Chapter 1

He's Fine

Sam sat on the end of his bed, waiting for Dean to make his reappearance out of the bathroom.

He hummed a song that was stuck in his head after the seemingly long drive from the bar they had stopped at on the way back to the motel yesterday.

A sound from the bathroom caused him to subtly quiet his hum. When the noise came again Sam silenced himself to confirm what he thought he heard. The bellowing roar almost inaudible through the bathroom door.

Worry brought him to knock on it "Dean, you okay," he asked wearily and was answered with the sonancy of retching. "Dean?" Sam opened the door to find his big brother crouched over the toilet with shaky hands pressed to the frame.

As he stepped into the room he was met with more vomiting from Dean.

Sam ran to his brother.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm…" he was interrupted by another heave that shook his whole body.

"I'm fine… Just drank a little to much I guess."

Sam sat back. Abashed at the fact that instead of making some smart-ass remark he just strait out gave him reason.

It was bad.

Sam rubbed his back in comforting circles.

He noticed how warm Dean felt underhand and raised his hand to his forehead just to be sure.

"Dude, you are burning up," Sam fretted, getting up to retrieve the thermometer from the first aid kit.

"Sam, I told you I'm fine,"

he said before a coughing fit racked his body, not helping his case at all.

"I wish you were Dean," Sam breathed putting the stick beneath his brother's tongue.

"I AM!" Dean puffed in frustration.

Pulling the thermometer out Sam looked at it and sighed "Because 102.5 is fine Dean."

Then he helped Dean up and guided him towards the bed.

When they got there Dean pushed Sam's hands off his shoulders and plopped down on his stomach and then rotating onto his back.

Dean's head hung with exhaustion.

Sam closed his eyes and breathed slowly.

Something was seriously wrong.

His brother never usually gave in this easily.

"Sam?" Dean whispered. His voice full of fear and confusion.


Sam's eyes flicked open to look at Dean's, cloudy and grey.

"Sammy, no don't go. Don't go."

His sick brother looked around wildly.

"Dean, I'm right here…"

"Don't leave me! Sam, wait, I don't feel good."

Dean's head swung around to gaze horrifyingly at something only he could see.

"Dean, what! I'm here, I am right here," he franticly yelled. Urging him to respond While shaking his shoulders.

"No. No. NOO! Stop. Please. Sam, please help me!" Dean pleaded, tightly clenching the blanket with his fists.

Dean's whimpers quickly turned to screams as blood spurted from his mouth.

His eyes rolled up and he fell forward into Sam's arms.