(August 27, 2012) Just a one-shot, just because I'm bored. :D

I might turn it into more, but only if I get enough reviews. It's kinda...eh, I'll say it straight to the point. It's fluffy. But read it before you judge. Yes, I'm talking to you. But it has its exciting points. No problem. ;D

You might like it. (:

Enjoy, my lovelies.

*EDIT* (July 16, 2014) I wrote this two years ago, and I found too many plot holes for this to actually be as good as I wanted it; I also added substantial amounts of meat to the bone, so if you've read this before, I'd like to ask you to read it again (and please please please don't be mad at me when it's at the top of the updated part again. Sorry I didn't write it right the first time!). Also, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT NATALIE DIED AND THIS IS MY BIG FUCK YOU TO THE WRITER BECAUSE STILL SHIPPING. SHIPPING HARD.

Coming to England was obviously a mistake.

Ian and Amy were still obviously not over Korea, although it had been eight years since.

But then again, he hadn't gotten over some of that stuff that had happened during the hunt.

Screw that. He hadn't gotten over any of it.

He squeezed his eyes shut in frustration. Dan could still hear them arguing impressively downstairs, quite a long way off, considering he was on the third floor.

"...cares about that?" Amy said, and although she wasn't yelling, she most definitely talking in a normal tone, either.

"Well, love—"

"Don't call me love!"

He laughed, hearing that line. Dan still couldn't believe she was still saying it after all these years.

"—it does matter because, although I have this incredibly nice place, we're still dealing with it!"

Oh. So that's what they were talking about about. Money. He was really good at guessing the point of conversations from just one sentence, even before Madrigal standards made the skill required.

What could he say? He was a natural at things like that.

He heard footsteps and immediately went on high alert. There was a flash of luscious, chocolatey hair. He relaxed.

It was just her.

Tally poked her head in. Her nose was wrinkled slightly, but it was enough for Dan to detect it. He was one of the few rare people who knew Natalie, like, really know her. It hadn't happened on purpose, but now with Ian and Amy about to become head of their branches, say, in about four years, they had been spending a lot more time together. Involuntarily.

But still. It counted.

Not that he minded now, with her all hot now.

He blinked at the sudden voice in his head. Wait, hot?

She interrupted his amazing line of thought.

"Hullo, peasant," she greeted, her British accent thicker than usual.

"Hey to you too," he said, rolling his eyes. "I hope you realize that I'm almost richer than you are."

She shrugged her small shoulders indifferently, but her lovely eyes betrayed her amusement. This was their usual greeting to each other.

He could be kicking himself at this point. His mental praiser of Natalie was completely invading his mind today.

Natalie sat down across the room, on a chair, her posture perfect. But she was always perfect, so nothing new here…

Forget kicking himself. He was going to kick the little bastard who kept spewing out compliments in his head.

I don't like her, I don't like her, I don't like her. It was his new mantra.

But in real life, Dan rolled his eyes, betraying none of the inner turmoil that was currently raging (furiously) on.

"Come on, Tally. Live a little."

She cringed almost un-noticeably (but he saw) at the nickname. Natalie hated it—he loved it, which was why he even called her it. When you annoy someone with something you love, it's the best thing ever.

But even she had agreed with him that it was better than 'Nat'.

"I'd rather not be called the same thing as a bug," she had said pompously. "I hate bugs. With a burning passion."

She was so cute when she was annoyed.

After he thought that, his next thought was, Damn, this had to stop.

But even so, the memory brought a grin to his face.

Natalie had yet to relax, stiff as a board and she was looking around, her sharp eyes scanning the room and the window outside.

But Dan knew that it was because of Isabel—she had told him that nearly a year ago when he had caught her in an unusually vulnerable mood—that she was stalling. She still wasn't over that, either.

Well, if you thought about it, having your mom being a murderer did change a lot. Not to mention an abusive murderer, at that. The real question was: who would be over that?

He offered her a small smile that he knew she saw and murmured quietly, "I already checked. Not here."

Finally (once she had deemed it safe enough), she decided to take his advice, and she flounced out of her chair, flopping down onto the soft, beige carpet, mirroring Dan's eagle spread across the floor.

A moan slipped out of her mouth, and he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face (nor the tiny twitch in his pants). Every single time.

"It's so soft. I just can't—"

"Ha," he said, unable to resist the quip, "told you."

"Daniel, shut up."

"Yeah, whatever, Tally."

"You're so vulgar," Natalie shot back.

"What the fuck? How is that vulgar?"

Natalie threw her hands up, an accomplishment for one lying on the ground, especially since her hands had already been above her head.

"Right there: you cursed. But for before, it was generically speaking, stupid," she said, now smiling sweetly at him. His heart did this weird flip-flopping thing that his favorite character on his favorite video game did. "For instance, maybe it's the fact that you are still obsessed over ninjas?"

The truth was, ninjas had lost their appeal to Dan after he learned to fight like one, but he said it anyway, like an old habit or a simple reflex.

