
My next story will be a Sirius/Hermione (possibly) and then the one after that will be a Fred/Hermione (definitely). For the Sirius/Hermione... should it be a time-travel or marriage fic? And if it is time-travel, should it be during Hogwarts or after Sirius graduates and is in the Order?

Chapter 15: Epilogue

Jack was very handsome with shaggy, black hair and grey eyes. He looked just like his dad. He was dressed in black dress robes and looked professional. His best friend, Fred Weasley, stood next to him. He looked just like his namesake. He was the son of George and Katie Weasley.

Lily Potter walked down the aisle, dressed in gold. Her hair was red and her eyes were green. She was the daughter of Pansy and Harry, and best friend to the bride.

Finally, Remus walked his daughter, Ali, down the aisle, where she would wed Jack. Ali had long, blond hair and big, blue eyes.

The reception was fun. Each family gathered for pictures. The oldest of the Black family was Jack, followed by Fabian and Gideon, who were twins with red hair and grey eyes. They were followed by Luna, who had black hair and brown eyes.

The Lupin family consisted of Ali, her brother, and her sister. Jason had blond hair and blue eyes while Amanda had brown hair and eyes.

The oldest Potter was Lily, who had his grandmother's red hair and green eyes. James had black hair and brown eyes, just like his grandfather. Charlus had black hair and green eyes, and his twin sister, Dorea, had black hair and grey eyes.

Both of the Zambini boys looked like their dad. Adam had dark hair and tanned skin. Cameron looked like a model. Abelie, though, looked like her mum.

The Malfoys all had long, blond hair and big, grey eyes. There was Scorpius and Angelica.

The Ron Weasley family was made of Ron, Fay, Katelyn, and Hugo. Hugo had red hair and brown eyes while Katelyn had brown hair and blue eyes.

Katie and George had Fred, Brian, and Clara. Brian looked like George (if he had 2 ears and black hair). Clara also had black hair and blue eyes.

Percy and Audrey had Molly and Lucy. Tonks and Charlie had Erin and Shannon. Bill and Fleur had Victorie, Dominique, and Louis.

They were one, big, happy family.

And Sirius swore, to that day, that fate has no accidents.