The Deepest Depths
Summary: Yes I have decided to do this story after all. While it's planned to be a standalone tale, it may grow into full story, but I'll wait and see... so no promises. It will depend on how I feel, and what the reviews are like.
I would like to get this story to around twenty chapters of around 2-4k words each. This is my target and my goal for what I want to achieve with this fic.
This in tribute to the 'curse summer' story, which I recommend you read. Just look on my profile, under favourite stories for necessary link.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters, it all belong to J.K. Rowling.
The Deepest Depths – Chapter 1: The Offer
Beta by Sekhmet49
"Harry was walking leisurely towards his head of house office. Surprisingly, he had been summoned just the day before the end of the year, although for unknown reasons. He hadn't done anything to warrant such convocation. He wasn't even involved in that much trouble this year. After all, it wasn't like he went looking for trouble; trouble just happens to always find him.
Passing by a window and observing the school grounds made him reflect on his eventful year. One thing was sure, he was eternally thankful for the dementors' departure! Although, it was a shame that Remus was also leaving; he had been, despite his werewolf condition, the best DADA teacher they had had so far. Not that it meant much, mind you.
Not yet at his destination, he again immersed himself in his thoughts, mainly about the escape of Peter, his parents' traitor, or about what his own animal form would be, should he attempt to become an animagus, like his father and godfather.
Once at McGonagall's office, he firmly knocked on the door.
Carefully closing the door behind him, Harry questioned his teacher, musing over the note he had received from Katie earlier this morning.
"You wanted to see me professor?"
"Yes, Mr Potter. Please, sit down."
Taking a seat across the desk, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. His teacher's expression was certainly stern, making it clear it was not a social call.
"I'm sorry Madam, but, your note was rather vague. What did you want to talk to me about?"
After a short pause to gather her thoughts, she answered.
"I'll go straight to the matter at hand, Mr Potter. It has occurred to me that your home life has not been the best, and several times I have approached the Headmaster about moving you into someone else's care. He has refused each time now to even acknowledge the point." She explained.
He didn't say anything, just wondering how many teachers knew of his summer living conditions.
"Well, I have decided to take matters into my own hands. A nephew of mine is currently looking for an apprentice for the summer holidays, one willing to go on bit of an adventure with him," she explained.
He had to admit that the idea of travelling for summer had some appeal, seeing the world was far better than doing chores all summer. Speaking carefully, trying not to get his hopes up, "I've to admit I'm interested, but what does your nephew do exactly?" He asked.
"Well, my nephew is a shield brother, who helps to protect curse-breakers while they are on expeditions. They are the physical barrier between the curse-breakers and any raiders who would wish to steal whatever treasure has been found. They also deal with any of the more physical defences. But all shield brothers and sisters are expert duellists and spell casters, who have multiple masteries in DADA, Charms, and Transfiguration. I won't lie to you, there is a real possibility that you could die on this adventure, but you will be surrounded by highly skilled wizards and witches." She explained truthfully.
Thinking over the information, he realized that even with a possibility of being killed, he was still interested; he had faced dangerous odds before and walked away. And frankly, he'd rather be facing raiders and unknown dangers than having to endure another summer at the Dursleys', plus he would be allowed to use magic, "I can't say that I'm not interested, however, could I give you my answer this evening or tomorrow morning, just so I can do a bit of reading about it," he asked.
"I understand, but I suggest you to keep this quiet, and to not share it around, since the Headmaster will make attempts to stop it from happening," she explained.
"I understand Professor. I just want to know what I'd be signing up for before I commit to it. I'd rather avoid having to fight another basilisk," he said trying to add bit of humour.
"Indeed. Are you aware that you are within your rights, to sell the corpse of the basilisk in the Chamber?" She asked.
"No, I wasn't, thank you for telling me," he said, wondering how much the corpse could be worth.
"Well Mr Potter, you have some reading to do then, I suggest you to visit the goblins over the summer, and to talk to your state manager. As I believe Albus has been handling your family affairs, rather than letting a ministry official abuse the position," she explained.
Realizing he didn't know about a lot of things, he made a mental note to look into his family affairs, and all the things he had taken for granted since returning to the magical world. "Thank you, I'll look into it as well. Is there anything else I should know?"
"Well if you do go on this expedition, make sure to work on your duelling and spell work, since next year Hogwarts may be hosting a duelling competition, and I would like a Gryffindor student to win," she said with a smile.
"I'll try my hardest," he promised, before starting to leave the room.
"You better Mr Potter. People will expect you to take part, and to be at least be in semi-finals even if you are just a fourth year, so don't let me or Gryffindor down, I want us to win the Tournament!" She said passionately.
Closing the door, he suddenly had the feeling that the next year was going to be more interesting than this one, and that he would be put into the spot light once again. At least his head of house had given him a warning in advance, so he could prepare for it, both physically and mentally.
Later that evening, he was reading a journal on curse-breaking and the corresponding career path of a shield brother or sister. The journal was interesting to say the least; the possibility to travel, to be well paid, and to have a share of the loot, it was like an adventure out of story books. And it was considered an honour to be accepted into the shield brothers ranks.
Sure, he understood the book was trying to sell the career path, but he wanted to at least try it. Frankly, it sounded better than being an Auror, plus it paid far better. This way, he could travel the world, be challenged with puzzles, meet new people and discover exotic magics, whiles dodging dangers.
"What are you reading?" Hermione asked, causing him to look up from his book.
"Just about a possible future career path,"
"Really! How sensible of you Harry! I really need to consider my own, so much to do," she started to explain, while listing her interests.
"Hermione, there's no need to panic, Professor McGonagall thought it'd be good for me to get some ideas, to help focus my studies and development for the next school year," he explained hoping his friend would accept his answer.
