Well here is the moment many of you voted I appreciated the votes! Thank you! Don't forget to leave a review!


Reyna was preparing for war games. At Camp Jupiter war games are taken very seriously. Her partner at war games was no other, Jason Grace. Jason was Juno's champion, slayer of the sea monster and much more accomplishments. He was a praetor just as she is. They were praetors for just a short while but they were becoming close. He was the only male she trusted. She grew up not trusting men. She was taught men thought females were useless only to be used for pleasure and for having and raising children. When she first arrived at camp she didn't trust no one, especially the males. She thought men were bastards and should be sent to the Underworld. Eventually, her perspective on men changed since she met Jason.

When Reyna first met Jason she thought he was a pretty boy. She would observe that plenty of girls threw themselves at him and Jason would simply turn a blind eye. This didn't earn respect at all from her in fact it was the opposite. She thought that Jason probably thought of himself of to good for them or not worthy to be with him. This made her blood boil. He was the best swordmen at camp which Reyna thought contributed his arrogant, cocky, she thought he was. Later in time, she improved her fighting skill becoming the best next to him. They battled and she won. He did something she didn't expect especially from him, he applauded. Soon after Jason would pursue Reyna to just talk to her an get to know her better. Reyna would see when she looked around jealous faces from many girls. She didn't see what the other girls saw in him at first. Reyna thought that he was handsome but she knew looks wouldn't last forever. She thought that many of the girls were attracted to his looks or being who he was. Reyna saw a diffent side of him only according to him his trusted friend get to see. It felt odd for Reyna for a boy to call her a friend but she got used to it. She saw that beyond that hard shell he would show to other she saw weakness and vulnerability. She was impressed how well he can mask them just like she did as well. He was scared of what the future lay ahead just like she did. He tried to enjoy every day because it may be his last, just like she did. He tried not to show emotion no matter how bad the situation got, just like she did.

Tonight, she was participating with Jason to defeat their enemy for the event, Octavian. Octavian was the camp's augur. Octavian predicted the future using stuffed animals since he wasn't allowed to use live animals. Octavian was envious of Jason since he was praetor. Octavian has followers of his own but it wasn't enough for him he want more power. Being praetor was the only way to earn more power. Octavian was power hungry with the will to do anything to get what he wants. He blackmailed and use threats to usually get what he wanted but overtime since Reyna and Jason become praetors his blackmail and threats have reduced. Octavian knew what he was up against. Reyna knew that Octavian found her as a threat to his authority. But she was not afraid him. He could blackmail her, and he could threaten her all he wanted but she was not going down without a fight.

"Reyna." Jason said as he stepped into Reyna office looking very clean and tidy in his white toga.

"Yes?" she replied.

"Are you ready to head out?" Jason asked.

"Certainly." Reyna said. Jason held out his arm for her to take. If it was any other boy offering his arm she would've broken it in half. But Reyna gladly took his arm and left her office.

Together they walked to the Field of Mars. Everyone had their armor on. Octavian's side had on a chest plate and a helmet with a blue feather on top. Reyna and Jasons' side had on the same chest plate and helmet but the feather was blood red. Jason was handed two chest plates, one male and one female, he gave the female chest plate to Reyna. Reyna put on the chest plate. Jason then was handed two helmets with one blood red feather on each. Jason didn't hand Reyna the helmet. Instead, he placed the helmet in Reyna's head himself. Reyna admired the way Jason's hand would move on top of her head. He would first try to smooth out any hairs that are standing, then he would gently placed the helmet on her head. Finally, Jason would latch the staps underneath her chin. Reyna then did the same. It was a bit difficult for Reyna to install the helmet in his head but she managed. Jason was just an inch or two taller than her.

Octavian saw the little love scene. He was disgusted. He wanted to barf. Most of all he wanted to kill them. He wanted to be praetor. The two walking towards him were preventing him.

"Octavian." Reyna said.

"Jason and Reyna." Octavian.

