The Marvelous Adventures of Konoha 12

Authors Notes:

A few key things should be noted before reading the story.

This takes place a few days after the Kazekage Rescue Arc of Part II. Any events that occur after this arc are irrelevant to the story.

Sasuke is a good guy in this and has left Orochimaru around the time Naruto got back to the village after the time skip.

Attack names and most terms will be aptly named in English. I'll be using the best of the English translations in my opinion and on some of the obscure ones I will put the Japanese name in parenthesis. However, Taijutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu stay as they are in the English versions of the anime as well. As such, Dattebayo is not in this, but you can imagine the spots where Naruto would end with the catch phrase. Konoha is an exception because The Leaf 12 doesn't sound good at all. There will be a few other exceptions that you'll see.

Italics indicate thoughts in dialogue.

Lastly, I do not own Naruto or any of the media I use in this fiction. Everything is purely fan made and for non-profit only.

Chapter 1: Konoha 12

It is a bright and sunny day for Konoha. We pan over the village slowly and view certain sections of it (i.e the Hokage building). We see Kakashi sitting in his hospital room reading Make Out Paradise casually. He looks out the window to see the day that greets him. His appreciation for nature is short lived, as the door opens and Tsunade enters.

Tsunade: So you're awake. I would have expected you to be out much longer.

Kakashi: Yeah, well, the ride home certainly wasn't pleasant. But, I guess beggars can't be choosers.

Tsunade: You just need a few days of rest and you'll be good to go.

Kakashi: Yeah, I know. The usual…

Tsunade: Have you gotten a chance to speak to Sasuke much since he got back?

Kakashi: No. If you recall, I was sent along with the rest of my team to go rescue Gaara just after he returned.

Tsunade: Do you think he'll be okay?

Kakashi: He's been through hell and back. I'm sure he'll manage.

We now deviate away from the scene into a grass field (Normally where Team Gai trains) just off the main roads of Konoha. Standing opposite each other are Sasuke (in his normal Part II outfit when he first debuted) and Neji. They are standing roughly ten meters apart. Naruto and Sakura are standing behind Sasuke a fair distance away and Lee and Tenten have done the same behind Neji.

Naruto: Get him, Sasuke!

Sasuke: Be quiet, you loser.

Naruto: Hey, you bastard! I was trying to be nice! After this, you fight me next.

Neji: I guess it's time we see how much you've improved over the years.

Sasuke: I wonder what's stronger, my eyes…or yours.

(Youtube link - /watch?v=Md-ZT2pOiKc ) In perfect synchronization, both Sasuke and Neji activate their Sharingan and Byakugan respectively. Sasuke quickly uses Shunshin (Or Body Flicker) and charges straight for Neji. Neji quickly blocks an incoming punch with his left arm.

Tenten: So fast!

Sakura: I never saw Sasuke move so quickly. I can't believe Neji could keep up with him.

Neji quickly pushes Sasuke back and then goes on the offensive with rapid palm strikes. Sasuke is able to avoid all of them and then goes for another punch. Neji grabs Sasuke's wrist and palm strikes him in the chest. This sends Sasuke sliding back a bit. Neji assumes his normal battle stance again. Sasuke holds his chest in slight pain. Neji now takes the offensive again by going for another hit.

Sasuke: Chidori Stream! (Nagashi)

Chidori Stream activates and hits Neji. Neji groans in pain as he is sent back and to the ground. Sasuke quickly follows up with Chidori Senbon. As Neji gets up, he notices the senbon. Sasuke grins as though he had already won. But as the senbon near, they stop in front of a wall of Chakra.

Neji: Rotation!

Neji unleashes his Rotation, which sends most of the senbon back at Sasuke. Sasuke is able to narrowly dodge each one and then charges for Neji whilst drawing his Sword of Kusanagi. As Neji's Kaiten comes to a stop, he notices Sasuke coming fast. He quickly releases Eight Trigrams: Air Palm, to which Sasuke jumps over. As he descends, he runs Chidori through his katana.

Neji: Chakra flow. I've heard about this. He's able to use Chidori on his katana?

Neji jumps back to avoid an incoming downward slash from Sasuke. *Music Stops* The two look at each other intensely. Suddenly, Sasuke's three tomoe Sharingan begins spinning. After that, Sasuke has now appeared behind Neji and stabs him in the back. Neji stands strong and suddenly Sasuke dissipates and then is returned to his original spot, with Neji unharmed.

Neji: Genjutsu of that level will not go unnoticed by my Byakugan. Like your Sharingan, I can see Chakra, only much deeper.

Sasuke: I see. Well then, let's continue our battle.

Suddenly, a poof of smoke appears between them and it is shown to be Genma.

Genma: I hate to interrupt your little battle, but Lady Hokage requires your presence, Sasuke.

Sasuke: Fine then.

Sasuke sheaths his sword and then looks at Neji again. He grins at him.

Sasuke: You've gotten real strong. I look forward to continuing our fight sometime.

Neji: Yes. You as well, have gotten very powerful.

Sasuke: Gotta go. *Turns to Naruto* Hey, loser. Why don't we go eat some ramen when I'm done?

Naruto: Heh, sure. You'll come too, won't you, Sakura?

Sakura: Yes!

Sasuke disappears in a poof of smoke and Genma does as well a few seconds after.

