Okay, here goes: This is my first try at JL fanfiction. I hope to get a positive response but I'm most interested in having fun.

Discalimer: I own nothing (meaning no character or name you may recognize) and I'm not making money from this.

Wonder Woman, or Diana as some addressed her, sat at a table in the Watchtower's cafeteria, feeling utterly desolated. Next to her an equally unhappy Shayera Hol picked at her food. Neither of them felt inclined to share anything so the silence lingered. Without Wally to offer a distraction, it was awfully quiet.

"Not to complain," the sultry voice of Black Canary cut through, "but what's up with you two?" Dinah Lance scrutinized the women before her as she took a sit opposite of Shayera resting her bandaged hands comfortably on the table. "Still not over the whole meta brawl incident?"

Diana's eyes narrowed in a glare, while Shayera muttered under her breath. Dinah raised an eyebrow at the two. "So it's guy trouble, then?" That earned the inquisitive blonde two other glares courtesy of an angry Amazon and one irritated Thanagarian.

The winged redhead sighed. "Is it that obvious?" She didn't even look up from her plate as she said it but the annoyance was clear in her voice; whether it was because she was caught or due to said problems, Dinah couldn't say.

The Amazon swirled the orange juice in her cup. "Men." she uttered the word like it was poison. "They are so stubborn. Simply pigheaded."

"Don't forget stupid." Shayera added, having had enough of playing with her food. "Definitely stupid."

Canary bit her lip in indecision. Normally she could hold her own, but against Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman combined, Dinah didn't stand a chance. The heroine took a deep breath. "Want to talk about it?"

"Not here." Diana replied. "I'd rather not risk him hearing." Pride, Dinah decided, would be the downfall of Wonder Woman some day. If not that, then it'd at least make life a lot more harder, and Batman was just as bad.

Shayera nodded along, "She's right."

"Does that mean we're doing this?" The other two nodded. "Okay, we only need to find a place. Any ideas?"

"I volunteer my apartment." Diana offered with a sheepish smile. "That is, if you don't mind us heading down to New York."

"You have an apartment?" Black Canary asked, her face portraying the shock. "When did that happen?"

"Yes, I do. And it's been a while." The princess answered with a soft smile this time. "So?"

"Any chance we could do it tonight?" Shayera ventured before picking a morsel and swallowing it. The Thanagarian was impatient and pissed off, not in the mood to wait but desperate to relax.

"As far as I know, we're all free. Maybe we could call others too." Dinah suggested, brushing a long strand of golden hair away from her face.

"Who do you have in mind?" Wonder Woman conceded, taking a sip of her juice.

"I was thinking: Huntress, Zatanna and Fire."

Shayera snorted audibly. "What?! No Mari?" At Dinah's look she piped down. "Works for me."

"That's okay. How are you planning to get them to come?"

"Oh please!" the fair vigilante exclaimed. "They've been waiting for something like this to happen for some time now. Besides, we aren't busy tomorrow either, unless there's a league emergency. Seven sounds fine?"

"Perfect" Diana replied downing the last of her beverage. "I can count on you to let the Huntress know?" Dinah nodded, slowly rising from her seat; she had preparations to make.

"I'll get Fire, you take Zatanna." Shayera said after a moment of consideration, Black Canary out of view by then. Diana agreed silently. "What's bothering you?" The raven-haired woman shot her a wry look. "Besides the obvious, I mean."

"I've got no idea how to go about this predicament I'm in." she confessed, her blue eyes dropping almost tiredly.

"Nothing easier. We'll meet up at yours, talk and have some goddamn fun. You'll feel better." her friend assured, hand gripping her mace tighter, "If not, I can always beat him over the head with my mace for you."

Diana actually laughed at that, garnering the attention of a few leaguers who still loitered around. "So, I'll see you later then." Shayera winked and started towards Fire's table without offering a response. Wonder Woman sighed; she had her own person to pursue. Maybe J'onn would agree to beam them to the apartment; that would save them a lot of trouble.

