The music got beneath her skin and caught her up in the moment. Ultimately, Caroline wasn't a negative person, Klaus just irritated her. He'd been so sweet over the past few weeks, and then he'd been in Tyler's body, and things had just gone down hill from there. When she'd kissed him while he was still in Tyler's skin, she knew that was why Tyler had really left Mystic Falls.

Because he knew she'd already figured out it was Klaus and she'd kissed him anyway.

She couldn't deny it or she would be lying. She had known Klaus was being 'stored' in Tyler's body to save them all from certain death. She'd figured it out when he'd been acting strangely, treating her differently than he usually did. It wasn't Tyler's way, but it was identical to Klaus: the way he spoke, the way he carried himself, all of it. Then, when she'd kissed him, the kiss had been different. She hadn't noticed it that first time in the cave because she'd been too worried that she was going to lose Tyler. This time, however, she'd felt it. It was a different kind of kiss, a gentle, questioning kiss instead of the usual easy kisses Tyler gave her. And she hadn't stopped. She'd kissed him back; she'd kissed Klaus.

Tyler had seen it all through his own eyes as she kissed another man. It was peculiar, how they were in this supernatural world where such a strange thing could happen. Without control of his own body, Tyler had been helpless to watch his girlfriend willfully kiss Klaus. The moment he'd been freed, he'd left town, claiming to be searching for long-lost relatives or some baloney that she didn't believe. She had seen it in his eyes; he knew.

Closing her eyes, one hand drifting over her head to help maintain her balance as the bull picked up speed, she allowed the machine to whip her back and forth to the beat of the music. She began smiling, allowing herself to relax. Tyler wasn't the only one who knew about the kiss. Obviously, Klaus did as well, and that was why things between them were so awkward. She was mean to him to keep him from questioning her, and she imagined he was drunk for similar reasons.

The bull kicked back and forth, flinging her around wildly, and she laughed with joy as it bucked. She was truly enjoying herself, and although she had a lot on her mind, she could just relax for once. Klaus was right - although she hated to admit it - she needed to loosen up.

All too soon, the bull slowed and she climbed down, giddy from the ride. Giggling, she stumbled slightly, Stefan catching her and steadying her. "Okay, it's time to do shots," she proclaimed, to which Klaus raised his glass of rum in a toast and Stefan eyed her amusedly.

Standing on her own, she positively skipped to the bar and grabbed a bottle of tequila from the shelf. Perching herself on the bar top, she poured out three shot glasses, sliding one to each of the boys and taking one for herself. "To snow!" she toasted, gulping the shot easily. Klaus was next, setting his rum bottle down long enough to intake what was at least his fourth alcohol of the night. Stefan hesitated and then downed his, a determined look on his face.

"What's wrong, mate?" Klaus asked him, holding up his shot glass for Caroline to refill as she swung her feet and raised her eyebrows, wondering the same thing. Stefan shook his head and allowed her to refill his glass.

"I'm just tired," Stefan said finally, drinking his shot before they could toast anything. Giddy from the bull ride and the shots of tequila, Caroline slid down off the bar and poured another round, holding hers up for Stefan to toast. "Here's to forgetting then," she offered, tinking her glass with Klaus's and then with Stefan.

"Forgetting..." Stefan repeated, guzzling the shot and holding up his glass for yet another.

They were through one bottle of tequila and half of another when Caroline realized she was getting drunk. It took more since she'd become a vampire, but it still felt good. The buzzing sensation in her head, the music pounding in her ears: it was a magical experience and she was forgetting all of her worries over the past few weeks. Ten more shots into the second bottle, and she found herself dancing to the music, grabbing Stefan and Klaus both to dance with her. Even Stefan had loosened up, and he danced with them as the music rose and fell.

Her blond curls fell around her face, and she laughed giddily, lost in the moment in the dim lighting of the Grill between them. Klaus's hands cupped her hips and his chest pressed against her back. She didn't fight him, but she leaned into him, allowing her innermost inhibitions free. She was attracted to him despite the fact he was a psycho killer, and she couldn't resist the pull she felt toward him now that she was inebriated. Reaching forward, her arms laced around Stefan's neck, pulling him toward her until she was pressed against him, sandwiched between the two of them.

The mixture of the music, the alcohol, and the atmosphere made her reel intoxicately, and she danced provocatively between the two of them. Two men so drastically different, yet so alike. One girl wild and carefree as she had once been before life had brought her down. Three people forgetting about their cares and worries and letting themselves go for one night.

Easily, Stefan leaned over, kissing her on her lips, and the touch was like a strange, slow fire burning in her veins. Caroline kissed him back, pulling him down toward her even as he pushed in to the kiss. She wondered - in whatever sober part of her mind remained - if this was how it felt when Elena kissed him. But she knew she didn't care. Stefan was kissing her now, and it would always be unique for both of them. She pulled away, her skin feeling hot and her breaths coming in ragged bursts. Klaus touched her shoulder, pulling her blond curls away from her neck and kissing her hotly on the soft skin where her jaw met her neck. She moaned in pleasure and leaned her head away, allowing him full access to her.

The fingers on her left hand gripped Stefan's shirt as he kissed her mouth again, moving down her jawline as Klaus kissed down her shoulder, moving her hair so he could reach her skin. Her right hand dug animalistically into Klaus's thigh as she leaned back against him. The three of them lowered to the floor, a mass of bodies entangling and dancing to their own private dance. She kissed Klaus, and then she was kissing Stefan, and they were kissing her, and before she knew it there were no clothes between them and their skin was sticky and wet with sweat.

She danced with both of them, a slow dance with Stefan followed by a fast dance with Klaus and so on for hours. Their stamina was endless, being vampires, and the pleasure was almost more than she could bare. Her throat grew raw from her screams of pleasure, and her muscles ached but she wanted more. It was only the three of them in her mind, and nothing else existed for her. After hours of endless passion, she fell asleep between them, her mind and body full relaxed for the first time in months.