A/N: Hey guuuys! Sorry for the long wait! Writer's block has been a pain in the butt. :PPPP Thankies to DarkFlame Alchemist for beta-reading my chappie! Love you, cousin!

Guys, read her stories! They're AWESOME! Also read CatsAreMyJoy (my sister)'s story: The Possible Impossibility. It's a Naruto fanfic. Please read my other story too!

Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-Man. Katsura Hoshino does.

On to the chapter! Enjoy!


"My name is Lenalee." She smiled at me and gestured towards the boy. "He's Kanda." He nodded his head a bit and I smiled shyly at both of them. "What's your name?"

"Um…" I ran my hand through my hair, feeling my shyness creep up to the maximum. "My name's Jei."

"Miss!" hearing the voice, our heads swiveled in its direction. A man wearing a beige hooded cloak ran towards us. "Have you found the Innocence?"

"Yeah. We nearly lost it to those akuma too." Kanda scowled and folded his arms.

"Please contact the Order and tell my brother that we found it and its accommodator." Lenalee added.

'Innocence… Order… Akuma… Accommodator…?' throughout their small talk, I pieced these four information together, and it only led to one thing…

"Wait, are you guys…" I started to say when they looked at me. Lenalee smiled and turned to me.

"Yes. We are exorcists...And you are one too."

CHAPTER 2: Unwanted Changes

3rd POV

"Thank you." Lenalee politely thanked the woman, who gave her a cup of tea, with a smile.

After saving Jei, they went back to her bookstore to let her prepare her belongings. Right now, the woman in front of them was her neighbor, who Jei referred to as "Auntie Marilyn". Lenalee, Kanda, Toma and Marilyn sat at one of the coffee tables in the bookstore for a while, waiting for Jei to get ready. As Marilyn sat on the chair in front of them, she sighed with a little sadness.

"I really hope that you won't take her from us..." she smiled sadly while stroking her cup of tea."But... It can't be helped, can it?"

"I'm really sorry..." Lenalee started, gently placing her hand on top of Marilyn's. "But, Jei's an exorcist. Her life would be much different now. And not to mention dangerous... Not only that, but the people around her would be in danger too."

"So, please understand. It's for the good of everybody..."

"... I know." Marilyn gave a resigned sigh and turned her head to look around the store. "But, once she's gone... A lot of things will change..."

A few seconds of silence passed before Lenalee spoke again.

"If you don't mind my asking, but how is Jei like?" At the question, the woman smiled knowingly.

"Jei is a kind girl; although she could be quite shy most of the time. She's typically the observer, and hardly talks unless she needs to, so it might prove to be difficult for her to open up... But if you give her some time to get used to you... Well," Marilyn chuckled. "You'll be surprised by her change of demeanor. Talk to her about books, and you're good to go!"

Jei 1st POV

I sighed as I looked over my luggage. I must admit… I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave the comfort of my books, my life, my town, my neighbors and my house. I've never felt anywhere else as safe as my home. And frankly, I was afraid to leave. I was afraid to leave the safety of my house, the only thing I've known for the rest of my life.

But, another side of me would be excited, since I was embarking on a great adventure. It would be like the adventure books I've read, all the stories I've heard. I'd be living the life of the stories I've read. This would be like a great turn of event in my life, like any other protagonists of novels have had. But, no. This was a totally different story. This was real life. This was real, and it was happening, right here and right now. Real life would never be as easy as any other lives in the books I've read... This would change my life forever.

"But I don't want any changes..." I whispered to myself as I clenched my fists on the book. My Innocence. "Why must you happen to me, Innocence? I like my life the way it is... I..." I feel myself shaking while tears began to prickle in my eyes.

"No! Do not cry!" I shook my head furiously, refusing my emotions to get the better of me. "Maybe this is the path that I should take. Maybe this path is meant for me. I just have to believe that what is to happen is meant to happen... That's all there is to it."

