"Hello guys...I'll try to update more frequently from now on. I'm kinda rusty, cause I haven't even written anything in about...a year or so!? But I'm ambitious to finish this story! :)
Previously on TLR:
"Then all of a sudden, Reborn leaned down and caputed those alluring lips"
some days had passed and everything returned to the way it had always been. Well, except for the noise, the laughter and less space. The once quiet house slowly became livlier. Giotto was currernly preparing breakfast for everyone and had to hold in a silly smile, when he saw how his best friend interacted with his son. It was like he had always imagined it. G was a great father and a great uncle. He made Tsuna smile and Giotto could see so much love in his expressive eyes. The red-head slowly but surely returned to his old self. Gone was the weeping man who had broken down like a child in front of him. And in his stead stood this proud, young man that Giotto came to know and love since a very long time ago. the blond man felt his heart soar. This room was filled with so much happiness that he couldn't help but miss his other friends. How were they doing? G had told him, that they all changed since he felt. Some were still living in the former Vongola mansion and some had dissapeared. Giotto knew what he had to do. What he should have done for such a long time. He now realizied that he had made the wrong decision when he left. And he was afraid of how his other guardians had changed since he abandoned them. Yes, he admitted it now. He didn't give his friends the opportunity to take their words back. He shouldn't have acted on instict and left them just because they said their mind. It had been a great suprise for them, too. They didn't get the chance to come to terms wirh Tsuna's appearance themselves. Giotto hated hinself for doing that to his most trusted ones. He had meant to protect Tsuna from a life where he wouldn't have felt loved. But the blond-haired-man had to see, that instead of protecting Tsuna, he had taken him from his uncles. All this time where he felt this heart-ache, this pain for leaving his loved ones, actuall he was the one who caused it. The truth is, he had hurt his family from the very beginning. His and also Tsuna's life could have been so much different. But now...he knew that he had to make everything right again. so when they all sat around the kitchen table eating breakfast, he made an announcment.
"Well...I diecided that we all should make a trip to Italy!" , Giotto spoke with nervousness clearly heard in his voice.
tsuna immediatly threw his tiny arms in the air and squeeled in delight, whereas G froze. His eyes widend and his mouth hung open.
"G-Giotto...a-are your sure? Do you finally go back home?"
G couldn't believe it. Was it...possible that everything could return to the way it had been before all this mess started? Giotto nodded and smiled.
"I want to see the others. I finally understood, that I made a mistake when I left you and I want to make sure that the others are doing fine." He turned to Tsuna and said " and I Want Tsu-chan And Reborn to finally get to know their uncles and cousins. I have kept them apart for far too long."
Reborn felt dread fill him when he thought about meeting more of these "uncles and cousins". He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he was afraid that they, too, would cling to his little Brother like leeches and slowly take him further and further away from him.
Tsuna, feeling the inner turmoil of his older brother, stood up from his seat and carefully crawled into the others lap. He suddenly tripped though and had landed on the floor if it wasn't for the strong arms that pulled him into a warm chest. Tsuna smiled at Reborn and snuggled closer to him until his lips were near his ear.
"Don't worry Reborn-nii. I won't ever leave you again. I love you very much!"
reborn held his breath and gulped. How could this small child always know what he felt. How come, that he always knew what to say so that he felt better again? Reborn didn't respond, but only tigtened his grip on Tsuna's small form. the small brunette though crouched on Reborn's knees and suddenly kissed him straight on the lips. Everyone held their breaths when they saw Tsuna kiss his brother. But The small boy just giggled.
"Reborn, we will go to another land! Isn't that awesome!?"
and time started to move again and everyone just dismissed the kiss as an innocent display of affection between brothers. All except one. When the others ran into their seperate rooms ro get ready for their trip, Reborn remained seated and touched his fingers to his still warm lips. His tongue slowly licked his wet lips and savoured the taste. The black haired boy shuddered at the warm tingly feeling that welled up in his body.
And he wondered...why...he longed for more of that incredible taste. /div
time skip:
As soon as Tsuna had healed, their journey to Italy began.
The little boy was so excited to ride on a plane that he couldn't help but move around restlessly. Giotto laughed at the cute display and ruffled his sons soft hair.
"Isn't this really fun, Tsu-chan? Papa often rode the plane in the past and visited lots and lots of different places!"
Tsuna's eyes grew in size and he squeeled in delight.
"Let's go, let's go and fly around the world, papa!"
giotto laughed again and shook his head.
"We can do that later, son. First we need to visit some dear friends of mine. I'm sure you will like them, too! They also have children a little bit older than you, but i'm sure that you will like them."
tsuna only nodded. He felt nervous. What would these people be like? He could feel that his dad was on one side really looking forward to meeting his "uncles" but on the other side he was anxious. Why though? Had something happened? Tsuna wanted to find out and help his father so that he didn't need to look so worried anymore. He would be there for his father and protect him. Tsuna was determined and swore that he would let anyone hurt his dear papa.
Suddenly the entering door of the plane opened and they all got inside. Tsuna immediatly sat next to Reborn, who only looked at him and ruffled his hair. But then Hayato came and stood in front of the two.
"Tsuna-sama, I want to sit next to you!"
Tsuna gulped but shook his head firmly.
"I'm sorry Haya-kun but it's our first time riding on a plane and I want to stay with Reborn. Maybe he is afraid of riding a plane!"
Reborn felt a nerve twitch and he glared at his little brother. It was true though that he never had been on a plane before, but he was definitly not afraid! Well...he was kinda nervous... but he was definitly NOT afraid!
Hayato seemed to shrink in size and his shoulders sank, but Tsuna didn't change his mind. Reborn felt glee at Tsuna's attitude towards the little grey menance. The black haired kid snaked his arm around his little brother and pulled him nearer to him. Tsuna smiled and closed his eyes. Sadly he missed the hateful glare that Hayato sent his older brother's way.
Then G came and lifted his son into the air. Giotto took a seat in front of his sons, next to G who placed the sulking Hayato beside him. Reborn felt himself relax and felt the corner of his mouth slightly lift upright.
"Thank you", he wishpered. He didn't mean for Tsuna to hear his words, so he was startled when his little brother answered.
"You're welcome. Don't be afraid, papa said that he often rode a plane and that they are really safe!"
Reborn sweatdropped at having been misunderstood, but was also glad for it. He didn't like to appear weak, not even in front of Tsuna.
And then the plane started and they flew into a different future.
As the plane slowly left Japan, Giotto couldn't help but have an irking feeling.
Did he make the right decision? A shiver ran down his spine, but he passed it off as a cool breeze brushing his body.
If only he had taken it as something else.
If only he had listened to his intuition.
If only...he had headed the warning.
So that was it. Hopefully the next chapter will come quickly to me xD