Al: Congratulations guys! You've unlocked a BONUS CHAPPY! Anyway, Roche has been getting a lot of reviews asking about Roy and Riza and what happened to the two, and she apologizes for not writing anything about the two. So this is a BONUS CHAPTER for all of you Royai fans out there! (Roche admits she's not THAT big of a shipper, but she still supports the two.) Before she starts writing….

Ling: Roche doesn't own FMA!

Al: That was my line!

Riza's POV

"So, Riza do you have a date to the dance?" Rebecca asked me as she applies another fresh coat of lip gloss on her lips. Rebecca and I are COMPLETE opposites, yet we're still friends.

"Nah…dances aren't really my thing," I replied as I waited patiently for her. Once she's done, we walk onto the field where I see the football team practice.

"Aren't you going with Jean?" I asked as I do a few stretches to prepare myself before our Coach comes in.

"Yeah, he asked me during lunch today. I heard that Roy was going to ask you, though."

"Are you serious? There is no way I'm going to the dance with a stuck-up, dumbass of jerk like him."

"Sure… then why did you go with us to that Karaoke place?"

"It's because you DRAGGED ME THERE!" I protested.

The whistle blows as I turn to see Coach Armstrong (Alex Louis) walking up to us in blue tracksuit.

"Hello, my lovely team!" Coach squealed dramatically. We greeted him as usual as Coach calls me to lead warm-up. I walk up to the front of the team. While we stretch, I keep getting distracted by Roy, I sigh before I return to reality and finish with the stretches.

"Thank you, Miss Riza. Now, I would like to see the routine you've been working on for the game this Friday. Are you ready?" We get into our positions as the music starts to blare out of the boom box. We go through the same routine we've been practicing for over two months. I kept losing my concentration throughout the whole routine, but I kept ploughing through the whole thing. Once we end with the lifts, I accidentally slip and fall. I brace myself for the worst before I feel something cushioning my fall. I open my eyes to see the team crowding around me and I see what or who cushioned my fall and I'm surprised to see it was Roy.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I nod my head, getting lost in is onyx eyes.

"Um…you can let go of me now…" I mumbled. He looked at me with a confused expression before realizing he was still holding onto me. He lets go of me and I stand up.

"Okay guys, nothing to see here. Just practice some flips." I commanded and the team started to pair up or go solo and do some flips. I turn to Roy and smile at him.

"Thanks for saving me…" I muttered, a blush rising up in my cheeks.

"Hey, it's no problem." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back at him. What are you doing? Snap out of it, Riza! You don't like him, never have never will.

"Now, if you'll excuse me." I snapped out of my current state of mind and I walk back to my teammates and help Al (who is the only boy on the squad) with a certain flip. I see Roy run back to his team just as Coach Armstrong's sister, who just so happened to coach the football team, steps onto the field.

Roy's POV

"Hey Roy, is she alright?" Havoc asks as we were running laps for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah, she's fine." I replied back.

"Did you ask her to the dance?" I feel like I've been stabbed in the back because I didn't have a chance to. By the reaction on my face, Havoc just chuckles and pats my back sympathetically.

"You'll get your chance." Havoc reassures me. I look ahead of me and see the Fullmetal Pipsqueak running up ahead. I look at Havoc and smirk, pointing my thumb in the golden boy's direction; in which he returns my smirk with a mischievous grin. We jog a bit faster, making sure that the Shrimp didn't hear us; luckily, he had ear buds in his ears, and by how loud the music is; he can't hear us.

"Ready?" I look at Havoc.

"Ready…" he smirks in reply. We sneak up a bit closer and scare the shit out of him, for he jumps and falls on the ground face first onto the gravel.

"God, Mustang… WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Ed growls, his eyes burning red.

"We we're bored!" Havoc and I replied in unison.

"Well, thanks. Now if you'll excuse-oof!" Havoc and I start cracking up as Ed notices that both his shoes were tied together.

