Annie looked at herself in the mirror as she made a couple of final adjustments to her black dress. It was a nice cocktail number that made her look sexy and sophisticated, with just the right amount of cleavage exposed (she had a good pair on her, so why shouldn't she show them off every once in a while.) She smiled at the end result. It was more than just the dress; it was everything. Her hair was shiny with none of its once prevalent frizz. Her complexion was clear without any blemishes or acne. She felt like a woman, instead of the ugly duckling girl she had been in high school.

She glanced over as she heard a soft knocking on her bedroom door. "Come in." She smiled as Jeff walked into her room. "I'm pretty much ready," she said as she put on her earrings.

He returned her smile as he looked at her. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you. You're looking pretty good yourself." While she thought most guys looked good in a suit, Jeff always seemed to wear one better than anyone she knew. Although if she was honest that applied to pretty much all clothes that he wore. She took hold of his tie and carefully pulled him forward as her lips captured his.

"Careful. Don't start something we can't finish."

"We still have ten minutes before we have to leave."

He grinned as he kissed her, running his hands over her sides as she started removing his suit jacket. Just then, there was a loud knock on her door. Annie and Jeff both groaned as Annie yelled out "What?"

"Abed wants to take pictures before we leave for the reunion! Are you guys ready?" Troy yelled from behind the door.

"Yeah," Jeff groaned. He reluctantly straightened out his suit before they walked out into the living room. Abed waved them over, where he situated the three of them into various positions as he clicked away.

"Okay, that's enough of all three of you. Now let's get a few with just Annie and Jeff, then some with just Annie and Troy, and then we'll move on to individual shots."

"Abed, you know this is a high school reunion right," Jeff said. "You're acting like its prom."

"Troy's the only one here who went to prom, so I'm trying to make up for it."

As Annie stood next to Jeff she whispered to him, "You didn't go to your prom? That doesn't sound like you."

"You mean where I skipped the lame dance and instead spent all night in a hotel room with my date? Yeah, that's not me at all."

Annie gasped in fake indignation over that one. "Maybe we can recreate your prom night after the reunion," she said low enough so only he could hear. He grinned back at her as they both smiled for Abed's picture.

After several more minutes of picture taking the three of them were finally able to leave the apartment. "Are you coming with us Troy?" Annie asked.

"Nah. I told Britta I might stop by later so I'm taking my own car. I'll see you guys there."

As Jeff drove his Lexis to Annie and Troy's old high school he looked over at his girlfriend. "You excited?"

"Yeah. I guess. I mean…"

Jeff grew a bit concerned as he caught her hesitation. "You mind if I ask again why we're going to this thing? You didn't seem to enjoy high school the first time around. I'm just curious why you're going out of your way to see the people who picked on you."

Annie was silent for a moment as she thought about it. "Normally I would never want to go to my high school reunion. I couldn't wait to get out of there. But I decided to go because I'm hoping Heather will be there."

"Was she a friend of yours?"

"She was the only friend I had back then. We met in the beginning of ninth grade and were practically inseparable during those four years. We would eat lunch together and share notes and spent so many weekends sleeping over each other's houses. We would always try to make chocolate chip cookies, and instead we'd just end up eating the dough. I'm amazed neither of us ever got sick." Annie pulled out her phone and searched the web until she pulled up the class of 2009 reunion page. She waited until they stopped at a red light before handing the phone to Jeff. "Here's a picture of us back then."

Jeff took the phone and looked at the picture. Her hair was much shorter and choppier, and even with makeup covering her face he could tell that she had a pretty bad case of acne; but it was definitely Annie. Despite how much she said she hated how she looked back then, he thought she made herself sound worse then she actually looked (though he admitted he might be a little biased since he thought she was still attractive when she looked like a corpse the time they were on death's door with the flu). She was standing next to a similar heighted girl with long dark hair and cynical looking eyes, which were covered in black framed glasses. "She kind of looks like a young Janeane Garofalo."

"Whatever you do don't say that if you see her," Annie said, taking the phone back as the light turned green. "She always hated being compared to her." She smiled warmly as she looked at the picture. "Heather was the only person who visited me when I was in rehab. My parents didn't even come to see me. But she was there every Saturday, seeing how I was. I was really lucky to have had her in my life."

"So what happened to you two?"

"We lost touch after high school. She got a job in Denver and moved there the summer after she graduated. We e-mailed each other almost every day at first, but after a few months we wrote each other less frequently until eventually we just stopped all together. But I'd love to see her again. I sent her an e-mail asking if she was going to come, but it was sent back saying that e-mail address had been deleted. But hopefully she decided to make it." She grinned as she looked over at Jeff. "If she's not there I'd have no objections to finding a hotel room and skipping out on the whole thing."