"Ninjas are awesome! Don't know what chu talking 'bout."

Natalie rolled her amber eyes then, knowing full well that he wasn't obsessed over it anymore.

The pair lapsed into a comfortable, small silence until it was broken by Amy and Ian arguing downstairs.

Then Natalie sighed loudly, blowing a raspberry, something that he would bet his video games on never happened.

Unless it was around him, that little voice said. Fucking SCOOOOREE!

This time, he was inclined to agree, feeling a little smug.

"I wish they would bloody shut up!" her voice louder than usual.

Dan grinned.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked, her temper beginning to flare.

Oh, god, she was adorable.

But he pretended like it didn't have an effect on him.

He grinned bigger.

"You wanna annoy them?"

She gave him an are-you-kidding-me kind of look, and he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Um, would you like to annoy them?"

Then she laughed, her smile completely genuine and it was perfect. Her eyes glinted mischievously, in a way that made her look like she was hatching an evil, but totally funny plan.

"Yes!" Natalie rolled her eyes, for good measure. "For God's sake, they're not even arguing about something important now!"

As if to prove her point, Amy's voice drifted up, saying something like, "But chocolate fondue is much better than Belgian macaroons! Those are, like, five bucks for one!"

The both burst out laughing, cackling hysterically and struggling to breathe, another thing that he was sure she never did, and he said, between laughs, "FOOD! THEY'RE FREAKING TALKING ABOUT FOOD!"

"I KNOW," she shouted back at him, laughing as hard as he was.

Then she added, as an afterthought, after they finished laughing, "And it was fucking hilarious."

That sent Dan back laughing. "I think...hahaha...that was the...hahaha...the first time...bahahahaha...I've heard you cuss..." he said, still laughing.

"I have cursed before, you arse!"

"...dahahaha...in American!" he finished.

Even Natalie couldn't keep a neutral face on that. The corners of her mouth lifted, once more.

"British people say 'fuck', too. And American isn't a language, stupid," she said gaudily. "Why am I even here with you?"

"Because you like me," he cooed, mocking those girls that Natalie despised (and hung out with), waving her insults away. "What's the plan?"


"I hate you!" she screamed at him.

"I hate you more!" he yelled right back. "What's your problem, Brit?"

Natalie inwardly rolled her eyes. This was Dan's contribution to her plan. But she had to admit, this was rather entertaining. Not like she would ever admit that. Stupid boy.

"Say it right, American! It's British! Don't forget the -ish!" she argued, their voices climbing higher and higher.

God, she almost lost it right there.

She could hear Ian and Amy's footsteps, clattering up the spiral stairs, their argument all forgotten to stop their sibling's.

Natalie gave him a thumbs up, mouthing, "It's working!"

He just flashed a smile at her as if to say of course, sending her heartbeat into uneven thumps.

She had to work on that. Ninja boy probably played nice now, but friends were all she was going to let them be. No way was she going to get hurt. Not ever again.

Natalie was temporarily distracted by that train of thought. Did that mean she would never fall in love or—

Dan's voice brought her back to the present. It was so lovely...and then she cringed from the thought, actually hitting herself in the face.

"Whatever, Brit. I don't even like this place!" His voice was still acting the part, though his face was incredulous, asking her what was happening.

"Better than your rat-hole, peasant!"

She could feel her face radiating heat. Was it just her, or was it stifling hot in here?

No, wait. She was hot. It was her. Okay, nevermind.

By then, Amy and Ian had burst in.

"Guys," Amy said, the tiniest bit breathless, as if she hadn't been arguing a second before, "take a chill pill. Let's talk this out, okay?"

The only indicator from Dan that he was enjoying this immensely was that glint in his eye, that glint full of trouble.

Since when had Natalie Kabra known peasants well?

Well, her brain told her, always logical, he's not a peasant now. I mean, he's rich, hot, and makes you laugh!

Maybe it wasn't as logical as she thought.

Shut up, she told it. Just shut up. He isn't hot.

You're right, it told her. He's incredibly sexy.

Natalie sighed inwardly. Damn you, right brain.

Oh, well. Time for a little action.

She picked up the cheap, emerald-colored vase next to her—she had personally picked it, for situations like these—and threw it at Dan.

Amy and Ian raced over at Dan, who caught the vase effortlessly and smirked.

"Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me."

She almost smiled, she could have squealed. Their plan was reaching a check-point.

She attempted a glare, but was about to burst out laughing. She quit before she actually did.

After all, self control only goes so far. When had it become so undisciplined?

He placed the vase on another desk, and told Amy and Ian, who were skidding on the ground, trying to catch the vase, "Get up already, fools."

Dan offered Amy a hand, and Ian was getting up already, looking a little frazzled at what had just happened.

Natalie wished she had her camera. Her brother almost never looked frazzled, but maybe it was the clothes he had on. Instead of the Armani suit that he was almost constantly in, he was in a white tee and shorts.

Her attention snapped back quickly to the present when Dan glanced over at her, and she winked at him.

