I didn't repost this part in a timely manner because I wanted to edit, fill in missing parts, etc., and I apologize for that. Unfortunately, my muse doesn't want to cooperate so it's staying exactly as it has always been. I am sorry for the delay as my best intentions went awry. ~Calla

Chapter Eleven

"Cho, where is she?" Jane skidded to a stop in front of the Korean agent.

He'd gotten to the hospital as fast as he could. He'd been working that gang related drug case with Petrelli's team out of town for a couple of weeks. Fortunately not so out of town he couldn't call in a favor and get a helicopter ride over which explained why he'd arrived by elevator and not through the emergency room doors as expected.

"She's been back there a while." Cho's head tipped in the direction of the emergency room doors. "You're not seeing her until they finish what they're doing so we might as well have a seat." If Cho was surprised that the other man sank into the first available chair, his face remained expressionless. Jane's blind obedience betrayed exactly how anxious he was.

"I can't believe this is happening again. I can't leave that woman alone for a minute without her getting in some kind of trouble."

"Never happened before she got pregnant by you."

"What are you saying?"

"Like father, like kids?"

"Oh, like the old Jane gene is a trouble magnet?"

"You said it, I didn't."

"You may be right." Jane smiled before his face turned serious. He'd needed a moment of levity to gather his thoughts but now it was time to get down to business. "What happened?"

"You said Red John would wait until it was real." Jane's breath caught in his throat.

"Red John?" The other man's body froze in shock.

"He tried to leave you another gift that keeps on giving." Cho's voice remained the familiar monotone most people found so disarming.

"Red John came after Lisbon?" Expecting it to happen at some point and knowing it had happened were two different things. Cho wouldn't have believed it possible for the man to blanch any whiter than he already was.

"He knew you were out of town. He picked the moment Lisbon was the most vulnerable."

"He's been watching us." Leave it to Jane to state the obvious they'd always known.

"He struck when he thought our guard was down." Cho's brown eye bored intently into Jane's. "Lisbon would have died if she'd stayed in her apartment. He'd have been in and out before we could stop him." Jane's eyes drifted closed as shudders rocked his body at the unbearable thought of another smiley face splattering across a different wall.

"Keep going." Light eyes caught brown.

"He didn't know about that hidden surveillance system the boss had us watching 24/7. He didn't know there were guns stashed in every room. He didn't count on Van Pelt hiding out in the basement watching the surveillance feed or the rest of us being across the street. I thought he would have realized Van Pelt never left. He didn't. I guess he got sloppy."

"He didn't get sloppy. He didn't care. He figured he could handle two women with ease." Especially considering one of them was heavily pregnant with twins.

Jane was grateful the team had moved Lisbon into their new home a week ago when she'd suddenly decided she'd made her stubborn little point. The move had coincided with her enforced maternity leave. That she'd loved the house and wanted to move in from the start was a given, but it was the principle of the thing. Corralling her wayward partner was more important than her wants but the lure of that perfect nursery had eventually overpowered her. Her nesting instinct had overridden her common sense.

Up to that point the little woman had maintained he just couldn't make such life altering decisions without her. It wouldn't do and if he ever did it again he could live on that couch forever. Jane smiled at the thought. Leave it to the mommy to be to make her own life altering decision while the daddy to be was out of town. Fortunately, Grace had moved into one of the guest rooms so Lisbon wouldn't be alone. Cho and Rigsby had never been far away either. The team's diligence and familiarity with the house and Lisbon's paranoia had saved both women's lives.

"He figured wrong. They both put up a hell of a fight and the boss ended it with a bullet between the eyes. It's over, Jane. Red John is dead."

"I always expected Lisbon would take him out for Bosco. I'm glad. I'm really glad. Now she can let it go." The sound Cho made was faintly reminiscent of Lisbon's best snort.

"She took him out for you." Cho's volley hit him right in the gut as the other man intended. "Now you can let it go."

"Yeah, I guess she did. I guess I can. What about Van Pelt? How badly was she hurt?" Jane deliberately asked about Grace first. He wasn't ready to deal with the whole Lisbon thing yet.

"Mild concussion, few cuts and bruises, a stitch or two. They aren't keeping her. Rigsby will be here as soon as he finishes the paperwork."

"Where were you while all this was going down?"

"Where do you think? We couldn't get a clean shot without hitting one of the girls. Fortunately, it was over before we could really intervene."

"What about Lisbon?"

"She got pretty banged up before she took him down."