I finished fixing my things and placed them all in my luggage. More than half of my luggage consisted of my clothes, with the rest being my favorite books. There was no way that I was going to leave them here. When I was about to leave my room, I turned around and memorized every detail that I could of it. My bed, my lamp, my table, everything. I wanted it to be implanted in my head, so that I wouldn't ever forget about it. I also walked around my bookstore for, hopefully, not the last time. I ran the tips of my fingers through their spines, like I always did. I've always been a sentimental kind of person, and now was the time that my sentimentality has been shown the most.

Throughout these last minutes with my books, my heart had been pounding in my chest faster than usual. Recalling all my memories here must be the cause of that…


It was at the afternoon in the bookstore, and I was 8 at that time. Immediately after we had our bookstore, I started reading books a lot, and even my parents noticed that I've been growing silent. I made sure to reassure them that I was fine, and that it was just a new environment. I was just getting used to this new life.

That afternoon, as always, I was immersed in my books, with a pile of them surrounding me. I stayed in my usual place, at the window sill, covered by the curtain. At the back of my mind, I heard a sound, and as usual, I shrugged it off. Whenever I read, I tended to unconsciously block out any sounds surrounding me. So when my mom opened the curtain and took the book from my hands, I was nothing short of surprised.

"Mom!" I gasped then smiled sheepishly at my mom.

"Jei," Mom gave me a knowing smile. "I am glad that you love reading books, but if the only thing you do is read and read and read, and the result of that is neglecting your food and your studies..."

Mom shook her head and lightly laughed, "What am I supposed to do with you...?"

I grinned at my mom as I stood up and followed her to the dining room.

*end flashback*

I smiled wistfully as I traced my fingers along the same window sill that I had called my own. 'Why does leaving have to be so difficult?'

"Wow! So many books!" I jumped by the sudden statement and turned around to see Lenalee, Toma and Kanda looking around the shelves. "Are these all yours, Jei?" Lenalee looked at me with awe written all over her face.

"Uhh… No. Not all of them…" I ran my fingers down my hair and played with the tips of the licorice black locks, slightly smiling at the inquisitive girl. "Most of them are my parents'…"

"I've lived with these books ever since…" I faintly smiled as another wave of nostalgic memories ran across my mind. Oddly, I felt it comfortable to open myself, even just a bit, to these new people. "It will be so much different without them…"

A few minutes later…

"Auntie…" I smiled at Auntie Marilyn as we exited from my bookstore. I felt tears come into my eyes as I hugged her. "Auntie, please take care of my family's bookstore for me… I'll try to visit if I can…"

"Yes, I will. Don't worry…" As we separated, she placed a light hand on my cheek and she smiled. "You've grown up a fine young woman, Jei. Take care of yourself."

"Big Sister Jei!" Within a second, a little blonde girl of 6 came running to me with tears in her eyes. "Do… do you really have to go?" She looked up at me and was in the brink of tears. She's the daughter of Uncle Jean, Ella.

"I'm sorry, Ella… but I have to…" I hugged her and held her close. She became like a little sister to me all these years. I held her at arms length and smiled. "Be strong, Ella. I'll try to visit after some time, alright? Now, please don't cry."

"But… But… But…" Ella's green orbs grew tearier every second. "I'm going to miss… seeing you all the time…"

"Hey, stop crying… you're gonna make me cry too…" I wiped her tears gently and added, "Remember those books I lent you?"

"Mhmm…" She gave a small hiccup and looked at me.

"Well, let's just say that I'm giving them to you." As I saw her face light up, I smiled. "Alright?"

"Yeah!" she smiled back and tackled me again.

"Jei…" Uncle Jean and his wife, Auntie Marie both came and hugged me. "Take care, alright? We'll make sure to take care of your bookstore, along with Marilyn here."

While I looked at the smiling faces of Auntie Marilyn, Auntie Marie, Uncle Jean and Ella, I truly felt how grateful I am that they've stuck by me ever since my parents left. They've become like a family to me, but now I'm leaving them…

"Thank you guys… so much!" I waved at them as we walked away from my bookstore and my family. "Hope to see you soon!"