He looked a tad thrown off, and Natalie worried that he'd forgotten that that was the signal.

He didn't, though.

Natalie came at Ian, kicking him behind the knee, and expertly handcuffed him with a pair of handcuffs that had been oh so conveniently been sitting on the table.

Meanwhile, Dan had tied Amy up, securing her hands behind her, and tied her ankles together as well.

He tossed her a length of thick rope, telling her, "Tie Ian's ankles up, too. Don't want them getting loose. Lucians and Madrigals, who knows what training we've been through?"

"Wait, wait, wait. Time out," Amy protested. "We haven't done anything wrong! I mean, you were the guys who were arguing, fighting like that."

"Exactly!" Ian echoed. "You were the ones acting like children!"

Natalie shared a smile with Dan, who looked over at the couple incredulously.

"Please," she said, "do you hear what you're saying?"

"You've been arguing downstairs all day long," Dan added.

"You have been using words that would scar a lot of children," she said innocently, batting her eyes at them. "I imagine it's from pent up sexual frustration."

A snicker escaped Dan, but he hid it as a cough.

"As well as throwing a lot of things," he continued, in a I'm-so-patient-dear-me tone.

Ian and Amy were just gaping at them, reminding Natalie of two very large fishes out of water.

"We were just mimicking what you two were doing down there," she said pitifully, loving every part of this entire thing. "Besides, we can't help it that we're stunningly talented. Who knows? We might get an Oscar Award some day."

Dan laughed out loud at that.

"Anyway, we'll be taking a little field trip to the sound-proof room, where you'll either a) make up b) make out, or c) both!" she finished brightly, putting enough sarcasm in it to let them know this time, she was not really cheerful.

"Why?" Amy asked, looking confused.

"Oh, my," Dan said sarcastically, "do explain it to her, won't you, Ian? It seems like my dearest sister hasn't been paying attention."

They dragged their siblings off (with many complaints and insults) and left them in the room, ignoring the protests they were saying.


Natalie and Dan sat outside of the room, laughing about their victory.

Dan sat next to her, close enough that the top of her head touched his knee.

The vibrations from the door subsided, which Dan had passed off simply as banging, and Natalie leaned back on the floor.

He offered her some chips, which she politely declined as she held up a bowl of berries in question to which he shook his head no.

Naturally, she ate his chips (so satisfyingly greasy) and he licked his fingers from spilled juices, and she got awkwardly horny.

So. Awkward, she thought to herself. I'm not better than those...EW! God. I'm so shallow now.

She shifted uncomfortably as she focused her attention back on Dan. He continued with his jokes, which he had been doing for the past thirty minutes.

"So, how many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?"

She didn't respond.


She looked over at him blankly.

Dan sighed dramatically, pitching his voice higher several octaves. "Come on! Get it? OH MY GAAWWWDD."

A giggle may have escaped from her lips, and he looked delighted to have elicited such a reaction. "So you do get it?"

Her poker face was back on, and she declined emotionlessly, staring up at him from her spot on the floor.

Dan sighed, making a piteous face. "Ten tickles? Tentacles? GET IT?!"

He crowed loudly like a...crow.

"You're so stupid. Why am I friends with you? Oh, that's right. I'm not!"

He sighed. "Gosh darn. I thought I had made my first friend…"

She laughed. "I'm so tired," she murmured, curling up into her sleeping position.

"Not me!" he said, cheerfully. "I'm going to see what Amy and Ian are doing."

"Wait," Natalie said, slightly louder. "I want to be there when you do it. Give me a moment."

He sat down again as she tried to wake herself up.

A moment later, she felt his hands on her face, her eyes still shut, and her heart fluttered almost painfully. That is, until he started slapping her playfully.

After a few seconds, she was up.

"Alright," she yawned irritably, trying to glare and failing, "let's go."

"Come on, Tally," he said brightly, slinging an arm around her shoulder, "wake up and have some fun!"

Having him touch her jolted her wide awake, and Natalie scolded herself by letting a single touch giving so much power over her. She stiffened, but then relaxed, afraid of that Dan's feelings might get hurt.

It would be awkward, because she liked him a lot. She wanted to slam her face into a wall. Why was she so obsessed? It was creepy, even to her. What kind of Lucian—and Kabra—was she?

She stumbled, still not fully awake, and his grip on her tightened, just a little, but Natalie felt it nonetheless, blushing.

Natalie was suddenly glad that she had an olivy tone, and that her blushes wouldn't show on her face.

"Whoa, there. It's only, like, a yard away."

"Don't be silly. You're in London, and it would be a meter."

He smiled at her, a very Dan smile, and it made her breath catch, not quite out of her lungs.

Just hormones, just hormones, she repeated to herself.

He unlocked the door, and Natalie screamed.

Now, it took a lot of surprise and pain to make her scream, but nothing had prepared her for this.

Beside her, Dan looked like he was about to hurl.

"OMIGOD!" she yelped. "GET A FUCKING ROOM!"


