I'll admit it, this has been in my mind and in a note book for quite some time now. It originated as a dream, of which I could only remember that it involved these two and the last line (or something like that) (I aint gonna spoil it for you). It was originally supposed to be a romance, but it seems I'm unfit to write such stories (or fail miserably trying) so now only a few people who reeeaaallllyyy like this pairing (mememe!) can see a speck of romance, if they squint.

important notice: this hasn't been beta'd, as I didn't get a response from the people I asked to beta... (people who like beta-ing have my permission to beta this and send me the beta'd version... if they/you want to)

With a sigh, Kotetsu Isane let herself fall into one of the not-quite-comfortable hospital chairs, finally able to look at the results of a test.

A few weeks ago, a big Hollow'd attacked and was subsequently killed by a group of soul reapers. All seemed well until one by one, every single one of the shinigami sent on that mission had fallen ill with the weirdest of symptoms.

So far, the patients showed an increased appetite for sweet foods, slower and more shallow breathing (though no change in the blood's oxygen levels), an increased interest in plants (especially flowers). They also showed lowered inhabitations, hallucinations and more violent nature of some of the usually most calm people.

Among these was the squad's leader, lieutenant Hisagi Shuuhei. His status'd gained him a small, privet room on the second floor with a nice view of the gardens. And it was in this room that the doctor now sat, absorbing the information on the piece of paper in her hands.

A scowl found its way to her face as her patient turned to his side. Under normal circumstances she would've been glad at the result, but now the negative answer she received from the test meant she still didn't know what was wrong with the hard working squad.

"ane, Isane, Isanneeeeeā€¦" the pale male's whining successfully dragged our heroine out of her ravine, a thumb coming up to gently ease away the crincles in her brow and forehead.

"Come lie with me?" Shuuhei asked innocently, possibly hoping the sweet tone would disguise his intentions. Isane, however, had already been warned by other nurses in the division and if she had been surprised, she didn't let it show.

"I'd love to Hisagi-san, but you know I can't." the female began, brushing some of his hair behind his ear. "not while I'm on dut-" but the shy silvette never finished that sentence, for something odd caught her eye.

She swiftly replaced her right hand with her left, as to grab an otoscope with her newly freed hand, which was swiftly used to confirm the doctor's suspicion about the source of the 4th squad's troubles.

Releived at finally discovering the problem which had kept the hard working (or battle hungry) shinigami bedridden, Isane sat back and giggled, before asking the confused man "Why didn't you tell me you had a flower growing out of your head?"

I told you it was weird. I'm currently working on another IsHei story, but I'm in need of some villanous plans for Aisen & Co. ... and/or a co-writer to a) keep me working b) help me out with the romantic aspects ('cause the spirit king knows I need it)