"How many times did he cut her?"

"I don't know. She did a good job fending him off."

"But he did cut her. Is that why she's here?"

"I don't think so. I'd say this is more precautionary."

"No, it's not. What aren't you saying?"

"She's tough, Jane; but, she had her hands on her stomach. She winced a few times when she thought we weren't looking. I'd say it's more than precautionary."

"You think she's in labor?"

"Yeah, but they haven't said anything."

"I think they're about too." Jane stood up as the nurse approached them. "How is she?"

"She's one tough lady. Mr. Jane, if you'll come with me, the doctor will tell you more."

"I'll let you know something as soon as I can."

"I'll hold the fort. Rigsby's coming around the corner and Van Pelt will be out when they finish."


Jane followed the nurse through the much hated swinging doors only to emerge a short while later looking decidedly less steady than when he'd gone in. Not allowed to see Lisbon yet, he had been updated on her status. Deciding to share what he'd learned with the team before bearding the disgruntled lioness in her den, Jane was happy to see a battered Van Pelt had joined Rigsby and Cho. Giving her an affectionate hug, he was truly grateful Grace hadn't been seriously injured.

"You look good, Gracie, all things considered. Thanks for what you did. I'm glad you're okay. As for Lisbon, I haven't seen her yet. Red John got in a few slashes. Most were superficial defensive wounds but a couple needed stitches. Like Van Pelt, he banged Lisbon up pretty badly but with more serious consequences."

"What do you mean?"

"Between the shock and the battering, she's gone into labor and they can't stop it. There's no signs of fetal distress which is good. They're a month early but that isn't unexpected with twins anyway. So far everything's fine, but given the circumstances they're monitoring them closely. I have to give the technicians about fifteen minutes to finish some tests before I can see her. Their fifteen minutes is about up so I'm going in. I'll let you know something as soon as I can."

"We'll be here."

"I know you will and I want to say thanks for both of us."

"What else is family for?"

None of them had forgotten the breakthrough of that night a few weeks ago or the time they'd spent together since. Lisbon had finally acknowledged what Jane and her team already knew. It was more than professional loyalty. They truly were a family. Contrary Lisbon's fears, accepting that fact hadn't negatively impacted their performance in any way. If anything, they were even better at their jobs while still maintaining the highest solve rate the CBI had ever known.

"Thanks, Gracie. See you guys in a while."

Jane disappeared through the swinging door leaving the team to entertain themselves. Standing at the door to Lisbon's room unsure of what he would find, he struggled for a few moments to pull his act together. It wouldn't do to let Lisbon see how shaken he really was. Nerves steeled, Jane pushed through the door and walked inside.

"Hey, you, I can't leave you alone for a minute." Lisbon opened her eyes at the feel of her lover's lips against her cheek. She'd never been so glad to see Jane's concerned, but smiling, face.

"Speak for yourself. At least I got the job done. What do you mean bailing in the middle of an operation? You're usually reluctant to quite when you're torturing people."

"This is a little more important than cracking a couple of low rent gang bangers no matter how much fun I was having."

"Yeah, well, maybe you're right. Red John's gone."

"I know. Thank you for taking him out."

"What can I say? We get the job done at the CBI. I was worried you'd be upset."

"I am. Not that he's dead or that you killed him; but, yeah, I'm upset I wasn't here to prevent you from getting hurt."

"That wasn't going to happen. He wouldn't let it. Everything went down exactly as Red John planned. We just changed the last inning so he didn't win."

"It was also a hell of way to christen our new home."

"Hey, it's nothing new carpet and a can of paint won't fix. I can live with the memories. Can you?"

"Yeah, I think I can. As long there's no smiley face on the wall." Maybe a little brain matter, but no smiley face. Yeah, he could live with that. He'd lived with far worse for a long time.

"Nah, he never got that far." Then he could definitely live with it.

"Then I can live with it. I doubt we could sell the place now anyway. Just so you know, Lisbon, they're fine. We just have to get you through the delivery and it's a done deal. We're a happy family."

"We already are." Lisbon stared at the hand entwined with hers.

"Yes, we are. How are you feeling?" Jane thought about the anxious faces in the waiting room. He had no doubts Elise would appear as well before the night was over. She'd gotten pretty close to Lisbon over the weeks though Van Pelt had gotten closer.

"Okay. The contractions are regular but they're not unbearable. They'll know in a while whether we're doing it the natural way or whether we'll need surgery.