Upon leaving my bookstore, we walked towards the train station, which wasn't that far, and bought our tickets. Immediately after, we entered a compartment (we got first class) and sat down with me and Lenalee at one side, and Kanda and Toma in the other. While waiting for the train to move, we talked for a bit. Well, actually, I mostly listened. They, meaning Lenalee and Toma, told me about being an exorcist and that was when I found out that Kanda was also 16 years old like me while Lenalee was only 14 years old. It really surprised me how young she was, though I wasn't one to talk. People my age are still considered young.

When the train started moving, Lenalee faced me and smiled, "They're very kind people… its understandable why you didn't want to leave."

"Yeah…" I faced the window and looked into the dark chocolate brown eyes of my reflection. I sighed, then looked at my hands. "I wonder… how it would be like without them…"

"Che." Kanda stood up, scowling, and stared right into my eyes. "You should be glad that you know who and what you are. So quit your damn moping."

'Who and what you are?' I thought to myself after hearing his words. 'What does he mean by that?'

"Kanda!" Lenalee frowned at his statement, but before she could say anything else, he exited the compartment, saying he needed some air or something.

'For such a handsome guy, his attitude kind of sucks…' I thought as Kanda went out of the compartment. If I had known him for a long time, and not just now, he would have gotten an earful from me, since I was just about ready to blow up. I mean, who wouldn't get angry if someone wasn't being kind to him/her?

"I… I get the feeling that Kanda doesn't like me that much…" I sighed while brushing my side bangs away from my face. It feels really bad when someone gets testy with you, believe me…

"No! It's not like that, Jei!" Lenalee slightly waved her hands in a placating gesture.

"Maybe Master Kanda is just in one of his moods…" Toma added.

"Yeah!" The Chinese girl beside me smiled. "After all, I heard that my brother got Kanda to join us here right when he had just finished a mission. And, come to think of it, I heard that the mission didn't exactly go the way he had wanted it to."

"Mmm…" I slightly agreed with her, while subconsciously stroking the jade stone that my childhood best friend gave me. This was another habit of mine, which helped me comfort myself. Somehow, by doing that, I felt like my childhood best friend was with me all the time.

"Wow! So pretty!" Lenalee gasped and looked at my bracelet. "Who gave it to you?"

A bit surprised by the sudden outburst, I stuttered, "Uhh… m-my… childhood best … friend…"

"But… I didn't see your friend a while ago… where is he or she, then—" her eyes widened then she waved her hands around. She probably saw my reaction to her question. "Ah, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked! It was a step out of line, so…"

"No… it's okay…" I shook my head and slightly smiled at the green haired girl and showed her the bracelet. "My best friend… his name is Luke…" I started. 'Why am I even telling her of all this?' I questioned myself. 'I've never been this open before…'

"I've grown up with him…" I looked down at my hands. "…I really, really, really love Luke. He's like a brother to me. I kind of get overprotective of him all the time… Actually, many people thought we were twins… except for the fact that we look totally different… but all that changed when we left…"

From my peripheral vision, I saw Lenalee frown beside me. "After that… I've never gotten in contact with him… I… felt like… I lost a part of my family… Luke has always been part of my family… Losing him was like losing a brother… So—"

Before I could continue, we felt the whole train shake violently before it came to a sudden stop. Instinctively, I reached for my book, my Innocence, and held it close to me.

"What's happening?" Lenalee's eyebrows furrowed and I saw her tense. Before Toma could open the door of our compartment, Kanda slammed the door open, and behind him, people screamed and ran around. It was utter chaos.

"Hey, this is no time for sitting around! There's akuma!" he shouted at us with his usual expression on his face.

'Akuma?' My eyes widened as I remembered the events that just happened hours ago. Suddenly, the train shook so violently that we were all jerked from our positions. 'What the hey is happening?!' I felt like a sudden strong earthquake hit the train or something. All of our belongings flew around and the next thing I knew, I hit something hard.

"Tch! Watch it!" Apparently, it wasn't a something. It was a someone.