"I expect this to be a good fight." Jason said.

"I am sure it will be." Octavian said and grin evilly. Jason and Reyna has no clue that Octavian had a plan he was sure was fool proof. He was willing to do whatever it takes to become praetor.

"Good." Jason replied and held out his hand for a handshake. Octavian didn't want to shake Jason's hand, he'd rather rot in the Underworld with Pluto than shake his hand. Octavian didn't have a choice. Octavian held out his pale hand and shook Jason's hand. Jason shook Octavian's hand it was cold, probably like his heart. They released. Octavian turned and walked towards his group. Jason and Reyna did the same.

Reyna didn't worry about Octavian. Octavian may be a elaborate talker but she knew he wasn't a elaborate thinker. She wasn't calling him stupid she thought he just lacked a bit of brain power at battle strategy. Reyna had the upper hand at this. She was in fact a daughter of Bellona. She knew what she had to do. Her plan was to keep the half of the best sword men to protect the 3 flags. The other half would cross the borderline to get the flags from the other side. The ones that need bit more training were sent in groups to hide in their territory and wait until the enemy come to attempt to capture them. Reyna would stay at her territory to watch and think of plans to prevent the others from getting their flags. Jason would go to the other side. Jason had skill and leadership to lead his group into a fearless battle. Her group knew what to do. They all did what they were instructed to do. The best swordmen were heading to the forest to hide and set up traps. Reyna turned to join them. Jason quickly grabbed her hand. Reyna saw their hands laced together.

"Sorry." Jason apologized.

"It's okay. I didn't mind." Reyna said truthfully.

"Oh. Be careful." Jason said. He knew she could take care of herself. She was independent but he still worried about her.

"I know how to take care of myself, Jason." Reyna said her eyes with amusement. Jason smiled a bit.

"I know but just be careful. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." Jason said. Reyna sighed. It was nice of Jason to care for her but sometimes it annoyed her.

"Okay. You be careful yourself." Reyna said. She took her index and middle finger together kissed it and touched Jason with it. Jason smiled once more. He turned and ran to join his group.

Reyna made her way to her group. They knew what they were doing. Her group set up traps made out of rope. Some of them were up in trees with the leaves concealing them. Others, hid in the bushes. Their was a fort. The fort was 2 stories big. It was made out of wood. One of the flags were inside the fort. Another flag was deeper in the woods. The last flag was high up in the trees with the some of the swordsmen. Two flags were secured. One was vulnerable. She knew the obvious flag Octavian's team would go for would be that one. If they managed to get they would probably have no clue where the other two would be. She had the upper hand at this. She knew she did.

Jason's group knew the plan as well. The plan to pass their territory and take down anything and anyone in there way preventing them from getting the they accomplished that they would break into smaller groups and look for the flags and bring them back to him base. It was simple. Yet, very complicated for the other side since they wouldn't know which group to follow.

Octavian planned things out he tried to be very careful. Tonight, he would try to damage or possibly kill two beloved praetors. As the saying goes to earn something you must pay a price. Octavian was going to pay with two potential lives to earn what he wanted. His plan was to go to the other side and burn their fort down. He knew Reyna would be their to protect the flag and he knew she knew. Might as well burn her alive. As for Jason he had two options for him. Option one was to keep him alive to let him grieve over Reyna. He knew if this happened he'll feel guilty and be depressed not able to lead. Option two was to kill him during battle. To sneak behind him and stab a knife deep in his back causing a wound neither his his father Jupiter can heal. Either way one going down. The bell rang. The games have begun.

Reyna stood patiently in the fort with Gwen from the fifth cohort. She was ready for the other side to come and taste what she was made of. All of a sudden Octavian group came. The group hiding in the bush came out of their hiding place and clang swords with the other side. People from both sides crashed down to the floor, now injured. Octavian came forward. Some people from his group were protecting him. He came forward uninjured. Reyna thought it was pathetic. If you wanted something done you had to do it yourself. According to Octavian if he had other people willing to do his work why not use them?