"Not…funny." Ed unties his shoes and reties them before dusting himself off. I notice him looking at the Gearhead, who was in the stands. She usually never showed up to watch the practices, unless it was for her cheerleader friend, who I think is gay. I look at the other side of the field and see Riza looking at me, her face showing a look of disgust. Now, I really blew it.

"Mustang, Havoc, get over here!" Coach Armstrong barked at us. I sigh as Havoc and I run to our overbearing coach and see what she wants.

Riza's POV

"I'm telling you, there's no way!" I protested as I sipped from my water bottle.

"Come on, you have to give him a chance! Who knows, he could be the one for you, I mean look at the Gearhead and Ed!" Rebecca gave me an example and I just roll my eyes.

"Okay, one, her name is Winry, and two, what if our relationship doesn't work?" I ask.

"I'll tell you later. I really got to go, I have a date with Havoc in two hours."

"Tell me what happens, okay?"

"You know I will!" Rebecca waved and left, leaving me alone in the mall cafeteria; that is, until…

"Hey Riza, what are you doing here?" I turn to see Winry and Sage, smiling down at me.

"Hey guys… I'm not really doing anything at the moment."

"Do you wanna go dress shopping with us? Well, really for Winry, since she needs a dress." Sage asked.

"Who are you going with?"

"We're going as a group, together with Al and Ed." Winry replied back. I nod my head in understanding.

"Would like to join us?" I shrugged, since I didn't have anything better to do anyway.

"Why not," I got up from my seat and walked with the two girls to the only dress shop in the Mall. While the girls pick out a few dresses for Winry to try on, my eyes land on a very formal, yet slimming navy dress by the front of the store. I walk towards it and sigh. I wish I can buy it, but I'm not going to the dance, so that would just be a waste of money…right?

"Looking for a dress there, Riza?" I jumped in surprise and see Roy chuckling as I frown.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly, still very unimpressed by what he did to Edward.

"Well, I know you may not like me, and I still a broken finger and a black eye to prove it, but…will you…you know…" I've never seen Roy so vulnerable and…different.

"Go with you to the dance?" I ask and Roy nods.

"Yeah, that…" I thought about it for a moment. Seeing a different side of Roy made me think…maybe Rebecca might be right about one thing…for once.

"Sure, I'll go with you." I agreed.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7:00." Roy smiles at me before he leaves, making me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I look at the dress once more and check for how much I have…hmm… not bad, only $250 left. I look at the dress and see it's only about $85. I ask the clerk to remove the dress of the mannequin and she happily agreed to. I look at it in my arms and pray and hope it fits. I walk into the change room to try it on. I struggled with the zipper, but Winry helped to zip it up.

"Wow, that dress looks amazing on you, Riza…" Sage murmured and I smiled. The dress did look good on me, and it hugged my body perfectly. Now, I'm definitely going to buy this dress.

Night of the Dance (Roy's POV)

"You have to calm down, Mustang…" I told myself for the umpteenth time before knocking on her door. Soon, I'm face to face with her grandfather, who was also my Drama teacher, looked down at me. I gulped before he stifled a chuckle.

"Relax, young man, I'm not going to hurt you or anything…just as long you don't do anything to hurt my granddaughter." Mr. Grumman added viciously.

"Grandpa, don't scare him…" I hear Riza tell her grandfather and what my eyes pop out of my head when I see Riza. She was wearing the dress that she was admiring at the mall that day. She looked beautiful in that thing.

"Wow…" was all I can say.

"I could say the same for you." Riza replied with a smile.

"Shall we?" I held out my arm and she links her arm with it and we walk together to the school. On our way there, it was just complete silence. I decided to make small talk, so that it wouldn't be COMPLETELY awkward.

"So, how has practice been coming along?" I ask.

"Not bad… one of the girls is this close from being kicked off for her attitude."

"Are you talking about Giselle?" She nodded her head and I nod in understanding.

