BakaLoverUsagi has signed in.
Allen grinned as his friend from the web had just signed in. The boy left his math homework next to him and started to type.
CrownxClown says: Heeeey Lavi! How was your school?
BakaLoverUsagi says: *sighs from exhaustion* It was really rough. You know, all these hot girls were circling me and I couldn't help myself. You should've been there.
CrownxClown says: I'd rather not see you doing your "strikes" as you have described to me. Why don't you just say that you have eyes for girls but you don't like them? White lie won't hurt anyone, my friend.
BakaLoverUsagi says: Yes, I know. And now I will ask the same thing from you. How was your school today, white princess~?
CrownxClown says: It was okay.
BakaLoverUsagi says: I know that tone, Allen. What happened? Did someone hurt you again? You know, next time I hear that someone bullies you; I'll come and wipe the floor with their butts.
CrownxClown says: You know. There are quite many holes in that: One, you don't know what school I'm attending. Two, you don't know who the bullies are. Three, you live far away. You got my point?
CrownxClown says: Hey buddy? Are you there?
BakaLoverUsagi says: Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking stuff. So… What'cha gonna' do tonight? Drown in your homework again?"
CrownxClown says: Well, I am not drowning in my homework completely. Yet. That is if you decide to leave me alone online. *grins* Want to take one round virtual poker?
BakaLoverUsagi says: No way in Hell I am going to play that with you. Last time you took all my last savings and I KNOW you cheated! Darn you Allen… *sobs*
Allen tried to stifle a laugh that was forming in his stomach. He knew how to cheat poker, even online. He took few spins around in his office chair and then thought what to answer to his hot stupid rabbit who was currently faking the sobs, just like always.
CrownxClown says: *grins* Why do you say that Lavi~? It's just that you can't play it as good as I do.
BakaLoverUsagi says: Hey come on Allen. We've been online together for three years now and you say I can't play? You're just a little cheater.
Allen couldn't deny that either. Lavi knew him better than anyone in the whole world. When Allen still had his working webcam they used to have video calls and it was so much fun. But then is uncle came into his room drunk and trashed almost everything. And he was online with Lavi back then. Allen pursed his lips. He missed those times. He didn't have money to afford new camera because of Cross's debts.
BakaLoverUsagi says: Allen? Is Cross there again? Oh man, tell him to fuck off already. I want to have some quality time with my little white angel…
CrownxClown says: *blushes* No, Cross isn't here. I was just… thinking stuff. What we used to have. You know, video calls. And I was stripping you to your boxers while playing strip poker. I just miss it, Lavi. You're my only friend.
BakaLoverUsagi says: That was really deep Allen. You know what, if you were here, I would probably be a gay for you.
Allen almost fell off of his comfortable chair when he read those words from his laptop's screen. His mind almost screamed to get some explaining from the Bunny who just exclaimed that he'd be gay if Allen was around. "Calm down, Allen…"
CrownxClown says: You know Lavi, I might even adore you if you were here. I would seriously think dating you.
Well, now it was about time to Lavi fell off from his king-sized bed and land to the floor. Wait? Was Allen really serious about this? He climbed back to the bed and started typing again.
BakaLoverUsagi says: I think we should really meet up. You know, in person. In real life. Not from camera. I'd really take on your word on that. And who wouldn't be able to resist my sex-a-licious look, really? I will even make the Queen herself to bow on me when I come there.
CrownxClown says: Well, I think so too. But I don't have any money to travel and you know that. And it's kind of a middle of the semester so I think we should… pass. You're senior and this is your last year.
BakaLoverUsagi says: I can always go as a transfer student Alleeeen~ But yeah… Maybe you're right.
CrownxClown says: No offence Lavi, really. I would be the happiest person in the planet if we could really see each other in person. I really do want to see you.
BakaLoverUsagi says: Got it Allen. You should really go to sleep or something. Remember? We have time difference, little buddy. So off to bed my angel~!
CrownxClown says: I hate you Lavi.
BakaLoverUsagi says: Love you too, princess.
CrownxClown says: Good night, Lavi. Talk to you later. And yeah, love you too.
