Chapter 7 - Black Afternoon

I do not own Shaman King, though I wish I did. A lot. I would give up my life to own Shaman King. :B I am not writing this story for profit. It is merely for my amusement.

Finally. The last chapter. o.o; Thanks to all for the many reviews and such. :3 I hope others take Haost into consideration and would write a story or two on it. Then again, this is my wishful thinking. Ahem. On to the (sucky) last chapter of White Moon~! :D

It was late afternoon the following day when Amidamaru rushed into Yoh and Manta's hotel room. He looked nervous, even in his Spirit Ball form. He looked around and saw Yoh sleeping on the bed. Across from him, Manta looked up from his book.
"Amidamaru? What is it?"
Amidamaru transformed into his human spirit self. He glided over to Manta easily. "I found him!"
Manta jumped to his feet. "Found Faust? Where is he?" He had not seen Faust in a while. Last time he had seen the German was when he was...
Yoh snored. Amidamaru shifted his eyes to his master and then back to Manta. "He is... with Hao."

Faust lazily lifted his eyes to view Hao's face. Hao was asleep next to him. The doctor shook his head and smiled softly as he climbed out of bed and dressed. He then wandered over to a mirror and began looking at himself. He touched his lips and pulled down the skin under his eyes. He looked alert and different.
"Is this what it feels like to be alive?" he quietly asked himself. He was happy. "I wish my beautiful Eliza co-..."
Eliza. His wife. God, was that not the reason he was here in the first place? And here he was with the enemy, enjoying himself. Guilt rushed through his veins and he fell to his knees, clutching his head in dismay. "Eliza, Eliza. I have failed you," he sobbed. The irony of it all. Faust told himself he loved Eliza over and over again.
But his thoughts drifted back towards Hao.
What had this boy done to him? Faust's heart thumped faster and faster. He was still a wreck even if he had slept. He was a married man! Faust would give the world to his beloved if he could, and then Hao entered the picture. Hao messed up everything.
Faust discontinued his sobs and turned his face to the bed, anger welling up inside of him. His eyes burned holes through the sleeping Hao's head. Faust rose to his feet, reaching for a scalpel in his coat. He would kill Hao. Destroy that who destroyed everything...
Now he loomed over Hao, scalpel raised over the boy's heart. "Die!" yelled Faust as he brought the scalpel down.
And then he was frozen. He could not move. Hao opened his eyes and smirked. "Kill me? So I could be just like your wife?"
Faust was shocked. He stared ahead of him. His mind raced. If he killed Hao, who was to say Hao's death would not haunt him like Eliza's? Faust would feel guilty using death, the thing he despised most in the world, against this Hao. This Hao who he was starting to care for, even. He dropped the scalpel and crumbled to the floor in a heap, still staring into oblivion.
Hao stayed in bed and grinned rather peacefully at Faust. "She is dead. She will never be alive again. You cannot conquer death."
"Some things happen for a reason."
Suddenly, Eliza's bones appeared in front of Faust. Faust directed his gaze upon them and then grabbed them up in an odd sort of hug. "Eliza..."
Hao turned over on his side, back to the man. "Take her and leave. Your friends are looking for you." Faust stayed still. "There is nothing I can do. I can't help her."
The anger in Faust boiled up again. "You said you could!"
"I say a lot of things."
"You lied to me!"
"I was using you." Hao closed his eyes. He heard Faust begin to sob. For some reason, he wanted to cry too, but he told himself that he would not. Hao would never cry. He heard Faust leave and slam the door. A sad smile crossed over his face. "Stupid fool. What has he done to me?"
And it must have been a raindrop that fell onto the sheets.

"Faust's back!"
Manta never thought he would be so happy to see that man who almost took his life. He smiled hugely and leapt over to the doctor.
Faust stared down at Manta and kneeled in front of him. Manta gasped when he saw Faust's face filled with color. Faust smiled softly and pet Manta on the head. "Did I worry you?"
"Yeah," Manta whispered. He was rather surprised that Faust was still so calm. "Faust, why were you helping Hao?"
The smile on Faust faded and he laughed. It was a grim laugh, the kind that sent shivers down Manta's spine. "There were many reasons," he said bitterly. "Why don't you take your pick?"
Faust then stood up and walked off to the graveyard.
