Author's Note: Sorry for the long delay, readers! I've had a lot going on. TRIGGER WARNING: There is (light) sexual assault and mention of rape in this chapter. Proceed with caution.

"Tina?" Mike knocked again on Tina's dorm room door. He'd been attempting to contact her for the last two hours to no avail. She hadn't been answering his texts or his calls, and now he could hear muffled sniffles coming from behind the door. Mike heard her slowly shuffling to the door and then it slowly opened. Tina stood in the doorway with a tear-stained face and a pout on her lips.

"Mike," she began accusingly, "you told me that Misfits would be better. But Alisha died, and Simon went back in time, and then Kelly left, and-" with the last 'and' Tina dissolved into another fit of tears. Mike enclosed her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. Okay, so maybe introducing Tina to another tumultuous fandom hadn't been the greatest idea. Then Mike was struck with the perfect idea. He pulled a tearful Tina into her room and opened up her laptop. He logged into his Tumblr and accounts and showed them to Tina. She wiped her eyes and looked questioningly at Mike.

He said excitedly, "This is the perfect way to keep your ships alive and immortal, Tina! On Tumblr and people write stories about their OTP's and there are a lot of people who hate Ryan Murphy just as much as you do. It doesn't matter what happens in canon; your ship never sinks." Tina's face brightened and she pulled the laptop towards her. In only a few minutes she was engrossed in all the brilliant fanfiction written by the talented shippers of Sam and Mercedes. She even found fanfiction for the Misfits that kept Alisha alive or brought her back from the dead. Tina kissed Mike fervently and then mentally, Mike gave himself a pat on the back. This seemed to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Finn lay back on his bed, still nursing a somewhat sore body. He still hadn't managed to run into Sam, but he knew at any moment he'd more than likely be walking through that door. As if on cue, Finn heard a key turn in the door's lock. It opened and Sam walked in looking at a wary Finn.

Sam bit out, "If it wasn't for Mercedes, I'd kick your ass again. But, she wouldn't want me to waste my energy on a low life, cowardly bastard like you. We're on the team together and we live together, so I have to tolerate your ass, but make no mistake. If you so much as ever look at her wrong or mess with either one of us again, I will beat your ass." And, with those sentiments Sam gathered up his books and left the room. Finn rolled his eyes. Sam's threats did nothing for him, but he wouldn't push the blonde any further. He did have to live with the kid after all, and it was too late in the semester for a room change request to be processed and approved. Plus, Finn didn't think it would make Char very happy if he fought her best friend's guy. Wait, why did he even care how Char would feel? He shook his head at the sappy thoughts, but all he could think about was Char's big hazel eyes staring up at him. There was something about her that intrigued Finn. But, how did you get to know someone who's best friend you briefly dated and then lied to? Finn groaned. There were not many things in Finn's life that he regretted, but this whole entire escapade was turning into one major regret. If only he'd met Char first.

"Mercy!" Char yelled excitedly. Mercedes rolled her eyes in exasperation at her friend's exuberance. Char was always turned up at maximum volume and speed.

"I'm right here, Char. You don't have to yell," Mercedes said teasingly. Char huffed and pulled up the chair next to Mercedes' study table. Mercedes had reserved a room in the library, so that she and Sam could have a study date. Char, who lived in the library (but, somehow still didn't understand that the library was a quiet zone) happened to be walking by

Char huffed and replied, "I was just excited to see you. You're never in the library." Mercedes preferred to study in the solitude of her own room. The library, especially the first floor, was always crawling with too many people.

Mercedes smiled and happily exclaimed, "Sam and I have a study date." Char raised her eyebrows. Mercedes and Sam were quickly becoming inseparable. If they weren't together, they were talking on the phone or texting constantly. It was sickening in a sweet way, but it was also kind of disheartening. Whenever, Char was around Mercedes it made her feel like a third wheel. It didn't help that Kurt had attached himself to Blaine. Both of her best friends were all boo'd up, and she was the odd man out. She never let them know though, because she was happy for both of her friends and didn't want to do anything to jeopardize their joy. However, her happiness didn't make her loneliness hurt any less.

Char put on a bright smile and said, "Well, I'd better go before Sam gets here. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." And with that Char flitted out the door.

Mercedes looked startled at Char's abrupt departure and made a mental note to talk to her about it later. A few minutes later, the door opened and in walked Sam. He was dressed in a white v-neck over dark wash denim jeans, and Mercedes thought he looked positively edible.

