Hi~! This is my kurobasu fanfic tehehe

I'm sorry of my story not interesting or the chara not really same like in the anime /shot

but i hope you enjoy it 8D

snip snip snip ✄✄✄✄✄✄

"If you need something, you can call me and I will help you, Yui-chan!" A girl smiled to me on lunch break of school. Momoi Satsuki, my new classmate also my only friend here since I was transfered to Teikou a week ago. She also the only one who so kind to me and talked to me in my class.

"Thank you, Momoi. You-" My words stopped when I looked Momoi's eyes sparkling while looking at the court outside. "Tetsu-kun!" She screamed to a small guy who sit with his friends there, and I saw he bowed his head to Momoi. "Ah, your friend?" I asked her.

"Ehm he's my crush, Yui-chan. Oh! Let me introduce you with my friends from my club!" She said while pulled my hand without heard my answer and ran to the court. Wait, WAIT, why suddenly- My mind went nervous because this is the first time I will talk to others on Teikou except Momoi. "Guys!" The pink haired girl called them.

"So noisy, Satsuki! We heard you, you don't need to scream." A tanned boy scratched his head and looked at us. "And who is that?"

"What's your problem Dai-chan!? And ah, this is my classmate, Yui-chan!" She smirked and I bowed my head. "Nice to meet you," I said with small voice.

"Nice to meet you, Yui-san. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya." A pale face guy gave me a little smile. "And this guy is Aomine Daiki." He pointed his finger to the tanned guy who mad at Momoi before. "Yo." He said to me.

"And I'm Kise Ryouta! Nice to meet you, Yuicchi!" A blonde guy suddenly appeared from our back and smirked. "Since you're Momoicchi's friend, you are our friend too!" Wait, that make no sense... My mind busy with my thoughts and I just bowed my head to him. "And That one is Midorimacchi!" He said while pointing to a green haired guy with glasses. Looks like Kise-kun always added -cchi on their names, include me..?

"And what are you all doing here?" A new voice suddenly joined us on the court, from our back. I turned around and saw a red haired boy with different color eyes, and a tall with purple haired guy with tons of snacks in his hand. "And who are you?" His golden eyes looked at me, and scared me a little. "..I'm Momoi's friend.."

"Akashi-kun, don't be so cold to her!" Momoi hugged my arm. "She's Yui, my friend!" She said again.

"Yui-chin, nice to meet you," The tall with purple hair said to me while munching his snacks. "I'm Murasakibara Atsushi. And this is Akashi Seijuro." He said while pointing his finger to the red haired one, but he didn't say anything. Aah, it will be so hard to get along with them... But I hope we can..

- ε=\_○ノ -

6 months passed since I was transfered to Teikou. Nothing change with my school life, except now me and 'Generation of Miracle' looked like get along each other. We always spent our free time together, and played together, except Akashi. He's so rare around us in free time, and sometime I found him alone in the library, fell asleep on the shogi board. He made me wondering why is he like that, and made me always looked for him, I don't know why. I always found him with his shogi board and sometime asleep alone. I wonder why he always alone?

I think I will ask Momoi if she want to go home with me.. I walked to court behind school."Just because you are one of Generation of Miracle members, don't ever think that you can fight against us!" I heard some peoples scream, and I ran to that place when I heard 'Generation of Miracle' words split out from them. What happened-? I took a peek to the court behind school building and saw Kuroko surrounded by some tall guys and looked like they are older than me. Kuroko-kun and seniors?

"I'm sorry, but I just want you guys to apologize to Kise-kun because you hit his face, just that." Kuroko said while the seniors grabbing his collar, tried to hit him. "Why should us? He deserve it. Just because he's a model so we can't hit his face? And who are you again!? That's not your problem, huh?" One of the seniors chuckled and tried to send Kuroko his punch.

"STOP!" I jumped and grabbed his hand, "Or I will call a teacher! Let Kuroko-kun go!" Honestly I'm scared, but seeing Kuroko did this for Kise, his friend, it made me want to protect him too as my friend.

"What's your problem, huh!? Go away!" He pushed me till I hit the wall, "Who the hell are you!?" He reached my collar, but I bite his hand and let myself go. I ran to Kuroko, tried to help him stand up. "Kuroko-kun, you okay?! We have to go befo-" A guy suddenly appeared in front of us and holding a penknife, and laughing loudly. His friends grabbed Kuroko and pulled my hands and threw me from him, while the one who have that knife ran to him, want to stab him. Kuroko-kun-!

ZZRKK- I can heard my uniform teared and pain on my back, while I jumped to pulled Kuroko and with a mistake his knife hit me. "Yui-san!" The pale face guy screamed and grabbed my arm. The seniors shocked and ran away, left the knife and both of us. It hurts.. I was shaking and tried to stand up, "I-m okay, Kuroko-kun, I-" Suddenly my sight became so dark, and I have no strength left on my feet.

My back hurts.. But wait how's Kuroko-kun..? We have to call a teacher- "Nngh.." I opened my eyes, and got myself already on the bed at school's infirmary. "Eh..? I-"

"Yui-chan, you wake up already!?" Momoi came and hugged me tight. "Oh my God, I'm so worried! I'm glad you're okay..."

