A/N: Wow, thank you for the wonderful reviews! I didn't think that there were still so many waiting for this story since I've been gone for so long.

Partly why I stopped writing was because I had no timeline, but I'm just going to wing it. Wish me luck!

Strange English, OOCness

Shinichi's age: 17
Uploaded: 2017-11-03
Chapter rating: T
Words: 2 600

Chap. 41
Spiraling Down

The very next day Shinichi headed outside Tokyo in a car he'd stolen as he didn't want any of the organization's fingers near his family's property. It was a lesson he learnt when he visited Whisky and got his car bugged. He met Chianti on a hill and got to disassemble and assemble a sniper rifle while she watched. She seemed bored by the task and got lively once another car joined them on the hill and Korn got out.

"All targets have been set up," the man informed with a small smile as he joined the two and they all began to get ready. All around the countryside small red balloons had been set up and Shinichi was amazed with how good Chianti and Korn were as they took out four of the balloons furthest away first and then settled down to watch him shoot.

The shooting was only for an hour and as they separated Chianti grabbed his head in a headlock and rubbed his hair.

"We've got another trainee!" she cheered and Shinichi squirmed to get free. Korn only smiled amused at her actions as the thief managed to get his head out of the headlock without hurting his partner.

"Not actually a viable option," Korn stated, "he might be good enough, but why train him if he won't shoot anyone?"

"Oh, once he gets his first taste of blood-," Chianti grinned excitedly, "I can remember my first time… and ever since I can't get enough! You'll see Chivas!"

"We'll see," Shinichi nodded and then gave a slow wave as he headed to his own car, seeing the two assassins get into their separate vehicles and then left the scene of a crime. It seemed like he was free for the rest of the day.

"Do you have time? Wanna go see a movie?"

Kaito stared at the message, feeling his heart begin to beat fast in his chest. Night Baron, Shinichi, hadn't spoken to him for over a week and the Eastern thief was worried that he would never talk to him again.

"I can make time," Kaito quickly wrote back the message that they had prepared ahead of time.

"I have a hotel room in central Tokyo," came the answer and Kaito immediately got up, opened the window and vanished out of it.

"Kuroba Kaito!" he heard his teacher yell, but before she'd managed to get to the window Kaito had made his way over the wall that surrounded the school.

They continued to message each other as Kaito made his way home to get his outfit and then headed in disguise to the hotel. He surveyed the hotel from a few buildings away, seeing who he knew as Night Baron walking back and forth in a room dressed in a blue shirt and a pair of black pants. He had black damp hair, as if he'd just gotten out of the shower and a black mask that hid his face.

From his high vantage point Kaito took a running start and then unfolded the glider just as he got to the edge. He caught warm updrafts and was lifted higher into the air. Joyful, he soared through the sky and then circled the hotel roof before easily landing.

With a nervous anticipation, he reeled himself down to the opened window and watched how Night Baron grinned at him. Shinichi quickly made his way to the window and offered a hand to help the magician inside. Kaito took the hand and jumped inside, grinning as he was pulled into a warm embrace.

"Ah, I've missed you," Shinichi sighed in his own voice and made the magician smile and hug back.

"I've been so worried," Kaito confessed and stroke the other's back, "how are the ribs?"

"Fine, they are healing well. None of them were broken. I just had a few cracks," the Western thief murmured into Kaito's neck.

"What happened?" the magician fearfully wondered, knowing just how good the other was from having trained fighting techniques with him.

"It was…" Shinichi hesitated and then released the other from his hug. "It was a man I've been gathering intel for." The organization member gestured for the thief to sit down on the bed and then sat down beside him with a heavy sigh. He turned towards the thief and reached out a hand and was happy when Kaito took it.

"I've worked for him from time to time. He's as cold-blooded as they come. I don't think he would even hesitate if he had to kill a child. I've honestly never seen him kill anyone, but I've heard that he likes it. He's an assassin for hire," Shinichi confessed in a depressed manner and felt how the thief took a stronger hold into his hand, "as he likes killing and I am completely opposed to it; we've had our fair share of disagreements, but this fight was probably more for his amusement than anything else. I think I won. His lackey intervened when I had him pinned and in a strangle hold. Hit me with a chair. I got some serious bruising on my back from it."

Shinichi turned to look at the magician, seeing that he was pale and horrified and Shinichi knew that he'd probably had said too much.

"I'm sorry," the organization member immediately excused, "you don't need to hear about my crappy old life-."

"I do!" Kaito interrupted and caressed Shinichi's cheek, "I do want to know everything about you. No matter how bad you might think it is."

