
It had been ten years since they met for the first time. There had been nothing changed since that day, no, he had not accomplished his mission, thus he had to stick with him a little longer, as his loyal butler. There had been no clue about who had been behind the murder of the Panthomhives. And for ten years, they had been walking in a circle.

He would not give up though. After all he had made a pact with a demon and it was impossible to abolish it. He had traded his soul for a revenge to a demon and he knew, sooner or later, the demon would lose his patience.

It had been ten years, after all, and almost nothing had been changed in the Panthomhive manor. Except for the new member of the family that had started living there since few months ago.

Elizabeth Panthomhive was really happy that she could finally be her childhood love's wife. After the years of waiting, she could finally be a wife in the age of twenty four. A little bit later than most of her friends but it was just the right age for her. Now that Ciel had been taller than her and becoming more and more handsome, Elizabeth was the proudest wife in England right now.

Also there was another reason...

"Good morning, Dear!"

The young man frowned when he saw his wife of four months were preparing the breakfast for him. She did it again. He sighed. He knew that talking to her would not stop her from doing it.


"I-I am sorry Master, but Mistress Elizabeth insisted that she wanted to prepare the breakfast for you..."

Ciel sighed as he sat on his seat, "Lizzy..."

"I know, I know, Ciel, but I didn't cook it, I swear, it's Bard who cooked it, I just prepared them for you..."

Elizabeth was about to pour the tea for him when he stopped her.

"Lizzy, please sit down, Meyrin would do that for me," Ciel ordered the pouting young woman to sit down and have her own breakfast.

Elizabeth was about to sit down when the butler entered the room with the newspaper on his hand. Greeting the master and his wife cheerfully, it seems like Sebastian was in a really good mood this morning.

"Good morning Young Master, this is the newspaper for today," the black haired demon smiled, "and why are you looking so sour this morning, Young Master?"

It supposed to be "Master", he wasn't really a Young Master anymore but this time he wouldn't correct the demon, "how many time had I told you not to let my wife do the maid job?"

Elizabeth was trying not to look at the butler, she knew that he would not scold her as she was his Mistress now but she couldn't help but to feel guilty. As much as she loved her husband, she would feel bad when she made him scolding their maid and butler. She just wanted to make him happy, why couldn't he see that?

"I am really sorry, Young Master," Sebastian bowed before he cleared his throat, "so Mistress Elizabeth, if you feel bad about this, please don't do this again. Meyrin and the other would take care of the breakfast for you and Young master."

"But," she avoided Ciel's eyes as she protested, "I just want to do my job to make my husband happy!"

"Lizzy," Ciel put down his fork and knife, "your job is to make me happy not to prepare the breakfast for me, I am happy just with you staying by my side. So, please, stay away from what's not your job. Okay?"

Meyrin let out a small squeal. She covered her mouth with her hands while the butler hid a small chuckle. Elizabeth turned beet red. That was not much but it was coming from Ciel. It made her really happy even though she knew, he didn't really mean it.

"Your answer is?"

Lizzy continued eating her breakfast, trying to be indifferent, "okay. I understand."

Ciel glared at the butler when he realized the demon was looking at him with a teasing smile on his face. It had been ten year and he hadn't been changed at all. He would always treat him as a kid.

Ciel was not really lying when he told Elizabeth that he was happy having her next to him. Well it was not really a happy feeling but it was close to it. He wouldn't admit it but sharing his bed with someone else was not bad at all. Elizabeth, as annoying as she might be sometimes, was someone that he really wanted to protect and with her staying close to him as his wife, it would be easier for him to keep an eye on her.

Yes, he could protect her when she stayed near but in other hand, he could not let her getting too involved with him. He, however, was still and probably would always be the queen's dog and there were also people from his past, he didn't want to involve her that far.

Elizabeth maybe couldn't make him happy but he really wanted to keep her happy. It wasn't that hard, playing his role as a good husband and keeping her in the safe distance would do it. Or so he thought.

Ciel brows twitched when he read the headline of the newspaper. A murder in London. The victim was an Earl and was also a relative of the Queen. He had a bad feeling about this.

He didn't know the victim personally but he thought he had met the man once at a party. Earl Kinnison, the victim, was the owner of many factories in London, a really rich man. Ciel didn't know much about the personality though.

The young man was reading the article when a loud bang could be heard from the front door. Ciel stood up and groaned. Another door to be fixed.

