Theme Song

New eyes will see the world, a trainer with a dream (Pallet Town, the road, Viridian City, and Pewter City appear from first to last)
He will not be deterred, with the help of his team (Owen stands in front of three Pokemon)
His goal's to win the league, training diligently (The time shifts from sunrise to nightfall, all while Owen and his Pokemon train)
It's not just you and me, he has a family (His parents and Professor Oak wave, but are replaced by a girl and her Mudkip)
Many tests lie ahead, evil lurks in the dark (Two rivals smirk, and then a Team Rocket Admin appears and does the same)
No one goes in his stead, and he must find the spark (Owen, his Pokemon, a girl, and her Mudkip step towards a door and open it)
To become great... (Red and Owen square off)

Well this is a weird feeling, right? I mean, a lot has happened both on this site, and in our everyday lives, since Owen's three-year-long saga came to a close and opened the door for Gray. Three years later, I find myself coming back to the very first story 14 year old me wrote on this website. It was bad, and I'm actually ashamed of it, which is why I'm rewriting SOME CHAPTERS. I'll be honest, this will take a backseat to U:ANG, but I can tell I'm going to love the nostalgia it's bound to bring back. I also have a few changes up my sleeve that I think you'll enjoy, even more so if you read the original. I won't divulge such information, at least not now, that is. With that out of the way, I'd like to welcome everyone to the first chapter of the new Pokemon Kanto Adventure! To new readers, sit back and enjoy this new experience. For those that have been with me for a while, I hope you'll go through the same emotions I do when writing. Now let's get going!

Owen's Team


"We'd like to welcome the newest, and youngest Champion of the Indigo League, Red!"

The crowd exploded with applause, as did a certain ten year old. Rising from his seat on the couch, the young boy crawled across the carpeted floor and sat mere inches away from the screen. Red then appeared and waved to the crowd, eliciting even more noise from the studio audience, as well as the millions watching on TV. The cheering continued for a solid thirty seconds, though it didn't seem as if Red was entirely comfortable with the attention he was receiving. Playing it off, the eleven year old sat in a fancy, brown chair next to the talkshow host, who reached across his desk and extended a hand.

"It's such a pleasure- or honor, rather, to have you here, Red. I mean, it's not every day that you can have the World Champion come on your show."

Laughing at the introduction, Red readjusted himself so that he was more comfortable in the stiff chair.

"I'm so happy to be here, sir."

As the conversation progressed, the ten year old sitting in the den of his house plopped down on his couch for a moment, mirroring the way in which Red sat and moved. Unaware of the wild Pidgey roaming about outside, the boy jumped in shock when he heard a loud knocking on the window to his right. He turned and frowned upon seeing a face that had become all too familiar.

A pair of stupid, disgusting green eyes were fixated on him, The spiked brown hair belonging to whomever had knocked seemed to poke into the clouds, and at that instant, the startled boy knew exactly who was outside.

"Hey, Owen, open the damn windows!" the annoyance barked.

Owen brought his hands up to his face and groaned hyperbolically before reaching for the remote and pausing Red's interview. Once that was finished, the ten year old strode over to the windows and opened them.

"What do you want, Burt?" Owen interrogated as the brunette hopped inside and looked around, his eyes locking onto the television almost instantly. "Hey! HEY!"

Burt ignored Owen's constant screaming and waltzed over to the couch, where he picked up the remote and resumed the interview. Staring at the intruder, Owen folded his arms and began to snarl.

"Huh?" Burt turned and locked eyes with the shorter boy, whose amber eyes burned as intensely as the flame on a Charizard's tail. "You're still watching this thing? It happened six months ago!"

Running a hand through his hair as he heard a feint pair of footsteps, the loudmouthed male leaned back in his host's couch, further enraging Owen. "Man, you're a freak. Ya know that?" Burt asked with a sneer. Despite Owen preparing to lunge at, and maul him, he remained calm.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat loud enough to draw the attention of both boys, prompting them to turn. Standing in the doorway was a pale woman with long black hair. She wore a pair of jeans and a turquoise top, which scrunched up as she folded her arms.

"Don't go attacking guests now. You know better than that," the woman said, shaking her finger disappointedly.

Her son scowled and pouted like a three year old while Burt masked a mischievous grin. Wiping it away effortlessly, the brunette rose from his seat on the couch and bowed to Owen's mother, who smiled and waved in response.

"Hi, Misses Plateau. How are you?"

"Very well, thank you. What about yourself? You'd better not be getting in trouble at your grandfather's lab."

Laughing genuinely at the kind woman's joke, Burt eventually quieted down after glancing to his right and seeing steam escape his friend's ears.

"I'm doing great, thanks. I actually stopped by because Grandpa told me everything was in place. The first two groups of trainers came and got their Pokemon, so we're up. Apparently there's going to be another kid there, but I don't know 'em, or where they live."