Patrick, I don't want a c-section. These are the only babies I'm going to have and I want to enjoy the full experience."

"I don't know how much enjoyment there is in the full experience, Lisbon; but, we're going to do what's best for you and for them. If that's surgery, then so be it. As for the other, we can always have more. There's nothing to stop us." He hoped that was true.

Somehow, unbeknownst to either of them, Lisbon had migrated into his waiting arms seeking comfort. Jane was seated on her bed clutching her to him as though he would never let her go. Somewhere in the grabbing he'd removed the chain from around her neck and palmed her engagement ring. Lisbon was so busy trying to crawl into him she never noticed the chain and the ring he slid into his pocket.

"You really mean that, don't you?"

"We can have as many babies as you want."

"We'll talk when this is over."

"You've got yourself a deal."

"Jane, I'm scared. It isn't supposed to be this way."

"I know, Lisbon." Jane kissed the top of her head. "I'm scared, too, but we'll get through this like we have everything else. I'm here now and I'll be here when our little ones are born."

"I know you will; but, this isn't how it's supposed to be."

"Teresa, stop saying that. This is us you're talking about. This is exactly how it's supposed to be in our world. We've never done things the easy way. We tend to do things ass backwards if we're honest like making babies before we get to the first date." Lisbon groaned at the reality of his words.

Their first real date had been the night they'd taken the team to Niko's to announce they were expecting. In the months since, the Pappas family including old Niko himself had welcomed Lisbon into the clan. A friend of Jane's, especially his blossoming lady love, was a friend of theirs. The taverna was the one place they could be a couple without fear of being caught so it had become their regular spot.

"Think about the exciting story you'll have to tell the little ones about the day they were born. Their handsome, brilliant Dad was off on some two bit drug case with a couple of losers from Petrelli's team while their feisty little Mom was taking down Red John, the most notorious serial killer in California history, with some help from sexy Auntie Grace before calmly riding off to the hospital to welcome them into the world."

"That's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard. I certainly won't be repeating it to our children and I certainly won't be telling them their Dad thinks Aunt Grace is sexy."

"Sure you will. Oh, you'll choose your words, and your version, but it'll still go something like this: Mother Teresa saves the world while Daddy was goofing off. Besides, you know it's all true. As for Van Pelt, she is definitely one gorgeous, sexy woman. Not as gorgeous and sexy as you; but, then, no woman is."

"Good save, but I'm still not telling our kids that story."

"Seriously, Teresa, we wouldn't be here now if you hadn't taken leave of your senses one night. In a moment of weakness you took a chance on me."

"You did the same."

"Yeah, I did, but you weren't a long shot. I loved you and I knew you loved me. It wasn't much of a gamble on my side, My Dear."

"When you put it that way, you may be right.

By the way, you weren't off working some two bit case. You were taking down some soulless thugs who've killed a hundred and fifty-seven people with the poison they're putting on the street. I'd call that pretty heroic.

Besides, you're busted. Petrelli called right before you came in and said the guys you helped apprehend are squealing like a couple of scared little girls. They've rounded up ninety percent of the gang and are hot on the trail of the leaders across the border.

It took you two weeks of that scary mumbo jumbo you do to wrap up three years of undercover work. Everyone knows they couldn't have done it without you. Whatever you said or did frightened those monsters more than anything the homeboys could do. So it sounds like you finished the job before you left."

"Yeah, I guess I did. I figured you'd kick my butt if I left Petrelli hanging."

"I probably would. I can't have you making my team look bad. Jane, what are you doing?" Lisbon jerked her hand out of his grip. Jane playing with her fingers was just too weird with everything else that had happened today.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm staking my claim for everyone to see. If you don't think leaving Petrelli hanging and commandeering Mash's personal helicopter to get here set tongues wagging in new ways at the CBI you're even better at denial than I thought. It's now blatantly obvious to everyone we're more than booty call buddies muddling through an unplanned pregnancy yielding double dividends."

Mashburn hadn't hesitated to loan his helicopter when the other man called. He and Jane were still on friendly terms. More like friendly rivals considering the billionaire still carried a torch for the sexy lady cop who'd bedded him and walked away. He'd never quite figured out what the eccentric consultant had that he didn't. There had to be something since Jane had ended up with the girl. Actually more than just the girl since the sexy lady cop carried not one but two baby Janes. While one, much less two, baby Mashes would have cramped Walter's style, Jane was over the moon. Oh, well, best of luck to them. They'd need it from the sound of things.