"It's the life I'm trying to leave behind, Kaito. I've done bad things. I'm responsible for people dying. I've assisted an assassin. Gathered information that have gotten people hurt," Shinichi worriedly searched the magician's eyes for any intent on leaving, "I'm a dark pit of evil. I don't want to drown you in it."

"Did you want to assist that assassin?"


"Did you want to gather that information?"


"Were you forced to do that kind of work anyway?"

"Kind of, but I could've run away. Actually, my assistants-… well, to tell you the truth, they are my parents. My parents want to throw in the towel and run, but I don't want to leave you. I love you. I truly do. I've never felt this-, this feeling for someone, and I don't know what-."

"Shinichi, shut up," Kaito grinned and got up on his knees on the bed so that he could lean forward and kiss the other thief. Shinichi hummed and leaned back on the bed, allowing the white clad thief to straddle his hips and lean forward to kiss him.

"I want to, go further, with you," Kaito murmured between kisses, feeling how his entire body reacted to the black-clad thief, but hearing the statement made Shinichi push him away to stare at him shocked.

"You mean, sex?" Shinichi wondered baffled, as though he hadn't even considered that the other thief might want it with him.

"You are so cute and clueless sometimes," Kaito grinned and caressed a gloved hand over Shinichi's warm cheek, "yes, of course I'm talking about sex. I can't focus on anything. I can't think of anything other than you. Well, us, doing naughty things."

"I-, I-," Shinichi stammered and absentmindedly licked his lower lip, but then nodded; he had had some very interesting fantasies involving the two of them, "I've wanted it for a long time."

"I was thinking," Kaito began with flushed cheeks, "first you stretch me out and fuck me." Shinichi nodded with wide eyes, not believing that one of his fantasies were going to come true. "Then I want to ride you, and after that I stretch you out and fuck you." Kaito took a deep breath, not having noticed that his own breathing had become faster and shallower as he told the western thief of his fantasy.

"Yes," Shinichi whispered, unable to say anything else, and Kaito grinned happily before he was pulled down to his western foe's lips. Deep moans and the rustling of clothes were the only thing heard in the room after that.

Shinichi stood at the train station with his arms crossed and waited. Gin and Vodka were late, and the thief had been standing in the crowds for half an hour, not that he honestly cared. He relived the memories of the previous day and it had been late into the night when they finally separated and headed back to their different lives. Shinichi's mind had been hazy with lust and love when he climbed into his own room and then fell asleep for the first time in a long while without gassing himself.

A hat covering long silver hair brought Shinichi back to the moment, realizing that his fellow members finally had arrived and he turned to the entrance. Gin drew his train card and entered the station through the doors, followed by Vodka that carried a briefcase. Shinichi decided to be annoyed with them.

"You're late," the thief rolled his eyes as the two murderers came up to him through the crowds.

"Actually, we're just in time," Gin smirked and walked past. Vodka made a head gesture for Shinichi to follow and the thief strolled behind them. The group walked several tracks away and Shinichi quietly wondered where he was being brought. The three boarded a long-distance train and made their way to a small cabin.

"Your ticket," Gin muttered and handed Shinichi a slip of paper, allowing him to read that they were going to Osaka.

"What's happening in Osaka?" Shinichi wondered quietly as he pocketed his ticket.

"A lot," Gin sighed and glared out the window, "first we're going to exchange the briefcase to a man on this train. Then we're going to investigate what happened to our shipment of weapons."

Not even five minutes had gone by before the train started moving and Shinichi relaxed back into his seat, knowing that the trip with the bullet train was going to take at least three hours. For two and a half hours no one spoke inside the cabin and Shinichi had time to fall into a light sleep where he was acutely aware of everything that was going on around him. Vodka turned to look at his watch and then got up. The sudden movement and rustling of clothes had Shinichi jerking awake.

"You snore," Gin muttered from his window seat as Shinichi stretched.

"Okay?" the thief shrugged, knowing for a fact that he hadn't snored much and watched as Vodka walked out of the cabin, "are we ready?"

"Vodka," Gin ignored the thief and got out, "give me the bomb." Shinichi shivered as he heard the word "bomb" and saw how the briefcase changed hands.

"We're going to the restaurant car. Are you coming or staying?" Gin wondered making Shinichi get up and follow the two murderers. Gin ordered Gyoza dumplings and a cup of coffee while Vodka chose tempura shrimps and a cup of green tea. Shinichi wasn't hungry, but as he didn't know when the next meal was going to come he decided to order udon with fried tofu and a cup of coffee.

