Sorry again for taking so long~! But I rarely got the chance to write for my tasks, as usual. I'm glad for the reviewers to saiy they waited for this, though! ^^

This chap will be so long~ I don't know how long i've been hand hurts.. my eyes are swirling due to lack of sleep, I don't even know if this is good enough..

Anyway, enjoy! oh yeah, by the way i put some Aokise hints too here.. And the rest of GOM

(Sorry if you found this weird somehow)

The Boy from the Sleeping Country

Chapter Six – And..

"I don't want to go"


"Kagami, what did you say?"

The tension raised, as the red headed boy spouted the words before. Kagami just looked down, hiding his frustation face from the others.

"It's..all my fault.. I'll stay here..with him.."

"Kagami! It doesn't mean that you can toss the match away!" Hyuga yelled angrily. If Kiyoshi hadn't pull him, maybe he had punched Kagami.

"Yeah! We should work our best in the match for him!" Now Koganei was the one who tried to calm down the two.

"No!" Kagami yelled back.




I can't leave him!

"If Kuroko is not there.." his voice shaking, and tears somehow flowed from his cold eyes.

I can't

I can't

If he's not there..

I can't play..

"You-!" Hyuga stopped because Kiyoshi grabbed his shoulder wiith a sad smile.

"I understand, Kagami, I can't force you to play"

"Huh? Kiyoshi! Why are you taking that idiot's side!" Hyuga's covered in his emotion.

"Umm..excuse me sir, you are making a fuss here. This is a hospital you know" a man nurse had came to scold them, making an irritated face. His hawk-looking eyes glared angrily at them.

"Uh..sorry, we'll try to be more careful next time" Izuki was the one apologized, before everything became more akward.

"Good" the nurse then smirked and left.

"Let's go then, everyone" Kiyoshi suddely turned away from Kagami and walked away.

"Wait! Kiyoshi!" Riko and the others followed him. Actually they agreed that they can't win against Kagami's stubbornness. Moreover if he was in this state.

"I just have one thing to say.." Kiyoshi stopped and looked back. "Are you going to keep running away like this forever?"

Kagami flinched.


"Kuroko wouldn't want you like this"


I'm not running away!

I'm just..



"Well, try coming before the match end, okay? See you~!" Kiyoshi continued walking, followed by the others member of Seirin who still looked worrily at Kagami, but they left anyway.

Kagami felt his tears dropped more.


"Kiyoshi, you and your idiot idea" Hyuga complained before the match began. The team sat at the bench in a worried aura around them.

"Don't worry, I believe he'll come" Kiyoshi just smiled as usual

"Have you forgotten that this is the final and our opponent is Rakuzan, who always win all these years?"

"Don' worry, don't worry~"

"We're screw up without Kagami, you idiot! If he doesn't come, I'll kill you both for sure!" it seemed Hyuga had entered his dark mode, his mood was very bad now.

"Uh..yeah, I guess? Haha"


" Hey, you know, I betrayed our promise" Kagami talked by himself beside the sleeping Kuroko. "And I'm the one who made you like this, I'm such a jerk am I? I can't even do anything if you isn't there..Haha"

"Ha..ha.." Kagami stopped laughing and came to a sad smile.

" I'm sorry.. Kuroko..and now, it became like this.." Kagami looked at Kuroko's face. His sleeping face is so innocent, yet fragile for Kagami.

"Kuroko..what should I do?"

"Kuroko..hey..say something.."

"Hey..wake up, will you?"



The room stayed silent as ever. Kagami's voice sounded hopeless.

"If I do it like in fairytale..will you wake up?"

No answer, of course.

Kagami leaned down to Kuroko's face, and kiss him on the lips.


"Tetsuya, how are you feeling now?" a red haired boy woke Kuroko up. Kuroko looked at the place surrounding him, a flower field near a small forest. The place was so calm and peaceful, only the two of them there.

"Akashi-kun.. ?"

"Yes, you collapsed again, and that brought you here..again"

".. The sleeping called it that way, right?"

"Yeah, because you can only came here if you get coma because of your illness"

"So I..again.. "

"Well, but today you're not in coma..and you can come here..rather weird I say"


Akashi smiled at him.

"Could it're calling me here?"

"I'm always watching you, Tetsuya, I know everything" Akashi sat closer and put his hand on Kuroko's cheeks. "About that guy too"

"That guy.." Kuroko looked up at him "Do you mean Kagami-kun?"

"Yes, what do you think about him, Tetsuya?"