"I'm still grateful that you saved me when I fell that day. I had a lot on my mind." Riza thanked me once again, and I couldn't help but blush about it

"Again, it was no problem." Soon, the school came into view and we walk in silence once again. Once we reach the gym, I spot Rebecca dancing with Havoc, who looked like his injury wasn't affecting him.

"You hoo, Riza over here!" Rebecca waved to Riza and I let go of her so she can talk to her friend.

"So, you FINALLY asked her out, didn't you? Did she injure you in any way?"

"Shut up…and no, she didn't." Soon the music becomes slow and I walk up to Riza.

"May I have this dance," I asked the same cheesy pick up line and she rolls her eyes before smiling.

"Yeah, I would love to." I grab her hand and I lead her into the dance floor. She wraps her arms around my neck as I hold her waist and we just slow dance to the beat of the song. I look around the dance floor and see the Pipsqueak dancing with the Gearhead and I smile. They do make a good couple.

"Look Riza, I know I've been a really big jerk and a jackass, but, I'm willing to change…" I whispered to Riza and she looks back at me with her amber eyes.

"You already did…" Riza replied before I leaned in and kiss her, and she kisses back. We stay like that before a moment before letting go. Riza smiles at me before she leans her head on my chest and we stay like that for the rest of the song.

10 years later…

Riza's POV

I look at my bulging stomach and sigh. The babies were going to be due any day now and I feel nervous. It's not everyday someone becomes pregnant; yet alone with twins. Roy and I have been married for two years and we were blessed with not one, but two children. Ever since that night at the dance, I knew Rebecca was right; Roy and I did belong together. I've asked Winry advice about raising children, since she already has a baby boy to tend to while Ed works. I feel Roy wrap around me and I smile, feeling his warmth.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a father…" I roll my eyes and sigh.

"That's about the millionth time you said that, sweetie." I chuckle before I feel pain. I clutch my stomach and come to a realization.



"Their coming…" I groaned in pain as Roy drives me to the hospital. Once we make it to the hospital, Roy calls all of our friends and family to support us on the birth of our children. I take deep breaths as I pace slowly around the room to keep the contractions at bay, with Roy doing the same.

"Riza, I think you should lie down…" Roy advises and I grudgingly obey just as Rebecca and Havoc (who have a two year old daughter at home) walk into the room.

"Riza, are you feeling alright?"

"Oh, I'm feeling fine, thank you very much!" I snapped, and then groaning once the contractions kick in again. An hour of waiting, and Ed, along with Winry walk into the room.

"Hey Roy, how is she doing?"

"She's doing fine!" I can tell Roy is lying.

"I'm sure as Hell I'm doing fine!" I yell sarcastically. About nine hours into labour, I was ready to give birth. I held onto Roy's hand tightly as I pushed with all my might.

"Owowowowowowow," Roy screamed in pain.

"How do you think I feel?" I screamed as I pushed once more before a cry is heard. I lie in relief for a brief moment as I look at our new son.

"Welcome, Hunter…" I whispered to my son as they cleaned him off.

"Okay, Riza we're ready for baby number two…" I nod as I grip Roy's hand once more. I pushed with all my might, getting encouragement from Roy and the nurses around me. I push with all my might before another cry is heard. I finally lie down and smile at our new baby girl. I look at Roy, who has tears in his eyes from the events that unfolded.

"Hunter looks like you…" I cooed at Roy before he opened his eyes to reveal the same colour eyes as mine.

"Hello, little one. From this day forward, you're daddy's girl, okay?" Scarlett sighed as she slept in her dad's arms. I stifled a yawn, feeling exhausted after having the twins. I feel Roy's kiss on my forehead before I fall into a deep sleep.

Al: NOW this story is done…speaking of which, how's my story coming along?

Roche: I'm writing chappy two at the moment, Al.

Ling: Thank you for reading the bonus chapter!