"Stale," Gin informed everyone after he'd had a bite and then eyed Vodka's food, "how's the tempura?"

"Fine, I'm not picky," Vodka answered back as he sipped his tea.

"So you think I'm picky?"

"Yes," Vodka responded honestly and made the silver-haired murderer grin a lopsided smile. They continued to quietly speak as Shinichi saw a man approach them. The man had his eyes focused on the briefcase and was walking somewhat tensely, carrying a similar briefcase.

"Gin," Shinichi muttered with a hand in front of his mouth, warning the man. The murderer tensed up as he saw that Shinichi was looking behind him and picked up Vodka's spoon. He watched the reflection of the man in it and then relaxed, seeing that it indeed was the man who had bought the bomb.

Gin kicked the bomb just as the man was about to pass and made the man stumble over the briefcase. The man dropped his briefcase as he fell and Shinichi quickly got up to help the man.

"Thank you," the man muttered and brushed some imaginary dust off of his arm.

"Your case," Gin stated coldly from his sitting position and held out one of the briefcases, and Shinichi assumed that it was the bomb.

"Ah, thank you," the man repeated and took the case before he headed away in the same direction, towards the other end of the carriage. Shinichi sat down, seemingly relaxed, but his insides were terrified of what the man could do with the bomb; what if it was for a pre-school? Or a hospital?

The thief eyed the murderer's food and then continued eating his own, knowing that it would seem bad if he showed that he'd lost his appetite just because of an bomb-exchange.

It was only ten minutes left until they reached Osaka when they returned to their small cabin where they returned to their original seats; Gin by the window, Shinichi beside him and Vodka opposite to Gin, travelling backwards.

As Gin reached out his arm, Shinichi sent it a glance, seeing a small phone. With his cold gaze outside the window, the murderer threw the phone to the thief that only caught it thanks to his reflexes.

"What?" Shinichi asked.

"Call," came the bored response, "ask why there's been no delivery."

Shinichi looked down to the phone, seeing that a number had been dialed for him and he pressed the button.

Three rings. Then four, and five. Shinichi patiently waited but then heard the phone click.

"What do ye want?" a grumpy voice asked.

"Why hasn't there been a delivery?"

"Well, yer shit out of luck. Can't deliver what I don't have. I can give ye a pile of shit though," the man laughed at his own joke and Shinichi blinked, disturbed that someone could speak so casually to a person calling from Gin's phone.

"He doesn't have anything," Shinichi informed the assassins beside himself, seeing the murderer move one shoulder.

"Why?" Gin questioned bored.

"Why?" Shinichi repeated in the phone, wondering why he was some kind of mediator.

"Well, I'll tell ye why! 'Cuz some people haven't taken care of the yakusa yet. It belongs to Aki. Son of a bitch killed ten of our members when they took our stash! They drove a truck straight through tha wall and attacked us with machine guns! I've lost 10 people! But we got 12 of those bastards! Ha!" the man in the phone continued to rant and Shinichi suddenly knew why Gin had given him the phone; he didn't want to listen to the man babble. Shinichi brought the phone down from his ear.

"They lost it to the yakusa, Aki," Shinichi informed both of the killers and heard Gin hum as he thought.

"Call Chuntian, his number is in the phone," the man stated coldly and Shinichi promptly hung up on the talking man. "Ask him to get in contact with Aki about our shipment. What do they want for it?"

The thief did as he was told, but memorized the number on the display as he called as this was a member for certain.

"Yo, Gin," a happy voice stated and Shinichi quietly wondered how someone could sound so pleased while talking to Gin.

"Chuntian," Shinichi began and realized that he sounded just as formal as when the organization called him, "our shipment has been taken by the yakusa, Aki. Get in contact with them and ask what they want for it."

"Ay ay! I'll fix it," Chuntian stated and sounded like he'd saluted before the phone clicked.

"So what are we doing? Except playing telephone," Shinichi snorted and handed the phone back.

"We're heading for Osaka to track our shipment of high-quality weapons, maybe even paying for it," Gin grunted back and made Shinichi stare at his own reflection in the glass; how much deeper into the organization was he going to be dragged?

Answer to Guest review: Vacant Balcony
Yes, I'm back and I hope that I'll never have to leave! I've missed writing and reading reviews! :D

Answer to Guest review: TeenageLoverAi61
Has it really been that long?! O.O I am sorry for the long wait! I actually thought that I would never update a story again, but then inspiration came back :}