Amy and Ian were scrambling to get their clothes back on, with Ian helping Amy clip her black bra back on, and Ian yelled right back at them.


Dan looked at her, still gagging and pretending to retch. "The guy's got a point."

Natalie scrunched her nose at him and mirrored his actions. "Good point. Finish your shagging."

Dan slammed the door, and they took off running, down the three floors, and out into the garden, laughing their way there.

They neared the cherry tree, which was in full blossom, its fragrance staining the air, and the brook beside it bubbled happily.

It was pretty, she supposed.

Dan plopped down, but she studied the ground warily.

"What's the matter now? The ground too dirty?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yes," she answered, "really dirty."

He scrutinized her for a moment, deciding that she wasn't kidding, and went back inside.

"Wait! Daniel, where are you going?"

"Dan!" he said. "And I'm going to get you a blanket, Princess Natalie!"

Feeling awkward, standing there alone under the shade, she looked into the distance. Her vision blurred, the way it did when you stared at something too long, and all she saw was green. Natalie allowed herself to relax and closed her eyes, letting her guard down completely.

She heard distinct footsteps behind her, and she spun around, expecting Dan.

The hand around her eyes was not Dan, the scratchy voice was not Dan, this stranger pressed against her with that thing throbbing hard on her back was not Dan.

Natalie wanted to cry, but she steeled herself for a fight.


Natalie couldn't even see her attacker, he was that fast. His arm had slithered around her neck, and she did what everybody did.

She froze.

It was only for a second, but it gave her attacker an advantage. Then, she lashed out at him, throwing her foot high in the air and swinging it back, hitting her attacker in an uncomfortable spot.

He obviously didn't know about the branches or anything, probably coming here to steal, and then saw her, deciding that he would get a little pleasure too.

Not happening.

She swung around, giving her assailant a nasty blow to the head, leaving him a little dazed.

Natalie didn't expect what happened next.

He fell on her, wrapping his arms tight on her, leaving her with no space to move, apparently trying to keep her immobilized until he could see straight again.

She wiggled hard, trying to remember her training, but his lock was tight.

Her blouse tore, and Natalie nearly went crazy right there. Damn. That was her best Prada shirt.

Yeah, yeah. Big news. Natalie Kabra, wearing clothes over again.

She chided herself on being vain. Not now, she told herself, NOT NOW. She tried to focus on the situation, still trying to get out of his grip.

He had a gun pointed against her head. "Don't move, sweetheart."

All she saw were piercing blue eyes and they made her want to shiver and die and just please PLEASE STOP.

She wasn't sure if she was saying it out loud or not but her throat hurt and it must have meant that she was screaming. Why didn't anyone hear her?

His hand ghosted over her skull, and she flinched visibly and she couldn't help it. The mixture of this...monster almost touching her mind, the god-awful cologne that seemed to be choking her, and his entire body pressed against hers was too much; she knew she was still kicking but she could feel her energy weaken.

"You are so beautiful," she heard him say and immediately her hand remembered what fighting was, and god, she was so glad that her knuckles burned because that meant he was burning more.

And he deserved it, because never had she felt more ugly.

His hands were suddenly all over her; they were not gentle like a lover's but rough and unrelenting. Never had she wanted to cry so much before. It was just so wrong; she felt defiled and dirty like she had never before.

Her legs were so cold and she hated that this was the day she had picked to wear a skirt, too flimsy against strength but she cannot, could not give up now.

She tried a back kick, getting her stance the best as she could, but he blocked it deftly.

Bloody hell. He seemed like a professional. She was trying to not go insane, but she couldn't not.

She had never liked help, never, but she sure as hell didn't like (she detested them) someone raping her, and she just couldn't think when those blue eyes were unbuttoning his own jeans. Taking what was sacred, though she had been giving it freely for the past two years.

In pain, she remembered. She had sex with people because she had hurt so badly.

That didn't compare to now.

"DAN!" she screamed. Sobbed. Just wanting him to get off. "SOMEBODY!"

She tasted salt when the other muffled her with his own mouth, and she was so defiled, and oh god WHAT COULD SHE DO

*It's over. Sorry for writing that.*

Speak of the devil.

Dan (her saving grace) seemed to materialize out of thin air, and she barely comprehended the pile of things that he must have dropped from a distance.

He was already in action, all those years of training paying off. But the guy ducked and returned a blow.

Strange. It seemed like he was trained, too. He must have been from the branches.

Dan hit the supposed spy on a sensitive nerve point, and knocked him straight out. Looking angry, he punched the guy another time, for good measure.

Then he was at her side, his hand hovering uncertainly over her.

"Oh my god, Tally," he breathed, his eyes breaking for her. She could just imagine how he saw her then: damaged, dirty, defective. "Did he get you? You okay? I'm sorry. I'm so, so fucking sorry I didn't get here faster. Please be okay."

Natalie was about to nod, but the adrenaline left her body, leaving her to see just how much fear there was in her. She couldn't seem to catch her breath, and she was sure that her eyes were still leaking.

