AN: Hello my pretties. Here I am again, but I decided to write a multi chapter about my favorite couple...Natsu/Lucy! Yay! I got this idea from reading the manga, Hapi Mari by Enjouji Maki. Some parts will be the same, but I plan on making it different in crazy ways, like any Fairy Tail member would.
Oh, and I would just like to say "Thank you" to all of my all of my fans for reviewing my stories and demanding more. Oh, and thank you all for your amazing reviews on Stars Come Out, Romeo Take Me Somewhere, and Take All That I Have. Without you guys, I would lock my self in a cave and rock back and forth miserably...O.o...
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail...blah blah blah...I do not own Hapi Mari either...
The Perfect Plan
Chapter 1: The Good Life
It was a quarter passed noon and most of the employees of Fairy Tail Enterprises were out eating lunch or at their desks working as usual. Down on the fitfth floor, three young woman sat in an vacant conference room, relaxing in the comfortable chairs and giggling about the wheels. Two out of the three woman conversed about their weekend while the other stayed silent.
"I HATE men!" the young silver haired woman yelled at the top of her lungs from the conference room where her and her friends were enjoying their lunch break. The blonde friend twirled her spoon around her empty soup bowl, resting her chin on her palm in a sign that she was bored as all hell. The other friend seemed to cock a thin blue eyebrow at this statement as she chewed her food silently. "What happened Lisanna? Did you get stood up again?" asked a much small blue haired woman after she swallowed a mouth full of turkey and cheese sandwich.
"Oh no Levy, the date was fine, perfect even! He was the perfect gentleman! He toke me out to the zoo, cause you know I love animals so much, and then we spent some time at the pier..." Lisanna recited the rest of the date in perfect detail as Levy listened with an awe expression on her pretty face. The blonde on the other hand rolled her eyes at all the mushy romantic crap. She hated men, they were immature, selfish, sadistic creeps.
"So Lisanna, what happened on the date that caused you to hate men now? I think this guy sounds wonderful! He's like a prince in my stories." Levy sighed, her hopeless romantic side showing more than usual. The silver haired girl frowned and covered her eyes with her hands.
"He left!" The two other girls turned to exchange glances before looking back at their friend. Lisanna was always the drama queen of the group.
"After dinner, he walked me back to my apartment and then left! He didn't even kiss me on the lips, I got a fucking kiss on the cheek. What am I, his cousin?" The blonde, whom had been silent the whole time let out a small chuckle as she opened her water bottle. Lisanna always had a way of making everything she said very animated and dramatic, it was one of the reasons why they were friends.
"If you take a girl out you should at least have the decency to sleep with her. Hey, what are you laughing about Lucy?" Lisanna accused, pointing straight at the blonde across from her. This caused the blonde to let out a full fit of laughter.
"Oh nothing Lisanna, I just found your story amusing." Levy chuckled as well as she dipped a carrot stick in a small amount of ranch, Lisanna on the other hand stared at Lucy in awe. The silverette always had a way of reading the blonde easily. Ever since high school, Lisanna had been by Lucy's side during her mother's passing, father's debt and every failed relationship. It was easy to say that they were best friends, no matter how different they seemed.
Them being friends, it was only natural for Lisanna to ask this sort of question: "Hey Lucy, when was the last time you let someone hump your brains out?" This question caused Lucy to spit out a good amount of her drink at her friends.
Levy slapped her hand on Lucy's back in her own way of helping someone who was choking while Lisanna wiped water away from her face, muttering something about her makeup running. "Its a serious question!" she said as she wiped down her pale pink shirt, "When was the last time you fucked someone?" Lucy's warm brown eyes grew as wide as saucers, her face the same color of her dark red blouse. "Th-that is n-none of your bu-business Lisanna!" She stuttered from embarrassment and lack of air supply.
Levy scolded Lisanna as Lucy gathered her things in a haste, shoving her garbage in her lunch box and standing up. Lisanna pouted and turned back to her sliced apples and peanut butter. "You know Lucy, I work part time at the Iron Dragon Club (AN: Teehee, referance to my other story), I see a lot of man candy and I wouldn't mind being your wing man some night." Lucy pretended to ignore her friend as she walked out of the room.
