Collecting Memories
Natasha has seen more than her fair share of the world, and often times in a light that would make most shudder. And she gotten through it all with her heart of stone and a grim smile.
Things had changed since Clint Barton had forced himself into her existence and her recruitment at SHIELDs. She had been wary to take up on the archer and his offer at first, but it was that, or death.
So she joined SHIELDs and let her past fall mostly by the way side, and created new memories with the man who had been told to kill her without mercy.
They were irrevocably linked from then on, it seemed. Natasha found she didn't mind having a partner, as long as it happened to be Barton, and never argued about it—at least not after she had gotten over the initial shock and hate of being partnered with such an obtuse and overly sarcastic moron.
It hadn't taken long for them to become inseparable. Natasha always had Clint on her mind as she wondered how he was doing, and Clint always wondered about how Natasha felt behind the emotionless mask.
Yes, Hawkeye really had managed to get stuck her head.
But then again he really hadn't gotten stuck in her mind. He had lodged himself in her heart of stone whether she liked it or not.
Clint has also seen quite a bit more gruesome things than most men his age. He had learned to take all his experiences in stride, and never to make a mistake he had made before.
He did not consider showing mercy to a certain Natasha Romanoff (though that was not truly her name at the time) a mistake, but he most definitely learned from it.
He learned that Russians are not the type to easily give in during a fight. He had decided this after his third sparring session with Tasha, after she had deceived him into thinking she was hurt and then landed him flat on his back with a gun drawn and pointed at his heart. That was also the first time Clint had ever seen the Black Widow smile.
His heart had skipped a beat then, and even when she smiled now, it did the same.
Hawkeye would simply shake the feeling away however, and remind himself that Tasha is his partner, nothing more.
She always said love was for children, didn't she?
And even if he acted like a child sometimes, which certainly did not make him one—no matter how many episodes of Adventure Time he would watch with Tony Stark (and though they normally never got along, it was one passion they found they shared, oddly enough.)
Still, his feelings for the ever unemotional Natasha Romanoff would lie dormant before a string of events would awaken them again, bringing confusion and quite a few funny stories to go with it.
And this is where you, the reader come in! This is an interactive clintasha fic (as I don't believe I've come across one yet) where you give me a topic, a sentence, or something to go by to write the next chapter! The story doesn't have to be a continuing storyline, but if you want it to be, it will! The more specific you are, the more difficult and fun the challenge is for me, the more unspecific you are, the more fun it is for people to interpret, and for me to come up with complete randomness! Either way suits me, so just go for it, and have fun! There's a good chance that if you give me something good to work with, that your review will be picked as the basis for a chapter!
So, tell me...
What do you want to happen to our favorite spies next?
gilraenstar :3
P.S. Reviews are key here! (I'm not just trying to be a review whore XD) I want everyone to be involved and have a piece in the creative process, so try! All credit for the prompt/ idea is given to the person who came up with it, I'm jsut here to share some clintasha love!