But the standard response came, pushing its way out like a dying breath.

"I'm fine."

Dan's eyes traveled over her body, widening slightly in shock. He was being closed off to the world, too, barely letting down his guard anymore, never really showing how he felt inside.

Her arms rose up to cover her body, and she felt her face heat up as his eyes raked her for damage, before glancing guiltily at her, his own face flushed.

He took off his shirt and she slipped it on, still clutching herself tightly. She felt his hand on the her back, cautiously but gently consoling her.

"Tally. Natalie. I mean it, tell me, please. Are you alright? Is this okay—is it okay if I touch you?"

And then she did something that she would have never done in thousand years.

She flung herself in his arms, and he stiffened in surprise, but catching her all the same. But those arms wrapped around her, and she felt safer than she had in years, and the want to die eased a little.

"No," she whispered, her voice breaking quietly. "I'm so ashamed of myself. I could have taken him down. But I froze."

"Oh, Natalie," he murmured in her hair, which despite her shame, made her shiver even after all that had happened. "Everybody does that."

"But I could have taken him down! And I let him just violate me..."

A shudder ran through her body, and she squeezed her dark eyes shut, trying to stop crying. She couldn't help the whimper that escaped. God. She was pathetic.

His grip on her tightened. "But I got you. I won't let you go."

She buried her head a little tighter in his shoulder, her insecurities falling out of her mouth like they always did when she felt weak.

And she had never felt weaker.

"The point is, when it comes to fighting in simulation, I'm always ready. I passed all my tests with a 101! But put me in real life, I'm a sucker."

"Tally, that's not true," he tried, and it was then she saw the bruise on his lower abdomen. "You took me down in a fight before."

"Dan, that was two years ago. When you were still a rookie," she said, slightly exasperated and curious as to how he got that.

"But you're still amazing, Natalie," he countered.

Ugh, she couldn't help but lament. She had imagined him holding her, telling her she was amazing, but never like this.

She traced his stomach, looking at him inquisitively, before immediately feeling guilty. Was she being manipulative right now?

"What happened?"

His jaw jumped, and her hand darted away. His emerald eyes held her amber ones and they smiled gently at her, letting her know it was okay. "Reason why I was late. I'm so, so sorry, Tally."

Her eyes dropped from his. "I should have been able to handle him."


"Maybe I just have too big of an ego," she murmured to herself, but Dan picked it up anyway, gently tilting her head with both hands to meet his eyes.

"That's not true. And you better get better. You're not going to wallow in your shame for the next week I'm here."

"That's not fair!" she snapped, pulling back from those hands that made her feel less cold. "You should be at least sympathizing with me."

"You wouldn't like that." Confusion colored his face.

"You're right. I don't like you."

"Hey, now. I did save you with my amazing ninja moves."

"Right. Thanks. Happy now?"

Dan looked at her, still in his arms, arguing with him now.

He stiffened, and he untangled himself from her.

"Not really."

"Just go away, Daniel."

"Fine. If that's what you want."

And then he left.


It had been two days now.

And she still wasn't talking to him.

He worried about her endlessly.

Fuck, he thought. I am so screwed.

He hadn't done nothing in the two days; in fact, he had been quite busy, doing everything to keep his mind off of Tally.

He didn't even feel bad when he tortured that bastard before handing him over to the Lucian branch. He had already handed over the other accomplice, Royce Praiden.

The motherfucker, Ringo Czhevsky, was an accomplished hand-to-hand fighter, with too many credentials to count. He seemed as if he was certified in everything.

After many long hours (though qualified, he was not trained to sustain long periods of pain), Dan now knew that he had been after precious documents that were logged onto the Lucian Headquarters in the Kabra mansion.

He hadn't expected Amy and Dan.

He had smiled a little when he heard that. So his sister's little "surprise visit" had thrown it all off. He was glad he came along, because who knew what would have happened to Natalie then?

Natalie. His poor, poor Tally.

Dan knew that she didn't like people seeing into her, convinced that everyone was as evil as her mother.

Ian and Amy knew the feeling, too, wanting to do so much for someone, but being helpless as they suffered.

It was strange, really, now that he thought about Clue Hunt had made them hate each other, and when it was over, half of them had begun dating each other. For instance, Sinead and Hamilton.

God, they were worse than Amy and Ian. They obviously didn't care who caught them in the act of what or when.

But now, the Kabras and the Cahills were practically best friends.

Funny. Well, not exactly best friends. More like, people with mutual benefits.

Yeah. That fit.

But anyway, he was leaving in two days and was possibly not coming back in about, say, a year.

He lounged on his bed, pulling out his phone. Well, it wasn't like the Kabras had any games.

Temple Run. What fun.

Amy came at his door, knocking.

"Oh, hey, sis," he called, halfheartedly playing the game, "what's up?"

"Natalie, that's what."

Amy came into his room and plopped on his mini sofa.

"What about her?" he asked, curious, but eyeing her warily.

Did she crack?

"She's being weird, even for her."

