Pairings: Undecided. I will warn you now, I like yaoi (which means boy x boy). So this may or may not turn into a yaoi later on in the chapters. If you do not like this or it offends you then I would recommend not to read if it turns to that.

Rating: T

I don't take ownership of the cartoon 'Adventure Time' or any of it's characters. The only thing I take credit for is this plot and the OCs I'll be having in later chapters of the story. :D

Finn looked up at the rising sun as he sat in the wet grassy field surrounding his tree house home. He let out a sigh as he watched the setting sun. The surrounding sky turned orange as the ball of light went below the horizon. Him and Jake always went out on an adventure, he loved adventure but he had to admit, just sitting here enjoying the sunset was pretty nice too.

Finn's mind slowly drifted from the sunset, to the events of last week. Last week was when they found the Ice King's videos, and it's been on his mind a lot recently. He had always thought the Ice King was just some weird old ice wizard, but to think he used to be normal... it was blowing his mind.

Ice King, the guy who kidnapped princesses for a living, and wears a blue man dress all the time used to be normal. Not only that but... he was human. Ice King was human.

This is what bothered Finn the most, how could Ice King have been human? Sure he knew it had something to do with that crown he's always wearing but he really didn't know anything about it. Finn sat there thinking it over. He hadn't realized how long he'd been sitting there until the sun had already went down, the light fading from the sky leaving a dark cloak of night, the night sky was alight with hundreds and hundreds of stars. They all twinkled in the darkness.

Finn blinked, realizing he'd been out there for probably hours. Finn slowly pushed himself off the grass and dusted some dirt of his pants. As he stood, a cold breeze went by him. He rubbed his hands together and shook at the sudden cold. He'd better get inside before it really get's cold.

Finn slowly made his way back to the tree house. The grass under him was wet with cold slush. It must have been from the Ice King. The snow had melted but left behind frozen water, that soaked the grass. The grass surrounding the house was still wet with melted snow so it was hard to find a nice patch of grass to sit in. That's why he was a little farther then normal today.

Finn walked a few more paces to get to the doorstep of his home. The lights inside were still on, so Beemo must still be up. Finn opened the door to his home and stepped in.

The light from the candles cast a warm light around the tree house. Shadows danced around the home as the candle light flickered and spun. Finn pulled off the jacket he was wearing and hung it on a branch near by. Finn could see Beemo sitting at the table, most likely thinking of a new video game to make. As he walked pass he waved hi to Beemo and walked to the ladder leading to his room.

As he walked up the steps he noticed the unusual quite surrounding the home. Finn thought on this for a moment and figured it must be because Jake wasn't home. Jake had left a little before him to go see Lady Rainicorn. He'd said that he'd probably stay the night at her house.

Finn climbed the last step of the ladder and pulled himself up to the bedroom floor. He guessed the quite wasn't to bad. It gave him some time to think.

Finn slowly crawled into his bed, the animal skins making the bed feel nice and warm. He turned himself to lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling. He never really just sat down and thought for a while. It was a nice change every once in a while.

As Finn stared at the ceiling he let his mind wonder, soon enough it came back to the subject of Ice King.

When Ice King was in his video, he looked so normal. So human! He'd even had a family! It all seemed so different from the crazy old man he new. And now that he thought about it, he was younger too! Maybe even the same age as Bubblegum! To think whatever happened to him changed him so much.

When him and Jake where watching the Ice King's tape, the Ice King from the video was sitting near a window. It had been only a little look, but outside he could see other buildings, and even a street. To think that there used to be more humans, maybe even a small town of them made him feel so happy – and yet so sad.

As Finn thought about the other humans, his thoughts went back to Ice King. If Ice King was there when there were other humans, then wouldn't he have been killed during the mushroom war? Did his ice powers protect him? Are there other humans that survived? Does he know?

Those questions stuck themselves into Finn's head. How did he survive the war? What really happened to Ice King?

Finn had thought about all these questions until it was early in the morning. He hadn't realized he'd been up so long until the candle next to his bed had long burned out and the sun's lights were shiny brightly in his eyes. Finn grumbled at the bright light and turned over in his bed, as he did so he finally felt how tired his body had gotten from lack of sleep. To tired to change into his night clothes Finn wrapped his blanket around himself, with one last thought going through his mind, and a long yawn, Finn snuggled closer into his blanket and drifted off to sleep. That last question still in his mind.

What really happened to Ice King?

I really recommend reading the fanfiction, Simon Petrikov by yapook. It's a really great fanfiction and it's probably one favorite ones out of my favorites list on this site. :D

Now back to this fanfiction.

This story has been in my mind ever since I saw the episode with the Ice King's tapes. I think it's so cool how they made a deeper character out of the goofy crazy guy I was used to seeing in the show. I wanted to go deeper into his character so I wrote this.

Finn seems so interested in finding out about the other humans. I thought it would make sense that he would be curios about Ice King's past.

I'm still a little new to writing so if you see any mistakes then I would thank you to politely correct me.

This story is going to differentiate a bit from the original Adventure Time story. For example:

The Ice King didn't have a fiance in this. I might say that Betty is his sister in this. (will be explained later)

And he is a little younger then how he probably was when he was human. I'm gonna make him about the same age as Bubblegum. May become younger or older.

There will probably be multiple changes from the original plot as I carry on with this story. And lastly I may draw the characters on my account on deviantart. I like to draw so I'm considering it. :D

Review and tell me your thoughts! :D