Okay, this is my first fanfic, so please go easy on me. I know the writing is kind of bad, I'm usually better. The general idea was my brother's (Thanks, Paul Martin, my bro!) and I decided to write about it.
In this story, Harry and Percy are both 17. It is set after the Wizard War and the Titan War. The Heroes of Olympus problem never occured (Piper and Leo were still brought to camp, though).
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, which is good, because then the stories wouldn't be as great!
The little baby waddled towards the older boy, enchanted by the beauty of the blade the boy was holding. The baby wanted to touch the sharp, glowing, bronze sword. The older boy didn't notice the baby. He let the sword hang by his side, where the baby could easily touch the blade and harm himself. And that's what the baby did. The moment he was about to touch the blade, the baby lost balance and fell. Fell against the blade.
*End of flashback*
17-year-old Harry Potter had returned to Hogwarts with his friends to complete his last schoolyear, which he had skipped the previous year, due to the Wizard War, in which Harry himself had killed the evil wizard Voldemort. His friends Hermione and Ron helped too, of course. Harry still had trouble believing all this had really happened. But the lost lives were proof of the war. Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Colin... all these people dead, because of Harry. "No, not you, Harry" Harry reminded himself, "VOLDEMORT. Because of Voldemort."
Harry jumped when someone touched his shoulder:"Harry, what's wrong with you? You seem lost in your thoughts. AGAIN! Seriously, you have to eat!"
"Sorry, Ron! I was just thinking about the war again." Harry defended himself.
"You shouldn't. It's over. Everything's okay now." Ron told Harry, although Harry could see Ron got a little teary eyed saying that.
"It's not okay! All those people DIED, Ron! Do you not care about them?" Harry started getting angry. Ever since the war ended, people had been acting like nothing had ever happened. Or at least tried to. It made Harry angry.
"He's right, Harry. You shouldn't dwell on the past. Besides, those people wouldn't want us to be sad about their deaths."
People in the Great Hall were staring at the trio now.
"Whatever. I'm gonna go do my homework. Or something." Harry said, a bit louder than he should have. Then he stormed towards the door of the Great Hall. When he was just about to run out through the door, his foot caught on somebody's cat, who meowed loudly and ran away. Harry fell onto the floor, but not before banging his head onto the corner of the Gryffindor table. He felt a throbbing pain in his forehead. He brought his hand to it. When he brought it back, his hand was red with blood. Students were swarming around him now.A Hufflepuff girl pushed through the crowd and pressed her robes on Harry's forehead. "Thank goodness Hufflepuff valued caring," Harry thought, before everything went black. He didn't feel the Hufflepuff girl pulling away in surprise, and he certainly didn't hear the gasps from the crowd, as people saw his forehead. But they were not gasping at the blood. They were gasping at something inside his forehead. A little piece of glowing bronze was glinting right there, in his head.