"What career are you reading about then?" she demanded.
"About shield brothers and sisters," he said, offering no further explanation.
"I haven't ever heard of them," she huffed in an accusing manner.
"They support curse-breakers in their expeditions. In short, they provide protection against raiders, creatures and guardians left in tombs, while the curse-breakers mainly focus on taking the wards and magical defences down. They're the muscle in the team," he offered in explanation,
"They must not be very good if I haven't heard of them," she said in a disapproving tone.
"Hermione, you are not all knowing, you're a third year going on fourth year. To become a shield brother or sister you need to have at least 2 masteries: in DADA, and charms. But most end up having an average of 4 in total, with other masteries such as runes, transfiguration or in COMC. Due to their duties they're expert duellists, and you have to be introduced into their ranks, it pays almost triple what the average ministry job pays, without including bonuses you get from a successful job!" He explained, while trying to keep his frustration in check.
"Give it here then," she said moving to take the book.
"No, I'm not done reading yet. If you want to read about them, go to the library or wait till I'm done," he retorted angrily, before getting up and heading to his dorm room. He had already decided he would go, on the trip!
The next day, he walked up to his head of house and announced "I'm in," with all seriousness.
Hogwarts express
Looking out of the window as the country side passed by, he wondered what he would see during his travels this summer. What challenges, what dangers he would face. This was going to be by far the coolest summer ever.
Where would he be going? Visiting the Valley of the Kings like Ron's brother William had? Hiking his way through the jungles? He couldn't wait to find out. Anyway it was far better than staying his relatives.
Sure he understood why the headmaster wouldn't allow him to stay with either Sirius or Remus, due to their current difficulties of one being a wanted man, the other, a werewolf. But, why couldn't he stay at the Weasleys' or the Grangers' over the holidays? Surly additional wards could be set up to protect them.
At least, this year he would, at worst, have to endure a week or two with the Dursleys, depending on when he left and when he returned.
Seeing the countryside passing by through the window, he reflected on his future, on what he wanted to achieve. He always wanted to travel and see the world, so why shouldn't he? Didn't he deserve a break, a change?
"Do you want a game mate?" Ron asked.
"Not right now Ron, I just need to think," he replied, not even listening to Ron's reply, more concerned about what he would need to do in the next couple of weeks.
Making a mental list of what was needed, while following absentmindedly the conversation. Ultimately, he would have to pack light, and take the basics. He would have to wait until he had meet Richard, before knowing for sure what to bring.
So over the next couple hours, he carefully planned out what needed to be done, and the best way to do it, without attracting immediate attention.
Arriving at the station, he said a quick good bye to his friends, before quickly disappearing to find his uncle, rather than keeping him waiting. Going through the portal, he spotted his uncle quite quickly, standing off to one side. It was hard to miss him since he had put on even more weight since the last summer.
Walking up to his uncle he said as nicely as possible, "Uncle, I have a possible deal that you will be interested in hearing, but I doubt you will want to discuss it in such a public place."
His uncle grunted in response, "Wait until we're in the car boy," before leading Harry away.
Harry didn't bother making small talk, it would just annoy the man, and the last thing he wanted was the man being spiteful on purpose rather than listening to a deal where both of them would be happy.
Getting close to the car, he discovered it was a new BMW. It didn't really surprise him since Vernon got a new one every other year. He put his trunk and stuff in the boot, being careful not to scratch it, before taking a back sit.
"So what is it you wanted to talk about, boy?" His uncle asked.
"Uncle, I've been offered a chance to go on a trip this summer, as an apprentice by one of my teachers. The trip is meant to leave next week on Wednesday, and lasts for the next nine to ten weeks; in short, I would only be staying with you for two weeks of the summer. You made it clear you'd rather not have me under your roof, this way I am only a burden for you the next two weeks. So, you don't have to put up with my freakishness, we both gain from this, I get a chance to work, and you get a chance to get rid of me for the most summer, it's a win-win situation for the both of us," he explained seeing his uncles eyes light up with interest.
"Ten weeks you say? I don't have to pay anything to get rid of you?" He inquired curiously.
Ignoring the comment about paying to get rid of him, "No uncle, I just need both you and Aunt Petunia to sign a couple of documents giving me permission to go, and I'll be out of your hair for most of the summer at no cost for you. Plus, if I perform well I may be given the chance to go on a similar trip next summer and the summer after that. Just think of it as a business transaction, I gain a chance to work, get a job, so when I finally complete school, I won't have to be a burden you, and you get magic out of your house faster," he explained.
"I'll think about it," his uncle said, before starting the car.
"Of course, but I need to know by Sunday evening at the latest" he lied, putting a deadline on the offer to add pressure and not give his uncle and aunt much time to think about it.
He stayed quiet the rest of the journey home, letting his uncle brew on the idea of not having him around. He did nothing to anger the man, just kept quiet.
He didn't have to wait long, maybe an hour, before his uncle said "where do I have to sign?"
"I got the permission documents in my trunk, I'll get it out soon as we arrive," he said, keeping his voice calm, but internally dancing.
By the time he went to bed that night, all the documents had been signed and dated, giving him permission to go. He couldn't help but smirk at how easy he had been able to play on his relatives' desire to get rid of him.
He attached the necessary permission documents to Hedwig leg, so she could take them to Professor McGonagall to co-sign, before passing them on to her nephew Richard. He was going to enjoy this summer!
Before going to bed, he got out a DADA book to read. It wouldn't do to turn up without some knowledge of advanced hexes and curses.
Plus he wanted to win the upcoming duelling tournament, which his head of house had warmed him about in the upcoming school year, to prove there was more to him than just a scar on his forehead.
End of chapter 1
I'd like to say thank you to Sekhmet49, for checking my story.