Mikan's P.O.V
His words rang through my head as I lay in my bed. I didn't cry. Why should I? What was I leaving behind? Nothing. Who?….No one who cares. The only one who deals with me is my younger brother, Youichi, and he doesn't really have a choice. He will be fine without me.
"Mikan, you need to have your Alice trained. You have absolutely no control right now and you could seriously hurt someone. You will be transferred to unknown location. There will be no contact with anyone from here. But I will allow your brother Youichi to come visit you. Im sorry to say that I cant allow any goodbyes. I will see you from time to time to check on you and make sure you are treated well. Know that I don't want to tear you away from your friends-" he said before I cut him off.
"That's fine. I don't need to say goodbye, but can I write a letter to Papa (Narumi) and You-Chan?" I ask. He gives me a curious look, and I know he wants to ask me questions, but he has to give me the information on hand.
"Yes, that would be fine. Is everything alright? Do you want to talk to me about something?" he asks, genuinely concerned. I give him a big, fake smile.
"I know that Papa will assure them that I am safe and happy, so im not worried. Plus, im sure one day I will be back." I say brightly. The fakeness of it makes me worried he wont buy it, but then he flashes me a smile. The smile vanished at the end and he looks at me solemnly.
"Mikan, you wont be coming back here. Im sorry, but unless the academy we transfer you to suddenly explodes, along with every other academy worldwide, we will absolutely try our hardest to keep you away from Gakuen Alice. I feel awful to separate you from your friends-" yet again I cut him off.
"Please don't worry about it," I say sweetly. "When will I leave?"
"Im sorry its so soon, but when class is starting tomorrow. You can give them an excuse for your absence for up to a week, but anything after that I believe will just cause suspicion. They will assume that it was dragged out and-" yet again I cut him off.
"No need. Will you be there to see me off?" I ask, trying to steer him off the course of my goodbyes.
"No, im so sorry, but I have a meeting in France. I know that I will see you when I drop Youichi off to see you. But it might be a long time from now, so…bye Mikan." he says as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. We stay like that for a while. Then I look up at him and smile sadly.
"I will write you all the time. Promise me you will take care of Papa and Youichi." I say.
"Promise," he says. I get on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek.
"Bye, Uncle. Love you!" I say as I start towards the door.
"Bye Mikan, stay safe and I love you," he says.
Flashback end.
Your probably wondering why I am not worrying about my friends, right. I don't have any friends. Where were Hotaru, Ruka, Nonoko, Anna, Yuu, Tsubasa, Misaki, Sumire, Koko and most importantly, Natsume. They arent my friends. They all hate me. Its okay that im transferring, because now I can drop the act. I don't have to put that pathetic smile on my face and act like everything is okay. No its not okay. Nothing I okay.
My bags are packed. I have written Narumi and Youichi goodbye letter, telling them everything. I wont be missed, that I can rest assured of. They think im a thief and a liar and everything that they knew about me is a lie. The funny thing is that no matter how hard I tried they never listened to my side of the story. NEVER. They just wrote me off and listened to the REAL liar and thief.
'They wont miss me when im gone,' I think to myself as the tears iv been wanted to cry for the last day start running down my cheeks. I wipe them away, ashamed of my weakness. If I am going to cope I need to reinvent myself.
I pour all my neatly packed clothes onto the ground and throw all the bright colors out. It leaves me with barely anything, but I don't care. I will stock up wherever im going. All I have is a black mini skirt, a black shirt, my black converse and my leather jacket and gloves and a headband. It became my new identity. My new name was Mika.
The happy, cheery, girl is now gone. I was betrayed. I was ignored. I went through hell because my friends. We knew each other for almost 4 years and they threw it away.
They threw it away without a bat of an eyelash. In the end, you cant really trust anyone.
I lay in my bed again, finally content enough to fall asleep.
'Goodnight, Gakuen Alice, let me sleep in peace for the last night I will be here,' I think before I fall into a deep sleep.
Natsume's P.O.V
I cant believe she would do this to us. No, really, I legitimately don't believe it. Im sure that in the end we will find out it is bull shit and things will go back to the way they are. Mikan tries to act like nothing is wrong, but I can tell she is hurt. Im not quite sure why I didn't stand up for her. I guess that im trying to convince them from the inside. Still I think that I should secretly talk to Mikan.