"It looks the same from outside," Troy said as the three of them walked into the high school. They walked through the hallways to the gym, where a woman was sitting behind a table just outside. "Hi. I'm Troy Barnes. These are my friends Annie Edison and Jeff Winger. We're here for the reunion."

Without even looking up the woman pulled out a large box of name tags and dropped it on the table. "Go through the box to find your name-." She suddenly paused as she actually looked up. "Oh my god! T-Bone?" She raced over from behind the table as she hugged Troy. "It's me, Raquel. I was on the cheer squad and came up with the homecoming theme, A Night Under The Stars. Remember?"

"Oh yeah. You went out with Brett Fowler?"


"Hey Raquel," Annie said as she stepped forward. "It's Annie Edison. I did cheerleading freshman and sophomore year."

Raquel didn't even look in Annie or Jeff's direction as she continued staring at Troy fondly. "So Brett's here already, along with a lot of the other football players. Let's go see the rest of the gang."

"Great. Let me just get my name tag-."

"Oh don't worry, everyone knows who you are."

"Well let me just wait for my friends-."

"They'll be fine." She waved her hand dismissively as she practically dragged Troy into the gym.

Annie stood there shock still, incredibly offended at being completely ignored like that. "What just happened?"

"She tried to relive her former glory days by acting like a bitch. That's what happened," Jeff said as he rooted through the box. He found Annie's nametag first (Annie Edison: 2009 student) before finally finding his own (Jeff Winger: guest). "Ready?"

"Yeah." She took a deep breath before walking into the gym with Jeff. As they stepped through the entrance she stopped for a moment to take it all in. Although she hadn't gone to her prom, in her mind she imagined it had been decorated similarly to how the gym looked now. The ceiling was covered with balloons. And there were large silver stars with people's names all over the walls. A DJ was set up at a station in the corner, currently playing Rihanna's 'Umbrella' over the sound system.

"Yea, this is going to be a long night," Jeff said to himself. "I'm going to get a drink. You want anything?"

"I'll take a screwdriver if they have orange juice. If they don't I'll have a beer."

"Ok." Before she could even ask Jeff slipped her coat off her. "I'll just hang this up and then go search for some drinks."

Annie smiled softly as Jeff went in search of the drink table. She knew going to someone else's high school reunion wasn't high on Jeff's list of things to do. As it was she really had to twist his arm to get him to attend. But in the end he agreed to come to help support her, even if he didn't want to be here. It meant a lot to her that he was here. She wasn't sure she could do this without him.

She started working her way through the crowd in search of Heather. She saw several people that she recognized, but most of them either looked at her blankly as if they were unable to place her, or gave her a look of pity that clearly showed that they only remembered her from crashing through a plate glass window. As she wormed her way through the crowd a tall man with a blond crew cut bumped into her. "I'm sorry."

"That's okay." As she looked at him she gasped in recognition. "Ricky Sanders?"


"Annie Edison. We were lab partners in chemistry junior year."

"Annie Edison, Annie Edison…" he repeated her name before his eyes widened in recognition. "Oh! You're that girl who crashed through a window and-." He quickly stopped as he saw the look of embarrassment on Annie's face. "I mean-."

"Hey Sanders! How about we talk about the time you shit your pants during the middle of a soccer game!"

Annie and Ricky both turned around towards the person standing behind them. Annie gasped in delight while Ricky's face paled in embarrassment. "Heather!" Annie gleefully exclaimed.

Heather didn't look at Annie as she took a step towards Ricky, her eyes fully trained on him as he squirmed. "Or how about we bring up some more 'glowing' high school memories of yours. Like what Tabatha's boyfriend did to you after you called her a slut."


"What? You don't like people bringing up these stories? Then why are you doing that to my friend here? She did a lot more than just have an issue with pills. But that's all you seem to remember about her. Though even if that was true, you should have enough class not to mention it."

He stared at Heather uncomfortably before looked over at Annie. "I'm sorry if I offended you." He glanced back at Heather before making his way through the crowd.

As soon as he left Heather smiled smugly at Annie. "What? You don't have a hug for an old friend?"

Annie rushed over and wrapped her arms tightly around her at one-time best friend. "I wasn't sure you'd make it," she said as she pulled away.

"I wasn't sure I was going to come either. But I figured I might as well, on the off chance you showed up."


"Still make the cutesy excited sound I see. Remember when we went to that petting zoo and you kept going 'aw' every three seconds. I thought you were going to want to live there," Heather said.

"What the hell kind of reunion is this?"

Annie and Heather both looked over as Jeff walked over to them. "Heather. This is Jeff Winger, my boyfriend."

"Hi, nice to meet you," Heather said as she shook Jeff's hand.

"Thanks. Annie's told me a lot about you."

"Hopefully only good things and nothing too bad. I'll give you one freebee; in eighth grade I went to a sleepover and when I fell asleep the girls put a bunch of condoms on me and took pictures. Then they posted them on-line and everyone thought I was a huge slut."

