Two Worlds Collide

GreeLing (Ling's Side): Hello! Roche promised me food if I do her one small favour. So here it goes.

-She does not own Fullmetal Alchemist. All of it belongs to Hiromu Arakawa.

GreeLing (Greed's Side): Review this damn story…or else.

GreeLing (Ling's Side): Can I have my food now?

Chapter 1: The History between Winry and Ed

(Winry's POV)

My alarm clock blares as the sun shone on my face. I groan, slam the alarm clock and start to prepare for today. I breathe a sigh once I step into the shower, my thought wandering as the water hits my skin. I start to hum a little tune, before I break out into song. Although I knew I had to get out sooner or later, I stopped the water and got dressed for the day. I hear Den whine as I head down the stairs, begging for food. I give him a pat on the head and serve him his breakfast, which he happily scarfs down. I'm surprised that Grandma hasn't woken up yet, but the familiar sound of the blowtorch in the shop has got me smiling. I walk into the shop and see Granny working on repairing one of our customer's broken wheels. She stops her work, lifts the helmet out of her face and smiles at me.

"Morning, granny." I give her a peck on the cheek. My grandmother is the famous automail mechanic, Pinako Rockbell. She is a legend around our little town of Resembool. As her granddaughter, I liked to help her out. You may think I'm one of those average girls who have an interest in boys, clothes and makeup; but I'm not like one of them. I'm more of a tomboy, but that doesn't mean I don't dress like one. Besides, I prefer to hang out with guys more than girls, and I'm pretty much the social outcast of the school, my only friend being my neighbour, Alphonse Elric, or Al as he preferred. His family leaves next door to us, and we've much been a family figure to both him and his brother, Edward Elric, ever since their mom died and their dad left the family when they were younger. Edward Elric…I can't believe that Al is related to him. That jerk wad, who just so happens to be a pain in the ass.

When Edward and I first met, we DID NOT get along as well as Al and do now. He was always teasing me about how tall I am, how I'm more interested in mechanics then clothes and how he thinks he does everything better than I do. This feud between us has gone from our childhood to now; as teens. We go to the same school, and you won't be surprised to hear that he's the most popular guy in our school. Girls fall on their knees when he swoons at them, the guys admire him for his moves, and all the teachers adore him. But, I'm guessing he has made it his number one goal is to torment and humiliate me until we graduate. Al tells me he'll come around and the two of us would get along someday. Yeah, like that is ever going to happen.

With that out of the way, I head back to the kitchen and eat breakfast quietly, until I pack my homework and head out the door, promising Granny I would help with customers once I get home. Ever since we started high school, Edward (or Jerkwad, as I would've preferred it) spends most of his free time by throwing insults and tripping me in the halls. Luckily, Al doesn't like the way he acts around me, but he insist that he is different when he's at home. Like I would believe any of that crap. As I walk outside, I see Al waiting for me, waving when he sees me. I wave back and we walk to school together.

People assume we're dating because we're pretty much inseparable, like twins; even if we are not related. We keep denying that fact, because for one thing, we, I see him as more of a brother, rather than a boyfriend. Besides, he eyes for Sage, a girl in our grade who didn't like to hang around people too much. We sometimes talk to her, which sometimes ends with Al fumbling on words to her. Me? I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now, because I want to focus on school more, so that I can graduate and take over the family business. That was my number one priority.

"So, did you finish last week's assignment in Calculus?" I ask Al.

"Yeah, I was struggling with a few questions, but Brother helped me through it. I swear Winry, I can't believe you think Brother is such a jackass, but he's actually pretty cool." Al says about his brother, which made me laugh.

"I don't think he's a jackass, he is one! Have you noticed the way he's been treating me the day we met?" I looked at Al like he was crazy.

"I have, but like I said. You guys will get along someday. Just wait and see." Al gives me a genuine smile, which I return, only mine was fake.