Lisanna wouldn't have that. She ran to the doorway and shouted, "I take your silence as a maybe!"
Lucy let her face soften, they just want what's best for you, don't get so angry. The blonde inhaled a large breath before exhaling. She walked to her cubical and smiled at the picture of her late mother, Layla Heartfilia she had on display.
Working at Fairy Tail Enterprises was always a dream of Lucy's. Lisanna had gotten her the job after they graduated Fiore University, working under the chairman, Makarov Dreyar. Since she graduated college 2 years ago and was piled in debt, she was now juggling two jobs. This in the morning, and hosting at night.
"Lucia-chan~!" Lucy sneered at the man calling her name. Lucia was the name given to her by Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki, the owner of the Blue Pegasus Lounge. His reasoning for false names was for a less of a chance of the potential stalking and kidnapping of his workers. Lucy befriended some of the boy hosts who work there, such as Ren Akastsuki, Eve Tearm and Hibiki Lates. The three men ask Lucy out at least once a week, in which she declines.
Lucy couldn't keep track on how many confessions her customers have given her within her seven months of working at Blue Pegasus. Some of them were handsome, until she saw the pale line on their ring finger, or found a bronze ring in their back pocket. Men were disgusting creatures, taking whatever they wanted, not caring about the consequences.
Lucy shook off the creeps she got from this job and managed to smile and wave at the men passing by her. They whistled and gawked at her very revealing outfit. Now Lucy wasn't one to not use her womanly assets to get what she wanted, such as good grades in P.E or free stuff from the grocery store, but this was just degrading and unsanitary. Lucy cringe, remembering dozens of groping hands and sweaty, hot faces near her as she tried to work.
She walked to the employee lounge and collapsed on the blue sofa. She hid her face in one of the couch pillows, letting out a groan of frustration. The only reason she had this job was because of her father.
Jude Heartfilia was once a kind, loving man. Lucy vaguely recalls his coffee colored eyes sparkling whenever he saw his wife and daughter enter the room. They use to live by the sea in a large mansion, owning hundreds of acres of land. They lived happily, truly a loving family indeed, but after a short fight with cancer, Lucy lost the most important person in her life, her mother, Layla Heartfilia.
Since then, her father's once warm heart turned cold and distant. His friendly brown eyes are now permanently in cold, black slits. His thin lips turned forever into a frown.
Lucy never liked returning home from school after her mother passed away, not that her father was home anyways. He would be out on business affairs, with women or just flat out drunk so she rarely saw him. It wasn't until she was 17 that karma finally got back at the man whom practically abandoned her. He lost the thing he loved the most, his company and his money.
Since he lost his company, they have both been living together under one roof. Due to his pride, he refused to get a job, forcing Lucy has been the only one able to pay the bills. Her two pay checks barely get them by. Again, Lucy hated man.
No, that wasn't completely true. Lucy knew plenty of men who were kind and warm. Maybe it was something about the finely tailored suits her father once wore that made her hate that look. The look or arrogance, pride and dripping with ego. There was no modesty is suits. No humble man wore suits.
Correction, Lucy Heartfilia hated men in suits. (AN: I love suits. Classy men wear suits, silly Lucy)
"Lucia-chaaan~! You have a customer!" Lucy rose her head from her open book to start straight at Jenny Realight. The beautiful woman was a fellow employee of the lounge and a close friend of Mirajane fron Fairy Tail. She was looking for extra money just like Lucy, but unlike her, Jenny found no problem in sleeping with the customers. Since every relationship Lucy had ever had ended badly, she never trusted any man to lose her virginity to, and there was no way in hell she was losing it here.
"Huh?" Lucy cocked a perfectly trimmed eyebrow. The light haired woman beamed, "I know right? Who would request you? Hibiki is soooo jealous~! KYA~, its so cute! Anyways, Ichiya needs you, NOW!" Lucy did have some regular customers, but none reallt requested her on a regular basis. Jenny found the younger woman's awe strucken face adorible, she grabbed Lucy's wrist and yanked her out of the employee lounge and into the lobby. Men gawked at the two woman, Jenny loved the attention, Lucy found it disturbing. Its for the money, is what she would say while making out with a drunken slob.
