Hi readers! To celebrate the soon released game Darksiders II, I've written a story about a 5th horseman, because I've been thinking of giving Death an apprentice. I've changed my "Avatar-picture" to a screenshot in Skyrim with the 5th horseman as he looks in his more mature state. His name is Chaos. Please enjoy the story, and don't forget to R&R!
„A fifth horseman?" War called out. He and Death were standing before the Charred Council. "What blasphemy!" "Be quiet War, and listen to what they have to say." To be honest, Death did not sympathise with the Council. But it was necessary, for there had to be balance between the worlds. "Tell us, why do you want to increase our numbers? There have been four of us since ancient times. Since the creator…" "We have found a child with Nephilimic origins. We have decided to give the task of training him to one of you." "I refuse!" War shouted. Death sighed. "What are his qualities?" "See for yourself."
A portal opened, and a Watcher appeared. He held a chain that was connected to something inside the portal. "Come out, you useless scumbag!" The Watcher screamed. He pulled with force, and a small, timid boy of about 16 years fell out of the portal. In his eyes there were fear and dismay. War looked at the boy with disbelief and disappointment in his eyes, before he walked away and disappeared into another portal. Death cut through the chains to free the boy and 'accidentally' hit the Watcher, who fell into the boiling magma and died a painful death.
Death turned around. "You want me to make THIS boy one of the Horsemen? He seems too weak to even lift a sword! He would be the first to die on a battlefield!" The boy looked at the ground. "We give you a thousand years. As we already said, he is a descendant of the Nephilim, and thus he is not mortal. He will learn to fight quickly."
Death opened a third portal. (The other two had already disappeared.) "Follow me" he ordered the boy harshly. "We've got a lot of work to do." And with that he and the boy travelled to Death's home in the Nether Realms.