"Hm.." a silence for a moment. " He's a great player, and so kind. He looks scary but he has cute side too" Kuroko said bluntly

"I didn't ask that, Tetsuya.." Akashi shrugged his head with Kuroko's. "What I mean is what you feel toward him"

Kuroko frowned.

"I..I'm.. I don't know.."

"I know what you don't know" Akashi stared at Kuroko with a faint smile. "I will show you..the truth"


"Look into my eyes, Tetsuya.."

Kuroko followed what he said, and then it suddenly appeared.

Countless visions of his memories. When he was in coma. When he was so in a desperate state, so lonely. So hopeless. When he fell into a coma. And Akashi lent his power to made him became a memoriless spirit and played by himself. In that court. The one Kagami showed him.

He met Kagami there.

Thet played together, having fun together.

The two of them.

And the time he was about to disappear.

The confessions.

From Kagami-kun.



"Gasp" Kuroko came back to his conciousness, still facing Akashi.

"So, what do you feel right now?"


I remembered

That time

Was very precious to me

When I was with him

I didn't feel so lonely anymore

He said he loved me

And yet..


"I used to love him too" tears were dripping from his eyes, even with his expresionless face.

"And now?"

"I still.. love him.." the tears wouldn't stop. Kuroko's face became really wet.

I just realized it.


Why I came to forget it?

My precious moment..with him..

"You should tell him that in the face, it will be interesting" Akashi stood up, while Kuroko could just stared at his back.

"I guess.. It's time to say goodbye right? Tetsuya" Akashi turned back, and now his smile looked.. a little sad.

"Akashi-kun? You don't mean?"

"Hey Tetsuya" Akashi stepped closer and bow his body a little to the sitting Kuroko. "Do you remember the promise we made when we were little? I promised I will take care of you..and protect you..always"


"And that's the reason.. I kept stuck in this world, after a long time I died.. I knew I had a weird power, but I didn't know I'd use it for this.."

"Akashi..kun.. Stop it.."

"I always watched you from here. I have to fulfill the promise, that was I think, but.."


"..But now you have that Kagami guy right? I know he can take care of you, he will protect you, more than I do.. that's why, you have to live a happy life, Tetsuya"


" Why didn't I think of this before? With my power, I can cure you can play basketball, you always wanted to play, right?"


"Yes, for that I will have to disappear. But do not worry, I will still be in you, protecting you from inside.. with my power I give you"

"No.. Don't go, Akashi-ku-"

Akashi gave a smile that Kuroko couldn't win against.

"Let's say goodbye to this place.. and to each other" Akashi pulled Kuroko up. Then they were viewing the scenery surrounding them.

"This place is as beautiful as ever..right?" Kuroko said while he still couldn't take his eyes from the scenery. His hand held Akashi's tightly.

"Yeah.. and this will be the last time I see them"

The two of them looked each other.

" Good bye, Tetsuya.. I always love you.."

"My dear cousin.."


"Wait!" Kuroko called strongly, but now what was infront of him was Kagami, not Akashi anymore. Kagami looked at him with a worried look, but yet relieved. His hand was holding Kuroko's.

"Ku..roko.." Kagami's voice trembled


"You- You wake up! So the fairy tales is true after all!" Kagami then hugged Kuroko tightly, Kuroko wanted to complain, but he felt his shoulder wet from Kagami's tears. "You make me really worried, you idiot!"



"Likes me, don't you?"

"Ye-Eh? Whaaaaa-?" Kagami screamed blushing, and his tears weren't wiped away

"Wha-wha-wha are you talking about so suddenly .."


He found out


I should tell him the truth

Shouldn't I?

"Uhh.. you know.. I..yes, I lo—"

"I love Kagami-kun too"


Kuroko hugged Kagami, who was still in confusion.

"I'm sorry.. that I forgot.. I wanted to say this at that time, but.."

"..Don't tell me, your memories..came back?"


"You idiot.."

Do you know

How happy I am now?

You remember

This isn't a dream..right?

They embraced each other tightly.

"Kagami-kun, what about the match?" Kuroko suddenly came up

"..Ah, I didn't go because of you. It should be 5 more minutes that the match begin.."

" Ka~ga~mi~kun~" Kuroko put an dark aura surrounding him. "Have you forgotten our promise? No matter what, you must play basketball!" he pouted

"Can I still make it in time? The hospital is rather far from the match's place"

"Obviously, now go!" Kuroko pushed Kagami away from him. "If you don't win the match, I won't play with you anymore!'