"Lisbon, it's time to acknowledge this isn't a casual thing. It's time to end the lie and stop the mean little whispers. I don't like the spiteful, malicious rumors they're spreading behind your back. They're ugly and hurtful."

"You've got to be kidding me. That crap actually bothers you? Jane, they're just jealous I got the best looking piece in the office and this isn't going to stop them." Lisbon wiggled her finger. "Honestly, if they knew how much trouble you were, they'd thank me. Besides, it'll probably only make it worse. Have you taken a look at this rock? It's gorgeous and I don't even want to imagine how much it cost." The ring was perfect for her finger because Jane had designed it and had it made for the woman he loved.

"Teresa, it might make them stop hitting on me. I'm tired of being groped and prodded like a piece of meat." His voice was deadly serious. The attention he was getting was no longer amusing. It was becoming downright insulting. "The bigger the baby bump gets the more attention I'm getting from those lecherous females. I'm tired of getting cornered by a bimbo in heat every time I turn around. It's really becoming a nuisance. Besides, the only woman I want pressing her luscious breasts into my chest and pinching my backside is you." If Lisbon truly knew the extent some of the women were going to lure him into their bed there would be more dead bodies littering the CBI than there were dust bunnies under his desk. Some things were just better left unsaid.

"Stop your whining. I'm surprised the great Patrick Jane can't handle a little sexual harassment. Face it, Jane, the bigger the baby bump gets the less action they think you're getting at home. The less action they think you want. What man in his right mind gets turned on by a beached whale?"

"Guess it's a good thing I'm not in my right mind."

"Guess so. They'd drop dead from shock if they knew."

"They probably would as I have quite the healthy appetite for a certain beached whale."

"A certain beached whale has a healthy appetite for you is more like it."

Lisbon couldn't help laughing. Mercifully, the man seemed to have no problem with her still raging libido which was a good thing. She'd quickly become addicted to being worshipped by Patrick Jane. He took his assignment seriously and his infinitely creative mind adapted easily to her rapidly changing body to the enjoyment of them both. There were definite perks to having a Lisbon obsessed Jane underfoot all the time and she was taking advantage of every one.

"I told you there's nothing sexier than a pregnant woman and I meant it. Actually, there's nothing sexier than a pregnant Lisbon. All other women pale in comparison. Now, Woman, are you going to wear the ring?" Lisbon had worn it around her finger the night they'd gone on their first couples' dates with the team, but the rest of the time it was safely hidden on the chain around her neck.

"Jane, we can't. Something this overt will make Hightower split us up. I can't deal with losing you yet." Lisbon couldn't deal with losing him ever, but she wasn't about to share that information. Jane's ego was already big enough.

"Let me worry about Hightower. That ring stays on your finger, not around your neck. Besides, if you refuse to wear my ring, they'll still know things have changed." Jane wiggled his ring less finger in her face.

"Where's your ring?"

"It's safely locked away at home where it belongs."

"You don't have to do that."

"I know I don't; but, I'm ready and it's time. We've started a new life. This finger is going to remain bear until you decide to claim it."

"Soon, Jane, I'll claim it soon. I promise." Lisbon's arms tightened around him as she pressed into him trying to get as close as possible. It frightened her how badly she wanted to marry this man. She'd finally gone completely over the edge. Control issues aside, this was Patrick Jane she was dreaming about.

"I know you will and I'll hold you too it."

"I'm counting on it." Jane couldn't resist her beckoning lips. Lisbon deepened the kiss pouring all of her love and gratitude into the gesture before suddenly pulling away.

"Lisbon?" Catching the look on her face, his eyes dropped to the hands gripping her belly. "What's wrong?" Lisbon was obviously in terrible pain.

"This isn't what they told me to expect. Get the nurse, Jane. I think I'm bleeding." Looking down Jane was surprised to see that Lisbon was indeed bleeding. Alot.

Chapter Twelve

"Hey, don't hurt yourself." Jane smiled as he felt loving arms encircle him from behind. There was nothing like a Saturday morning in the park watching the kids play.

"I won't."

"What were you thinking about so hard?" Drawing Lisbon around the bench by her hand, Jane pulled his wife down to sit between his legs. He'd thought he'd left her peacefully getting some much needed rest, but he was obviously wrong.

"That I'm a lucky s.o.b who doesn't deserve any of this." Lisbon smiled as his arms encircled her waist palms resting against the slight swell of her tummy.

