in a far far away galaxy above the planet everwood the crew of the csf cedar were at battle stations cause of a large asteroid was heading towards the planet of everwood. James said "drake fire phasers and torpedos full spread" . Drake said "aye sir". James said "angel any change in the asteroid path" . Angel said "no sir it's just to dense". James said "arinana tell command to put the planet shields up". Angel said "captain the planet shields are going to hold long". Ariana said "captain walnut grove station is reporting a power spike and oh no the shield grid is failing" . Then the asteroid slammed into the planet of everwood the planet exploded into thousands of pieces . James said "ariana broadcast this message across the ship". Ariana said "ready sir". James said "today is a dark day in chipmunk history the planet everwood has been destroyed by a asteroid". Amber said "James with no more csf what shall we do"? James said "amber we will rebuild the chipmunk star forces cause we are strong" . Amber said "angel start scanning for a class m planet" . Angel said "aye". James said "amber you have the bridge". James took the turbo lift to deck 6 three minutes later James was walking to sickbay . Dexter said "hi captain Thomas" . James said "do you know about the genesis plan" . Dexter said "yes I know of it" . James said "dexter activate the genesis plan". Dexter walked to the wall he put his hand on the wall he said "to all crew members are to report to five forward". James said "let's go now". James,Chloe
and dexter went to five forward . James walked into five forward with dexter and Chloe he said "as everyone heard our home world of everwood is gone and we may be the last of the chipmunks so I have activated the genesis plan that means all female are required to pick a male to mate with".amber said "I pick James as my mate". James said "lady's be sure to tell doctor dexter who you pick as your mate".
Amber said "crew is dismissed". James and amber went back to the bridge amber sat at the science station while James said "cole set course for the next sector and amber any class m planets on the scanner" . Amber said "no James". Angel said "amber can I get my seat back". Amber got up and she walked back to her chair next to the captain's chair then she said "James I want to talk to you in your ready room". James said "drake you have the bridge" . Amber and James walked through the door to the ready room . Amber said "James tell me the plan". James said "amber the first step is to get the female members of the crew mates then we find a nice class m planet to settle on then we break the ship down to build houses that is the genesis plan". Amber said "James why have I never herd of this genesis plan". James said "amber the only one's know about the genesis plan are any rank of captain and above and chief medical officers cause it is only used in extreme causes".
A/N i hope this chapter was not to short. be sure to R