Sora jolted awake. The feeling was just like that of his first foray into the Realm of Sleep. His location was the same as well—Traverse Town. After the haunting speech he'd heard from the young menace at the end of his last adventure, he was slightly unhappy at seeing it. You've been here many times. He shivered, and shook his head. He was back now, back for another adventure in this sleeping place, and he was here to train. No time for the phantoms of the past to plague him. Running into the pavilion of the First District, he looked around, searching for his friends.
"Now, where are they?" he said, turning about. "They should still be here…" A small noise that sounded like a mix of a woof and a purr came from the top of the stairs, and Meow Wow came bolting down the steps, followed by Kooma Panda and Necho Cat. They pounced on Sora, and he laughed, petting the smaller Spirits as he relaxed into the soft bulk of the larger one. "I missed you guys!" The sound of a throat being cleared startled Sora out of his reunion. Joshua walked onto the scene from the door to Third District, and chuckled.
"You're always such a kid Sora…" he said. Sora puffed up.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" he said testily. Joshua laughed.
"It was a compliment," he said, holding the back of his hand to his mouth. "It's by far one of your best qualities." Sora relaxed a bit, and laughed along with him.
"Oh, really? What are some others?" Joshua shook his head.
"Definitely not compliment fishing…" he said. He then became serious. "Sora… I know you're back here for some training, but there's something else you're here for." Sora looked at him, confused. "You see… I've noticed some changes in the behaviors of the Dream Eaters—both the Spirits and the Nightmares."
"What kind of changes?" Sora asked.
"Well, you see… there's a new enemy invading the Realm of Sleep, where this world and quite a few others exist," Joshua started.
"What do you mean by 'quite a few others'?" This puzzled Sora. "I thought Riku and I had unlocked all seven sleeping Keyholes." Joshua nodded.
"Indeed you did, Sora. However, there were more than just seven sleeping worlds. Those seven were simply the ones that lead you to the conclusion of your exam." He waved a hand over the backdrop of the starry sky above Traverse Town. "In truth, many worlds slumber still after you brought them back from the darkness."
"So, do I… Am I supposed to find those Sleeping Keyholes as well?" Sora asked. Joshua shrugged.
"It'd probably be the right thing to do," he conceded. "However, the thing you're here to do is to defend the Realm of Sleep from a new threat." A scream sounded from the Third district, and Joshua and Sora jerked their heads towards the door. "That was Shiki!"
Sora dashed towards the door, and his friend in danger. Bursting into the open terrace, Sora ducked quickly into the causeway that lead around the edge. A strange-looking man with a white shirt, yellow pants with black stripes, and a poofy yellow and orange mop of hair was standing not too far away from Shiki. Joshua joined him, and they observed at a distance.
"Don't worry, my pretty," he purred. "I'm just here to see if your lovely dreams are hiding him." Shiki trembled, and backed away.
"Who are you?" she said. "Just you wait… Neku will come rescue me!" The man laughed.
"I'm sure he will…" He advanced like a cat. "Now, let me see into those beautiful dreams." He snapped his fingers, and a large red slab popped up behind Shiki. "One!" It smacked against her back. "Two!" Metal cuffs locked her into place. "Three!" Shiki began to cry out as if she was in pain as a bright light formed in the middle of her chest. Sora started to rush out to help, but Joshua held him back.
"Not yet," he said. "We'll get her as soon as that shine goes away." Sora nodded. The shine eventually became a piercing light before settling into dim glow. The glow was coming from a pink mirror hovering over Shiki's chest. The man laughed.
"See this?" he said. "This is your Dream Mirror. With it, I can take a peek into your dreams, and see if you're hiding him from me." With that, he grabbed the edges of the mirror and shoved his head in. Shiki wailed in pain.
"No, stop!" she said. "Those are my dreams! Don't look at them!" She screamed again, and then fainted. The man pulled his head out.
"Drat!" he hissed. "These are some beautiful dreams alright—hopes and aspirations to make some guy happy—but they don't include him."
"Stop right there!" Sora said, running out from the place where he'd been watching. Joshua followed close behind. The man turned to face him. "I don't know who you are, but I won't let you hurt my friend." The man laughed.