"And you came to me because..." he trailed, wondering if she had told Amy and Ian about what happened.

"Duh, you dweeb—"

He rolled his eyes at the stupid nickname she still hadn't stopped calling him yet.

"—she feels the comfortablest with you."


"Oh, shut up, Dan. Just because we're in England doesn't mean I have to have perfect grammar."

He grinned. "There's the Amy I like."

She rolled her eyes. "Care to tell me what's wrong with her?"

"Well, when you were fucking Ian—"

"Dan! Don't curse!"

He paused, not sure if he should tell her. But he told her anyway, because if anyone could make someone feel better, it was Amy.

"Well, when you were sexing it up with Ian, someone came in here and attempted to rape her and Natalie just froze, but then I came and played hero before she really got hurt, but right now she's ashamed."

He spat it out fast. Those words left a nasty and bitter taste in his mouth.

Amy looked horrified, which was sort of funny. After the Clue Hunt, all their training, and their missions, which she had done as a coldhearted, efficient, and scary girl, it was this that horrified her.

"Oh, poor Natalie," she mused, looking heartbroken for the girl. "Maybe I should talk to her."

"Get Ian to do it," Dan advised, "since he's closer to her."

"Yeah. I'll do that. But you gotta talk her, 'kay?"

"I doubt she wants me to. She told me to leave her alone," he informed her.

His sister cracked a smile. "I find this funny. You never tell me anything, and now you're telling me all about your love life."

He scowled at her. "This isn't my love life. And that's not funny."

She laughed out loud. "And Daniel Cahill is going to listen to what a girl tells him to do, and furthermore, that girl is supposed to be his sworn enemy, a Kabra."

Even he smiled at that. "Supposedly,the Kabras are our sworn enemies, but hey, you didn't think about that with Ian, did you?"

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Amy was not moved. Damn, she never blushed these days. Too confident to, with good reason.

Sigh. Sometimes he missed his blushing, stuttering sister, but that was back when their green eyes were still innocent, hadn't seen all the things they have now.

"Mmm-hmm. And you're going to tell me that you don't with Natalie?"

He glared at her. "Don't you have to tell Ian something?"

She laughed louder. "Fine, fine. Bye, dweeb."


She was so ashamed of herself. All that training, and it still hadn't made much of a distance.


There was a knock at her door.

Hurriedly, she blotted out the tears and applied mascara in record time. Natalie yanked the brush through her dark hair and flushed the toilet, just to wipe suspicion away.

She opened the door, ready to slam it if it was Dan, but was met instead by Ian.

"Natalie, can I come in?"

Funny. He was actually trying to be nice...something was up. Did he know?

Natalie narrowed her eyes at his. "What do you want?"

"Just to talk," he replied vaguely, looking a little uncomfortable.

She was not moved. "Like..."

Ian sighed in defeat. "Look, Amy said you had a big problem, and that I should talk to you about it."

She laughed at him;

"Listen to yourself, Ian. You're letting a Cahill girl telling you what to do! You're a Kabra,for heaven's sake."

He rolled his eyes and brushed, but she knew that the remark hit hard.

Natalie smirked. So she wasn't completely incapable of living.

"Natalie, please. She suggested it, and since we hadn't talked—really talked—in a long time, I said okay."


"Yes. Stop being petty. Did you forget all your training?"

The comment hurt, and it hit a little close—too close—to home.

Suddenly, Natalie was close to tears, her eyes brimming, about to cry in front of someone (Dan didn't count. Bastard always found her when crying) for the first time in years.

Ian looked taken aback.

"Bloody hell, Natalie, are you alright?"

Natalie blinked twice, and to her relief, those goddamned tears retreated at her command.

"I'm fine."

"Natalie," her brother commanded, eyes scared, "look at me. What in the world happened, something so bad that made you cry? Was it Daniel?"

"Dan," she corrected, "and no."

"Then, who was it? The last time I saw you like this was, what? Six years ago? Hell, I would go as far to say you haven't been crying at all, if your pillows weren't wet occasionally!"

She was confused to as to why he checked her pillows, but she let it slide and responded with her trademark slogan.

"I'm fine."

"You aren't," Ian said, worry creeping in his voice a little, barely detectable.

Damn. He must be really worried if he was letting that much show.

"Tell me," he begged.

Natalie wouldn't budge, amber orbs so robbed of emotion. I will do this, she told herself. I can execute my training as flawlessly in test and in life.

"I'll go ask Amy," he threatened. "I would have before, but I wanted to hear it from you. Please, Natalie."

"Go away," she murmured, the tears still close. "Just go away."


Ian went outside, towards the bench under the willow, where Amy was sitting, staring off into the distance.

He sat down beside her, and she turned towards him, her jade eyes expectant.

Ian just shook his head ruefully, hating to disappoint her.

Bloody Mary. Natalie was right. He was going soft.

"What happened to her? That's the first time I've seen her cry—nearly cry—in years," he said softly, not wanting anyone to hear.

Amy sighed, looking away again. He heard the wind blowing faintly in the background, rustling her lovely copper locks.