Naruto: What does Granny Tsunade want with Sasuke?

Sakura: In exchange for his return, he is to give our village all the intel he has on Orochimaru.

Lee: It is a good thing that Sasuke came back. That type of intel on Orochimaru can be vital.

Sakura: Let's go, Naruto. We don't want to be late.

Naruto: Right. See you later, Bushy Brows, Neji and Tenten!

Naruto and Sakura leave. Lee starts to pump his fists.

Neji: What are you so hyped up about?

Lee: I must train even harder to surpass both you and Sasuke!

Tenten: Hehe. Things seem a little more normal now. You know, with Team 7 back together.

The focus is now on Teams 8 and 10 (Minus Asuma and Kurenai), who are walking through the streets of Konoha. (youtube link - /watch?v=qAGvQDoL5s4 )

Chouji: Barbeque it is! I can't wait!

Ino: Please don't hog all the meat like last time, Chouji! We have three more guests with us this time.

Chouji: Alriiiight.

Hinata: Um….I don't eat much meat…so you can have some of my portion.

Kiba: Now don't be like that, Hinata. Even you have to eat some meat once in a while.

Akamaru: *Bark*

Shino: I do enjoy eating meat every now and then. Why? Because I rarely get to eat it at home.

Shikamaru: Here we are.

One of the attendants at the front stops the group.

Host: I'm sorry, but we don't allow dogs in here.

Kiba: Aww c'mon, man. Don't worry, Akamaru isn't just an ordinary dog. He's a ninja dog!

Host: …We still don't allow them in here.

Kiba: Alright, Akamaru. I guess you'll have to stay out here.

Akamaru: (Saddened face) *Whimper*

Kiba: (Whispering)

Akamaru: (Brightened face) *Pant*

Akamaru runs away while the rest of them head in. Not long after, Asuma comes to the barbeque.

Host: Ah, Asuma-sensei. Your students are inside.

Asuma goes in and sits down with the group.

Kiba: (Whispering) Nice job, Akamaru.

Akamaru: (In Asuma's appearance) *Happy Pant*

Kiba: Speaking of, where are Asuma sensei and Kurenai sensei?

Ino: You should know by now if they're BOTH missing.

Shino: You shouldn't have such a dirty mind. Why? Because that's not necessarily true.

Shikamaru: Who are you kidding? It's totally true.

Team 8 as well as Kiba laughs at Shikamaru's remark.

*Music Stops* The screen fades to black. It's a little later in the day. Naruto is inside his house, when he notices the old Team 7 photo. He picks it up and sits on his bed with a smile on his face. He then walks outside to see Sakura walking on the road. Naruto quickly joins her. After a while, Sasuke is standing there, waiting for them.

Sakura: Ready to go?

Sasuke: Yeah.

Naruto: Did you get your new headband yet?

Sasuke: Not yet.

Naruto: Well, I kept this.

Naruto hands Sasuke his old headband with the scratch across the metal.

Sasuke: This old thing, huh? I bet you still wouldn't be able to scratch my forehead.

Naruto elbows Sasuke in the stomach while walking side by side with him. Sasuke goes to elbow him back, when Sakura stops him.

Sasuke: Sakura?

Sakura: You guys shouldn't be fighting already.

Naruto: Sakura…

Suddenly, Sakura punches Naruto, sending him flying forward.

Sakura: CHAAA! So don't cause any trouble, you idiot!

Eventually, they make it to Ichiraku. Every seat is open, so the three of them sit in the middle.

Naruto: I'll have three bowls of ramen!

Sakura: Don't order for us too!

Naruto: No, that's just for me. Order whatever you want.

Sasuke: *Facepalm*

Switching back over to the Barbeque, there isn't much meat left, when Asuma and Kurenai approach the place. The host looks a bit confused. Kiba overhears the conversation outside.

Host: Asuma-sensei, Kurenai-sensei…that's odd, I thought he was here already.

Kiba: (Whispering) Quick, Akamaru. Change into Naruto or something.

Akamaru does as Kiba asks and changes into Naruto while no one is looking. Asuma and Kurenai enter and go over to the table. Teams 8 and 10 look at each other briefly and start to chuckle when they see the two Jounins.

Kurenai: What's so funny?

Chouji: Don't worry about it. You wouldn't get it anyway. Come eat with us.

Going back to Team 7, they have just finished their ramen.

Sakura: So, Sasuke. What made you decide to betray Orochimaru?

Sasuke: I was never with him in the first place. I was just using him for his power.

Naruto: You could have told us your plan. We wouldn't have had to chase after you.

Sasuke: I couldn't let anyone know my plan. If Orochimaru found out, he wouldn't have trusted me with as much as he did. For my goal, I had to gain more power.

We now switch settings and see an inside view of Orochimaru's hideout ( /watch?v=GrX-QmcyhIA ). Orochimaru is standing in a lab with many test tubes and other scientific things you would expect to see in a lab. Blood is strewn all over the walls and tables from all the victims he has thus far "treated" in this lab. Orochimaru's tongue hangs out while he smiles. Kabuto is standing right behind him.

Orochimaru: So Sasuke may have escaped for now. But know that I will get his body some day. Just you wait. HmmmhmmmhaahahahahahaHAHAHAH AHAHAHA!

To be continued…