"What? Are you a kid?" Kagami then smiled happily. "Roger, then.."

He then ran through the door and the hallway, making it as faster as he could to get there.

"You guys can come up now.." after Kagami was gone, Kuroko looked behind the door. There, his brother, his brother's boyfriend, the doctor and the nurse stood up silently, before they really making appearance of themselves infront of Kuroko. Obviously, they were watching the two before.

"So, Tetsu.. You and that guy really.." his brother's face looked darker than ever.

"Waa, isn't that a good news? Kurokocchi has finally found his fated person~!" the blonde guy beside him –his lover- couldn't help but smiled as big as he could.

"Hmph, kids these days.." the doctor pushed his glasses up for the countless time. Then beside him the nurse was giggling with a teasing face.

"Aww.. you guys are so cute~! You make me remember my ol' innocent days with Shin-chan~!" he said, before got punched by the doctor.

"Shut up" he blushed.

"You guys are so noisy.. I just wake up and this what i get.." Kuroko sighed. Well, it's just like usual with his brother and his brother's boyfriend, but now even the doctor and the nurse came up too..

"A-anyway, I'm going to check up your condition once more" the doctor came to him. He then became surprised. "What? You become so..healthy now? I don't believe you just had your hard time with the illness.. "


"Ehhhh?" the three behind him yelled surprisedly too.

" You can call that a miracle" Kuroko smiled.

'Right, Akashi-kun?' he rubbed his chest, found the warmness from there.


Kagami ran and ran, but the place for the match was truly far away. He slipped through the crowd from the street, even cared less for the traffic, so then a truck almost hit him if the driver wasn't quick enough.

"Hey~ watch out, boy" the purple haired driver put his head out of the window, looking at the still shocking Kagami.

"So-Sorry! I'm really in a hurry!" Kagami walked to the safe place and opened his cellphone, the second quarter may start soon.


I have to make it

But it still so far..

And I'm almost out of breath

"Hey, where do you wanna go to?" the voice from the driver surprised him.

"Hu-huhh? It's the Tokyo Bawl.."

"You're in a rush, right? I'll take you there" he cut while yawning. "I don't have anything to do anyways"

"Re..Reallyyy? thank you, mister!" Kagami jumped in to the car.

The driver drove very wildly, aside from the lazy and sleepy face he had. Kagami even screamed when they got passed through the red lamp of the traffic and almost got hit of other vehicles. He really felt grateful that he manage to live from the hit of the barbaric truck, and regret to get into there. And now the driver had drove the truck while eating a snack, too.

What the hell?

" He-hey! Drive carefully, or you might end up to an accident!"

"Ehh~ but that's so boring~ besides, you said you're in a rush, right? With me driving you, it'll only take 5 minute"


It normally would take 20 minutes!

He's crazy!

"Fasten your seatbelt, then~ I'm going full speed ahead~"

Crap, there's no seatbelt here you idiot!

"Gyaaaa!" he sceamed all through the way to the match.

Kagami could only just hold the chair firmly, closed his eyes and praying to God.

For the sake of my promise, please don't kill me here!


"We're hopeless.." Koganei muffled as he saw through the score board. The point's differences was too far, and they almost lost all of their energy from just defending the other team.

"Hey, don't give up just yet, guys! We still have two more quarter to go!" Kiyoshi tried to cheer them on, but the other had feel so down that Kiyoshi's smile wouldn't even budge them.

"Well, I heard that Seirin is a strong and monstrous team, but is this all they got?" they heard the onlookers who sat near their bench talked about them.

"What a shame~ and I thought it will be an interesting match~"

"Seirin's so weak"

"Guess I can tell the winner now, you wanna bet with me?"

"Of course I can tell it too~ hahaha"

The dark aura fell upon the entire Seirin team.

"Uugh, if only we had Kagami.." Koganei grumbled again, and Mitobe nodding quietly beside him.

" Is THAT all you want to say~?" Riko's face became darker and scarier, that the two shrieked scaredly. "But yeah.. I guess.."

"He isn't coming after all..huh.."

"Do you call for me?" the voice made they surprised. It was Kagami! He was standing there, smirking so full of confidence (altough his legs were shaking alittle, tough, but just forget about that)




"You come!" they felt like, really relieved and all lighten up. "Wait-what about Kuroko?"

"Don't worry, he's fine now" Kagami threw his jacket that he used. Behind them was his basket uniform. " Besides,I promised him we will win"

All of their weight suddenly dissappeared.