'Oh great… I accidentally hit Kanda.' I sweat dropped at my rotten luck. 'Of all people, why Kanda?'

"Uuugh… are you guys okay?" Lenalee called from the other side of the compartment. When we all answered her, I thought that the earthquake was finished, but actually, it was just beginning.

All of a sudden, something attacked our compartment, slicing it in half – with one half containing me and Kanda and the other, Lenalee and Toma. Just to make things worse, an explosion happened at the same time, causing our half and Lenalee's half to separate from each other.

'Shiz… if I get any dizzier, I'll vomit.'

Because of the forceful separation of our compartment, our half tumbled and jerked around violently several times. When it finally stopped, I opened my eyes to see Kanda's face only inches from mine. My eyes widened, my heart skipped a beat, and my cheeks flared up with a blush. 'Holy shiz…' was the only thing that entered my mind as our position fully dawned on me. It took Kanda a few seconds later to realize our position, and when he did, he immediately stood up, giving me a strange look. I think that it was extreme annoyance. Now that I think of it, it seemed like his annoyance wasn't fully directed at me.

'What the…?' My brows furrowed as I sat up, taking in my surroundings. Everything seemed to look… blurry—'My glasses!' My eyes widened. It most likely got dropped from the jerking of our compartment.

"Come on, let's go see the damage outside because of the damn akuma," he uttered, walking out of the opened part of the train and jumping out. I didn't reply, just following along as I slowly walked in his direction, making sure that I didn't fall off the edge like an idiot.

Unfortunately, I misinterpreted the number of steps it would take to get to the end and lost balance. I fell forward and closed my eyes, expecting to feel a lot of pain.

That didn't happen though, for it was taking longer than it should have been to hit the ground. I reopened my eyes, seeing that I was floating in midair and I was staring at the ground, 'What's going on?'

"Stupid woman, how'd you end up falling like that?" I heard Kanda say, although it was very loud and I couldn't see where he was. I looked up and saw the slightly fuzzy image of his face, which I assumed was scowling for the millionth time since I first saw him. I then realized that he had caught me in his arms, which was where I currently was at the moment. My cheeks turned red once more as I scurried off him, falling onto my knees.

I rubbed my eyes and tried to see where we were. I could make out the part of the train we were on which got derailed and noticed that we were at the bottom of a hill. It probably explained why we tumbled around many times. I looked up above and vaguely saw the other half of the train still on the tracks. Thank goodness for that. Now, if only I could find my glasses…

"Che, you can't see, can you?" Kanda figured out, probably from noticing my weird behavior after observing me for a few minutes.

I looked down and frowned, clenching my hands, "I can, but it's blurry..." We heard noises and looked in the direction to see akuma heading towards us.

"Just what we need now," Kanda said in annoyance, pushing himself up so he was standing. He brandished his sword, getting ready to fight. "Go hide somewhere. You'd only get in the way."

Hearing his statement irked me to no end. With his kind of attitude, I could only take as much. But no matter how much I wanted to argue with him, I knew that he was right. I was a novice at fighting akuma. I barely even held my own with one, much less with two, and the fact that my vision was kind of impaired didn't help at all.

With this in mind, I complied, a bit unwillingly, and watched as the dark haired boy faced the five akuma. From what Lenalee and Toma told me along with my knowledge of akuma, I recognized their types. Three were level ones since their appearance were giant, round creatures with faces on them, while the other two were level twos because of their unique appearances - one looked like a palm tree with a skirt and the other was mole-like, had a metal drill for a nose and large claws.

He held the sword in front of him and glided his index and middle finger along its blade. "Innocence, activate! Mugen, unsheathe!"

I stared at Kanda as he activated his Innocence. 'He… looks so much like a Japanese samurai…' If anything, that fact made him a lot more handsome in my point of view.

"Remember, just stay here." That was the last thing he said before charging towards the akumas, leaving me behind to watch the battle that was to come. I felt so useless.