Owen's anger left his body and he turned to his mother, who beamed and gave a thumbs up.

"Great! I'm gonna get changed and I'll be down in a sec," he vowed, bolting up the stairs as he did so. Jumping up three steps at a time, the Kantonian grabbed a hold of the wall and used it to swing himself around and into his room. Frantically tearing through his closet, Owen laid his outfit on his bed and let out a deep breath.

Changing in record time, the ten year old nearly barreled through his door. The only thing that kept him from ripping it straight off the hinges was a gleam catching his eye. Hanging on the aqua-blue wall and to the right of the door was a calendar, which had one date circled heavily with a black marker.

Owen leaned in and grinned as he read the note underneath it.

"First day on the way to becoming Champion! Pick Squirtle! Don't let Burt get it!"

The ten year old nodded at the voice in his head that read the note, and he bounded down the stairs. Seeing Burt was outside, Owen spun on his heels and looked at his mom, who was in the den watching TV.

"Bye, Mom! I'm gonna come back with Squirtle and introduce you to him!" the ten year old screamed as he opened the door. "Or her! It doesn't really matter! See ya!"

Slamming the door shut behind him, the excited, soon-to-be trainer ran down his driveway and decelerated into a walk when he reached Burt, who was already strolling down the road with both hands tucked in his pockets. Owen quickly caught up to him, and they walked along in silence for what felt like an eternity. As they progressed in silence, Burt grew bored and began to look around. Eventually, the Oak boy examined his friend's attire and snickered immediately, though Owen didn't seem to understand why.

His black shirt had a huge image of a Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise standing behind a crashing wave while his blue basketball shorts had Squirtle faces printed by the knees.

"You're so weird," Burt muttered as he shook his head. "Why do you want to pick that dumb turtle anyway? It's nowhere near as strong as Charizard, and Venusaur can beat it with grass moves! Squirtle's the worst starter of the three!"

"Hey! That's not true!" Owen retorted. "Gary had a super strong Blastoise, and so did Blue!"

Burt scoffed at the rebuttal and condescendingly stared at the dark-blonde-haired ten year old by his side.

"You know what happened to Gary's Blastoise? It lost to a Charizard," he stated.

"So? That's just once, and Ash's Charizard was stronger than every Pokemon in the universe!"

Once again, Burt shot his childhood friend a nasty look.

"Okay, how about Blue's? It lost to Red's Charizard! You can't use the same excuse twice, you stinker!" he snapped with rage.

Owen's blood boiled in a flash and he charged at Burt, tackling him to the grass-covered hill to the left of the way they had been walking. The two rolled around, kicking up dirt left and right, ignoring the looks of people that were passing by, and even refusing to pay any attention to all of the wild Pokemon - whose tranquil attitudes and cohesion with the humans made Pallet Town such an attractive destination for young families.

"Take it back!" Owen shrieked at the top of his lungs as soon as he managed to pin Burt. Before he knew it, he found himself facedown with both of his wrists being clamped down by Burt.

"Nope! Admit you're wrong!"


A young girl who had been present for the entire fight sweat-dropped at the boys' childish skirmishing and decided to walk by them. While walking up some stone steps, she turned and pushed her ruby hair out of her eyes to see Burt's foot on the back of Owen's head.

"Keep eating the dirt, you Miltank!"

"Good thing they aren't getting Pokemon from Professor Oak. The two boys he described are way smarter than those two idiots," she thought to herself before suddenly bumping into someone.

Turning, she looked up at the person and, after recognizing him, bowed while the boys continued fighting.

"Hey! Burt, get off of him!" the man snapped. His masculine voice coupled with such an authoritative tone made the combatants step away from each other in a flash, sweat beating down their heads out of fear. After muttering several expletives under his breath, the elderly man sighed and motioned for the trio of ten year olds to follow him.

"Wait, we're here?" Owen thought to himself as he eyed the simple laboratory.

The only grandiose pieces of the exterior were the walkway and columns on the porch, which held up an extended part of the roof. Buried deep in his thoughts, Owen paid no attention to what Professor Oak had to say, nor did he recall walking through several rooms that had been cluttered with notes about theories.

"And here we are!" the professor exclaimed as an automatic door slid open and revealed a room that contained dozens of hi-tech gadgets. Wires the size of tree-trunks poured out of the walls and were plugged into equally enormous machines. "This is where everything in your life changes, and it's a moment neither you or I will forget," Burt's grandfather spoke while reaching into the pockets of his spotless white lab coat.

"We get it, Grandpa. We're all going to have a special moment that we can tell our grandkids, or whatever, and they'll go through the same thing. Can we please just see the Pokemon?" Burt asked obnoxiously, drawing an irritated look from the world-renowned researcher.