"You're a good man, Jane. You so deserve all of this. We both do."

"Thank you, Lisbon."

"Don't thank me. It's the truth."

"Thank you anyway. How are you feeling? Are the little monsters still giving you a fit?"

"It doesn't seem to be that bad right now. Actually, I'm fine."

"You're better than fine. You're positively glowing."

"I know. Pregnancy suits me."

"Yes, it does, but all good things must come to an end. I know I said you can have as many munchkins as you want, Teresa, but this is it. I'm putting my foot down. No more. Five is enough. Contrary to CBI gossip, you aren't a baby making machine and we don't have to repopulate Sacramento single-handedly. We certainly don't have to do it in three years. Besides, I don't want you going through this again. Neither of us is getting any younger."

Having just learned they had a second set of twins on the way, Jane had been giving the matter serious thought when he'd been so pleasantly interrupted. Lisbon's second pregnancy had been relatively stress free and uneventful compared to the first. Not being shot or beaten aside, morning sickness with a single had been infinitely more manageable than with doubles. Jane had been present at the birth of his son to guide and comfort his testy wife.

This third pregnancy in as many years was proving to be more like the first which had tipped them to the probability they were having doubles again. Unlike the first time, Lisbon's pregnancy was progressing satisfactorily in spite of the twenty-four hour morning sickness which they were both handling with surprising grace having endured it all before. Even taking that into account, enough of a good thing was enough.

"Okay. We'll have you fixed as soon as this is over."

"We will not." Lisbon laughed at the indignation on her husband's face.

"Hey, it's you or nothing, Buster."

"We'll just have to be more careful." It was Jane's turn to laugh. Lisbon had perfected her snort to high art in the years they'd been married. She'd had plenty of practice.

"Yeah, right, we're the poster children for family planning." Pressing his hands against her belly, Lisbon giggled at the ridiculousness of her statement. "We'll look into our options later."

"Whatever you say, Dear."

Lisbon smiled watching her three kids playing in the sandbox with their nanny. She'd married Jane in an intimate ceremony three months after being released from the hospital. Minelli had given her away. Grace and Elise had worn emerald green as promised. Rigsby was a groomsman and Cho was best man. Her brother's had watched in disbelief as she became Mrs. Patrick Jane. Lisbon was never sure if it was disbelief that she was marrying at all or disbelief their straight shooting big sister was marrying a man who operated so openly in shades of gray. Disbelief aside, as long as she was happy, they were happy for her. Everything had been perfect thanks to her sneaky soon to be husband who knew her tastes better than she did.

Four months later she'd been shocked to find herself already pregnant with their youngest little golden haired, blue-eyed mischief magnet. Oh, yeah, they'd definitely not been planning that one. There was just something about her devious husband and front doors that seemed to get them into trouble.

"Forget getting fixed. Just stay away from the damned front door." Lisbon giggled at the absurdity of her remark.

It was Jane's turn to snort. Lisbon was right. If he were a betting man, which he was and a very good one at that, he'd bet a considerable sum every one of their children was conceived against the damned front door as she'd so aptly put it. That's what his little woman got for being so delectable. They rarely made it upstairs unless the kids were home. Yup, he'd make a killing on that bet his wife would never let happen. It didn't hurt to have insider info that every one of their wanton front door forays had been followed by a few weeks of abstinence when he'd either been shut out of her life, the first time, or been sent out of town on a consult with another team, the second.

"Since that isn't happening, I suppose we should seriously look into the other."

"You're probably right." Jane was somewhat surprised Lisobn was being so agreeable about the matter.

Jane watched his wife watching her offspring. Taking after her mother, Katie was the levelheaded ringleader in the baby Jane circus. Patrick was their hyperactive genius jack of all trades, and Jeremy, little Jeremy, was proving to be their mischievous little pistol possessed with all of his daddy's charm and cunning ways. God help them all when the last two little angels arrived. They'd need divine intervention to survive sanity intact with another one of each. This time, both little ones had been anxious to be upfront and accounted for hence their early awareness of what they were having.

Truthfully, nothing had really changed in the three years of their marriage except they now wore matching wedding bands, openly went home together at the end of the day, and hectically juggled their jobs with their rapidly expanding family. He still called her Lisbon. She still called him Jane. Once in a while they were Teresa and Patrick, but most of the time they were simply Lisbon and Jane. Life was more comfortable that way.

