Rachel Bailey sat nervously on the edge of the bath in the bathroom that she shared with her boyfriend, Nick Savage. She loved Nick, so she didn't know why she was feeling so nervous. Maybe because she was worried about what Nick would say, or that he'd find out that she hadn't been completely honest with him.

To tell the truth, this was all that she had ever wanted in life, despite what she told Janet, Alison and, well, everyone else. She figured that even if one of her dreams came true, she would be lucky and now all three had happened at once. Rachel didn't want to get too happy though, something was bound to go wrong, it always does, and she didn't know how she would cope with it all. She may not be able to cope at all and might do exactly what her mother did almost 20 years ago.

'No!' thought Rachel, 'I wouldn't do that. I couldn't do that to Nick, I couldn't do that to our baby.'

Our baby.
The thought hit Rachel hard.
"Our baby," she said out loud.

She glanced at the pregnancy test that was resting on the side of the bath. A little blue plus had appeared. Positive. She was having a baby with Nick but she didn't know how she felt about it, how Nick would feel about it. It could go two ways when she told him: he could refuse to believe her because she was supposed to be on the pill and not want anything to do with his baby, or he could be delighted and want to tell everyone he knew: his mom, his dad, his brother. That was the thing. Rachel didn't have anyone to tell. Her dad was a drunk that roamed the streets of Chadderton, he wouldn't care about his grandchild. Her mother ran off when she was twelve, she obviously didn't care about Rachel, so why should she get to see her grandchild? And Alison would just nag her about eating properly, not drinking and not smoking. She got enough of that from Nick. She only really had Janet. And Gill. She knew exactly what Gill would say when she tells her the time that she needs to go on maternity leave: "Right in the middle of annual leave season, well done, Rachel!" She knew her boss would support her though, like a surrogate mother, because deep down, Gill Murray wasn't that much of a Godzilla bitch.

The front door opened and closed again and Nick entered the flat that he shared with Rachel.

"Rach?" he called out. "Are you home?" He guessed that Rachel wasn't home, there was no glass or half empty wine bottle on the table.

"I'm in here," Rachel replied to Nick's surprise. He knocked on the bathroom door.

"You okay, Rachel?" he sounded worried.

Rachel unlocked the door and looked Nick straight in the eye. "I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed, a huge grin spreading across her face. Nick's mouth dropped in astonishment. He picked up his briefcase that he had put down just a minute before and walked out of the door, leaving Rachel standing there alone.