go." She whispered.
"... I won't."