I tap on her window, expecting her to come right away. She wouldn't be asleep already, would she? She always has liked staying up late. I tap again, waiting for her to come.
"Polka, I know that you are awake," I say, hoping I am correct. Still I see no movement. Irritated, I slowly open up her window and step inside. There she lays, sleeping soundly, looking so utterly beautiful. She might not be my girlfriend, but the only reason is because technically we are dating but don't like the term dating. We are more like a married couple then a couple dating.
Yet, as I stare at her, I think to myself: 'Even people dating don't snap out at their partners without asking for their side of the story.'
When I first heard it, I believed it. But now, I know she wouldn't do anything like that.
"Polka, wake up," I say, lightly shaking her. She doesn't budge. There are bags under her eyes. She must be really exhausted. I sigh, knowing she needs her sleep.
"Stupid Polka, I guess I will let you sleep tonight, but I need to talk to you tomorrow. Night, stupid," I say as I jump out of her window. Something seems off. I feel as if I wont get to see her for a very long time. What am I thinking, I will see her tomorrow, smiling stupidly and apologizing for her lateness because her alarm clock didn't go off.
Everything will be okay. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
Mikan's P.O.V
I heard him knocking. I heard him come in. I heard calling, yet I refused to answer to him. Eventually, he gave up and left and I let a few salt drops fall from my eyes. That would be the last thing I heard him say. Even then he is insulting me. Calling me stupid, useless, lazy. He might not mean it, but now that I think about it, my old friends were always bringing me down. They laughed at all of my dreams and never believed I could do anything right.
Great friends, right? Real friends support your hopes and dreams. They build you up, not insult you and tear you down. I cant believe that I let them push me around for so long. I
There is only one thing that they can call me stupid for, and that is for letting them push me around for so long.
Soon, the sun rises and I start getting ready for my trip to hell knows where. I take a long time in the shower and even put even put dark eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. I put on my black outfit and get my belongings. I slip the letters I wrote under my little brothers and Papa's door. Then I go meet Persona. He is leaning against a tree, arms crossed and looking absolutely menacing.
"Can we leave now, before class starts?" I ask him impatiently.
"No, I want to make sure that they see you leave. it's the best revenge you could get, right?" he asks.
Now I hadn't thought of that. I smirk at him. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad….even if he has tried to kill me a couple of times.
"I think that we should put the past behind us. Lets be friends, Persona. You and I both know what betrayal feels like and both of us are bitter. it's a new start at where ever the hell we are going so lets use it. Does that sound like a deal?" I ask, tilting my head.
He examines me, a slow smile creeping up on his lips. Not a meancing, but a…nice smile.
"Alright, Mikan, were friends." he says.
"Call me Mika. So lets go, Rei, and get live as friends." I say as I take his hand in mine. He looks at me with a disbelieving expression, but soon holds my hand back and following me. We walk out through the forest into the open where the limo awaits.
"Mikan! What are you doing?" I hear Mochi yell from the window. Then the whole class gathers around the windows. I guess Narumi isn't in yet. I ignore them and keep walking, but secretly I squeeze Persona's hand tightly. He looks at me and side hugs me, his hand on my shoulders. I put my arm around his waist and hide my head in his side. I wont let them see me sad.
"Mikan!" I hear Natsume yell as he run toward me. My body not listening to me, I take a look back. He looks so desperate. I turn my head back as I continue walking toward the black limo. He wont make it, that im sure of.
Persona and I get in the limo.
"Drive," I bark at the driver as a few tears leave from my eyes.
Its time to drive away to my new life. Where ever it is, I know that it wount ever be as full as my life at Gakuen Alice. Maybe I can hope that I can at least be happy.
"Life will be hard as your Alice is trained and strengthened. But I will promise you this, you will get smarter and stronger. Lets just hope you can be happier, too," Persona says softly.
Yes, im sure. Lets just hope that I wont become to corrupt in the process.
Hey. I hope you liked this. Tell me that or I wont continue! Im thinking of deleting my shugo chara, so this was just in case! Thank you so much for reading!
DON'T OWN GAKUEN Alice OR ANY OF ITS CHARATERS. ohhh and i love getting suggestions for things that can happen in the story. my plot is always open for not only revision but MAJOR CHANGEESSSSS THANKS SOOOO MUCH