"Lizzy, please go back to your room," Ciel massaged his temples. Soon, those people would be here. He knew Finnian wouldn't be able to hold them for too long, "Meyrin, please accompany my wife back to our room."

"But, Ciel..."

"Please, Lizzy..."

He could heard the footsteps. The would be here soon, and he didn't want Lizzy to be around when they were here.

Lizzy bit her lower lip but she nodded.

"Let's go, Mistress," Meyrin tried to say it cheerfully but instead it sounds like a squeal.

Ciel watching both young women left the dining room with a tired look on his handsome feature. Actually he had many works waiting for today but apparently they had to wait.

Sebastian smiled, "should I prepare some tea for them, Young Master?"

Ciel sighed, "do as you wish."


Both men entered the dining room extravagantly. With all acrobatic gestures and all sound effects which didn't impress Ciel at all. The queen should pay for every door they'd broken.

"Welcome to my mansion, double Charles," Ciel almost spat the name but he did his best to stay calm, "so, what takes you here?"

One of the Charles smirked, "good morning, it's been so long since I see you, Lord Phantomhive."

Ciel looked bored, "please sit down and do tell me whatever reason brings you here."

Both Charles' brows twitched at the unfriendliness in Ciel's town but they took their seats and muttered thank you to Sebastian for the tea.

The young earl with eye patch knew that the queen would send her butlers, he knew after reading the newspaper earlier, in the end he would have to do the dirty business, again.

The taller one of two Charles looked at the newspaper on the table, "ah, you've read the news."

Ciel nodded, "about the murder?"

"Yes, Lord Kinnison is a relative of her highness. He had been assassinated last night. The murderer didn't take anything from him, so we thought it wasn't a robbery."

Ciel narrowed his eyes, a dirty work for him indeed, "he had any enemy?"

"Sadly, Lord Kinnison has some enemies, he wasn't really popular for his attitude," the taller Charles coughed, "and since all suspects has been nobles and people with high rank, her Highness wants you to do this secretly."

Ciel closed his eyes and sighed. He knew it.

Dirty work indeed.



Ciel knew, this was not going to be easy. He had promised his wife that he would take a week or two off to go somewhere for vacation with her. They hadn't had their honey moon yet so she was really excited when Ciel told her that they would have a small trip. It was understandable that she would be upset when he suddenly had to cancel it all.

"Yes, I would depart tomorrow morning."

Elizabeth, now twenty four years old, knew that she shouldn't put that childish look on anymore but she couldn't help it, "for how long?"

"I don't know, maybe one week, maybe more." Ciel closed his eyes, pretending to be ready to sleep, hoping that the woman on his side would stop and sleep.

The young wife pouted, she knew Ciel too well, he didn't want to explain, "I would go with you."

"No you can't."

"I would go with you."

"Lizzy, you can't. This is a business trip."

"People bring their wife with them during a business week."

"I am not those people."

"Unless you have another woman to see there in London."


In less than one second, Ciel had been on top of her body. One of his eyes looking at her with a mix of fury and hurt, and maybe a little annoyance.

"I don't have another woman."

Being twenty three and taller than her, Ciel had all the strength to push her down, but it wasn't like Elizabeth would want to push him away.

"Oh yeah?" It was annoying her that Ciel still wearing the eye patch even when he was sleeping but even with that thing on, from this position he still look so sexy, "I would not know, maybe there is a red haired woman with bigger boobs in London..."

This time she didn't say it in anger or hurt, it was more like a teasing and Ciel realized it. He knew what his wife wanted.

"There would always be red haired woman in london, who has bigger boobs," Ciel smirked, he looked into her green orbs, "but for me, I only want this blonde with beautiful green eyes and..." He groped her breast playfully, "...this size."

Elizabeth giggled.

He felt relieved because this time he could get away from his wife's suspicion. He didn't want to involve her into any of his dirty business but he didn't want to face her jealousy too.

Ciel lower his lips onto her white neck and kissed it tenderly. He wouldn't be able to do it with his wife for sometime so he would savor tonight.

Soon, Elizabeth's giggles turn into moans.


Author's Note:

I know, I know... I have another fanfic in this fandom I haven't finished yet but I cannot just ignore this plot bunny jumping around in my mind.

I am Indonesian, so sometime I mistype 'he' and 'she' and other typos... I will fix them later :D

I hope you leave some review, or I will update this like... Next year.