"Hey, darling," Sam drawled. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. The innocent kiss deepened, and they began a full-out makeout session. Mercedes squealed when Sam lifted her from her chair and said breathlessly, "Sam, we're in a library."

He chuckled and replied, "So?" Mercedes pulled away from his embrace, giving him another brief kiss.

Sam puckered his full, pink lips in an endearing pout and Mercedes giggled at him and said authoritatively, "Study now; fun time later."

Sam stopped pouting quickly and replied, "Yes, ma'am!"

They began to go over their notes together, but every other minute or so, Sam would lay a hand on Mercedes' knee under the table and began to inch it higher and higher.

"Sam!" Mercedes giggled for the thousandth time. "Stop distracting me."

Sam batted his green eyes at her innocently. "'Cedes, I have no idea what you are talking about." Mercedes gave him a "hell yes, you do" look, and he laughed. He kissed her nose and said, "you're irresistible, babe. And, I've been thinking that we should go on another a date this week."

"Saturday?" Mercedes asked.

"7 o'clock?" they said together.

They smiled at their synchronization and kissed again.

Santana tapped her foot impatiently. She and Brittany had been sitting in Maggiano's, an up-scale Italian restaurant, for the last hour waiting on Artie. Brittany reached over and squeezed Santana's hand apologetically.

"Sorry, San. Artie has trouble navigating the campus sometime. It's difficult being a half-robot and half-human." Santana's face softened at Brittany's naïve, but sincere explanation. The soft light in Maggiano's made Brittany's blonde hair glow like an angel's halo and her blue eyes sparkled. Santana was in trouble. Each day, she fell for Brittany a little bit more. She brought out the best parts of Santana, and with each passing moment Santana was sure she couldn't live without her. The waiter stopped by, refilling their refreshments and bearing a new basket of soft, garlic and parmesan crusted breadsticks. Santana was notorious for her love of breadsticks, but she let Brittany have the first pick. Brittany picked up the largest, softest looking breadstick, tore it in half, and held it to Santana's lips.

Santana beamed at Brittany and took a generous bite of the delicious breadstick. Artie still hadn't shown up, so Santana took this as a sign from fate. She finished chewing her breadstick and took Brittany's hand.

"Brittany S. Pierce," she began, "you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've always been sort of scared of my sexuality, but being with you makes me proud. You bring out the best in me, and you are the most beautiful person inside and out that I have ever met. Britt-britt, when I'm with you nobody else matters. You have the biggest heart and you love so unashamedly and so completely, that you make me wish I was enough to deserve you. you."

Brittany wiped a tear from her eye and kissed Santana. She mumbled against Santana's lips, "You are enough. I love you, too, Santana."

Someone coughed to the left of them. They broke their kiss and turned to find Artie with an eyebrow raised.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked disdainfully.

Angry because of their ruined moment, Santana snarled, "Yeah, you are interrupting, four eyes!"

Brittany put a calming hand on Santana and said brightly, "Hi, Artie!"

He waved a lazy hand in response too busy having a stare down with Santana to respond properly. Brittany looked between the two worriedly. She clapped her hands to get their attention. She rubbed her hands together and said, "I have called both of you here to make an announcement. After a long heart to heart with Lord Tubbington I've decided that to be fair, I can only keep one of you. My head wants you both," Brittany pointed to her forehead and then towards her chest, "but my heart is like a compass and it's only pointing at one of you." Artie smiled smugly. He knew Brittany would choose him. Santana had nothing on him. Santana, on the other hand, lacked Artie's confidence. As much time as she spent with Brittany, the girl always managed to surprise her.

Brittany smiled at them both and said joyously, "I love Santana."

Artie's mouth dropped open in disbelief, and Santana could hardly believe her ears. She got her dream girl—Brittany loved her. Santana resisted the urge to fist pump into the air (a stupid habit that she picked up from being around Sam too damn long).

Brittany looked apologetically at Artie and murmured softly, "Sorry, Artie." Artie's face crumpled in defeat. Dejectedly, Artie held out his hand to Santana and conceded, "I guess the best woman won."

Santana returned his handshake, then pecked Brittany sweetly on the lips. Artie rolled away to mourn in solitude, leaving the two girls to their celebration of their first declarations of love.

"Hey, Char," Kurt called. He was on his way to Blaine's room when he spotted her bouncing across campus. She waved and Kurt pulled her into a hug as they got closer.

Char tugged on her bangs and chewed on her lip. "Kurt, I need a favor."

"Anything, my dear." Kurt was in such a good mood because of Blaine. He'd probably give away his favorite Dolce & Gabbana scarf to a homeless man, if he asked.