Once we get to school, I head to my locker, which was next to Al's, as we take out our materials for our first class, which was Drama. This was one of my favourite classes, beside Mechanics. The only thing that sucked about that class was that Jerkwad also has that class. I cursed the person who put us in the same class.

"So I heard we're learning about Shakespeare in Drama today." I look through my notes before I trip and land on my face.

"Watch where you're going gearhead!" I hear Jerkwad call out and he starts to laugh, his friends soon joining in. Al helps me up and I'm nearly on the verge of hitting him with my trusty wrench before Al holds me back.

"Winry, don't do it." Al is still holding me back as I struggle in his grasp.

"Let me go! I'll show him the meaning of gearhead!" I yelled at him.

"If you do, you would get suspended…again." Al reminded me, and I stopped struggling. The last time I hurt Jerkwad, he insulted me to the point of no return one day, and I couldn't help but whack him with my wrench. The principal didn't believe that he was bullying me in the first place, so he let Jerkwad go and gave me a two week suspension. Granny wasn't too happy about what happened, and I was grounded from doing any automail repairs for the next two weeks; she even confiscated my wrench! Luckily, Al would give me the homework assigned and I reluctantly did to pass the time. Those two weeks were agonizing, and once I got back, I got called names like 'Psycho Gearhead', but I don't let that bring me down.

I shook of the insult Jerkwad gave me and started for the Drama room, where I received dirty looks from most of the girls. I return it and ignore them. Soon, the King of the Jerks walks in with his group of friends and sits in his usual spot.

"Hey, maybe you should move to the back, Gearhead. Your head's in the way of the board." Jerkwad insulted me, and I couldn't help but return the favour.

"Geez, Edward, if you only you drank milk, then you would be much taller!" I insulted him back, and you wouldn't believe his expression. He exploded with rage at my comment. If you haven't noticed, Jerkwad doesn't like to be referred to as "short, midget, pipsqueak etc." or the word milk. He gets too hot tempered he can't control himself.

"Brother! Settle down! Class is about to begin." Al calmed his brother down just as our Drama teacher walked in.

"Good morning class. Now, if you remember from last week, today we're starting on our Shakespeare unit. Now, you will be paired up into partners for a scene in a few of Shakespeare's famous plays." Our teacher smiled, but I really wasn't paying attention as I start to draw designs for automail.

"Before you start to talk about who you want for your partner, I'm sorry to inform you that you will pick your partners from this hat. Afterward, I will tell you which play I have assigned to do a scene from. Once you've picked you're partner, you're not allowed to choose again. No exceptions. Agreed?" Everyone nodded their heads.

"We'll start from the bottom of the list." Our teacher took out the class list, and my name was read first. I shot my head up from my design, and I slowly get up as I go and choose my partner. I placed my hand carefully in the hat, gave it a few shuffles and took out a slip of paper, and my mouth dropped like the Grand Canyon when I read the name out loud to the class.

"Jerk… I mean Edward Elric." I say quietly. The whole class gasped, including Jerkwad, who was banging his head on his desk, and Al gave me a smile, while I gave him a scowl.

"Um, is there any way for to change my partner?" I ask.

"The Fates talked, Winry. Oh, and you two will be doing a scene from 'Romeo and Juliet.'" My mouth dropped even further. There was no way in Hell I would do a scene from one Shakespeare's most famous plays with someone I HATE. I slowly walk back to my seat and slump for the rest of the class as the rest of the class found out who their partners was. Al got lucky and chose Sage, and they were to do a scene from 'Hamlet'. I glare at him the whole time.

"I told you. You guys will get along just fine!" Al gives me a smile, and I return it with a scowl.

"Now that you've all picked your partners, you have one month to rehearse this. This will count for half or your grade, so don't disappoint me." He hands out the assignment, which is also a guide for scenes we could do. I just stare at it, realizing that I'm stuck with the jerk for the next month.

GreeLing (Ling's Side): We hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

GreeLing (Greed's Side): Just review the story before I hunt you down.

Me: Thanks for reading!