"Wow, you're clueless kid," he said. "Nightmare auto-doll, Karakuriko, come out and get rid of this pin-cushion for me, will ya?" His shadow extended, and from it raised a Nightmare. It had detached arms, a detached torso, and legs that joined to a set of hips. Its head spun around in a full three-sixty, and it glared at Sora. It was white and blue, and looked like some sort of deranged puppet.
"Kara-Kara-Kara-Kara-Karakuriko!" it said. Its arms slashed forward, grabbing Sora by the wrists and raising him into the air while the legs went after Joshua, kicking and sweeping—all he could do was dodge the fast attacks. The torso also arose into the air with Sora, mouth open wide. A blade tip poked out, and Sora panicked. It stabbed forward, and he had to roll his body out-of-the-way to avoid being stabbed. On the ground, Joshua was finally at the end of his rope when he got pinned down by the legs, which then straddled his chest. Sora dodged the blade again, grunting from the amount of energy it took just to swing his body.
"Isn't there anyone who can help us?" he cried out. At that moment, something collided with the Nightmare, ricocheted into the arms, and bounced off of the legs before returning to a slender, white-gloved hand. Sora landed on his feet, and looked for the person who had helped him.
"You're naughty Nightmare doll is done for!" said the girl holding a golden tiara. Striking a heroic pose, she stared down the man. "I am Sailor Moon!" Running out from behind her, a small girl with pink hair struck the same pose.
"And I'm Sailor Mini-Moon!" They smoothly transitioned to a different pose in sync, never letting their stare waver. They even began to talk in sync. "And in the name of the moon… We shall punish you!" The man growled.
"How is it that I, the great Tiger's Eye, could be opposed by silly kids like these!?" he stamped his foot. "Karakuriko, get them!" The doll pulled itself together, and then went for Sora. He dodged, and Sailor Mini-Moon went down on one knee.
"Pegasus, please!" she called out. "Help us protect people's dreams!" She held up what looked like a bell with a heart-shaped handle. "Crystal Twinkle Yell!" A bright light shimmered and illuminated the entire square. A winged unicorn, pure white except for the golden Spirit symbol on its chest, appeared.
"Sailor Soldiers… This young man will be your greatest ally in this strange world," said a soft male voice. "His powers and his heart compliment your own, and together I know you can succeed." Sora supposed it must be the Spirit. "I shall grant him my powers as well, when you three are together, so that you may all help each other dispel this terrible threat." With that, its golden horn glowed, and Sora's Keyblade began to shine.
"What the…?" Sora said, gazing at his weapon. "What's going on here?"
"Sora, you must unseal the Nightmare Sigil from the creature before Sailor Moon can finish it off," the voice said. Sora nodded, and pointed the tip of the Keyblade at the Nightmare. It hissed, and a radiant beam of light shot from his Keyblade, hitting the Nightmare symbol and causing it to shatter.
"What the—!? What'd you do?" Tiger's Eye cried. Sailor Moon smiled, struck an attack pose, and then thrust what looked like a short, red sword towards the monster. It turned to face her just in time to be hit by a sphere of light. A distorted cry that sounded like 'stage out' ripped from its mouth before it shattered like glass and faded into darkness. Tiger's Eye growled again, backing away.
"I'll get you…" he said, before jumping through a flaming hoop and disappearing. Joshua ran to catch Shiki as she fell to the ground, the red slab supporting her having vanished. The two girls jumped down to the main level of the pavilion, . Sora held out his hand.
"Hi, my name's Sora," he said. "It's nice to meet you." Sailor Moon, smiled, and shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you too, Sora! I'm Sailor Moon, but my real name's Serena." She gestured to the pink-haired girl. "This is Sailor Mini-Moon."
"Call me Rini; rhymes with 'Teeny'," Rini said, bowing slightly. "It's very nice to meet someone else who can help us." Sora nodded, smiling, and then blinked.
"Hey, wait… That Spirit said you guys were gonna be my allies…" he said, hand to his chin in thought. "Does that mean… you two are going to travel with me to different worlds?" Serena nodded.
"Sounds like it, Sora!" she laughed. Sora shrugged, and Joshua stood up.
"Shiki's gonna be fine," he said. "These two are also a key part of that thing I was talking to you about earlier, Sora. Pegasus is essential to defeating those special Nightmares." Sora nodded.
"Right then… So, who's ready to go?"