His breath caught looking at the beauty before mentally berating himself. She was trying to talk to him, and here he was, ogling her.

He was twenty-one, after all. Only so much he could do.

"Damn," she muttered, mostly to herself.

Ian raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow at her. Amy wasn't the cursing type.

"I didn't think it would affect her that much. You know, since she has a harder shell than you do."

"What? What affect her that much?"

"I kind of thought Dan was kidding," she replied vaguely.

"Daniel? I'll kill him if he made her cry!"

"You're such a moron," she chided, swatting at him. "Dan saved her. He probably understands her better than you do now."

Ian was just gaping at her.

"Are they, you know, going out?" he stammered out.

Amy rolled her eyes at him. "Not yet, you clueless git. They're barely talking right now. So we do something to make them talk."

She ran her fingers absentmindedly against his arm as she thought.

Ian smirked at her now, getting back into familiar territory.

He planted a kiss far from chaste on her lips. Amy sighed, but she didn't resist him as he murmured against her skin. "I like where you're going with this...keep talking..."


Natalie rubbed her pounding head. It was throbbing, and it hurt so bad.

What happened?

A hazy recollection came to her. Somebody had snuck into her room, while she was sleeping, and put something in her.

She'd fought, but her body never listened to her brain.

She shook her head. It felt like a hangover. Times a hundred.

Where was she? Had she been taken? Was it another branch?

Natalie's head was spinning with questions, which was something she definitely didn't need.

She tried to get up, but there was something pinning her down.

Natalie flailed blindly—her head was still pounding—managing to shove it off of her. She was panicking and didn't think that she could handle another attack.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes, her vision clearing a little.

Oh. The 'it' was Dan.


He moaned, rubbing his stomach and head. She'd be lying if she said she didn't want him right then and there.

"Awww, fuck, that hurt!"

A beat late, he added, "Whoever you are, I'm going to kill you."

Way to ruin the moment, she thought groggily.


Dan sat up straight, looking as if he wanted to hurl while still managing to look hot as hell. "Natalie? What the hell?"

"I don't know," she answered, her tongue thick in her mouth, her brain slow. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

Where did that come from?

He laughed, and tried to look at her. "I think you're sexy," he warbled.

She giggled, something she had never done. She had been doing a lot of things she had never done in the past week.

But oh, god, the things you did when you were intoxicated.

"Do you know what else I think?" he asked, his words messy and unrecognizable. "I think you need a kiisssss frrooom me."

He leaned close to her, while she was tried frantically to think about how to get them out of this state.

Not that she really minded.

Dan being a breath's width from her didn't really help the situation.

"I know I do...hush, I'm trying to think...oh, my god, WATER!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Come here, I have a secret to tell you," he slurred, his tongue heavy.

Natalie rolled her eyes, or, at least, tried to, and got up, her feet unsteady. She walked over to the sink, nice of whoever did this to put it there, and splashed water all over her face.

The difference was astonishing.

Her headache cleared, her vision sharpened, and her stance steadied.

Hurriedly, hastily, she cupped her hands full of water, and splashed it over Dan.

Almost instantly, he was on his feet, blinking rapidly, back to his normal sexy self.

Oh, God. This really had to stop. Or they'd turn into another Amy and Ian, wanting each other so much, but never being able to date.

Dan interrupted her dilemma. He shook his blondish hair

"Who the fuck did this?"

But it was better than to think about that.

"Very vulgar, Daniel."

"Very proper, Tally," he mocked.

She rolled her eyes, a lot better than her last attempt.

"So who did this?"

Dan surveyed the room, looking thoughtfully around.

"I think this is that room in your mansion, no? I think it was Amy and Ian."

Natalie could bang her head over and over again.

"Of course. Revenge."

"Mmmm-hmm," she heard him agree.

"Right," she said practically. "We'll just wait for them to let us out. It can't be long."


17 hours later

Dan groaned, as he rolled his neck around, stiff from sleeping in an awkward position.

His shoulder felt oddly heavy, as if pinned down. By what?

He blinked, and shifted so he could see what was on his arm.


Holy shit.

They had fallen asleep on opposite sides of the room, and this had happened?

Nice going, fate,he thought sarcastically.

Dan watched her, still asleep, her pretty features relaxed.

He had a sudden urge to kiss her, right then and there. She was constantly afraid of letting people down, but her imperfections were what made her beautiful and right now, her facial expression was completely unrestricted and he didn't think he'd ever breathe again.

It wasn't fair how life worked, putting him into hard decisions like that sometimes, wanting the person he would probably never get.

Yup. Life was a bitch.

But maybe he could sneak a kiss.

He leaned slowly over her, making sure he didn't move his arm, the one that she was sleeping on.

Dan was close enough to kiss her now, and his heart was beating erratically.

Natalie's eyes fluttered open. They zoomed in on Dan.

"Dan? What are you doing?"

Oh, fuck. He got discovered.

"I was trying to get my arm from under your head," he lied smoothly.