Somehow, the gray-haired man kept his cool and obliged, pulling three Poke Balls out of his left pocket.

"Remember, these are the last three Starter Pokemon I have, so you may not get what you want."

Each of the ten year olds nodded and watched as Professor Oak lightly tossed the first capsule. When it snapped open, a bipedal lizard with orange skin and a cream-colored belly materialized from the light.

"This is Charmander, a Fire-type Pokemon. Of the three Kanto Starters, it is by far the most popular and are renowned for their unmatched battling prowess - meaning they have the highest attack stats. It comes at a cost though, as when Charmander evolve, they are notorious for disobeying their trainer. Picking him will be the most challenging test a rookie will face."

Burt grinned at the lizard, who wagged his tail after noticing. The unnamed girl to Burt's right and Owen's left also smiled at the Charmander, making his flame-tipped tail wag even faster. It stopped cold, however, when Professor Oak enlarged the second Poke Ball and opened it.

Once the light faded, Owen pumped his fist emphatically. Standing next to Charmander was a bipedal blue turtle, who had the tail of a squirrel.

"This is Squirtle, a Water-type Pokemon. Though they're not as popular as Charmander, they are considered by many to be one of the very few Pokemon that can rival their strength. Squirtle have impeccable defenses and can pack quite a punch too. Compared to the other two, however, they lean more towards defense. Squirtle aren't the easiest to train, but by no means are they difficult. Rookies should expect to have a few issues training them, but it's smooth sailing the rest of the way."

Owen continued to smile at the water type, ignoring its indifference towards him.

"And this," Professor Oak started as he revealed the final creature, "is Bulbasaur, a Grass-type Pokemon, as well as a Poison-type."

Sitting to the left of Squirtle like a dog was a dinosaur-like creature with light blue-green skin. A large, green bulb sat squarely on its back, piquing Owen's interest, as well as the girl's.

"Bulbasaur serves as the balance between Charizard's strength and Blastoise's defenses, and is the easiest of the three to train. They are famous for being able to inflict status ailments while also having warrior-like mentalities during battle. When not in battle, Bulbasaur are, for the most part, laid back and make for great teammates, as they welcome new Pokemon without reservation. No trainer, regardless of their skills, should have any difficulty training them."

The friendly starter waved to each of Burt, Owen, and the girl, drawing smiles from the last two. Burt, on the other hand, paid it no attention. Shortly thereafter, the three ten year olds each stared at one Pokemon, which Professor Oak noticed.

"Why don't you pick first, Julia? I doubt either of these two mind," Burt's grandfather proposed, causing both boys to groan.

The redhead, Julia, didn't hesitate when making her pick. Taking one step forwards, she extended a hand and smiled at Bulbasaur, whose eyes widened slightly.

"What do you say, Bulbasaur?"

The Grass-type leaped into his trainer's arms and merrily laughed along with her.

"You two are going to make a wonderful team. I'm sure of it," Professor Oak proclaimed. He then shifted his attention to Owen and motioned for the amber-eyed child to make his pick.

"Looks like it's you and me, Squirtle!" he exclaimed while punching one fist into the air. Despite the enthusiasm, Squirtle's face remained blank. The Water-type shook his head as Owen stared at him, and then he pointed at Burt.

Julia, Bulbasaur, and the professor sweat-dropped as Squirtle walked passed Charmander and jumped off the table so that he could stand by Burt's side.

The silence continued as everyone stared at Owen, who was hanging his head in despair. The unpicked Starter Pokemon remained upbeat, however, and smiled as he attempted to get the sulking Kantonian's attention.

"This day couldn't possibly get worse."

Well, this is quite different than the original's opening chapter, thankfully, and I'm happy to say it was so much fun writing this. To recap, Owen (the main character) was introduced, as was Burt (his rival), and a new character named Julia. Going off that note, I plan on adding a lot of changes to this story, whether it's through new characters, different outcomes to battles, or different relationships (Owen and Charmander's, for example). So get hyped, or not, because there are going to be some major curveballs thrown. Till next time, peace out.

1. Do you like the change in Owen and Charmander's relationship?
2. Predictions for this arc's chapters?

Next Chapter: "Danger and Disappointment"

Owen and Charmander embark on their journey and don't gel, with the former's frustration's of being rejected by Squirtle still present. However, the rookie is forced to get over it when Charmander confronts an evildoer, and must work together with his Pokemon. Can the two work as a team and defeat their opponent?

Pewter City Arc

Chapter 3: Second Chances
Chapter 4: To Protect a Friend
Chapter 5: A Fateful Intervention
Chapter 6: Rocked and Rolled
Chapter 7: Making Amends
Chapter 8: Turning a New Leaf
Chapter 9: Charmander vs Squirtle!
Chapter 10: Bringing the House Down