This extremely short and honestly I don't know where the hell this came from.

The brunette sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow, looking down into the seven foot deep grave he had just dug. It was perfect. No one would ever find the boy, they never found the bodies he hid. He was trash while he was alvie, so why would it matter now?

He laughed at the thought. They always seemed to care after they we're dead. Every time one of his victims were featured in the local news paper they always said the person was beautiful and would be missed, but never did anyone care when they were alive. Everyone always seems to care once their dead.

Of course what this brunette man does is wrong, but he doesn't see it that way, he sees it as helping society. He would never hurt a good citizen.

He just liked taking out the communities trash and he did a damn good job at it. And that's exactly what every single one of his victims were, trash, and he hated everything about them.

He hated the way they talked, flirting without even realizing. The way they would walk up and down the streets at night, suggestively swaying their hips. What he hated most of all though, was the way they could disrespect themselves, taking any strangers dick up the ass for the right price. That's what made his skin crawl about them.

He threw the boys body down into the freshly dug grave, looking at the teenager before throwing dirt onto his dead body. He frowns, feeling a few tears streaming down his cheeks. Who would've known the gorgeous, innocent looking kid was a whore?

He certainly didn't.

From the first time he met the boy, to their first kiss. Hell, even the first time he had sex he would of never guessed the teen had such a disgusting profession. The whole six months they had been dating he never knew.

Maybe that's what made him lose it when he found out the kid willingly sold his body for cash.

Maybe if he knew Kendall Knight was a prostitute he would still be alive?

Maybe if he wasn't a prostitute James Diamond could have loved the blonde boy.

And maybe because James had realized that he did love Kendall, that was the reason he took his own life a week later.