Jason was leading his group like a true leader should lead. They took down the people who were standing in their way. He didn't kill them he just made injuries to them. His group did that as well. They made it to the fort. It was the same fort as theirs. It was two stories high and made out of wood. Their was a front entrance. The front entrance was a door that opened just like any other door. The front door was locked. No matter, Jason busted it by kicking his with his foot. The door flunged open. The people from upstairs went down stairs to fight and protect the flag. Jason and his group took down the enemies. They were harmless. Jason then walked upstairs to gt the flag when someone stabbed him. He got stabbed in the shoulder blade. Jason crumbled to the floor. Jason turned to see no one was their behind him. His group were still fighting with the enemies since some of them refused to give up. Jason tried to ignore the pain. He didn't have the knife in his back but he had the wound. Jason went upstairs to find no one their. The flag was had a wooden pole with a piece of rectangular cloth, color blue. Jason grabbed it and went downstairs topast back to home base.

Octavian had it planned out. Time to make it happen. Octavian and his bodyguard ran towards the fort. Octavian let his group go inside first. He had business to finish. Octavian then got a match from his back pocket, he sparked it and threw it at the fort. The fort started to slowly burn.

Reyna was fighted to defend the flag. Reyna smelled smoke. She defeated her opponent by disarming him and slashed her dagger across his stomach. She made sure not to go deep enough to kill him but deep enough to cause injury. She hurried up to the 2nd floor and she looked out to see the fort was coming down and fast. Gwen came ran in to see why there was the smell of smoke in the air. Everyone down stairs have evacuated. There was no way to get out unless they jumped. Thy did exactly that. Reyna took the flag in her hand and jumped out of the fort with Gwen. If Reyna and Gwen would've stayed upstairs for another 20 seconds they would've burned down with the fort.

Octavian was furious. She survived. Octavian was sure she wouldn't have. Next to Octavian was a club. It was made out of dark wood. Octavian grabbed it and weighed it in his arm. It was heavy. It was heavy enough to do damage.

Reyna was face down on the ground. She still held the flag. Reyna slowly tried to get up. Her back hurted. She couldn't wait for this to be over. Reyna never did get up to her feet. Someone hit Reyna in the back of the head. It hurted so much. Reyna did something she's never done. She blacked out.

Octavian smacked Reyna in the back of the head. It felt good to him. He felt in charge. Reyna then hit the floor, obviously unconscious. Octavian then thrwe the club over a bush. He then took Reyna's flag she had in her hand. Gwen didn't see anything she was in to much pain since she twisted her ankle from that jump. Octavian then walked towards his territory as of nothing has happened.

Jason had a flag in his hand. He ran towards home base. He made it. He ran towards the fort to see it destroyed. His first thought was Reyna. He then saw her lying on the floor unconscious. Jason dropped the flag. He did cared who won. It didn't mattered to him anymore.

"Reyna!" he yelled. No response.

"Reyna!" he yelled once more. Once again no response.

He ran towards her. He flipped her over. She looked asleep but she wasn't. He finally saw Gwen. She look horrified. She looked at him.

"You didn't see anything?" he asked. She nodded her head no.

"Game over!" he yelled. Immediately the bell rung. Game over.

"I need help!" he yelled again. Then people ran toward him, Reyna and Gwen.

"Help Gwen and take her to the nurse. I'll take Reyna." Jason said. Gwen was got off the ground and carried away. Gwen looked at Jason.

"You'll be okay." he said to Gwen. Gwen nodded and looked at Reyna then was taken away. Jason then carried Reyna. He was injured but he didn't cared.

"You'll be okay. I promise." Jason whispered to her ear. He kissed her temple. He then ran at full speed to the nurse's office.

So far biggest chapter that I have done so far. I wanted to make this detailed as much as possible and trying to stay true I their character as best as I could. Anyways leave a review thanks!