Kanda jumped in the air, yelling out, "Netherworld creatures! First Illusion!" He moved his arm horizontally as creatures came out of his blade and went straight to the akuma. His attack missed them all as they all dodged. The lower-leveled demons flew up and went for him right after while the others remained back.

I continued to watch Kanda and was amazed at how he took care of the level ones with ease, slashing each one that was headed in his direction. They exploded into dust one by one. He made it seem like the fight was nothing.

The level two akumas appeared more difficult to fight as the mole-looking one burrowed quickly into the ground and the other one threw its arms out, sending two plant vines in Kanda's direction.

When Kanda landed back on the ground, he sidestepped and sliced through the long vines.

'Wow, he's so cool...' I thought as he stayed in his spot while witnessing the akuma retract its arms, screaming in pain.

The ground started to rumble below him. Quickly, he leapt backwards as the other akuma emerged from the soil, attempting to drill him with its nose. When Kanda tried to land back on the ground, he had to jump back up quick because there was a hidden hole. He did this several times, but ended up almost falling into one of them.

"There's no where for you to land, exorcist! I placed traps all over this area and will add some more now!" the burrowing akuma mentioned before heading back underground.

"Che… like that will stop me," Kanda retorted, sending out another attack throughout the battlefield ground. Many of the holes were revealed and he landed on a safe spot.

The dark-haired exorcist began to run around the holes very fast, and towards the other akuma, which had finally regenerated its arms and maneuvered them in his direction. He moved quickly, able to avoid the vines while watching where he was going.

'He has good hand and eye coordination… and his speed is incredible,' I thought, mesmerized by the scene. Kanda was able to keep calm while battling not just one, but two level two akumas.

Kanda dodged the vines once again as he was making his way to the plant akuma, but it was taking longer because of the newly made holes that he kept almost falling in, plus the razor leaves that the akuma was also sending out.

When he got closer, he jumped high, slashed the vines that retracted back to the screeching akuma once more and held his sword up high to strike the demon down.

'Yes, he's going to kill it!' I thought excitedly, holding my hands together in anticipation.

Suddenly, a crater formed around the akuma, leaving it in a small island within the crater as the akuma was waiting for its vines to regenerate once more.

Kanda growled before leaping back onto the edge of the crater instead. He was about to swing his sword horizontally, but the other akuma resurfaced beneath him, taking a hold of his hand that was holding Mugen with its tongue as well as both of his legs with its arms.

"Get off me, damn akuma!" he shouted while attempting to regain the use of his limbs.

Out of nowhere, the vines appeared again, more quickly than it would have before, and went straight through Kanda's chest and out of his back. His eyes widened, but his body remained still. Both akumas were smirking at their accomplishment.

"Kanda!" My eyes widened in shock at what I just witnessed. Blood dripped from the edge of his mouth and chest. 'H-how... How did this happen?' Just by watching this fight, I already thought of him as an incredibly strong guy. Him getting hurt badly never crossed my mind.

My hope came back when Kanda held the vines tightly with his free hand as soon as the tips got out of him. He then pulled his other arm up so hard that the mole akuma's tongue released its hold, allowing him to stab the akuma through the tongue before it could go back in the akuma's mouth.

Kanda released it right away, and the akuma went back in the ground quickly.

The other way tried to pull its vines away from him, but it couldn't because Kanda was holding onto them. He brought his sword up and swung down onto the vines, not letting go of them. The injured parts quickly retracted, taking Kanda with them. He had his sword pointed forward, and when he got close enough to the akuma, he stabbed it through its body.

The exorcist released a surge of energy from his sword, causing the akuma to explode.

I sighed in relief, 'He was able to kill one of them… that's good… but he's still injured. Can he keep on going?'

When the smoke cleared, I noticed him leap off the middle of the crater and onto the edge again before going down on his knees, with one hand holding his wound as he breathed heavily. His hair wasn't tied up anymore, probably from when he defeated the akuma.

A large mound of earth began to move along the ground and head towards Kanda from behind him, like a shark in water. I didn't think he noticed, for his head was down and he appeared in pain.