"Do you have any of that tequila and vodka from the other night left?" Char asked.

Kurt's face took on an inquisitive look, but he didn't question her. "I have plenty left. Even some Moscato. You're welcome to any of it. I'm on my way to Blaine's, but my roommate should be there. Just go knock and tell him you're a friend of mine and you need to get something."

Char smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Kurt. You're a doll."

Kurt brushed a piece of fluff off of his shoulder. "Tell something I don't know."

Char laughed and hugged Kurt, promising not to deplete his entire stash. She went to his room and sure enough his roommate was there. Kurt's roommate was a football player named, Daniel. At first, Daniel hadn't wanted to room with Kurt, because of his flamboyant nature, but after seeing that Kurt was basically harmless, Daniel decided he could manage.

"Hey, Daniel. I just need something from Kurt's side of the room," Char exclaimed. Daniel nodded and let Char into the room. Daniel was a huge linebacker. He was about 6'5," with olive skin, dark hair, and piercing brown eyes. He was a quiet sort of guy, and rarely talked to anyone. Char loaded up the vodka and Moscato in her huge purse, deciding to forgo the tequila. She turned to find Daniel's eyes roaming up and her down her body. Char had only meet Daniel twice and never had any real interactions with him. She shifted uncomfortably and bade him a hasty goodbye.

She walked away from the dorm and could hear the glass of the liquor clinking against each other. Char had decided since she was destined to be forever alone, she could at least nurse her wounds with alcohol. She went to one of her favorite places on campus—it was an open room behind the greenhouse that nobody ever used. The room was made of two way mirrors. You could see out into the greenhouse (which was a gorgeous view), but no one could see in. Char pulled her iPad out of her purse and pulled up her list of movies. She turned on The Notebook, and got ready to get deep into her feelings. She then pulled out a shot glass, and filled it to the brim. She took shot after shot, until she could feel the fuzzy haze of alcohol descend over her. She began talking to herself and the movie.

"Noah, you are a l-liar.." she slurred. "Love doesn't happen like that. I'm going to be alone for...e-ever."

Char was so completely engrossed in her movie and didn't notice the door to room begin to open. Daniel slipped in. He'd been following Char, and he saw his hunch was right. She was completely drunk off her ass. He moved towards her, and she finally turned and saw him.

"Daniel!" she shrieked in a drunk yell. "This is my sss-secret room. How did you find me? Where's Kurt?"

Daniel crept closer to her. After Char had left Kurt's room, Daniel had followed her. He waited an hour or two, and then had decided to make his move. He spoke in a deep, rumbling voice, "Take another shot, Char."

She blinked up at him confused, but didn't question him or his motives. Char never turned down a shot. She poured another one and took it down quickly.

Daniel smiled.

"Char," he began, "I see you—bouncing around campus. Enticing me...teasing me. You've been asking for it."

Char, now totally obliterated, couldn't fully comprehend what Daniel was saying.

"Asking for w-what?" Char questioned.

Daniel leaned down towards her with a predatory look in his eyes. He kissed her, hard. Char feebly tried to push him away, but Daniel's stature combined with her intoxicated state equaled failure. He jammed her tongue into her mouth. Char's eyes widened in shock, and she briefly pulled away and begun to scream shrilly.

Daniel covered her mouth with a beefy hand and grinned lecherously at her. "Char, don't be like that," he said soothingly. And then, Char blacked out.

Finn walked out his room intent on getting some fresh air. He was tired of being cooped up in his room and watching Sam flit in and out of the room with a love sick expression on his face. He glanced up at the slowly darkening sky and decided to walk by the greenhouse. Finn noticed a hulk of a guy moving suspiciously behind the greenhouse. He resembled this brute of a guy named Daniel that played on the football team with Sam and Finn. The guy slipped into some small side building and disappeared. Finn shrugged and continued to walk, until he heard what sounded like a scream. He turned back and walked towards the small building. He couldn't see into the room and debated on whether what he heard was actually a scream. He argued with himself for a few more seconds and decided to be safe rather than sorry. He turned the knob which opened easily and stepped through the door. Daniel was laid on top of some girl and had removed half of her clothing. Finn's mouth dropped open in embarrassment and he made to leave the room until he noticed the girl wasn't moving at all. He moved closer to the two, and Daniel turned around and exclaimed harshly, "Get out, Hudson."

Finn looked closer. "Daniel. Dude. She's not moving. What are you doing?"

Daniel laughed harshly. "What does it look like, idiot?"

Finn moved even closer. The girl looked familiar. As Finn got closer to them, he was hit with the strong smell of alcohol.

