Once upon a time in a land of not so make believe...

There lived a man named Kha, whose stunning charm and wit could captivate anyone with a flip of his raven black hair and a wink of his startling yellow eyes. He was a strange man, but a man none the less.

And every man has his needs.

Kha attended a university along with this hussy named Grace. A few years after they graduated from whatever kind of school editors go to, he introduced her to this one guy named Trip he had conveniently met the day before at a sex toy shop(he was in the market for a rainbow dildo), as to get Grace off his dick. They clicked instantly somehow. A few years later Grace totally banged Kha against his wishes and took his snakey virginity on a baby changing station in a woman's restroom.

The next day her boyfriend, Trip, proposed.

Thus the façade began.

Kha ran his hand down the row of buttons in the elevator, stopping at each and every floor to the chagrin of everyone else in the elevator. The last stop on the 48th floor was he and he stepped out with a grimace.

"Mashed potato Johnson..." he muttered under his breath for encouragement. He knew Trip and Grace's marriage was failing, despite ignoring all of their calls for months he could tell by the growing desperation in Trip's voice. This was once again verified by the arguing beyond the walls before him.

He knocked on the door half-heartedly and was welcomed by a hushed

"He isn't supposed to be here for another hour!"

He waited and listened to Trip scurry to the door, ignoring Grace's comment completely. The door seemed to burst open and revealed the most painfully fake grin the world had ever seen.

"Khaaa!" The a' seemed to linger on Trip's tongue, Kha stared blankly into the pent house and let himself in before his host could mutter another word. The bar immediately caught his eye as he spotted vodka, his favorite drink from sweet mother Russia, his homeland. The second Grace reentered the room greeting him with a tone that made his ears bleed he spotted the prized rainbow dildo. The wedding present he had bought Trip in private. He plucked the clear glass bottle from the bar as the two bickered, butting into their conversation, he kissed both of his hosts on the lips and muttered only one word before he made his way out of the poorly decorated penthouse before Trip followed him, dragged him back in just so he could throw him out and slam the door on his tanned crooked nose.