"Huh, they think just because one substitute player, they can play any good?" the crowd still bulking about them.

"But he seemed very strong"

"Just because he's tall doesn't mean he's strong"


"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU DUMBASS CHITCHATTER!" Kagami suddenly yelled at them, and now they're really flustered by Kagami's loud voice. The entire area fell silent for a while from the shock.

"I WILL SHOW IT TO YOU GUYS, THE POWER OF A WILD TIGER" He clenched his fists and smirked.

The crowd still stared at him confusedly, that the Seirin team's member couldn't help uttering a smile.

'You mean, the power of love, right?'

'Stupid Kagami..'


'Thank you..'


"And the finals for the winter cup for high school this year has won by.. SEIRIN!"

"He really won" Kuroko smiled, and the others couldn't close their mouth. The five of them, however, ended up watching the match together at the television on Kuroko's room.

"Hmph, pure luck!" his brother couldn't accept that.

"That was cool~" the blonde's eyes shined with envy.

"Quiet, they're interviewing that redhead now!" the doctor and the nursed 'ssshh'ed them.

"Congratulations for your winning and the MVP title! Your dunk was sooo amazing!"

"Thank you"

"But may I know why were you coming late today?"

"I.." Kagami's face turned to the very front of the camera. "I needed to got the encouragement first, by someone"

"What?what? who is this person you talked about?"

"Someone very important to me"

Kagami gave a very cool looks. The viewers could even tell that the interviewer girl had fallen for that smile.

"Well. I gotta go now. Bye!" Kagami walked away

"Huh? Wait~ there's still plenty of questions~!"

But Kagami had dissappeared to the locker room.

"Well, that is our report from the tokyo Bawl~"


Kuroko watched it and blushed a little. His brother looked angry behind, unnoticed by him.

-The doctor said he still had work to do, so he left with the nurse accompanied him.-

"I still haven't received that idiot as my brother's boyfriend, dammit!"

"Mine-cchi, don't just flustered by that, you have always knew it would come to this, right?" the blonde smiled at teasingly at him.

"Shut up"

"But I know~ I know that you knew that the redhead was from before right? The one that little Kurokocchi waited all day long in the rain so he got that illness? You recognized him when he was accompanied Kurokocchi home from the window~"

"You—" the darkblue haired turned furiously. "How did you.."

"Ehehe~ You gave him approval just from the start right? but it's so great that they can actually meet again~ I want to be happy too~" he turned to the blue hair. "Say, let's go on a date now!"

"What? Now? Tetsu is—"

"Don't worry~ the redhead will surely come for him in any minutes~ let's go Minecchi!"

"Geez, I can't win against that kind of you.." the other boy sighed, but eventually they laughed and they left together.


"Everyone, we have a new member~!" Kiyoshi said full of smile and spirit. " please be gentle with~ Kuroko-kun!"

Everyone clapped their hand for the welcoming.


"Oi, are you really alright now?" Hyuga looked a little worried.

"Yeah, definitely.. now I can play basketball too. I humbly asked for your guidance for this amateur, Senpai" Kuroko bowed respectfully.

"You don't need to be that polite!" Hyuga pat his head, smiling, when other hands tossed his hand from Kuroko's head.


"Sorry Senpai.. But I'll be the one who will tutor him~ how about a private lesson, Kuroko?" Kagami smirked. The other could just sweatdropped.

"I wouldn't mind" Kuroko smiled back

And the flower flew out from the two of them, making the other members irritated.

'This stupid couple~!'

'Ah, whatever'

'As long as they're happy'

'Then it's good enough'


Whew, I got it done in one blow..I thought of making this chapter a separate one, though, but yeah, I got it really hard to finish. Sorry if the ending doesn't please you~

How do you find Akashi and his role? There are many who wants them to be kuroko's cousin so yes, I finally made him appeared! Mwahaha but a lil' bit different from what you expected, though. He's the only GOM whose name isn't censored.. and forget about thes scissors and yandere side, here I just wanna make him a gentle nii-chan~!

And I don't find any important role for Muramura~ so I just make him for the funny side for the climax, guess that screwed up the serious part, huh?hahaha

I actually wanna make an after story for this fic, but i don't have the idea yet.. so I'll just focus writing my new fic! I hope you'll read it too, it'll be entitled.. 'The Boy at the End of the World'! It had a fantasy concept, and of course..about kurokaga! I'll just make Midotaka after that.. Please look forward for it! \(^o^)/

I'll wait for your support then!