Everyone and their brother had one, so I thought I would join all the fun!

Toph was having that dream where she was beating up Nicholas Cage. Yeah, that one.

She put her clothes on and head-banged to the Black Sabbath her stereo alarm clock was playing.

"First day of school da-na-dana-na," she sang to get herself pumped up.

There was a knock at her door. "Sweetie, would you turn that down? Your sister's trying to sleep," her mom said from the other side.

"Sure mom." Toph pulled her shirt on. "Is that better?"

"Thanks hon." Toph rolled her eyes.

After she dressed, Toph went downstairs just as her mother pulled a meatloaf out of the oven. "Do you want ice cream on yours?"

"Meatloaf again? Sure."

Toph's mom scooped banana ice cream onto her meatloaf while her dad did yoga in the living room.

So are you excited for your first day of school?" her mom asked. She pushed her breakfast toward her.

"Can't wait."

Toph finished her breakfast and fed their pet octopus. She put her Playstation in her backpack, sat on her bed, and waited for her mom to take her to school.

"Toph!" someone outside of her window yelled. She got up and opened it. Her friend Katara was just outside her second-story window.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"We're gonna go to school. Do you want to come?"

"Sure!" She climbed outside and floated gently towards the ground. "Uh oh, I forgot my backpack!"

"Don't worry," Katara assured her before breaking into a run. Toph had shorter legs and struggled to keep up, but soon they both settled into twenty-meter strides.

When they got to the school, the National Guard was there.

"What are they doing here?" Toph asked Katara, who was eating cotton candy out of a cereal box.

"They're here to make sure that Combustion Man doesn't come to the school."


Just then, Toph heard her alarm clock go off. She looked down to see that her body was turning yellow.

She opened her eyes and saw nothing. Her alarm clock was buzzing. She was still in bed.

"What the fuck, Brain?"

I hate asking, but would you be so kind as to take my poll? It's right at the top of my profile page. Just click my name, then it's pretty much right there. If you get confused, just Google the question. Google image search. No boobs, I promise. Unless you type "how far away is boobs". If that happens, just go ahead and give your mom a pamphlet about Drinking during Pregnancy.