"Kanda, watch out! The akuma's behind you!"

He heard me and did a 180 turn while swinging his sword. The akuma surfaced at the same time Kanda deflected its metal nose and pushed it back, causing it to go back in the earth. He then jumped back, making sure not to end up in a hole before kneeling on one knee with the tip of his innocence pressed in the soil.

Another mound of dirt arose, headed towards him again, but Kanda looked too tired to do anything.

'Kanda… I need to do something to help, and quick. I can't just sit around here while he does all the work.' At the corner of my eye, I noticed my Innocence a few meters away from me. Just staring at it gave me the impression that it wanted me to do something.

"Me? But what can I do?" I asked it after reaching forward and picking it up.

"Die exorcist! I'll take your innocence and give it to my master!" I heard the akuma laugh as it showed itself once again; ready to strike down on Kanda.

And before I knew it, I was running towards the akuma with my Innocence in hand, making sure to watch out for the holes. I stopped in front of Kanda and clenched the book tightly. 'Please, my Innocence. Help me.'

"Innocence, activate!" I called out, remembering how Kanda activated his Innocence before. Immediately, my book opened, and once again, it was engulfed in its green hue, as a strong wind blew around me, causing my hair to fly around, '... I need something that can attack...'

As though my book had heard my thought, it flipped to a page in which a line was glowing green. Knowing what to do, I immediately read it as the akuma came to attack.

"Ancient Book, thine vast, absolute power hath been called for't. Bring forth an eternal inferno to thy master's adversary... sear its hardened heart and engulf it in thy never-ending flame. Heed my command and bequeath to me thy power! Inferno's thousand flames!"

In response to my words, a flurry of fireballs assaulted the level two akuma, burning it completely before it could reach us. I thought it already disappeared, but it started moving again with smoke enveloping its body.

'Shiz… when is it going to die?' I panted, exhausted by the spell I just cast. My body felt extremely heavy that I could barely stand. '…Just… one more time… once more…' I gritted my teeth, fighting against my exhaustion, and preparing myself to cast the spell again.

"One more time, my Innocence! Inferno's thousand flames!"

The balls of fire scorched the akuma once again, and when the last fireball was hit, it finally disintegrated into dust.

When deactivating my Innocence, a wave of nausea washed over me, making me feel like I was about to faint as I suddenly fell to my knees and covered a hand over my mouth, trying to get over the nauseous feeling. 'That spell... It was a bit too much for me... I… overdid it…'

I was about to relax when I saw a shadow hovering over me. Opening my eyes quickly, there was a level one akuma in front of me, about to shoot its guns.

'This isn't good… I'm already at my limit.'

I didn't have to worry, because a blur flashed in front of me and sliced the akuma before it could even attack. The demon exploded soon after.

When it was gone, I saw Kanda's back facing me in my still hazy vision. 'Wait a minute; he was behind me before… how'd he get around me so quickly?'

"You stupid woman, what were you thinking?!" I heard him angrily say as he faced me with his scowling expression intact. His statement seemed to slightly lessen my nausea so I got up and strode towards him, eyebrows furrowed.

"I just saved your life, and this is how you thank me?!" I looked up at him and glared back. It was then I noticed that he was a few inches taller than me. His eyes widened only a bit of a fraction, probably surprised by my change of attitude, but it was immediately replaced with a glare.

"Che!" Kanda scowled once again. "I would've been fine by myself, and I ended up saving you in the end anyway."

'So ungrateful,' I thought to myself before remembering something, "Kanda, you got wounded!"

"I'm fine already, see?" He announced, opening his coat some more to reveal his bloodstained shirt with a hole on it where his injury was supposed to be.

I frowned, 'I could have sworn it was a major wound… how'd it heal so fast?'

Kanda then let go of his coat and began to walk up the hill, "We have to go meet up with the others. Plus, look for those damn glasses of yours so let's not waste any more time."

'I get that we have to go find them, but why is he so concerned with my glasses?' I thought curiously before catching up to him.