"Dude, she's unconscious..." Finn exclaimed.

Daniel was annoyed. He got up and jabbed his finger in Finn's chest.

"It's none of your fucking business. Get the fuck out, Hudson." Now that Daniel had gotten up, Finn could see the girl clearly.

He gasped, "Char?" He turned to Daniel in disbelief, and Daniel smiled eagerly.

"Nice little piece of ass, isn't she? A little thicker and darker than my usual taste, but she'll do."

The statement sent Finn over the edge.

"Bastard," Finn shouted with barely controlled rage. Despite, Daniel's obvious physical advantage over Finn, he hit Daniel again and again until the giant fell to the ground. Daniel was caught off guard and now Finn had the advantage. He continued to hit Daniel until Daniel stopped moving. Finn took a deep breath, then stood up and walked over to Char. He looked down at her unconscious body and half-dressed state. He picked up her iPad and shot glasses and loaded them into her purse. Then he slung the purse onto his arm, and rearranged Char's clothing until she looked half-decent. He picked her up and carried her to his room. He didn't run into anybody on campus and was glad, because a simple explanation probably would not have sufficed Fortunately, Sam wasn't back yet. Finn laid Char onto his bed, and she curled up into the fetal position and whimpered softly. He couldn't believe that she could have just been raped-and by his own teammate no less. Char's hair was ruffled and sticking up, and her skin was covered with a slight sheen of sweat. Finn smoothed her hair down and she whimpered some more. She blearily opened her eyes.

"Finn..." she whispered hoarsely. She grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the bed. She was still wasted and seemed to be about to slip back into unconsciousness.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Char," Finn reasoned.

She whimpered again and pulled him harder. He sighed and laid in the bed and tried to put as much distance as he could between them. But, Char wasn't having it. She closed the distance between her and Finn and snuggled into his chest. She promptly fell back asleep and started snoring. Finn chuckled. Her snoring was kind of cute. If it wasn't for this fucked up situation, he could've appreciated this moment a lot more. Finn looked down at the short girl curled up against him and plotted ways to murder Daniel without getting caught until he fell asleep, too.

Mercedes was freshening up for her late lunch date with Sam. They'd been on a date pretty much every day that week. A lunch date, a study date, a class date, a brunch date, and Saturday was their dinner date. Sam turned everything into a date, and it was so cute. She'd never met anyone who was as romantic as Sam. She giggled to herself and then sprayed her wrists with her favorite body spray.

A knock sounded off on her door. She glanced at the clock. It was too early to be Sam, and he never showed up before it was time to go. She wondered who it could be. Mercedes opened the door, and her mouth dropped open in surprise.

"Hello, Mercedes." Shane exclaimed.

Mercedes was speechless. Her ex-boyfriend stood towering in the doorway.

She regained her voice and asked incredulously, "Shane, what are you doing in California? You live in New York."

He smiled and said, "It's actually kind of a long story. Do you think we could talk about it over lunch?"

Mercedes turned around and glanced at her clock. Sam was supposed to be there in about fifteen minutes. She couldn't blow him off, especially for Shane—the guy who dumped her.

Mercedes put her hand on her hip and looked up at Shane saucily. "Why should I?" she demanded.

Shane replied, "I can't go into detail, but it's important. Please."

Mercedes' resolve softened. She quickly texted Sam that something had come up and that she wouldn't be able to make it to their lunch date. She then grabbed her keys and access card and told Shane to lead the way. They ended up at a small bistro a few miles from campus. As soon as they sat down, Mercedes got straight to the point. "What do you want, Shane, and what are you doing here?"

Shane leaned back in his chair and sighed. Then he began,

"There's only one way to say this, Mercedes. I fucked up. I shouldn't have broken up with you. We were good together. I'm here on an unofficial tour of the campus. I'm thinking about transferring here to be closer to you. I want you be to be able to pursue your dreams, and since you're hellbent on UCLA and California, then I'll be here too."

Mercedes was rendered speechless once again. She'd never heard Shane be so passionate about anything, except football. He'd traveled all the way from the east coast to the west coast with hopes of a repaired relationship.

"Shane," Mercedes said in disbelief, "after almost an entire semester of college, now you want to mend our relationship? I don't think so. Besides, I'm dating someone."

Shane asked, "Are you two official yet?"

"No, but-"

"Then it's settled," Shane cut in. "I still have a chance. I don't care who this kid is you're dating, Mercedes. We have history. We have a past. I still love you."