Jeff glanced around uncomfortably, not sure what to say. "That…sucks."

"Just saying, if I told that one easily, imagine the stuff I don't want you to know."

"Okay." He nodded his head before looking over at Annie. "Just a heads up, they aren't serving any alcohol here. How do they expect people to get through this thing sober?"

"Not everyone needs to drink here Jeff."

"Well I do. I'm going to make a quick run to the liquor store. You want anything?"

"I'm good. I'll just have a few sips of whatever you get."

"I'll take some Jack Daniel's," Heather said as she dug in her purse for some money.

"Don't worry about it, you're covered," Jeff said. "I'll be back in a bit." He quickly kissed Annie goodbye before setting off.

"It really does seem like I'm back in high school. Having to have an older guy buy me alcohol," Heather said. "I will say good for you. He's definitely gorgeous. Where'd you two meet?"

"We met in Greendale. He started a study group and-."

"Wait? Jeff's THAT Jeff? The guy you said you made out with to win some debate match."

Annie blushed as an impish grin formed on her face. "Yeah."

"Good for you! I remember when you had that stupid crush on Troy Barnes. I kept saying to forget about that jerk, but you kept saying 'he just doesn't know me yet. He'll like me'. But I'd say you moved on to much better men."

Before Annie could defend Troy she felt a sudden familiar chill creep over her. "Well, look who's here." Annie slowly looked over at the speaker of those words: Tiffany Peterson. The woman who made Annie's life a living hell for four straight years. Where coming up with the hurtful phrase 'Little Annie Adderall' was just the worst in a long series of malicious acts she pulled on her. Annie tried to compose herself as she looked into Tiffany's green eyes. The part of her that she didn't like to reveal to others or even herself had secretly hoped Tiffany would have gained weight, or looked haggard and worn out. But if anything she looked even better than she did back in high school. She was still thin, she was still tall, she was still blond, she was still gorgeous.

"Tiffany. How are you?"

"I'm doing great. Great well paying job." She stretched her arms out in front of Annie's face, making a big show of revealing the huge diamond ring on her hand. "Oh that," she said with fake nonchalance. "Just a little something from my husband. He's a doctor. Pulling down six figures a year."

"That's good," Annie said.

"And what about you? You're looking not terrible. I guess once you throw yourself through a window and barf all over the place there's nowhere to go but up."

"Hey, why don't you drop that, all right?" Heather said. "That was a long time ago."

Tiffany looked at Heather, observing her like she was a common insect. "And you are?"

"Not that you care, but my name's Heather Negevre."

"Nope, doesn't ring a bell," Heather smugly said. "It's kind of sad to have never done anything to be remembered. It's almost like you didn't exist. I mean, it's better to be remembered as Little Annie Adderall then to not be remembered at all."

"I see that you haven't changed at all Tiffany. I'll be back in a minute Annie. I just have to get some air." Before Annie could say anything Heather took a step forward before losing her footing and falling into Tiffany.

"Hey! Watch it! This blouse is silk!"

"Oh, what a waste of a good top." Heather scoffed at Tiffany before she walked away, leaving a terrified Annie in the grips of her enemy.

Tiffany took a big gulp of her cup of punch as she nodded her head towards Annie's hands. "Oh, no ring. I guess you came here alone tonight, huh?"

"Actually, Tiffany, I came with my boyfriend."

"Oh really? Well where is this mystery guy?"

"He stepped out for a bit to get something to drink."

"Oh please. That's so pathetic." She scoffed as she took another gulp of her drink. "I know you were pathetic in high school. But making up an imaginary boyfriend? That's sad."

"He's not imaginary," Annie said as she pulled out her phone. "Here, let me show you a picture of him." She brought up her pictures until she found one of the two of them together. "Here, look."

Annie waited while Tiffany looked at the picture of Annie smiling widely with Jeff's arm around her. For a moment she had a look of envious shock on her face before she looked back at Annie with gleeful pity. "That's really pathetic, hiring an escort to make yourself look good."

"Ok, that is IT!" Annie yelled. Years of pain came gushing out of her as she started angrily at her former adversary. "I've had it. I honestly don't know what the hell I ever did to you to warrant this kind of treatment. But I don't deserve it. You made my life a living hell, and I hoped that after all this time you might have learned something and felt badly about what you did. But you're still the same mean girl you were back then. And I am not going to-."

Annie suddenly stopped yelling as she looked at Tiffany. Her face appeared green and she looked like she was having trouble standing. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Just a little dizzy." She wiped the sweat from her face as she stumbled across the room. Annie watched as she leaned against the wall and slowly lowered herself into a sitting position. Someone went over and looked at Tiffany before helping her up and leading her out of the gym.

What was that, Annie wondered?