Rigsby had married Van Pelt. Cho had married Elise. Neither couple had any kids though Grace and Wayne claimed they were trying. Personally, Jane thought the Rigsbys were having a little too much fun with the baby Janes to have one of their own at the moment. Cho and Elise were just happy with their books and their cats. Kids could come later or not at all.

Hightower had considered splitting them for half a second until a private confrontation with Jane ended that little fantasy. Whatever he had on Hightower must have been good. Mercifully, despite their little run-in, they remained close friends.

Lisbon's team still had the highest solve rate in the CBI thanks to her husband's quirky ways and Jane still worked with other units when his possessive boss deigned to part with him for a few days. The women at the CBI still put their lives in jeopardy by making discrete and indiscrete plays for Lisbon's man. Fortunately, Jane wasn't remotely interested in straying and Lisbon was more amused than threatened by their laughable efforts for the most part.

There had been that unsettling little incident with the good looking, buxom redhead from Johnson's team a few weeks back at the CBI Christmas party that had tilted their world for a few days. The woman definitely had more boobs than brains. Oh, yeah, that one had gotten a little out of hand. Vivien had refused to take no for an answer and Jane had found himself cornered with no escape. It wasn't like he could hit a woman. Especially not that woman since she literally towered over him without her four inch heels.

Having gone looking for her missing mate, Lisbon had stumbled upon a sticky little scene outside the men's room. She hadn't know whether to laugh or borrow a page from Rigsby's book and beat the snot out of the statuesque hussy for having her hand on an unresponsive part of Jane's anatomy belonging exclusively to his wife. Catching the desperation in his eyes, Lisbon decided to rescue her traumatized husband from the drunken woman's clutches instead.

She'd then calmly offered to clean the libidinous vixen's clock if she ever tried anything like that again with her man. Had Johnson not managed to smooth Lisbon's righteously ruffled feathers, Vivien would have power groped herself out of a job that night. Jane had wisely gone out of his way to avoid the woman ever since. Vivien still had a disturbingly predatory gleam in her eye where the golden haired consultant was concerned.

"You are way too sexy, My Dear. There's just something about a handcuff wielding good looking lady cop that drives a man insane." Jane toyed with the handcuffs at her waist before quirking a brow at his wife. Why was Lisbon wearing her cuffs on their day off? That could be a mighty interesting turn of events. "A man just can't keep his hands to himself with a woman like you around. It's impossible." He kissed his favorite freckle dotting the curve of her neck. Closing her eyes, Lisbon leaned back into his touch savoring the moment. Jane smiled at her quiet sigh of pleasure. He was amazed at how the smallest gesture still turned this woman into a quivering mass of goo. He was the luckiest man alive. "Thank God you can't get pregnant again." He chuffed against her neck.

"Shush, Jane." There wasn't much fire behind the words as Lisbon doubled over in laughter. "I think you've already taken care of that one. You and that damned front door."

"Come on, Woman. It's time for some quality mommy-daddy time while the getting's good." Catching their nanny's eyes, Jane indicated they were leaving.

The woman waved them away with a knowing grin. It wasn't like they didn't sneak away every chance they got. Those two were worse than a couple of hormone crazed teenagers. She should know. She had two. Pulling his wife to her feet, Jane wrapped his arm around Lisbon's waist as they headed in the direction of their comfortable home. Sylvia and her daughters would bring the kids home when playtime was over.

"Mommy-Daddy time? Is that what they're calling it now? Sounds a little perverted to me." Lisbon raised an eyebrow at her leering husband.

"We can be as perverse as you want to be."



"What am I going to do with you?"

"I can think of quite a few things. Would you like to hear?" He leaned over to whisper in her ear as they walked through the front door. Laughing, Lisbon swatted his arm playfully as they meandered up the stairs into their bedroom.

"I am so not doing that." Jane whispered in her ear again. "Or that."

"I bet you will." Lisbon didn't resist as he pulled her shirt over her head.

"You'd so lose, Buster." She tossed his shirt across the room.

"I don't think so." Her jeans followed his shirt.

"I do." His jeans followed suit. A few moments later Jane laughed at Lisbon's plaintive whine.

"You lose."

"Jane, do you always have to win?"

"So it seems. Stop your whining, Teresa. I'll make sure we both win in the end. I always do."

A man of his word, Jane proceeded to convince his wife he always kept his promises. The personal one's at least. Work, however, was a different matter. He might be somewhat tamed by his beloved handler; but, he would always be Jane.