Jenny led her fellow employee towards the office of the man who runs to Blue Pegasus Lounge, pulling him away from is perfume collection to talk to Lucy. Lucy felt to awkward under his stare, nervously scratching the back of her head while Jenny stood off a few feet.
Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki was a short man with a distinctive rectangular-shaped face with a large, flat nose and sharp cheek bones. His hair was an orange color, parted into an odd style and his eyes were dark. He wore his signature white suit everyday, a single gold button in the middle, showing off his curly chest hair and the pants ending at his ankles. Lucy could barely hold back a laugh whenever she saw him but she did care for him.
"Oh Lucia-chan, it is very strange indeed that someone would request you. Usually they request our lovely Jenny or even Angel, never you." He struck a pose, winking at Jenny. Lucy shivered from the creepiness of her boss. She watched Ichiya smell a small bottle of perfume beore turnng back to Lucy. "I sent him to your room. Don't keep him waiting, he looks rich!" Jenny cheered for Lucy as she walked out of the room, her shoulder hunched and mentally scolding herself for ever taking this job. Ichiya was a good boss and he was very strict when it came to the safety of his hosts. He would never out her in any danger.
Lucy walked to her room, glancing at the picture of her it had on the outside so people knew who's room it was. It was one of her better pictures in the lounge. This was a simple head shot of her smile, laughing actually. The picture was cut, but Lucy remembers Hibiki drunkenly clinging to her feet, begging for her hand in marriage at her 22nd birthday party. She hadn't smiled like that since her mother was alive.
She inhaled and exhaled before pulling back the curtain, "Hello, my name is-" she stopped herself short once she met the most intense onyx eyed gaze. The man sitting in front of her was wearing a plain white button up shirt with the collar buttons loosened and sleeved rolled up to his elbows, showing separate portions of a tanned body. His hands were large and folded in his lap while his elbows were rested on his knee caps. His most defying feature was his hair. It was pink. Messy, spiky, free flying and pink.
"Are you Lucia?" Oh god, even his voice was drop dead sexy, Lucy thought as she closed the curtain behind her. She put on her best smile and tilted her head to the side, "Yes I am. I'm honored that you'd request me, sir." She toke her seat beside him and suddenly felt tense and alarmed. She never got like this at work, focus Lucy, focus!
"Would you like some Jack Daniels?" she asked in the best voice she could get out with a bit of confidence. She saw him do a short, strict nod. She stood and began to pour the spicy liquid into a glass. Just as she opened her mouth to ask if the man wanted ice, she felt a hot breath on her neck.
When did he...? "You should quit this job." He said in a cold voice. Lucy froze, looking at the man's reflection in the dark amber drink. He was even handsome in his reflection. "This job is meaningless and will get you no where." The blonde swallowed thickly, her face heating up at the comment. "What low self-esteem you must have to work in a place like this," Lucy begged him to stop in a small voice, but he continued.
"This life of yours must be a joke, I mean there must be-" he never got to finish his cruel statement. By the time Lucy put all the puzzle pieces together, he was already soaking in Jack Daniels. The man cursed loudly, looking down at his now stained white shirt. Lucy couldn't find the energy to care.
"How dare you ridicule me! You have no right to say such horrible things to me when you know nothing about me! You may look down on me for this job, but at least I make a steady living. You probably cheat people out of there money and cause thousands to suffer. I've met your kind of people plenty of times in my life to know exactly how your twisted little minds work! I'd rather spend one night with a guy and make him happy then be like you and ruin lives!"
This man reminded her of her father. With his fine tailored suit, cold exterior and blank expression. These were the men she hated, the men who were corrupt, who did anything for money and didn't care about the lives they ruined for their goals. Their goals were the only thing important to them. Her father had goals, now he has nothing. She didn't need to know him personally to know he was like her father, she could judge character pretty well.