We finally made it back up to the tracks, seeing Lenalee and Toma near a bunch of people. When seeing us, they immediately went towards our direction.

"It looks like the two of you are all right," Toma stated.

"We thought we lost Kanda and our newest member all in one day!" Lenalee added. "Are you guys okay? We had to deal with akuma up here."

"Che, same with us. What's worse, this stupid woman lost her glasses and almost got herself killed," Kanda enlightened them, not bothering to mention the other details of what happened. "I'm going to go look for our stuff so we can get out of here."

"That doesn't mean you didn't yourself," I muttered softly as he left us, heading to the side of the train.

"Oh, your glasses? I actually found them," Lenalee revealed, taking something out of her pocket. She looked at me sadly when showing it to me, "It kind of got damaged though… there are cracks on both of the lenses."

I looked at them and there were indeed damaged, "Oh great."

"Don't worry though," she assured me. "I'll have my brother fix them. They'll be as good as new before you know it!" A smile was on her face now.

"Thank you," I said gratefully to her before we went to go back in the train.

A few minutes later…

After we finally found our entire luggage, we were about to start walking to the Black Order when I felt like we were being watched. I turned around and looked at the top of a hill to see a black blur on top of it. I squinted, even though squinting can worsen my vision, and saw a (still a bit blurry) person wearing a top hat and an expensive looking black suit. Immediately after seeing the figure, shivers ran down my spine and spread throughout my body. Many people might have mistaken it for fear, but somehow, I knew that it was of anticipation, not of apprehension. It was as if my subconsciousness knew that that person would appear sometime in my life in the future. But whether it'll be a good or bad thing was what I didn't know.

"Hey guys... Is it just me, or is there a person with a top hat standing on the hilltop over there?" But the moment that I asked the question, the figure was gone, like it was never there in the first place.

"Che, there's no one over there. You must be going psycho," Kanda scoffed, not caring at all if I got offended or not.

Lenalee walked over to his side and whacked him on the head with her bag, "That's not nice, Kanda!" He rubbed his head in pain, sending her a small glare. And without another word, he started walking ahead of us.

I sighed, 'Maybe it's just me, but I get the feeling that Kanda dislikes me a lot more when I'm not wearing my glasses.'

I took one more glance at the hill before turning around and catching up to the others as we walked towards our destination: The Black Order.

Throughout our whole walk to the Black Order, we've all been silent, except for a few occasional questions from me about the Order. Lenalee told me that the Order will be like a family to me, like it was for her. Through her words, I realized how much she loves the Order.

Besides my frequent clumsy footing and my near-tripping/falling incidents, all of us were quiet. Little by little, I also noticed that I started to give sidelong glances at a certain dark haired boy. I really did not get him. Would it kill him if he tried to be nice? I mean, how will people like him if his attitude was like that?

Each time I caught myself looking, I reprimanded and told myself to focus on not tripping or anything of that sort. I had to be sure of my footing, especially when we crossed a rocky terrain.

"We're here." Toma announced to us as we came to a stop.

I looked up to see a tall tower, which kind of resembled the leaning tower of Pisa on top of a hill. Under the moonlight, it looked early beautiful and mysterious at the same time. It also had bat-like things flying around. Golems, if I remember correctly.

What made me like it the most was the aura it was giving off. I don't know why, but I had a feeling that I'll like it here.

"Wow..." was all I could say. Lenalee smiled at me.

"Welcome to the Black Order."

A/N: Soooooooooooooooo, how'd you guys like it? XDDD Please review! And thank you to andieanne, Derp, EaglefootMoonflightVipertail , CatsAreMyJoy, and DarkFlame Alchemist for reviewing! And thankies to those who favorited my story: April Marciano, CatsAreMyJoy, DarkFlame Alchemist, EaglefootMoonflightVipertail , and Halley Vanaria. And thankies to BloodStainsOnMyKisses, EaglefootMoonflightVipertail , and fireyred for following my story!

Love you guys so much!

Till the next chapter!