Without her realising, Diana's feet carried her to Kara's table where Supergirl and Zatanna were talking animatedly. The magician stopped as Wonder Woman approached, and flashed her a brilliant smile, baring her white teeth. "Wonder Woman." she greeted signalling for the newcomer to have a seat as Kara excused herself.

"Zatanna." Diana acknowledged. "What happened to Supergirl?" Confusion was etched onto the Amazon's face as the blonde cousin of Superman hurried across the platform.

"Don't mind her. She's just unsettled, having some strange dreams." Zatanna explained, twirling the spaghetti with her fork. "How may I help you?"

"Would you," the other paused to collect her thoughts, "be up for a hangout at my place, I think the saying goes? At about seven."

"Do you even have to ask?" The excitement was unmistakable in the magician's voice. "How do we get there?"

"I'll talk to J'onn about that." supplied Wonder Woman. "At least with him I can communicate." she added as an afterthought.

"Ah, guy trouble. I'm all in. Meet you at seven then?"

Diana nodded. "I have to go now, convince J'onn to help."




One Helena Bertinelli was bored out of her mind. It was too early for patrol, but even so the streets had been a lot quieter. It was almost like all the villains had taken some time off. She needed, quite desperately, something to do or else she would go positively insane. And Q was no help at all. Her boyfriend had league business to attend to, so he was unavailable, therefor unable to distract her like he normally did. The Italian named woman cursed under her breath. It was in such moments that Huntress hated having been kicked out of the League.

Fumbling with the remote control, she flipped through the channels hoping to find something to take her mind off the insufferable boredom. A wave of frustration coursed through her. There was nothing and she sure as hell wasn't about to watch Discovery Channel.

The buzz of her phone jolted her from the couch. Something was happening, at last. She picked the device up, nothing excitedly that Dinah was calling. "Helena speaking." she answered promptly.

"Rosa!" Canary greeted in an overly sweet voice that she knew would annoy her friend and added her middle name to aggravate her further. "How are those bruises?"

Helena stopped an acid retort with difficulty. "Did you call just to annoy me?"

"Actually no. As it so happens, I have a proposition for you." came the reply moments later. "How do you feel about a little get-together? We're meeting at Wonder Woman's."

"Tempting." Huntress considered the offer for a few seconds. "I like the sound of this. But I have to ask, won't she mind?" She hadn't been aware that Wonder Woman had her own place.

On the other side of the line Dinah snorted. "Not at all. So, am I picking you up?"

"Depends." Helena said dryly. "Where are you?"

"Just look out your window." Black Canary answered, laughter in her voice.

And there she was, just as suggested by her words. Dinah Lance was outside on her motorcycle dressed casually in a pair of dark jeans and a black leather jacket. Helena mouthed a 'yes' to the blonde and darted about the apartment for an appropriate outfit. Finally settling on a pair of offset white leggings and a long purple short sleeved shirt, Helena hurried to the mirror, brush in hand. The material of her blouse hugged her curves enticingly as she mechanically detangled her hair.

Once she was done, she hurriedly grabbed her jacket and purse and made a quick walk to Dinah, who was waiting outside.

"What took you so long?" questioned Black Canary as soon as the dark haired woman was out the door.

Helena scowled for a moment but soon shot the petite blonde a wry smile and a mischievous look. "So, we're having another girl fight?"

"Worse, guy trouble." Dinah explained, amusement seeping through.

This was unbelievable. "You mean Wonder freaking Woman, champion of her gods, Ms Perfection, has problems regarding men?!" At Dinah's nod she started laughing as she climbed in the backseat of the motorcycle. "Tough."

"Rodents with wings." the fair driver replied with a small smirk.