Mercedes almost laughed at Shane's audacity. She suspected his parents of putting him up to this. They'd always wanted Shane and Mercedes together, so they'd be the quintessential, affluent black couple. Shane's sincerity was suspect, and Mercedes was not going to be fooled. She was not here for that.

"Shane, I am not here for that. I have moved on, and you should move on, too. The past is the only thing between us. No remnants of this relationship exist. We're over. Don't move across the country to pursue something that is. Not. There."

Shane's face hardened at Mercedes' honesty and then he exclaimed harshly, "I'm not giving up. I'm transferring to UCLA and winning you back. You are mine. Point black period." Then he abruptly got up and left, leaving Mercedes staring incredulously at his retreating back.

Sam knocked on Mercedes' door, and she opened it with a troubled expression on her face. After her encounter with Shane, she immediately had called Char, but her phone went straight to voicemail. Then she'd called Sam. Sam pulled Mercedes into his arms and rubbed her back soothingly. "What's wrong, babe?" They sat on Mercedes' bed and Sam cradled Mercedes' head to his chest.

"My ex-boyfriend, Shane, showed up today."

Sam said confusedly, "I thought he lived in New York."

"He does, but he came to get me back or so he says. Shane wants to transfer to UCLA, so he can be closer to me, and we can rekindle our relationship." An acidic feeling of jealously rose up in Sam's chest.

"Do you still love him?" Sam asked.

Mercedes let out a sigh against Sam's chest. "No, Sam. I don't love Shane. I'm fastly falling in like with you, and Shane isn't even on my radar."

Sam smiled and responded, "In like? I'm in like with you, too."

Mercedes smiled up at Sam and he kissed her. The tingle of electricity from Sam's kiss thrilled Mercedes, and she deepened the kiss. Sam pushed Mercedes back onto the bed and situated himself between her legs; their tongues wrestled for dominance and Mercedes could taste the slight hint of peppermint on Sam's tongue and smiled against his mouth. Sam felt her smile and pulled away. Then he kissed her nose and her forehead.

Sam brushed his lips against her lips and murmured, "I'm not worried about Shane."

Sam looked into Mercedes' chocolate brown eyes and gently kissed her again.

"Will you by my girlfriend, Mercedes? I was waiting to ask you on our date on Saturday, but I don't want to wait to make you mine." Mercedes smiled brilliantly up at Sam.

"Of course I will, Sam."

Finn felt something shifting against his chest and woke up. Then the events of earlier came rushing back to his mind. Char was still curled up against him and every so often snuggled closer into his chest and made a contented noise. Finn noted her thick, dark eyelashes that fluttered against her cheek. She was so beautiful. In her drunken state all her make-up had worn off, and Finn could see a few small freckles that dusted the bridge of her nose. Finn couldn't resist himself, and he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Char's eyes popped open. Damn, he hadn't meant to wake her up. She glanced around groggily and took in her surroundings.

"Finn," she asked sleepily, "how did I get here?"

Finn swallowed and replied, "You were drunk, and I found Daniel trying to take advantage of you."

Char's head ached and she still felt drunk. She shuddered at the thought of what would've happened if Finn hadn't happened to be around. She felt the edges of sleep softening her dislike towards Finn, and she couldn't even muster up the strength be angry and ask how they'd ended up cuddled next to each other.

Char was able to manage a soft, "thank you," before falling back asleep against Finn. Finn decided that they could talk about the whole situation in the morning, and he would just let her sleep it off there. He assured himself that it was because of her best interests that he was letting her stay, and not because he liked the feeling of her next to him.

The door to the room opened and Sam walked in. After he'd made his relationship with Mercedes official, they'd made out a little before slowing down and promising to go get breakfast together in the morning. Sam looked at Char curled up against Finn in disbelief.

"What the fuck is Char doing in your bed, Finn?" Sam hissed. He knew that Char would never consent to being with an asshole like Finn.

Finn careful not to rouse Char whispered back harshly, "Dude. Don't wake her up. I don't want to say the details without her permission, but some jackass tried to take advantage of her and I intervened."

Sam uttered in disbelief, "Yeah, right. How am I supposed to believe you? You're a liar and a jackass."

Finn shook his head in exasperation. "Sam, don't believe me, but I can't prove it to you now. You'll have to wait until Char wakes up, but she isn't now, so can you please be considerate and shut up, so she can sleep?"

Sam reluctantly nodded and decided to let it go for now. He wondered if he should go ahead and tell Mercedes, or wait. Char was her best friend after all. Sam decided to wait until the morning, and if Finn's story didn't sound plausible he'd tell Mercedes immediately.