BakaLoverUsagi says: G'night milady~
CrownxClown has signed out.
Lavi groaned when his only companion had finally gone to sleep… Probably. Other option is that he is still doing his homework and goes to sleep an hour before the school starts. "Someone really should take better care of him", Lavi wondered and took out his history book. Maybe… just maybe things turn out better.
Time skip; 3 weeks later.
Allen tried to make himself more warm by wrapping his old and ragged blue scarf around his neck. It was freezing. The boy sighed as he walked towards his school, snow falling to his white locks. Allen looked around carefully before stepping through the school gates. Good, no bullies. Allen smiled to himself. He hurried to his locker inside, trying to fit all of his winter clothes there, along with unnecessary books. Allen hadn't talk to Lavi for three days and he was starting to get anxious. They usually chatted every day! Gosh Lavi was stupid, making him worry like that.
The boy slammed his locker closed and locked it carefully. "Shit, I'm going to be late from my class", Allen muttered as he dashed along the corridors. He thumped on something pretty soft and quickly backed from the stranger, not looking at him at all. "I'm really sorry, mister!" he said with haste and stumbled to his class. "Owww…"
"Walker, take your seat, will you?" Ms. Nine said, sighing for Allen's clumsiness. "Take your books out."
"I'm sorry for being late!" Allen said and sat to back row, trying not to look at anyone who could kick his butt. He took out his history book. Well great, the morning had been too good. Now he had aching knees from stumbling and sore nose from crashing into someone who he didn't even look at. Soon he felt book colliding with his head.
"Did ya hurt your nose? Sorry 'bout that", not-too-familiar voice said standing next to him, grinning like a mad man. "I was getting' my book from the teacher's room. Hey? Are ya daydreaming or what?"
Allen shook his head and decided not to look at anyone who offended him with and object. "Yeah, I said I was sorry. So, could you leave me alone and let concentrate on this frigging question, which absolutely out of this world. So please?" he sighed. New student or not, he wasn't going to make any friend who would hurt him.
"Well, I could help", he said and took a chair next to Allen. "I'm the new teaching assistant in this history class. It's helping with my education", he told to the smaller boy next to him. "So… What'cha name?"
"Are you from America or something?" Allen huffed to Lavi's accent, which he really didn't appreciate too much. Allen was way too polite. At least he liked to write thing polite, but to speak as well. He glanced at the stranger's slightly tanned hand, which seemed bigger compared to his. "It's only polite to introduce yourself before asking someone else's name, Mr. Teaching Assistant."
"Bookman", he grinned, waiting for Allen's reaction. He seemed to turn one shade paler. "Lavi Bookman, precisely."
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!?" Allen screamed, looking straight to Lavi's emerald green eye. He heard Ms. Nine to scold him about being too loud. He muttered quiet apology, turning his head back to Lavi. "What the hell are you doing here?" Allen whispered to Lavi. He looked like he has just saw a ghost. "Am I dreaming?"
Lavi covered his mouth, trying to stifle laugh. Allen looked so hilarious right now. "Ya know, I thought that being just in network is a bit borin'. I did some side jobs while being in school", he told Allen. "I was really just thinkin' 'bout you. And so I got this job here, 'cause this is helpin' with my education."
"I hate you accent, Lavi", Allen said, warm smile forming to his pale lips. "So… Are ya goin' to help me with yer absolutely amazin' knowledge?" he tried to imitate Lavi, which only led both boys to chuckle. "That doesn't suit me."
"No. I think Allen is better for you than me", Lavi said, starting to explain Allen how the World War II started. Allen never felt this way in school. He didn't need to dream anymore.
Because his dream was here, every day in this same history class. His dream was also at his own home, since his dream was helping him with his homework.
"Thank you."
A/N: So what do you think? My laven week is going to be series or one shots. I kind of rushed the ending because I realized that I didn't have anymore time left. uwu Stupid me.
FOR THE READERS OF A TALE OF TWO HEARTS; I'm working on with the new chapter, but I really don't know how should I continue. Be patient my dear readers~!