It wasn't exactly a secret that Wonder Woman was infatuated with one Dark Knight. Nor was his general view of the matter. Batman had refused to pursue a relationship with the Amazon which had been an unyielding source of frustration for Diana. Even if she didn't outrightly vocalize the feeling, it was quite clear that she was out of sorts. Of course the caped crusader bluntly ignored it.

Had it been up to her, Huntress would just lock those two together to resolve whatever it was between them. But knowing Batman, he would find someway to break out, or Wonder Woman would just bust them out. Angry Amazons were frightening. Hell, Amazons in general were scary.

"Let's hit the road!"




"Thank you J'onn." Diana said as she, Shayera, Fire and Zatanna appeared in her apartment. The Martian Manhunter said something to which she nodded. "He said he'll let us know if something happens."

"Let the raging begin." Shayera stated calmly as she plopped herself down on the couch.

"I say we wait for Dinah and Helena." Zatanna commented softly as she sat on a stool and crossed her legs. As soon as the words left her mouth the door opened and the two missing girls strode in. "Let's rage."

"Okay," Helena backed the magician up, "who starts? Fire?"

"Why me?" Beatriz squeaked, face going a violent red. "I don't really have that much of a problem. Really, I-"

Shayera clamped a hand over the Brazilian's mouth effectively interrupting the young woman."Wally is easy." was the only thing the Thanagarian said, to which Diana nodded emphatically.

"Spill." Dinah encouraged her putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I think he's seeing someone else besides me. He's been so distant these past few days; I just don't know what to do. I mean, I know he moves fast but still…he won't even talk to me. Doesn't spend any time with me even when we both have time off." Her voice grew quieter at the end signalling that she wouldn't say anymore.

The listeners were shocked. Could Wally really be a two-timer? "If he is cheating on you, I'll make sure to go extra rough on him during training." Shayera assured a disgruntled Fire who simply nodded in return. "Men! I swear, I don't know what to do with them."

"John still being difficult, I take it?" It was a safe assumption on Zatanna's part. And it just so happened to be the truth. "At least you know you have a future together."

"Sure we do." Sarcasm filled the room. "He just won't open his eyes to see it. Least he's not half as bad as Batman." All looked at Diana.

"I hate him and his stupid unreasonableness." she replied sullenly at their inquiring gazes. "He has this wall; whenever I think I get something, I slam into that goddamn wall of his. Hera! I feel so…hopeless."

Dinah sighed and closed her eyes. "Men are stupid. Ollie won't talk to me." That raised attention. "Yeah. And he has a very mature reason. I recently met a former high school classmate, he invited me to a coffee and I accepted. And Ollie acts like I cheated on him."

Huntress banged her head in her hands. "That's why he's been so nasty lately? Man, and I thought I had it bad. All this time, I've been mentally complaining that Q can't be bothered to do anything with me since he's so busy with whatever case he has. Granted he's never ignored me for this much time but, damn, my problems are nothing."

Zatanna quirked an eyebrow at Helena's confession. "I'm in love with J'onn."

"I'm floored." Beatriz managed to get out, braving the stunned silence.

"I'm serious. What do I do?"

"Hell if I know." Shayera muttered, taming her suddenly messy hair, surveying the confused faces all around. "I need a drink. A distaction. Anything really."

"Maybe we should just take some time off of them." Helena mussed. The interested looks made her continue. "You know, like go out and have fun. I'm not saying we should suddenly be rude to them or anything. But we could go to a club, have a shot of something, flirt a little. Nothing risky. Just a bit of fun. Unwind. Not pay them so much attention for some time. If anything they'll learn to value what we give them."

"If not?"

Shayera shrugged at Diana's question. "I'm about this close to ripping my hair out. I'm sick and tired of this and I am ready to stop pining after that guy. In fact I'll stop if this doesn't work out."

A collective nod ensued at the Thanagarian's sound logic.

First chapter's done. I'll check later for any mistakes.

I hope you enjoyed this and do tell me if you liked it. Reviews make me happy.