The pink haired man stood as still as a brick wall, not moving or speaking. Lucy was visibly shaking from adrenaline, her brown eyes wide from shock. She hadn't even noticed the shattered glass that she dropped when she was yelling. Before either of the two could move, the crimson curtains flew open, showing the incident to the whole lounge. "Wha-what happened in here!" Ichiya cried out, looking back and forth from the man and Lucy.
Lucy didn't get the chance to explain before several workers ran to the man's side and began wiping his clean. She watched as her boss groveled before this man, wiping the scotch off of his face, asking, no begging the man not to speak of this. Jenny grabbed Lucy, asking her in a frantic voice 'what was going on?', but her eyes never left the man's handsome face. Even when he was cursing and shoving men off of him, he was still the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.
The business man burst out of the small room, not even glancing at Lucy while he passed. "S-sir!" she shouted, causing the man stop dead in his tracks. He looked over his left shoulder, strands of his pink hair sticking to his forehead before he casually pulls them back.
With newly found confidence she didn't know she had, Lucy purred, "I just wanted to say that our policy her at the Blue Pegasus Lounge is that if you're not fully satisfied, next visit is free!" The other hosts cheered for Lucy as the man stalked out of the lounge, steam almost visibly coming out of his head.
Hibiki, Ren and Eve all appeared by Lucy's side, asking if anything happened to her. "Are you alright, my princess? Did he hurt you? I swear to you that I will not rest until I find him!" Hibiki swore, cupping her face, his dark blue eyes wide. She reassured them that she was fine, reassuring all the workers that she was fine too. "Don't worry Ichiya, I wasn't-" she stopped herself once she say the hard glare her boss had on his usual charming and creepy face.
"Lucy. My office. Now."
Just as Lucy predicted. She was fired.
"I can't afford to loose any customers because of this. If word gets out about this, I could be ruined. You understand that, right Lucy?" He sounded genuinely sad, his thin eyebrows turn downward, a frown present on his face.
Lucy smiled, standing up slowly and walking to her boss. "I do Ichiya, please forgive me." She bent over and kissed is cheek. After collecting her final paycheck, she said goodbye to all her newly found friends before walking out of the building.
The blonde sighed once she stepped off the bus. The damn thing never drove by her house, so she was forced to walk to street of Magnolia at 11 o'clock at night for the next 7 blocks towards her apartment by the river. Lucy always toke her time getting home, hoping her dad was asleep so then she only had to cook for herself.
"Hmmm..." she hummed, noticing the small white flakes of snow that fell down from the cloudy night sky. She stopped a marveled at the small beauties. She exhaled the breath that was caught in her lungs before continuing her walk down the street, hands in pocket and head held high.
A very voluptuous red haired woman stood beside the desk belonging to her boss, watching him click a pen furiously as he stared out the large window in his office, peering down at the down at the city of Magnolia. He stood as still as a wall of bricks, refusing to speak until he heard what he wanted to hear. He refused to change out of his stained shirt, still chuckling to himself. No woman had ever done that to him before. She was definatly something. Maybe the exact something he needed for his goal.
The silence was broken when the woman's cell phone vibrated on the desk. The pink haired boss turned to look over his shoulder at his secretary.
"Well?" he asked walking to his desk and sitting comfortably in his leather chair. He rested his feet on top of the desk, ignoring the paperwork on his desk. "It seems that chairman Makarov is willing to meet this woman if she is indeed Layla Heartfilia's only daughter, Lucy. What shall I saw, Mr. Dragneel?" The man smiled, his onyx eyes look at the picture he managed to take from the Blue Pegasus Lounge in all the chaos an hour before.
"Tell him she'll soon be known as Lucy Dragneel."
AN: I had the first four chapter written and decided to re-write it and frankly, this one is a lot better. I plan on adding more Fairy Tail members once I write out Lucy being at work more (which will be in the next chapter).
I simply love Natsu and I apologize for him being OC-ish. I swear, he is hard to write in my opinion, he's to dense to be sexy and smoldering like Gray or Jellal and hes not completely blunt and rude like Gajeel. But once he and Lucy interact I swear he'll act more clueless and loveable.
Until next time my pretties :)