"Yui-san, are you okay? I'm sorry, because of me-" I saw Kuroko's face so guilty and so worried. I smiled and shook my head, "No, no, it's not your fault. I'm just being so reckless.. I'm glad you're okay, Kuroko-kun."

"I'm sorry too.. Because of they hit me, Kurokocchi get mad and also Yuicchi become like this.." Kise suddenly appeared and cried out while hugging me and Momoi. "Yuicchi-!"

I saw Kuroko's guilty face and sent my smile to him, I didn't want make him feel weird about my act. But looks like it not make any sense.. "Tetsu, you heard her, it's not your fault. Don't make that face. You can't blame yourself for can't use your invisible side because you already overused it on practice before." Aomine came, followed by Midorima, Murasakibara and Akashi. "Thanks for saving him." He said and gave me his smirk.

"Yui-chin, how is your back? We're so shock when Kuro-chin came and carried you with blood." The purple guy said and gave me his snack, tried to calm me.

"Tell us what happened, why everything suddenly become like this?" Midorima said and looked straight at me, while fixed his glasses. I nodded and told them everything, and heard Akashi's letting a sigh.

"Let me handle this." The red guy said then turned around, walked to the door. "You guys, the practice was over and go home. And Yui, you stay here, wait for me. I have something to ask to you about this day. Got it?" Everyone nodded.

"...He's mad at me?" I said with a shaking voice. "Looks like he's really mad, he even don't look at me-"

Everyone looked at me. Momoi smiled and patted my head, "It's okay. Akashi-kun just worried at you. And you know, when everyone include me were shocked, he's the only one who carried you hurry to the infirmary and nurse you. Also he's the one who bind your wound."

"I'm so glad that you saved Kurokocchi, Yuicchi. Thank you!" Kise said and smiled. "I bet Akashicchi not mad at you. Just do what he say, okay? Take a rest while waiting for him."

"Thank you, Yui-san, also I'm sorry.." Kuroko said while looking at me sadly. And it disappear when Aomine patted him. "Tetsu, don't make such that face! Also, Yui, you're such a good and brave girl!" He said while smirking and patted my head.

"So.. we have to go home. Just sleep, Yui-chin. Maybe Aka-chin will be late. Get well soon," The purple guy said while munching his snack, walking to the door and followed by everyone.

I closed my eyes and waited for Akashi. I wonder why Akashi-kun told me to stay here..? I thought and decided to take a nap untill he back here. 30 minutes passed. I heard someone opened the door and entered the room. Akashi-kun..? I opened my eyes and shocked when saw that the one who enter the infirmary was the senior who hurt me. I'm scared-

"He won't hurt you." A familiar voice suddenly calmed me down. "Akashi.. kun?" I saw the red guy appeared from senior's back. "Apologize to her." He said and pushed him. The senior's trembling and apologize to me about my back, and ran away after I nodded and forgive him. And there are just me and Akashi left.

"...Thank you," I said with a small voice, and looked at his eyes. I never know that Akashi-kun's eyes so beautiful..

"For what?" He said and sat behind the bed. His eyes looked at mine and suddenly saw he's smiling to me. "I never thought that a girl will do something like that to Tetsuya. Especially you, the one who just know us." He continued his words. "Why did you do that?"

"Because he's my friend..? I saw he defended for Kise-kun so bad, and it makes me want to help him and do something alike like he did to Kise." I answered him while looking down, "I'm sorry.."

The red guy suddenly touched my wound softly. "You should not do something like this. Eventhough I know you do this for your friend." He patted me. And I can feel my heart throbbing. I thought I hurt my back, why my chest suddenly.. "Also what if those seniors do something more than hurt you? You won't ever can win against guy's power."

I looked at him, "Akashi-kun? What do you mean?" He just kept silent and suddenly pushed me down onto bed, grabbed my hand. "You should know your power limit. You should call any help before do something reckless like that." He suddenly sat on the top of me and it.. scared me. "You should know that you're a girl." He said and looked me closer. The only one I can see just his face and his beautiful eyes, and it made me nervous.

"Akashi-" He lean his head beside mine, I felt his breathe on my neck and my ear. I can felt my hearbeat went crazy. What is this- "Thank you, for saving Tetsuya." He whispered and made me flinch because his breathe on my ear. "And promise me don't do something like this again."

My mind- this is weird- I can feel my face become so hot and red, and hoping Akashi won't hear my heartbeat. "I- promise.." I said and tried to hid my blushed face, eventhough I know that he definitely saw it. M-move from me- I closed my eyes and busy with my mind. He patted my head and smiled a little, let my hands go and went from my top. "I will walk you home." He said and took my bag. "You can stand up?"

"..Y-yes.." I said and tried to stood up. Eventhough Akashi already moved himself from me, my heartbeat still went crazy. My face still hot and while looking at Akashi in front of me, I can feel become hotter than before. Ah.. I understand.. "Hurry up, or it will get dark outside." He said again and pulled my hands, and made my chest so warm. I understand why am I like this, why am I wondering about him..

I.. am in love with Akashi-kun...

so... how is it? 8D

i hope the real Akashi won't stab me because I ruin his character /bricked

mind to review? * u *)/
