"Sideswipe! Sam! What do you mean you lost Raj?" Optimus asked

"Sorry Optimus but he's like a puppy! He is there one minute and look away for one second and he has walked out the door to explore" Penny said

"Barricade came and I went to check it out."

"And you went and that's how the office building got punched?"

"He did that. But HE attacked ME!"

"Of course he did, he's a DECEPTICON! They live to attack things!"

"Raj was looking at the mugs then he wasn't! I don't know where he could have gone!"

"Sam! You guys lost a person!"

"Wait! You guys! I can call Raj and see where he is and we can go pick him up!" Howard exclaimed.

"Good idea Howard!" Leonard asked

Howard dialed the number and listened a bit. "Uh oh"

"What's uh oh?" Sheldon asked

"It said the device is broken"

"The device is broken? That's not good" Leonard added

"Optimus, do you think?" Sam asked

"Think what?" Penny asked

"The Decepticons got him?" Optimus asked to conform

"Yeah… that." Sam said

"It's a possibility we have to consider."

"That basically means yes they did it" Sideswipe said.

"You are in no position to talk Sideswipe, you lost a human to the Decepticons while fighting a Decepticon."

"Not my fault. Barricade started it!"

"I don't care right now. We need to find Raj before they kill him. That's our mission! Autobots!" he called out. Ironhide, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Skids, Mudflap, Wheelie, Que appeared. "ROLL OUT!"

The boys had found a video game. That they were playing for about an hour. They had instructions to stay at base while the Autobots went looking to rescue Raj. Sheldon told them to call it ORR as in Operation Rescue Raj. It was vetoed immediately. So they dug up an old PlayStation and hooked it up to the small TV in the quarter where they were staying. Penny got access to a laptop and was checking e-mails.

Penny looked over and saw them clearly entertained.

Bumblebee was racing down through the roads of DC radars on.

"Bumblebee, I got word that the Decepticons could be in an empty warehouse by the port. They aren't getting very creative are they?" Ironhide told his buddy

Bumblebee made noises in agreement.

"Wanna go check it out?"

Bumblebee was already headed that way.

Megatron was pacing the floor. Raj was freaking out. Megatron was trying to figure out what to do. He was very close to blowing him up. And he threatened to. Too bad he needed Raj to help him locate Wolowitz. Needless to say, Megatron was in a pickle.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Shut up! I'm trying not to kill you!"

"Oh, sure go straight to death!"

"Starscream! Deal with him! I need an aspirin!"

"Why do I got to deal with the guy!"


"WE DON'T CARE!" both Decepticons said.

"Just do it Starscream!"

"What! Always got to put the work on me!"

"Look, I have tried. Its your turn."

"Not fair. I have done all the work for this project, I'm not that young of a robot anymore!"

"Stop fighting mom and dad! Both of you just leave!" Raj told the two

"What do you mean you did all the work!" Megatron ignored Raj

"I found this warehouse, got the team organized. I am the one who caught this guy! What did you do? Sit and yell at us!"

"Remember who your leader is!"

"Oh what are you going to do? Shoot me?"

"You bet on it!" Megatron then pulled out a cannon.

"This is gonna take a while…" Raj said to himself.

"How come you're here?" Penny asked Sam


"How does one find alien robots?"

"Its… a long story…"

"Lucky for you, I think we will be here a while."

They both settled in for a long story

"I located the Decepticons." Ratchet told Optimus

"Good work. I'll get the gang and we will head over there."

"Why you going to get the humans?"

"I have a plan."

"What's that?"

"We work with Decepticons and they get Raj."

"Okay then"

The Autobots burst into the Decepticon warehouse. Megatron and Starscream were still fighting. There were 3 Decepticons against 9 Autobots. Not to mention 5 humans to go save Raj.

The fighting started immediately, and the group went to locate Raj.

"Penny…" Sheldon said

"What Sheldon?" Penny said annoyed, she was a woman on a mission.

"I feel funny…"

"Oh boy…" she rolled her eyes "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr." She sang

"I'm feeling kinda sleepy boss," Starscream said as they were fighting

"Me too, dude" Megatron said

"Penny!" Leonard yelled.

"Yeah." She turned to him

"The Decepticons are getting sleepy when you sing soft kitty, if you keep singing it, they will fall asleep and the Autobots can defeat them." He exclaims.

"Leonard! That's brilliant!" she yelled back "you guys go get Raj"

The guys ran and Penny went slightly closer to the battle.

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr." She sang again

"Starscream, I'm gonna nap like a cat. You can take care of this, right?" Megatron said as he left the warehouse.

"No… no. Boss?" Starscream said, "I need to nap too!" before they knew it Starscream just passed out in the middle of being punched by Bumblebee.

The random Decepticon was furious charging towards Penny. "I'm commin' for ya Blondie!" he raged

"Oh crap" Penny stood stunned

"PENNY!" Leonard came running in. they had successfully got Raj and were hoping the Autobots were done. Leonard feeling tons of adrenaline pulse through him runs and tackles Penny, just as the Decepticon shot the cannon. They both landed safely on the floor with a thud.

Meanwhile our friendly pal Optimus Prime exploded the Decepticon's head.

"Well, hate to quote staples… but… that was easy" Optimus added as the Autobots watched the fallen Decepticon twitch on the floor.

"Much too easy." Que said. "It makes me believe we have a much bigger battle ahead of us," he said

"Why worry about what we don't know Que" Ironhide told him

"Um… Leonard?" Penny said while they were still on the floor.

"Yeah? Oh… OH, sorry bout that… I'll just stand up there…" he said as he got up, and helped her up also. They both stood and looked at each other.

"Leonard, you kind of saved me back there."

"I guess if you call knocking someone to the ground saving a person"

"We both could have died"

"True, true"

"Like a superhero"

"I guess, except I don't have powers"

"Correct me if I'm wrong here, but if this was one of your superhero movies, wouldn't this be when the superhero kisses the love interest he saves?"

"Well I guess so, unless you're talking about…"

"Leonard." She interrupted

"Oh, yeah?"

She just looked at him

"Oh. OH! I get it now!" he said as he ran up to Penny and kissed her.

Then Bumblebee came up behind them and started playing wedding music.

The two looked up at him and stared

"Sorry about that, good old Bumblebee just loves to see people happy in love. The romantic of the group." Ratchet said patting bumblebee on the shoulder.

They all laughed and the reunited couple raced off to their group of friends that were standing off to the side. Giving each other one large group hug.

Back at base the people from Pasadena were working on heading back to Pasadena.

"Are you sure those freaks wont go after me anymore?" Howard asked Optimus.

"We have an Autobot on the satellite protecting it as we speak" he reassures. "You and your friends will be safe."

"Would it be okay that if they do want to capture and kill me they go after Sheldon?"


"Kidding Optimus, kidding"

"You better be"

The group left for the airport promising to keep in touch with Sam, who didn't seem to want to do much socializing as he went right back to being a downer and making all the Autobots go insane.

They were in the large taxi van heading to the airport. They knew they would never forget their eventful trip to DC.

"I miss the limo we were in before…" Raj said sadly as they were on the highway. This started a debate with Sheldon about the cleanliness of taxis…