When her expression said, "I don't believe you," he clarified, "Without waking you up."

She still didn't look that convinced, but she let it go.

So, taking advantage of her drowsiness, Dan asked, "So how are you coping?"

Natalie froze, looking at him warily.

"About what?"

"You know what."

She opened her mouth, but then closed it again, not saying a word.

"C'mon, Natalie."

She remained silent.

He stayed silent with her, knowing that she just needed a little company. Their...friendship was built on silences, and when you could have an utterly quiet room without feeling awkward, that was true companionship, he thought.

Tentatively, he put his arm around her, unsure if she would go berserk on him.

Natalie didn't. She leaned back against him, burying her face in his shirt. She fit him so well, and he could feel himself melting under her touch.

Dan just held her close, because he knew how much it costed her, just for him to see a little part of her vulnerability, to show him a little of her weaknesses.

But she didn't cry, not a single drop.

He didn't say, "It's okay." or "Everything will be fine."

What he did say was, "I'm here for you, Natalie."

She just clutched him all the tighter.


The weakness was still there in her, the pain etching a hole in her heart.

It was horrible, letting someone see the pain, even though it was just a little.

It was completely embarrassing, but it made her burden just a little lighter, a little easier to carry.

It helped that the person that saw it was Dan.

It helped that he never judged her now, unlike anyone else in the world.

But it didn't help that she had a big time crush on him, making her like all those teenage girls that she despised.

And her clutching at him—rather, the way he was holding her so perfectly—the way she was most definitely did not help.

Oh, well. Not everything could be perfect.

But it scared her how...how...she'd become so...unsecretive now. It was her nature to have her walls up, her guard up, never trusting anyone.

But having them down felt...nice.

"I'm scared they'll come after me again," she blurted, hating how scared she sounded.

Dan just ran his hand over her long tresses over and over, something Natalie had imagined too much.

Not that much, of course.

The rhythmic strokes calmed her, reminding her to breathe in and out, and try to forget about the almost-rape.

It was still haunting; it made her frustrated, since she should be stronger than that.

"Nobody expects you to be perfect, Tally," Dan murmured in her ear, guessing her thoughts, sending a tingle down her spine.

But she did.


A few hours later

And she was sitting in his lap, all her thoughts muddled, everything forgotten.

Almost everything.


His lips were on hers, their first kiss, fire all over her body, anywhere that he touched.

Dan made her knees feel like jelly, and that thought sent message after message that she was weak.

Just like all those girls that she despised.

But for the moment, she didn't care.

She forgot everything except that Dan was kissing her, and it was better than she imagined.

It was soft, tender, and rough, exciting, all at the same time.

Natalie knotted her hands in his blondish hair, which was soft, nothing like Natalie had ever expected.

His lips were so soft, but the kiss was fire-like, making her tingle all over.

She threw herself into the kiss, letting everything out, all of the emotions she had bottled for years, out.

Apparently, Dan was doing the same thing.

When she finally pulled away, he latched on to her neck, giving her a—what did Americans call it?—a...hickey.

He looked up at her, and she could see that his lips were swollen, kiss-swollen.

By her.

The thought made her want to jump up and down, over and over.

Their breathing was ragged, and her heart was working overtime.

His hands slid up her shirt over her smooth stomach, and Natalie shivered uncontrollably. Dan jerked his hands away, looking immensely guilty.

No, she thought and she placed her hands on his hard abdomen, finding the familiar edges on his skin. She was briefly irrationally irritated that his shirt existed.

It was off in a moment, and Dan looked as if his dreams came true. Her fingers ghosted over his body as his lips attached to her collarbone, marking her again.

"This is...intense," she managed.

He pulled her close, and everything she wanted to say disappeared again.


Amy and Ian risked opening the door, and peeked in.

Natalie and Dan were locked in a passionate embrace, completely oblivious that they were being watched.

Amy let out a little giggle.

About time they got together.

Meanwhile, Ian was staring open-mouthed at their siblings.

She planted a little kiss on his cheek.

"Keep looking like that, love," she mocked him lightly. "It's not often I get to see you staring like that."

He was actually sputtering now.

It was so...so...cute.


"Half naked, too," Amy commented dryly, quietly shutting the door, giving Dan and Natalie a little privacy. She deserved it, after all she'd been through.

"B-but...Natalie...and D-Daniel?"

"Dan," she corrected, tapping his nose.

Ian's eyes were still saucer sized.

Then, she wrapped her arms around Ian's neck, bringing him closer to her.

"And so are we."

So, did you like it?

If so, please review.

If not, please review.

See, it all works out, huh?

Did anyone get confused? I switched POV's a lot, and I never hinted it. Besides, the "~.~", I mean.

Right? I didn't think this deserved a "M" rating, either. But just to be safe, eh? Don't want my account taking, now, right?

Mmmm, well if you liked it or didn't like it, please review.

**Edit: (16.07.14) So it just became a lot darker, and now has total reason to be rated M for what it is.**


