A/N After The Last Olympian, Heroes of Olympus and Lost Hero never happened. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns Percy Jackson I own nothing.

Artemis's POV
"No." Artemis thought." I can not love Percy Jackson I am a Maiden Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon not Aphrodite for Zeus sake. But ever since Annabeth broke his heart and he had accepted being made a God. She had been spending more and more time with Percy and even her Hunters were starting to notice. She was never focused on the Hunt just on the God of Heroes Perseus Jackson.

"ARTEMIS!" I heard Thalia yell.

" Crap I had been zoned out thinking about Percy and not the Hunt. Yes Lieutenant Grace?" I answered coldly.

Thalia seemed startled." Lady Artemis I must ask you are you in love with Perseus Jackson. You are always hanging out with him talking about him.

I was shocked. "How had she found out that I loved Percy? Okay Artemis just bluff your way out. Thalia Grace how dare you even suggest that I most—"

I was cut off as Percy entered the tent." Hey Arty are you ready to go to the Fair?" A a a al almost Percy." I stuttered blushing.

"Okay no problem Arty I'll be out here. He ducked his head out of the tent and we could hear him call. Hey Phoebe" and walk away to talk to the Hunter daughter of Ares.

See Artemis ever since Percy and you started hanging out, you are always stuttering, blushing, and you have changed form from thirteen to sixteen Percy's age." Thalia pressed.

"Alright Thalia I love Percy there happy I am so dead! I swore to be a maiden goddess! But I love him so much I want to kill that Athena scum Annabeth for breaking his heart. I wish I knew if he loved me. But what am I to do go to Aphrodite then Zeus to ask for permission not to be a Maiden anymore?" I ranted.

"Why not? Thalia asked cutting off my rant. Instead of going to the Fair go to Olympus talk to Aphrodite although I am almost positive Percy likes you Milady."

"You know what I am going to do that right now." Artemis said with a determined glint in her eye. With that the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon walked out of the tent. She walked over to Percy. "Hey Perce before we go to Camp Half-Blood Fair can we stop by Olympus?" I asked before I could lose my nerve.

"Sure Artemis whatever you want." He replied sweetly.

"Aw that boy was so sweet." I thought to myself. "Argh Artemis snap out of it." Okay I grabbed his hand, and transported us to Olympus. "Hey Perce can you meet me in the Throne Room in like ten minutes?"

"Okay Artemis I heard my dad's here I'll go see him bye Arty." He said calling the last part over his shoulder jogging to the Olympian pool. I smiled, "usually I would tell him not to call me Arty but I was sort of starting to like the nickname."

Anyway I walked down to Aphrodite's Temple I walked in and to my relief there stood my Olympian frinemy Aphrodite." Lady Aphrodite may I please have a minute." I called politely and respectively I had a new respect for love.

Aphrodite seemed shocked by my polite. "Sure Artemis what's up?"

I took a deep breath and in a rush I said." I love Perseus Jackson does he love me?" Only it came out," IlovePerseusJacksondoeshelov eme?"

Aphrodite looked at me weirdly so I said it again slowly. Aphrodite closed her eyes for a second then whispered," Yes he loves you greatly almost overwhelmingly as you do he."

"I was so happy Percy loves me! Me Artemis." Aphrodite smirked so I tried to contain my happiness.

"Dear Artemis I suppose you have a new respect and love for love?" (A/N get it love for love….. well I thought it was funny) I just nodded and ran off to the Throne Room where I met Percy just before opening.

"Talk to Aphrodite…. know you love me….. I love you." I panted. Percy was shocked still not moving. "Wait I panted I never pant I can run ten miles without panting but talking to Percy had me panting? Love is so confusing." I mentally sighed in exasperation. "As Percy leaned down to kiss me and as much and badly I wanted to I had to talk to my father first." Percy as much as I love you and how badly I want to kiss you we have to talk to Lord Zeus first okay, love?"

He nodded looking a little disappointed but understanding. 'I promised to myself that I would make it up to him after this." I grabbed his hand and I felt his fingers intertwine with mine. We walked into the Throne Room of the gods. See when Percy was made an Olympian Hestia was re-instated as an Olympian and Hades had been formally made an Olympian. So there was Fifteen Olympians now. We marched up to my Father Zeus's Throne and knelt down in front of his throne Percy followed in suit.

" Ah Artemis and Percy what can I do for you two?" Zeus asked smiling ever since Percy had been made a god Zeus had warmed up to him. Percy was now an official Ambassador to Hades and Poseidon's Palace.

" Lord and Father Zeus I have a request." I said formally." I wish to forgo my vow to remain a maiden I have found someone to love."

Zeus sat there on his throne stunned for a good five minutes before speaking." We must call all the other Olympians immediately." By the orders of Lord Zeus King of the Gods I summon all the Olympians to the Throne Room. Suddenly all the Olympians appeared moaning and complaining about being summoned. "Be Quiet!" Zeus commanded/shouted. Everyone quieted down and sat down on there thrones." Now Lord Perseus and Lady Artemis wish for Artemis to be released from her Maiden Oath to date Perseus," Zeus announced.

The Room exploded as everyone started talking." Be Quiet!" Zeus commanded once more. "Now who here votes that Artemis should be released from her oath?" Aphrodite, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hephaestus, Apollo, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, and Hermes raised their hands. Zeus counted the hands." All against same sign. Athena, Ares, Dionysus rose there hands." All right then." Zeus announced." Artemis as of this moment you are released from your Maiden Oath."

"Yes we had the council's approval!" I thought then I saw Percy leaning down to kiss me. "Wait kiss me? Oh his lips are so soft just like I had imagined." We kissed until the entire Olympian Council was clearing their throats. We pulled away and blushed." Aw he looks so cute when he blushes."

We got up as the council started disappearing. Athena walked over to us." My daughter will be so sad honestly I don't know what Annabeth now you Artemis see in this dumb son of the Sea Spawn."

"What did she say did she just call the love of my immortal life dumb?" I thought angrily.

Poseidon had heard too." Athena you better knock it off before you have three Immortals trying to kill you." Poseidon growled as anger as I felt. Athena glared at Poseidon as he walked over to my Percy's other side.

" Oh really Sea Spawn who will the three be?"

"Well Athena, it would be Artemis, Percy, and me. Athena backed off.

She was use to Poseidon and Percy but she knew I was deadly and I think three deadly immortal enemies are a little too much for her to handle. Percy and I walked out of the Throne Room still holding hands. Outside it I looked at him." How about we go to the Fair now?"

"I would love too." He said softly and then gently kissing me before we disappeared to Camp Half-Blood for the first annual Camp Half-Blood Fair.

A/N going to continue this story next chapter will be at the Fair and Annabeth finds out about the new couple. How will she react? Reviews make me write faster.